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Avengers Assemble


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Not very many poeple have done an Avengers Fic and I had an idea. Enjoy!

Tony stared at Red Skull and waited for him to make the next move.

"You think you're so good? You hide behind that suit. Without it, you are nothing!" Red Skull snarled, whipping his arm to the side like a blade. Central Park was ruined; MODOK was gone, off fighting Hulk and Thor. The others had each gone to the edges of the world, ultimately, trying to capture close associates of the Hydra leader.

"I didn't think I'm so good. I am good," Tony replied, never moving his eyes off of him.

"Really now? Take the suit off, and we shall see what you're made of, Stark." The man growled, raising his fists. Tony cringed. He wasn't very keen on that idea, due to the fact that it was morning when the call came in and he was wearing nothing but his boxers beneath the red and gold iron suit. Jarvis had been amused by that and brought it up every chance he got. Maybe installing a free mind was a bad idea.

"What? No-"

MODOK appeared out of no where, slamming into Tony's side. Instantly, he was on his back, staring at the sky. Watching as it faded to the dull gray of his lab roof. He sat up and disconnected the wires attached to his head and swung his legs off the table side, thankful he was in jeans.

"Why didn't you detect him? I could have handled Red Skull, but you... You bastard! You did that in purpose!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. The program malfunctioned."

"Oh, I doubt that. A lot. You know, how'd I do, aside from that..... Little... Incident." He said, standing to his full height and stretching. The floor was cold beneath his bare feet as he went and stood in front of the screen, watching the replay. The program was new, a simulation he'd been tinkering with to make him better during battle. He was looking for anything he could have noticed. Yeah, there it was, a flicker of motion-


He pinched his nose and sneezed rather suddenly, bending at the waist.

"Sir, are you all right?! Is there a problem? Perhaps your core-"


"What do you mean 'what'? You just-"

"Sneezed. That was a sneeze." He arched an eyebrow and watched the screen. Then Jarvis spoke again out of what he called curiosity.

"Why did you do that?"

"Again, what are you talking about?"

"That thing. A sneeze, why did you sneeze?"

"I didn't know." He rubbed at his nose and tried to watch the screen again, replaying when Modoc had blindsided him. "It's something you just kinda do."

"Yes, but why?"

"Well, sometimes you're sick. Or allergic to something. Sometimes, you just sneeze. Look, I'm about to do it again," This time, he didn't try to cover it up, just turned his head and allowed himself to sneeze, unto the air.

"Hah'ashoo! Hah'shht!"

His shoulders scrunched up, and he sniffed experimentally. His nose still itched but not as muspch as before. Jarvis seemed a little worried.

"If it could mean you're sick, then why do you do it?"

"I didn't know. It makes you feel better. A burning feeling in the back if your nose just goes away." He felt odd explaining sneezing to a computer that was supposed to be hundreds of times smarter than him. Tony turned and started for the slab again. He lay down on it, hooking himself back up to the simulation.

"Give me one of the stealth missions."

"Sir." Spots filled his vision and a click at the back of his head sounded. He was back in the suit, about to try and assassinate Red Skull, who was staying at a rich friend's house until he could catch up to a meeting in Germany. They were, from what intelligence said, going to be discussing clones. Just him and a bunch of friends getting together for what could very well be a Get-Drunk session instead of an Evil-Plan meeting.

"So, uh, when do I go in, Jarvis?"

"Three minutes approximately. And be careful."

"I'm always careful."

"Yes, but be careful of the ragweed count."


"You said..... Never mind."

Tony had implemented a mechanism to make him or others forget their real lives, just absorb into the simulation.

"Right. What's the sitrep?"

"Three men. One hotel room. Third floor. Room 33."

"Oh, goody, am I supposed to just walk through the lobby?"

"No....... There's another way..."

"Just fly up, I know, but what about noise?" Tony snifled and wished he could rub his nose. He already had to sneeze and it was bad enough knowing Jarvis knew about his ragweed allergy,

He'd vowed to keep it a secret since he was five years old. And until then, he'd done a good job.

"Well..... They will know of your coming, Sir, but I suppose it would work."

Tony's head jerked forward in the suit and he doubled over, sneezing loudly. Jarvis squeaked.

"Sir, what is that clear... Liquid on the panel?"

"You know what, don't ask." He replied, looking at the balcony of the room. "Get me up there."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure as shooting a back-talking computer."

"Very witty. Indeed." Jarvis said sarcastically.


"We have a visitor." Red Skull stood from the couch, and two unidentifiable men stole one look at Tony and made for the door. They must not have had any powers or way of defense. Tony cursed not asking one of his teammates to come with him.

"You have a visitor." He e phasized you and raised a hand, blue and glowing. Red Skull stepped forward and coughed.

