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December (SPN fic)


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Soooo, this is actually a birthday fic for Nola that is about a month and a half late. I'm so sorry! There are two parts to it, very separated, and I'm posting the first one today. (I know it's October. Shh, it's fine.)

I love you and I hope you like it!!


“Hey Sam,” Dean says, looking as his brother as they pass a pile of discounted department store ornaments, “you remember that Christmas camp daycare in West Virginia? About ten years ago?”

Sam frowns, pondering. A few moments pass, and then he nods as they approach the winter gear. “Yeah, I do.” It was in a mall like this one, decorated so festively that it might almost feel suffocating: ribbons and strings of lights hanging from the high ceilings, excited children on winter break tagging along with their parents as they shop for gifts. Dean had been seven at the time, and he spent the week building fake gingerbread houses out of cardboard with three-year-old Sammy while their dad hunted a nest of vampires two towns over. “Why?”

Dean shrugs and watches his brother’s shoulders tense up, aware that Sam is holding in a set of shivers, confirmed by the sight of goose bumps on the part of Sam’s upper wrist that his shirtsleeve is not quite long enough to cover. Dean wonders if there’s ever been a shirt with sleeves long enough to fit Sam.

He spins a rack of coats in search of one that might do just that, which is why they came to a goddamn shopping mall during goddamn shopping season in the first place. Sam’s thickest jacket, along with the layer underneath it, had been torn to shreds not even five hours ago by the ghost they’ve been hunting, and they need to get him a new one before they head back out to finish the job tonight. Dean had offered some of his own layers during the twenty-minute walk thought the snow back to the car, but Sam had stubbornly refused. Pretty stupid, actually, because he’s been fighting a nasty cold going on two days now and could have probably used the extra heat.

But whatever, Sam’s an adult and if he wants to freeze his ass off in the north woods of Wisconsin, that’s his choice.

Dean waits for Sam to finish coughing before he tosses him a brown jacket and tells him to try it on without getting his germs all over it. The garment is lined with something warm, maybe fleece, and it fits Sam like a glove. The sleeves even come down over the tops of his hands.

“All right,” Dean says, clapping his hands and rubbing them together like everything’s settled as he pulls out his wallet and hands his brother this week’s fake credit card. “You go up front and pay for this. I’ll be in the food court.”

Sam gives him this bitchy look, probably about to suggest they try to find some “real food” (as if peppermint cinnamon buns aren’t real food, get real Sam) or take some time to at least consider other coat options, but his expression changes abruptly and he turns away, reflexively burying his face in his elbow.

HpEHCHSH’uh! Hh’hhh… huh’EHTCHshew!” He stays frozen for a moment, waiting, before he resurfaces.

“G’bless.” Sam’s been doing that a lot lately, so Dean’s used to it, but for some reason the kid always looks so uncomfortable sneezing in public. Dean doesn’t get why; it’s just sneezing. Sam is so tightly wound. “Hah! Guess you’ve got to buy it now. I’ll see you in ten.”

Dean grins and exits the store.


Lines at the food court are about five times too long to be worth it thanks to the lunch rush, but luckily the cashier at the department store had taken one look at Sam and recommended that he try the winter special at a restaurant a couple blocks away.

The walk from the mall to the restaurant is short and scenic, full of small yellow Christmas bulbs strung around tree branches and along the siding of homes and shops, plastic elves and reindeer placed strategically in the snow. Sam remembers visiting Jess’s parents in her midwestern hometown one Christmas, and their neighborhood had been decorated in a similar way. It was a nice experience, if a bit alien to be part of a traditional Christmas instead of watching one on TV.

Not even ten minutes pass before they arrive at the restaurant, but Sam’s nose is already pink and running despite his new warm garment. He enters the store, and then clears his throat before speaking.

“I’m gonna hit the bathroom,” he tells Dean. “Order me the, uh, the winter special if she asks.”

He sees Dean nod and head toward a table with a tiny Christmas tree centerpiece – with ornaments and everything, Jesus, these guys really go all-out – while Sam makes his way toward the single-unit bathroom.

God, he feels like shit. There’s all this pressure behind his eyes, and his sinuses throb and pulsate when he tries to tilt his head or lean over. Sinus infection, probably, which Sam thinks is ridiculous because it probably wouldn’t have gotten this bad if he’d been able to get more than a couple hours of sleep a night for the past week.

(But what was he supposed to do? People are dying, and this job doesn’t allow for sick days.)

Sam plucks a couple tissues from the dispenser next to the sink, blows his nose and then pockets a few more for later. An experimental sniff finds him still unable to get much air through his nose, but at least he won’t be sniffling through his meal. Hopefully.

After he washes his hands in water as hot as he can stand, Sam exits the bathroom and scans the restaurant to find his brother already talking to the waitress. Dean catches his eye as Sam walks toward them, then nods upward and looks back at the waitress, bringing Sam to suspect that Dean’s talking about him. The waitress laughs and squeezes Dean’s shoulder, turns around and walks back toward the kitchen before Sam approaches the table and slides into his seat.

Dean takes a sip of his drink, sets it down and gestures toward a large ceramic mug on Sam’s side of the table. “Took you long enough. Here, try the spiced cider. Warm your bones.”

