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Spice Isn't Always Nice... Part 2 - An MLP Sneezefic


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This was kinda requested by MLPlover/ProPonyPal, but definitely inspired by her amazing artwork.


And with no further adue, may I present: Spice Isn't Always Nice... Part 2:

"HEEHHSHEEW!!" Applejack sneezed.

"Applejack, would you like to give me an explanation on why-" Granny Smith stopped.

"EHHSHOOOO HAARRRIISHOO!!! Gehh- GEHHCHOO!" Applejack interrupted.

"Um.. go ahead" AJ exclaimed with a little, nervous laugh.

"Would you to give me an explanation on why you were sneezin' at the dinner table? You nearly got mah pie wet!" Granny complained.

"Sorry, Granny, it's just-" Applejack stopped. She didn't want her family to know she was too fond of pepper, as they would probably think she had to stay home, and take a break from the fields.

She heard a gurgling sound.

"Oh... heheh, I haven't had anything for dinner yet, guess I better go..." Applejack started towards the kitchen table, but had accidentally bumped into it as she wasn't looking and not paying attention. Consequently, she also knocked over the pepper, making a cloud, bigger than the one Applebloom had made earlier. Apparently, Applebloom had not cleaned the mess she had made earlier. Applejack panicked.

She started to run, but the trembling everywhere only made the pepper cloud larger. It was too late.

"Gehh-", Applejack started, "Hahh- Hmm- HEHHMMFF- GEHH-" Applejack tried to show she was building up a sneeze to much. But she had to. Her nostrils flared as she rubbed her nose.

"Gehh- GAHHHH- NYEHH- huhchEEWW!! HAHHCHOO!!" AJ sneezed, forming an even bigger cloud of pepper surrounding her.

"Appleja-" Granny Smith started, but didn't finish.

"HAHHcheeEWW!! GAHHchMMPFF!! Heh- HUHH-" Applejack pushed a hoof to her nose. She didn't want to leak any more evidence.

"Huuhhmmm-... Uh... Looks like I better get... goin'!" AJ said, not knowing where she was going.

"Nope." Big Mac stood in front of AJ. SHe was cornered.

"Um... Oh look...! It's... uh... Bed-HUH-time for me, gotta HUH-... go!" AJ said, trying not to sneeze, though, it was clear that she needed to.

Granny and Big Mac looked at the clock.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, but stubbornly.

"We'll talk 'bout this in the mornin'!" Granny smith spoke, as Applejack trotted along to her room.

"EHHSHOO!!" "HEHHSHEWW! hah- HAH- HEHHCHeewOO!! HARRISHOOOO!!!! GAHHCHOOO!! Huh- HAHH- SHOO!" Applejack sneezed, relieved.

"HAH- huh- GEHHH- HAHHH- NYEHH-" The sneeze suddenly faded from AJ's nose, but it was still tickling tremendously. She rubbed her nose a few times, then exploded.

"HAHHSHOO!!! nyehhTCHEOOO!!! GARRRITCHOOOO!! huh- Nahh- GEHH- HAHH-" Applejack stopped. As much as she was relieved to finally be able to release, she was caution of Granny Smith and the other hearing her. Then she heard hoofsteps.

"HEHH-" Applejack needed to release.

"Applejack?" Applebloom called.

"HEHHchheeEWWffp!!... Yes?" Applejack was, once again, relieved that it wasn'r Granny or Big Mac.

"Bless ya. Do ya want me ta get ya a tissue?" Applebloom suggested.

"No... huh-!... thuh-THANKS" Applejack responded.

"Okay, good night!" Applebloom said.

"You... Huhhmm-!... too" AJ said as she ruffled Applebloom's hair.

Applebloom stepped out of AJ's room, leaving Applejack relaxed.

"GahhSHMMMPPHHFF!!!" Applejack's sneeze awoke herself.

"Bless ya" said her sister, and to AJ's surprise, was standing right next to her.

Applejack came downstairs for breakfast, but when she got down, she saw Granny Smith with a suspicious look on her face. Not only that, but she was holding the pepper jar, more than half-empty, in her hooves.

"Eheheh..." Applejack laughed, nervously.

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