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Overworked (Free!)(MakoxHaru Friendship)


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Oh my goodness! It was certainly worth the wait! I applaud you! Amazing, and yay stranger that showed kindness! owo <3 I wonder what'll happen next!

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You have killed me with your fabulous writing and I have no words to describe it's amazigness. Later wen I rise form the dead I shall elaborate on how amazing this was but right now I'm just going to wallow in the brilliance and squeal~

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Maus_17: I’m so glad you liked it! biggrinsmiley.gif And I’m glad you liked the “stranger showing kindness” bit! I love it when I go out and meet that one ray of sunshine in the real world, so I had to add in the character of Megumi. J

@PoisonPassion: Ooooooh, I know!! <3 And Haru and Mako’s close relationship sets the stage for some seriously cute caring and hurt/comfort stories. wubsmiley.gif I’m glad you liked it! biggrinsmiley.gif

@glue: Aren’t they, though?! <33333 And thank you so so much! That really means a lot to me!! J I’m in the process of writing a novel (I just got an editor lined up), and I want my style to improve before I send the manuscript off, so like I said, it means a lot to hear that biggrinsmiley.gif

@Not_Telling: Yay!! I’m so glad you like it!! biggrinsmiley.gif

Okay, guys, I’m finishing up part five right now, so I’ll try to get it out this afternoon if I still have power (it’s snowing like crazy where I am, we’re already up to about two feet in the past twelve hours xD).

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Pwease continue this, I'm slightly obsessed with the characters from Free! and I'm so happy that people write stories like these about them! I hope they is another part soon :3

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  • 1 month later...

@Truth @LiveToBeMe Don't worry, I haven't forgot about this story yet ;) Funny story *embarrassed blush* I had actually written the rest of this story in a history notebook I used for school and canned it along with all of my paperwork from last year hehehe :P So needless to say, I was so frustrated that I did that that I kind of have been neglecting to REwrite the rest of the story, so that's why it's taken this long. But lately I've been feeling reinspired with this story and feel like I know an even better direction to go with it than the part I tossed :D So if all goes well and my imagination holds out, the next part should be up by tomorrow <3

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