Sam shrugs out of his coat and takes a weak sip from the mug. “Not bad,” he agrees, although he can barely taste it.

“Right? Said it was the best thing on the menu. Some sort of secret ingredient.”

Sam just coughs in response, turning away from Dean toward the wall and covering his mouth with his wrist. It’s starting to become painful and rumbling, scraping against his chest and throat.

“Uh, wrong pipe,” he tries, once he sees his brother’s scrutinizing glare.

“Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, plague-boy.” Dean rolls his eyes. “So. You wanna head South after we finish up tonight? I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough Winter Wonderland to last me into my 40s.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Sam concurs. It isn’t that he thinks all of the decorations and festivities are bad, per se, just very out of place for what he and Dean are used to. Not to mention the implication behind it all; the promise of the celebration of a holiday coming up. The people around them all have that to look forward to, but once Dean drives the impala out of city limits, they’ll be leaving the idea of the holidays behind them.

He gasps once, suddenly, and then a second time as he turns back away from Dean and the rest of the restaurant. “HUH’ETSHh! HehTSSSHyew!

“Bless you,” a twinkly and – familiar? – voice says from his right. Sam turns back to see a bowl of thick stew being placed in front of him, and maneuvers his gaze upward.

“Amanda?” he says, and god, with his nose stuffed up the way it is, her name comes out sounding mumbled and fuzzy.

“Oh my god,” she laughs, shocked, turning to Dean as she sets his dinner on the table across from Sam’s. “This is your brother?”

“What, you two know each other?” assumes Dean.

“We were lab partners sophomore year,” Sam explains.

“God, I barely recognized you with your hair like that!” Amanda grins and places her hand on his shoulder. “Dean said you weren’t feeling well.”

“Just a cold,” Sam says easily, pressing a finger on the side of his nose to quell the tickling sensation. “Usually h-happens around this time of year. HptKGSHhUh!

“Bless you. God, yeah, I remember you getting sick just as finals week was about to start.” Amanda lifts her hand from Sam’s shoulder and perks up at a sudden clattering noise coming from the kitchen. “I’d better go check that out. I’ll be back in a little bit to refill your drinks!”

Both boys chorus their thanks before Sam brings his arm up to his face once more. “HhHUH… hh’ehkCHSHyew!

Dean takes a bite of his meal. “What is that, number four in five minutes?”

“I think it’s weird that you’re keeping track,” Sam bites back, sniffling. He stirs his food around; it’s mostly spiced root vegetables and some type of red meat in a thick gravy, humble and hearty to complement the weather.

He allows himself to space out as he eats, letting the saltiness of the stew’s contents soothe his throat. Sam has never been one to seek indulgence through food – not in the way that Dean does, at least – and always preferred to eat for nourishment and energy instead of just taste. Still, though, the warm feeling that the meal provides is almost enough to sway him the opposite way.

He finishes slightly more than half of it before setting his spoon down and crossing his arms as he considers whether he feels too full to continue eating. On most days, Sam’s appetite is as good as anyone’s, and although having a cold doesn’t usually upset his stomach, the scratchy and unwell feeling that it brings has been known to make him lose his appetite.

“You done?” Dean, who has already cleaned his own plate, reaches across the table, spoon in hand, and takes a bite of what’s left of Sam’s food.

“You’re going to catch this off of me if you keep doing that,” Sam says.

Dean shrugs and takes another bite. “Doubt it.” And another. “We share a bathroom, dude, you don’t think I’d have caught it by now? My immune system’s just better than yours.”

Sam only huffs in response (because yeah right Dean, an immune system that overreacts to feline dander is so obviously superior), and then clears his throat to avoid a coughing fit. It’s ironic, he thinks, because Dean’s always been so weird about germs in public places – pay phones, public transport, whatever. Sam’s own germs aren’t any different.

“You boys finished?” Amanda reappears at the table with a kettle and begins to pour hot cider into their empty mugs. “How was the food?”

“It was great, Amanda, thanks.”

“I’m glad.” She smiles and starts to clear their plates. “Are you going to be in town very long? I’d love to catch up.”

Sam is apologetic when he answers, “We were actually planning on leaving tonight—”

“But we’ve got nowhere to be,” Dean cuts in.

“Oh, well, I don’t want you alter your plans too much,” Amanda says. “How about you come over tonight? It’s no trouble; I get off in a few hours and I was already planning on having some people come down for drinks and dessert. A couple of them are from Stanford, Sam, you might know them—”

“We’ll be there,” Dean says immediately.

“Oh, great! Here, let me bring your check and I’ll write my address on the receipt.”

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OMG OMG OMG!! So, I flipped over the title alone and then when I saw it was my birthday fic, I was just like: surprise.gifheart.gif

So, where do I even begin?? I love you and this, like SO much!! Thank you!!!

I literally had to calm down before I could focus to read it!! But, now that I have (sort of), I must tell you my favorite parts! Other than the obvious like December and Christmas!! :heart: But, omg, I love the Christmas feel you have going on, it's just so PERFECT! I just felt so warm and cuddly reading it, and my grin has not left yet!

OMG, I might quote EVERYTHING, but I'm not gonna stop myself, because it's my birthday (not really) and I can if I want to! ;)

Dean wonders if there’s ever been a shirt with sleeves long enough to fit Sam.