"Goodbye, Iron Man." He shimmered from view, as did the rest of the scenery. Tony's eyes opened, and his face was pressed against something cold and hard. Why was the room upside down....... Oh.

"Jarvis!" He barked, standing. Somehow he had rolled off the slab during the simulation.


"The heck? I had him!"

"Rendering the program over."

He sniffed and sneezed harshly three times into his elbow. "Was that nessesary?"

"Yes it was."

"No! No, it wasn't!"

"Fury has a call for you."

Tony sneezed again and looked at the screen. So what if Nick SAS him wearing nothing but jeans? He'd be clothed when they got to whatever mission he had for him and Jarvis now.

"Patch me in."


Continue? I have an idea for Hawkeye, and there's the mission Fury's got for the Avengers right at the moment in the story. Not a fan of illness, but it fits well with the story I have in mind for Hawkeye, which am why it's labeled two, illness and allergy. Then there's Tony's allergy. Anyway, is this a continue? :D It was sure a heck fun to write!

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It looks good so far to me! Oh Tony. <3

You're pretty right about the not many Avengers fics, I have some in the works, but...

Anyway there's more Avengers fics in various people's drabble threads.

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Really? I think there's tons and tons of Avenger's fanfics on the board, as well as several huge drabble threads :| Granted most were from a couple years ago when the fandom was huge.

This is cute, though!

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Pleeeeeeeeeease continue! heart.gifheart.gif I died of happiness when I saw this was posted! Tony with ragweed allergies is something I could read until the end of time biggrin.png

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:) Glad you all like it! Here's a part two!


"Tony, you there?'

"I'm right in the screen." He replied, tugging a shirt over his bare chest. His nose tickled and he still had to sneeze, but at least it wasn't very bad. Jarvis could be a real pain sometimes.

"Yeah, just checking. Get your gear together. You're heading out with Hulk to do some Recon."


"You got a problem with that?"

"No, I just-"

"Half an hour."

"Okay, but-"

"Just get ready. No 'butts' and no questions. This mission determines whether we can hit Hydra where it'll count or not in the next few days. Give me results."

The monitor clicked off. Sighing, Tony instructed Jarvis to ready his suit for battle.

"Sir, ragweed is-"

"You got a habit of repeating yourself, you know that?" He snifled lightly, trying to will away the urge to sneeze, but nothing worked. Turning his head, he sneezed violently into the air. It was a back-bending, feel-good sneeze, one that immediately sent his computer into hysterics.

"Your core could be depleting itself! Sir, are you....."

"Breathing? Check. Kicking? Check. Annoyed? Check. Ready to cut your power? In process......" He said, waving a hand. Jarvis shut up and retrieved the suit, prepping it for use. He checked his watch.

"Might need to hurry that..... Hah'Ashh!" He sneezed mid speech, and knocked a little off-balance by it. For once, Jarvis said nothing, going about his work as though nothing happened.

"Ready?" Tony looked to the side as the helicopter landed. In a field in the middle of the forest. Flowers. Why did it always have to be flowers? Hulk nodded, staring out at the foliage. Fury and briefed them; A milk run of sorts, checking for ammo and food in a bunker. The moon shone brightly, hearing to mind the possibility of being seen. The pilot signaled for them to get off, and Hulk clambered out, followed by Iron Man. Even though the chopper was literally designed specifically transporting Hulk- A new invention of S.H.I.E.L.D- It still shook and swayed as he left it. Tony jumped to the ground, not prepared for the height of it, which was only five feet, and slammed face-first into the dust. Hulk stepped down with ease and watched as Tony flipped his visor up and sneezed loudly, followed by four more.

"Iron Man sick?"


"Need smash?"


"Need to get away from dust?"

"I'd really prefer you'd not-"

The sky flipped and suddenly he was fifty feet away from the huge green giant, his back pressed into the bark of a tree. The world was upside down and the blood rushed to his face.

"Do you mind?!" He cried, dropping onto his back and cringing as his noise began to itch again. This was going to be a long night. Hulk grunted apologetically and made his way into the forest, leaving Tony to his own devices to keep up. Jarvis gave a mock groan.

"That..... Beast has no idea how to properly bless someone. I would-"

"Do me a favor and quit talking. I'm begging you. No, seriously."


He flipped the visor down and followed Hulk. No sooner had he found the giant, pounding his way through trees and rocks, did his nose start to itch worse and worse. Turning to the side, he unleashed three harsh sneezes.

"Hah'choo! Hah'ashoo! H'shh!"

Hulk stopped and looked at him.

"Need smash?"

"No, I do not need smash! Did you find anything?"


"Lemme see." He bent over and saw a large iron slab protruding from a rock. This was it.

Just wanted to add that little excerpt because you liked it so much! More will be posted tomorrow! :D

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  • 1 year later...

Steve I don't care what you do just steve and caring avengers thank you

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