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Spice Isn't Always Nice... - An MLP Sneezefic


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"This is based off an amazing drawing made by ProPonyPal, ENJOY IT OR YOU WILL BE SOR- Enjoy!:

"Hoo-wee, today's been a lot o' work!" Applejack spoke as she opened the farmhouse door to meet her family.

"Howdy, sis! What kind o' work did ya do?" Applebloom asked curiously.

"You're so curious nowadays, aren't you little sis? Well, ya know, apple buckin' as usual", AJ replied back.

"C'mon ya little youngsters, time for dinner!" Granny Smith called out.

"Comin'!" the sisters said in perfect union.

Applejack and Applebloom met Big Macintosh, or Big Mac for short, at the dinner table.

"Howdy y'all, great ta see y'all!", Applejack stated as she helped Granny set the table.

"Anything interesting happining?" Aplebloom asked, sheepishly.

"Hmmm... not really, you sure you're not plannin' anythin' Applebloom?" Applejack replied.

"Nope! Nothin' at all!" Applebloom snapped.

"Okay then, I believe ya", Applejack said with a little giggle.

"Forgettin' your manners?" Granny Smith chuckled.

"Thanks!" all three said in union.

Suddenly, Applejack's pupils shrinked and her mouth dropped open in shock.

"May ah be excused?" Applejack asked, nervously.

"But, you haven't even touched the apple pie!" said Granny, as if she suspected that Applejack was planning something.

"Oh... yeah" Applejack tried not to think about the pepper on the table. She was always fond of pepper, and even the smallest grain of it, could make Applejack explode into a sneezing fit. That's when it all rolled downhill.

"Oops, sorry Applejack" Applejack's little sister exclaimed. She had just knocked over the pepper container while trying to grab an apple strudel. It created a huge cloud of it, and right in front of AJ, also.

"Heh- It's fuh-fuhUH-fine" Applejack could barely barely speak, but she forgave her little sister, as it was just an accident.

"Hmm- HUUHMMMPPHH- HAHHH- NYYEHH-" Applejack's nose felt as if it was lit with a match made of feathers. She could barely even hold it for long enough to speak.

"Oh! Ah almost forgot! Applejack, ya wont believe what happened to me and the crusaders today!" Applebloom excitedly exclaimed.

"Ah probaHAHHbly woHONNt" said AJ as she tried to hold back the sneeze, for a possible, few more minutes.

"Weelllll... me, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo were just travelin' around Ponyville ta see if we could find anypony who needed our help, but guess what happened!" Applebloom said quickly, but slow enough so the rest of the family could just understand her.

"Ah... HEHH-... canHAHHNNt" Applejack said, just about able to hold back the sneeze for a bit longer.

"Just as we past the Cakes' bakery, we saw Pumpkin Cake by the-... um... sis, ya okay?" Applebloom stopped mid-sentence.

Applejack was locked in a pre-sneeze state, as she tried her best to answer.

"AhHAHH'm fuh- FINE... GIIAAHHHCHHMMPH" Applejack exploded, barely able to turn around to avoid spraying on the food.

"Bless ya, sis... Anyway, we were at the Cakes' bakery, where we found Pumpkin Cake, so-

"HEhh- GAHHHHH- HUHCHHUUMMFF!! HAHCHEEWW!! GEHHCHAAOOO!!! Hehhh- Ehhh- NYEHH-" Applejack pressed a hoof to her nose to prevent any further sneezes. She didn't mind sneezing once or twice in front of her family, but a few more, and they're probably going to get suspicious.

"Bless ya... again! So... where was I? Oh yeah! So, we saw Pumpkin Cake out alone, and she was cryin! So we brought her to-" Applebloom started, but didn't stop.

"GEHHCHEEW!! HAHCHOOOOO!!!! Gehh- HAHHCHEEW!!! HAh-HUH-GEHHCHieeOOOO!!" Every time AJ sneezed, more pepper came in, she could just hardly breath, yet still sneezed, "HEHHAAACHHEEEOOOOO!!!! Ehh- EEHHSHHOOO!! EEESHEEW!!! SHOO!!"

"Applejack, may we talk?" Granny looked concerned.

"HEHHSHEEW!! EATCHOOOO!!!! GAAARRRIIIIIITCHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" AJ just sneezed in reply. She knew, as well as Granny Smith, that this was going to be a long talk... and probably one with a LOT of sneezes.

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