:wub: You just know how to hit me where it counts.

And God, the swearing...just kjdfsaHVfKJKehdkf.....oh, Dean....yessss

Sam’s thickest jacket, along with the layer underneath it, had been torn to shreds not even five hours ago by the ghost they’ve been hunting, and they need to get him a new one before they head back out to finish the job tonight. Dean had offered some of his own layers during the twenty-minute walk thought the snow back to the car, but Sam had stubbornly refused. Pretty stupid, actually, because he’s been fighting a nasty cold going on two days now and could have probably used the extra heat.
But whatever, Sam’s an adult and if he wants to freeze his ass off in the north woods of Wisconsin, that’s his choice.

This whole thing...men wearing layers, brothers sharing layers, Sammy needing layers, stubbornly refusing layers, a pissy Dean and of course, a cold that's already progressing and yet he's still working...fuck me....*faints*

The COUGHING, God, it just makes me think of Sam Winchester actually doing it in season eight and his rampant-all-the-time throat clearing and I just...worshippy.gifdribble.gif

I adore their expressions and their non-verbal communication: the bitchy looks and Dean with his like fired-up movement (hard to explain but it is just so Dean, like ready to go). You just nail them. And make me want to, too. :naughty:

Sam gives him this bitchy look, probably about to suggest they try to find some “real food” (as if peppermint cinnamon buns aren’t real food, get real Sam) or take some time to at least consider other coat options, but his expression changes abruptly and he turns away, reflexively burying his face in his elbow.

HpEHCHSH’uh! Hh’hhh… huh’EHTCHshew!” He stays frozen for a moment, waiting, before he resurfaces.

“G’bless.” Sam’s been doing that a lot lately, so Dean’s used to it, but for some reason the kid always looks so uncomfortable sneezing in public. Dean doesn’t get why; it’s just sneezing. Sam is so tightly wound. “Hah! Guess you’ve got to buy it now. I’ll see you in ten.”

Dean grins and exits the store.

This whole thing, too! I laughed and then died of lust. I love the cinnamon bun-get real Sam thing SOOO much. And then you just killed me with the topic-ness. Face in elbow. The waiting, the blessing and omg, he called him a kid (LOVE THAT), and Dean has one sexy grin, fo' sho'....holy FUCK. :heart:

God, he feels like shit. There’s all this pressure behind his eyes, and his sinuses throb and pulsate when he tries to tilt his head or lean over. Sinus infection, probably, which Sam thinks is ridiculous because it probably wouldn’t have gotten this bad if he’d been able to get more than a couple hours of sleep a night for the past week.

(But what was he supposed to do? People are dying, and this job doesn’t allow for sick days.)

^^ This is what it's all about. drool.gif Sigh...a sinus infection, and yet he's gonna work through it. My hero. :heart:

“Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, plague-boy.” Dean rolls his eyes. “So. You wanna head South after we finish up tonight? I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough Winter Wonderland to last me into my 40s.”

The HUMOR, omg, it's so on point. I love it. And the South, dear God, you know me so well, don't you?? And, I don't know why, but picturing Dean in his forties is so frickin' adorable, and I don't even like *older* men. It makes me think of Dean's adorable eye crinkles, that MUST be it.

And I love the inner monologue stuff, especially about the holiday season. As much as I love Christmas, I love stories when people don't, as long as they have a good reason! ;) And certainly, the Winchesters do. *shakes fist angrily at John Winchester*

“We were lab partners sophomore year,” Sam explains.

Hell yeah. Would have killed to be lab partners with Sam. :nerd:

“Just a cold,” Sam says easily, pressing a finger on the side of his nose to quell the tickling sensation. “Usually h-happens around this time of year. HptKGSHhUh!

“Bless you. God, yeah, I remember you getting sick just as finals week was about to start.” Amanda lifts her hand from Sam’s shoulder and perks up at a sudden clattering noise coming from the kitchen. “I’d better go check that out. I’ll be back in a little bit to refill your drinks!”

Both boys chorus their thanks before Sam brings his arm up to his face once more. “HhHUH… hh’ehkCHSHyew!

Dean takes a bite of his meal. “What is that, number four in five minutes?”

This whole thing too! *melts* The denial...and omg, she remembered him getting sick, d'awwwww.....(and I love the idea of getting sick during an important time), and Dean counting them!! :heart:

“You done?” Dean, who has already cleaned his own plate, reaches across the table, spoon in hand, and takes a bite of what’s left of Sam’s food.

“You’re going to catch this off of me if you keep doing that,” Sam says.

Dean shrugs and takes another bite. “Doubt it.” And another. “We share a bathroom, dude, you don’t think I’d have caught it by now? My immune system’s just better than yours.”

Sam only huffs in response (because yeah right Dean, an immune system that overreacts to feline dander is so obviously superior), and then clears his throat to avoid a coughing fit. It’s ironic, he thinks, because Dean’s always been so weird about germs in public places – pay phones, public transport, whatever. Sam’s own germs aren’t any different.

**dies** SHARING FOOD, sharing anything, God, I love them. And clearing the throat to avoid a coughing fit....my ovaries can't take much more of this... :heart:

OMG, so this might be the longest response to a story I've ever written, but it's so worth it!! Thank you sooo sooo much Sen for writing this for me!! I love it so much (hope you can tell!!) I cannot wait for the next installment, but I will! :D:heart::hug:

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Ohhhhh my goooosh...!! I know that this story wasn't written for me, but I, too, love you and your wonderful stories, Sennie, so I hope it's okay if I, too, post a rather lengthy reply! Haha!

First of all, I just *loved* the mood in this story! I'm not sure how exactly you did it, but you definitely gave me this warm, tingly feeling that I get from fics that are set around Christmas time! I'm a total summer person and a beach bum, but now, suddenly, I long for the holidays! ;) And Sam getting a cold around that time is so perfect, too, and awww... just, a really good setting for a story! <3

Dean shrugs and watches his brother’s shoulders tense up, aware that Sam is holding in a set of shivers, confirmed by the sight of goose bumps on the part of Sam’s upper wrist that his shirtsleeve is not quite long enough to cover. Dean wonders if there’s ever been a shirt with sleeves long enough to fit Sam.

The detail in this!! Sometimes, I think that it's kind of important to a story which symptoms are mentioned first, you know, and you didn't go with the usual, like sniffling and sneezing (which is awesome, too, don't get me wrong), but picked something so special and adorable! Especially the goose bumps really got to me! :wub: And then the part about the sleeves? Amazing, somehow! It's weird how there are a few really awesome writers like you, who get me with stuff I didn't even know would get me! Do you know what I mean? You push buttons, which I didn't know existed! :P

Dean had offered some of his own layers during the twenty-minute walk thought the snow back to the car, but Sam had stubbornly refused. Pretty stupid, actually, because he’s been fighting a nasty cold going on two days now and could have probably used the extra heat.

1. Dean offering Sam his jacket!! :heart:

2. Sam being all stubborn! Soooo cute!

3. Sam's body fighting a cold for two days and Dean noticing, but not pushing Sam too much to take care of himself, because, well, he's an adult and all. So good. I loved everything about this!

Sam gives him this bitchy look, probably about to suggest they try to find some “real food” (as if peppermint cinnamon buns aren’t real food, get real Sam) or take some time to at least consider other coat options, but his expression changes abruptly and he turns away, reflexively burying his face in his elbow.

Haha, Dean and his weird eating habits! As a person with pretty bad eating habits herself (yeah, well, I wish I loved healthy food, but sadly... I'm all about Reese's peanutbutter cups...), moments like these always make me smile! And Sam trying to respond in a bitchy way, but being interrupted by his sneeze made things even better! (:

for some reason the kid always looks so uncomfortable sneezing in public. Dean doesn’t get why; it’s just sneezing.

Oooohh, this is so in character! I love it when Sam's gets all embarrassed about sneezing in public and I like how you just briefly mentioned this as something strange from Dean's perspective!

God, he feels like shit. There’s all this pressure behind his eyes, and his sinuses throb and pulsate when he tries to tilt his head or lean over. Sinus infection, probably, which Sam thinks is ridiculous because it probably wouldn’t have gotten this bad if he’d been able to get more than a couple hours of sleep a night for the past week.

Awwww... da poor baby!! Can I tuck him into bed and take care of him... please? Oh, wait, no. I just want to see Dean do that. ;)

Sam just coughs in response, turning away from Dean toward the wall and covering his mouth with his wrist. It’s starting to become painful and rumbling, scraping against his chest and throat.

Ouch! Poor Sammy... :( (Don't get me wrong, I like to see him suffer! I'm evil like that...! lol)

“Uh, wrong pipe,” he tries, once he sees his brother’s scrutinizing glare.

“Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, plague-boy.” Dean rolls his eyes. “So. You wanna head South after we finish up tonight? I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough Winter Wonderland to last me into my 40s.”

This part, I swear...!! :lmfao:


Perfect spellings, btw. :)

Ooh, and the part where Dean stole Sam's food and Sam warned him that he would get sick? Wonderful, because 1) Dean and food! 2) Sam making an off-hand comment like that, but still showing concern 3) the possibility of Dean getting sick, too!

So, all in all, a wonderful first part that made me very happy on a day where I needed it! I'm excitedly awaiting the second part and want to thank Nola for having her birthday around this time, and Sennie for being a sweet person and talented writer, because that's how this story came to be, right? ;):heart:

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Oh my gosh! This is so great!!!

Happy Late Birthday to you, Nola if you're reading this! Thank you for being born so that we could read this wonderful story :)

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All I can say is YES! I have such a soft spot for Christmas/Winter sickfics, as well as SPN sick fics, and you've gone and combined the two! And done so so beautifully and eloquently! I am obsessed with this, PLEASE continue!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't turn my back on this forum for a minute. I missed a lot!


* I love how you described the mall and the walk to the diner - the decorations, the people, the atmosphere. You're sooooo good at that. (Please feel free to detect some jealousy)


* You're sooo good at describing how they feel without it sounding forced or weird.

* "He sees Dean nod and head toward a table with a tiny Christmas tree centerpiece – with ornaments and everything, Jesus, these guys really go all-out – while Sam makes his way toward the single-unit bathroom." - DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS! LOVE LOVE LOVE

* The fact that you made Nola's ovaries react to this story, speaks volumes. Keep in mind I don't know Nola at all (*waves at Nola*), but you made someone's ovaries twitch. That, right there, is high praise indeed.

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Ah, I've been wanting to comment on this for awhile now. I'm glad my screwed up internet connection is finally cooperating enough for me to do so.

Loving this so far! I really like the holiday setting, and the characterizations are just perfect. Dean eating off Sam's plate, Sam's bitchy look, etc etc-all the little details and mannerisms are spot on.

-the observation from Dean about Sam being embarrassed about sneezing in public, and Dean being amused by the fact. So cute, and so like them smile.png

-Sam running into his old lab partner then promptly sneezing in front of her during their initial interaction, and her revisiting the memory of him being sick during finals

-LOVE the spellings!

-The sleeve thing... and the goosebumps!! yes.

oh, and this sweet little line right here:

Sam only huffs in response (because yeah right Dean, an immune system that overreacts to feline dander is so obviously superior), and then clears his throat to avoid a coughing fit.

Because...uh yeah. Any reference to Dean's cat allergy always gets me smile.png

(side note- hey, I figured out how to use the quote thingy! happy dance.)

Yay! I hope you do more of this!

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Oh my god I'm floored by all the feedback. You guys are so so so incredible and you have no idea how much it means to me when you come around with replies like this! I think I'm going to have to separate my responses into two posts, so bear with me!

(edit for mods: at least I think it won't fit into two posts... if this ends up being a problem, thank you in advance for merging them and I'm sorry for the trouble!)

This is amazing!! And the spellings are just... biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

Aww thank you!! Spellings are so cool, I think, because there are so many varieties that just one author can come up with, and everyone's got their own style. I love it!

LOVE THIS so far! AUGHHH hope you continue!! biggrin.png

I'm so glad! And I definitely will. biggrin.png

Oh my lord. This story just hooked me in!

Can't wait for the rest wink.png

Oh my god how flattering, thank you! Planning on having the next part up soon!

OMG OMG OMG!! So, I flipped over the title alone and then when I saw it was my birthday fic, I was just like: surprise.gifheart.gif

So, where do I even begin?? I love you and this, like SO much!! Thank you!!!

I literally had to calm down before I could focus to read it!! But, now that I have (sort of), I must tell you my favorite parts! Other than the obvious like December and Christmas!! heart.gif But, omg, I love the Christmas feel you have going on, it's just so PERFECT! I just felt so warm and cuddly reading it, and my grin has not left yet!

OMG, I might quote EVERYTHING, but I'm not gonna stop myself, because it's my birthday (not really) and I can if I want to! wink.png


OMG, so this might be the longest response to a story I've ever written, but it's so worth it!! Thank you sooo sooo much Sen for writing this for me!! I love it so much (hope you can tell!!) I cannot wait for the next installment, but I will! biggrin.pngheart.gifhug.gif

Girl!!!!! The post was too long with all of your quotes in there, which was crazy and so cool because there's nothing I love more than seeing which specific parts people liked, and you had so many AND put in all of the effort of compiling them and writing back so much for me and ohhhh my god Nola you're the best.

I'm soooooo thrilled that you liked it! For real I've read over your comment so many times and oh my god, a lot of the things that you pointed out must have been subconscious Nola-specific additions on my part, because as I was writing it I wasn't even consciously thinking to add them in for those reasons, but I guess since you were on my mind the whole time, they all made it in there! Just so many small things that I attribute to you and your tastes and your personality that even though I didn't have that intention with a lot of them, now that I look back it's like, oh duh! Of course she liked this part! (I hope that made sense.) So cool how that worked out!!!

Oh oh oh, more of this, yes please

Coming up ASAP!

Oh my gosh! This is so great!!!

Happy Late Birthday to you, Nola if you're reading this! Thank you for being born so that we could read this wonderful story smile.png

You're so sweet! Happy birthday to Nola indeed. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it too!!

This is so amazing <3 I love all of your stories, Sen. You never cease to amaze me :3

Oh my god, this is such a compliment to me. I'm so so glad to hear it, thank you so much! (And I really like yours too!)

Edited by Sen Beret
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Ohhhhh my goooosh...!! I know that this story wasn't written for me, but I, too, love you and your wonderful stories, Sennie, so I hope it's okay if I, too, post a rather lengthy reply! Haha!

First of all, I just *loved* the mood in this story! I'm not sure how exactly you did it, but you definitely gave me this warm, tingly feeling that I get from fics that are set around Christmas time! I'm a total summer person and a beach bum, but now, suddenly, I long for the holidays! wink.png And Sam getting a cold around that time is so perfect, too, and awww... just, a really good setting for a story! <3

Dean shrugs and watches his brother’s shoulders tense up, aware that Sam is holding in a set of shivers, confirmed by the sight of goose bumps on the part of Sam’s upper wrist that his shirtsleeve is not quite long enough to cover. Dean wonders if there’s ever been a shirt with sleeves long enough to fit Sam.

The detail in this!! Sometimes, I think that it's kind of important to a story which symptoms are mentioned first, you know, and you didn't go with the usual, like sniffling and sneezing (which is awesome, too, don't get me wrong), but picked something so special and adorable! Especially the goose bumps really got to me! wub.png And then the part about the sleeves? Amazing, somehow! It's weird how there are a few really awesome writers like you, who get me with stuff I didn't even know would get me! Do you know what I mean? You push buttons, which I didn't know existed! tonguesmiley.gif

Dean had offered some of his own layers during the twenty-minute walk thought the snow back to the car, but Sam had stubbornly refused. Pretty stupid, actually, because he’s been fighting a nasty cold going on two days now and could have probably used the extra heat.

1. Dean offering Sam his jacket!! heart.gif

2. Sam being all stubborn! Soooo cute!

3. Sam's body fighting a cold for two days and Dean noticing, but not pushing Sam too much to take care of himself, because, well, he's an adult and all. So good. I loved everything about this!

Sam gives him this bitchy look, probably about to suggest they try to find some “real food” (as if peppermint cinnamon buns aren’t real food, get real Sam) or take some time to at least consider other coat options, but his expression changes abruptly and he turns away, reflexively burying his face in his elbow.

Haha, Dean and his weird eating habits! As a person with pretty bad eating habits herself (yeah, well, I wish I loved healthy food, but sadly... I'm all about Reese's peanutbutter cups...), moments like these always make me smile! And Sam trying to respond in a bitchy way, but being interrupted by his sneeze made things even better! (:

for some reason the kid always looks so uncomfortable sneezing in public. Dean doesn’t get why; it’s just sneezing.

Oooohh, this is so in character! I love it when Sam's gets all embarrassed about sneezing in public and I like how you just briefly mentioned this as something strange from Dean's perspective!

God, he feels like shit. There’s all this pressure behind his eyes, and his sinuses throb and pulsate when he tries to tilt his head or lean over. Sinus infection, probably, which Sam thinks is ridiculous because it probably wouldn’t have gotten this bad if he’d been able to get more than a couple hours of sleep a night for the past week.

Awwww... da poor baby!! Can I tuck him into bed and take care of him... please? Oh, wait, no. I just want to see Dean do that. wink.png

Sam just coughs in response, turning away from Dean toward the wall and covering his mouth with his wrist. It’s starting to become painful and rumbling, scraping against his chest and throat.

Ouch! Poor Sammy... sadsmiley.gif (Don't get me wrong, I like to see him suffer! I'm evil like that...! lol)

“Uh, wrong pipe,” he tries, once he sees his brother’s scrutinizing glare.

“Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, plague-boy.” Dean rolls his eyes. “So. You wanna head South after we finish up tonight? I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough Winter Wonderland to last me into my 40s.”

This part, I swear...!! lmfao.gif


Perfect spellings, btw. smile.png

Ooh, and the part where Dean stole Sam's food and Sam warned him that he would get sick? Wonderful, because 1) Dean and food! 2) Sam making an off-hand comment like that, but still showing concern 3) the possibility of Dean getting sick, too!

So, all in all, a wonderful first part that made me very happy on a day where I needed it! I'm excitedly awaiting the second part and want to thank Nola for having her birthday around this time, and Sennie for being a sweet person and talented writer, because that's how this story came to be, right? wink.pngheart.gif

My gosh Sophie I'm always so amazed by how sweet and THOROUGH you are with all of your feedback and comments, and I appreciate it so much every time! It's really nice getting to know the things that you like, partially because you're my friend and I love to learn more about you, but it's also very useful for potential giftfics in the future. I'm really, really happy that you liked it, especially with what you said about all of the details -- I always feel like I might be lacking in that area so it really means a lot that you pointed them out with praise! Thank you so so so much. :heart:

All I can say is YES! I have such a soft spot for Christmas/Winter sickfics, as well as SPN sick fics, and you've gone and combined the two! And done so so beautifully and eloquently! I am obsessed with this, PLEASE continue!!!

Same same same! Something about having a cold in the winter is really romantic, isn't it? I think so at least!! I'm really hoping to write (and read!!!!) some more holiday stuff in the next two months. :D


Looooove him tbh!!

Sen, this is amazing. <3

<3 YOU'RE amazing, actually, and I'm so flattered that you came in and commented! I enjoy your work so much!

I can't turn my back on this forum for a minute. I missed a lot!


* I love how you described the mall and the walk to the diner - the decorations, the people, the atmosphere. You're sooooo good at that. (Please feel free to detect some jealousy)


* You're sooo good at describing how they feel without it sounding forced or weird.

* "He sees Dean nod and head toward a table with a tiny Christmas tree centerpiece – with ornaments and everything, Jesus, these guys really go all-out – while Sam makes his way toward the single-unit bathroom." - DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS! LOVE LOVE LOVE

* The fact that you made Nola's ovaries react to this story, speaks volumes. Keep in mind I don't know Nola at all (*waves at Nola*), but you made someone's ovaries twitch. That, right there, is high praise indeed.

Girl you shove your jealousy out the door because I'm jealous of, like, literally everything you've ever written! Thank you so so much for that comment about the details -- again, I always worry that I'm not making it feel "real" enough, so it's awesome for you to have pointed them out!

And oh my god, that last point! I think I'm really curious and excited about knowing what kinds of different things people like (it's just so COOL how we're all a little different) so I unintentionally store away ideas with certain people in mind.

Ah, I've been wanting to comment on this for awhile now. I'm glad my screwed up internet connection is finally cooperating enough for me to do so.

Loving this so far! I really like the holiday setting, and the characterizations are just perfect. Dean eating off Sam's plate, Sam's bitchy look, etc etc-all the little details and mannerisms are spot on.

-the observation from Dean about Sam being embarrassed about sneezing in public, and Dean being amused by the fact. So cute, and so like them smile.png

-Sam running into his old lab partner then promptly sneezing in front of her during their initial interaction, and her revisiting the memory of him being sick during finals

-LOVE the spellings!

-The sleeve thing... and the goosebumps!! yes.

oh, and this sweet little line right here:

Sam only huffs in response (because yeah right Dean, an immune system that overreacts to feline dander is so obviously superior), and then clears his throat to avoid a coughing fit.

Because...uh yeah. Any reference to Dean's cat allergy always gets me smile.png

(side note- hey, I figured out how to use the quote thingy! happy dance.)

Yay! I hope you do more of this!

Oh my god I'm so happy to see you on the forum more! You're one of my faves and it rocks that you've been coming over here (since I hang out on this website constantly lol). I'm so happy that you liked it! Like I said, I really admire you as a writer and it was so cool of you to quote specific things that you enjoyed!

And dude, how could I not reference Dean's cat allergy? It's the best gift the show has ever given me. I could talk about it for hours!!

Again, thank you so much, everyone, and I'm hoping to finish part 2 very shortly!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for taking a million years to update, and for posting three times in a row in my own thread. Here's the last part! Happy holidays guys. I've got some more fic ideas that I'll hopefully have finished by next week!


“You know, Sam, I don’t like the way that cough is sounding.”

Sam removes his forearm from his mouth and clears his throat, his eyebrows raised and knitted together. “Seriously?” he says. “An angry spirit throws you against a fucking tree and you’re worried about my cough?”

Dean shrugs, takes a left turn out of the woods and back into town. “Bruises heal on their own. You just ran around in the snow with a bunch of crap in your lungs—”

“Yeah, and I still saved your ass … Hh’EHTSHuh! … twice. Uh’hh’ESHhyew! HhpTSSHuh!” He sniffles into the cuff of his sleeve, refusing to meet Dean’s gaze.

“Sure, if that’s how you want to remember it,” Dean says cheerfully, obnoxiously, which earns him a scoff from his brother. He reaches into the front pocket of his jacket for a couple napkins, which he passes across the impala’s bench seat. “Gesundheit. You taking anything for it?”

“Don’t hover,” Sam says, but accepts the offering and blows his nose, turning away to face the window. The action doesn’t help much; he’s still feeling stuffed up and a little bit like he has to sneeze. The sensation hasn’t fully gone away for a couple of days. “It’s normal, Dean. It’s a cold.”

“Yeah, right now it is. With your luck it’ll mutate into pneumonia by morning – wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened.”

“I just need a shower and some Tylenol,” Sam promises, his voice sounding muffled with his face still behind the tissue. “Be good as new by the time we leave for Amanda’s.”

“Let’s hope so, for your sake. Everyone’s gonna think you had a voice change or something.” Dean pauses, reconsiders. “Or, hey, maybe they’ll be happy for you, since it sounds like you’re finally going through puberty.”

“Hilarious.” Sam’s voice cracks in the middle of the word – perfect timing – and he clears his throat roughly while his brother laughs.

A few minutes pass, both of them listening to the sounds of the impala’s engine and Blue Oyster Cult (and admittedly, Sam’s sniffling), until they pass a bank and Dean mutters, “Oh. Aw, shit.”

Sam sounds startled when he asks, “What? What’s wrong?”

“You see the clock on that building? Sam, it’s past eleven – the party’s probably wrapping up by now.”


“Didn’t even notice…” Dean grumbles. “Sorry, man, I know you wanted to—”

“It’s fine,” Sam says quickly. “Wouldn’t have mattered anyway. It’s not like we could have finished the hunt sooner if we’d been checking our watches.”

So they’d saved some people’s lives instead of catching up with Sam’s college friends. A worthy sacrifice, Sam would remind himself constantly. Comes with the job, people are dying, rinse and repeat.


“Bless you.”

Hh! HuhESHHhuh! Fuck, sorry. Uh, thanks.”

Sam furrows his eyebrows again, confused, as Dean pulls into a parking lot a few blocks before they’re supposed to hit the motel. It looks like some sort of supermarket or convenience store, with a poinsettia display visible through the windows and Christmas music pouring from the building’s exterior speakers.

“Dean, what—”

“Just wanna pick up a few things,” Dean says, opening his door and allowing the bitter winter air to rush inside of the car. “Sit tight for a sec.”

Sam shivers once, involuntarily, just after Dean’s out of sight. He can hear the bells that are hung up on the glass doors start to jingle as Dean steps inside, twinkling along with the sound of some Christmas carol that neither of them had ever learned the words to. They’d really never done much regarding Christmas traditions; that sort of thing never seemed to go right for them. Sam remembers Dad and Dean getting a Christmas tree when he was eleven and having to throw it out the next day after Sam woke up congested and covered in hives.

He watches a mother cart her family through the parking lot; her three children bundled up in puffy coats and bauble hats, smiling as they stomp through the snow. It’s a quiet sort of excitement, illuminating the crisp darkness through a means of contrast.

Sam is startled out of his thoughts when the driver’s side door squeaks open and his brother slides inside, a plastic shopping bag hanging from his wrist and a paper cup in each hand.

“Here, might help your throat,” Dean offers, and Sam takes the cup, peers inside at the pale creamy brown. Hot chocolate.

He takes a long sip, then pauses, sputtering out a dry cough. “Did you spike this?” he asks.

“Peppermint schnapps,” Dean says, grinning. His expression falters when Sam’s chest continues to stutter. “All right, easy. Slow sips, bro; it’s not rocket science.”

Sam glares at him, but the expression is unheated; he’s grateful for the warmth of the drink, despite the burn of the alcohol. Although it’s no substitute for NyQuil, he knows it’ll probably put him to sleep in a couple hours anyway. Dean probably knew that too.

“Thanks,” Sam finally says.

And Dean nods before following Sam’s gaze through the windshield, watching the store begin to close as the snow continues to fall.

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Sammy!!! :heart:

The love, the caring, the spiked hot chocolate XD

Marvelous on marvelous! Beautifully written as always.

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yay, update! woot woot smile.png

This was so, so awesome. Your sneeze spellings are heavenly smile.png And they're always so wonderfully spaced out and perfectly placed.

LOVED this:

Yeah, and I still saved your ass … Hh’EHTSHuh! … twice. Uh’hh’ESHhyew! HhpTSSHuh!” He sniffles into the cuff of his sleeve, refusing to meet Dean’s gaze.

The verbal exchanges were fantastic. The last part with the peppermint schnapps gave me warm fuzzies. smile.png With all the warm, Christmas-y descriptions in this and the lovely brotherly moments, I couldn't stop thinking about the end of the season 3 Christmas episode. In fact, I might have to go watch that episode. Totally in the mood now smile.png And I know I'm way overusing the happy face icon, but this fic made me very happy smile.png. Even though poor Sam had to miss his party. But Dean always makes everything better, doesn't he?

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So, once again, I quoted nearly everything. But, 'tisn't my fault!! :heart:

Sam removes his forearm from his mouth and clears his throat, his eyebrows raised and knitted together.

I can so see him doing exactly this. And I love it.

“Yeah, and I still saved your ass … Hh’EHTSHuh! … twice. Uh’hh’ESHhyew! … HhpTSSHuh!” He sniffles into the cuff of his sleeve, refusing to meet Dean’s gaze.

“Sure, if that’s how you want to remember it,” Dean says cheerfully, obnoxiously, which earns him a scoff from his brother. He reaches into the front pocket of his jacket for a couple napkins, which he passes across the impala’s bench seat. “Gesundheit. You taking anything for it?”

D'awwwwww....Sammy is all grumpy and embarrassed and Dean is trying to make him feel better. So much cute bromance! heart.gif

“Yeah, right now it is. With your luck it’ll mutate into pneumonia by morning – wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened.”

I always love when brothers/families/SOs *know* about another's illness happenings.

his voice sounding muffled with his face still behind the tissue.


“Or, hey, maybe they’ll be happy for you, since it sounds like you’re finally going through puberty.”

“Hilarious.” Sam’s voice cracks in the middle of the word – perfect timing – and he clears his throat roughly while his brother laughs.

This. Killed. Me. Forever. I mean, honestly, my favorite thing EVAH and you so know it and I just love, love, love you for putting it in here!!

“Hh! HuhESHHhuh! Fuck, sorry. Uh, thanks.”

Oh, pleeeeease. SWEAR TO ME!

with a poinsettia display visible through the windows and Christmas music pouring from the building’s exterior speakers.

Love the sweet reminder of Christmas here. :D

He can hear the bells that are hung up on the glass doors start to jingle as Dean steps inside, twinkling along with the sound of some Christmas carol that neither of them had ever learned the words to. They’d really never done much regarding Christmas traditions; that sort of thing never seemed to go right for them.

Already said this before, but I love this. Even though they do not have the same 'feels' for Christmas that I do, I love how you explain their feelings for it! It just adds so much reality, because the show touched on this (though not as beautifully as you've done here) and you just expand on it in all the right ways!! :heart:

Sam remembers Dad and Dean getting a Christmas tree when he was eleven and having to throw it out the next day after Sam woke up congested and covered in hives.

Poor baby. :( Buy him a fake tree, John, Jeez!

He takes a long sip, then pauses, sputtering out a dry cough. “Did you spike this?” he asks.

“Peppermint schnapps,” Dean says, grinning.

This is so cute. I can picture them saying these exact lines, and gosh darnit, I wish they would!! It's about time they had another Christmas episode isn't it??

Dean probably knew that too.

:heart: :heart: Big brother Dean. My favorite.

And Dean nods before following Sam’s gaze through the windshield, watching the store begin to close as the snow continues to fall.

The perfect ending.

Thank you sooooo much for writing this Sen. It is perfect. As are you! :kisscheek:

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  • 7 months later...

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