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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Sick Day 2 (beta version)


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Gaise,I'm CatImAKittyKat from DeviantArt.And I said I was doing a Mario sneezefic,and because I'm a nice person,here's a beta version of A Sick Day 2.


That was the second time Luigi sneezed while they were on the bus.And,of course,everyone was giving him dirty looks.Luigi tried desperately to brighten the situation by smiling and waving,but the lady next to them gave them an even dirter look.

Luigi sighed,ovbiously frustrated."These people are creepigg be out..."

Mario sighed at the same time."That's their problem.You know you gots a cute sneeze."he said,smirking a little.

"Leave be alode,"Luigi retorted,sniffling and shivering."Well sorry,"Mario giggled.

They both sat in silence,except for a sniffle or a cough now and then.

"I wadda go hobe..."Luigi sighed.

"I know,"Mario replied."But we can't just leave you sick like this.."

"I dow you wadt be to...uh...dot be sick,"Luigi sighed,"but thiggs,happed,OK?I'll be...HAAH-TCHUH!!Ughh...I'll be better sood...I hope.."

"Hey,no sweat,"Mario replied,placing a hand on Luigi's back."We all get sick.Remember the time I caught the flu?

Because of that insanely horrible headache he had,Luigi couldn't

remember much about the time he caught the flu."Not really,"he sighed.All I rebebber was your extrebely loud sdeezigg,add,uh...heh..heh..HIH-TCHUH!!"

More dirty glances were headed their way.But poor Luigi couldn't do anything at the moment,because his nose was tickling really bad,untill,"HAAH-TCHUH!!"

Mario gasped."Luigi!!Are you OK!?"

"Not really..My dose really really hurts,add,uh..HAAH-TCHUH!!HAAH-TCHUH!Heh..heh-HAAH-TCHUH!!....ughh..."

Mario was close to panicking."Alright,we really need to get you to a doctor.Wait-Luigi,you look really pale!And your face looks so red!Alright.Screw the doctor.We need to get you to a hospital RIGHT NOW!!!"

"...But Mario,I-I'b fide...

"If you were fine you'd not be as pale as one of Heavy's sandwiches!"Mario made his way up to the driver and shouted,"Hey driver!To the nearest hospital,and STEP ON IT!!!"

The driver gave Mario a shocked stare."Uhhhmmm..."

One of the passengers,a shy young girl with sandy red hair and a pink dress,spoke up."Uh,sir,we're already here.."

Mario looked out the window,and,realizing what a baka he was,let out a long "Ohhhhhhhh,"before smiling and waving."Thanks!"

Grabbing Luigi by the arm,the two practically flew off the bus."Come on,Luigi!"



The doctor's office was chilly.Like the inside of an AC chilly.There were screaming kids and crying babies,which made Luigi's headache even worse(it came pretty easily,since he had a bad cold).Meanwhile,Mario was repeatedly jamming his face with his hand.

"...M-Mario?W-Why are y-you facepalbigg yourself like that...?"

"Because,"Mario replied,dissappointed."I forgot we had your DOCTOR'S appointment,so I had to cancel that and schedule one with the HOSPITAL.Too much work..."he sighed.

"H-How did you forget..? I guess me sneezing my head off wasn't much of a reminder,then.."

Mario laughed and playfully socked Luigi on the arm."Really,Luigi?"That had to be one of the worst comebacks Mario had ever heard."That's the best you can come up with?"

"I'm sick.Of course that's the best I can come up with."Even though he was weak,Luigi returned a punch.This went on for about a while until Mario decided to stop."Okay,I don't want you sick and beat up,"he insisted.

They both sat in silence for a while,untill Mario said something.

"You know,Luigi,you seem pretty strong enough."

This took Luigi for suprise."Dude,I have a pretty much nonexistant immune system,and you say I'm pretty strong enough?"

"Yup.I mean,I have worse allergies than you!"

"What's allergies got to do with the fact that I'm sick and sneezing my head off?"

"I end up feeling weak and frail.Like you.."Mario's voice trailed off,but he was right.Luigi knew he was weak and frail.

Luigi could only sigh.I know how you feel,he thought.He felt really weak and limp all of a sudden,because when he tried to lift his head,he couldn't."M-Mario..?"


"W-Why do i feel so weak..?"

Mario felt a shock go through him."Wait,what?"

Luigi nodded slowly."Y-Yeah...I-I feel like a--H-HAAAH-P'TCHUH!!--a soggy doodle.." He lifted a weak hand to wipe his sore and burning red nose.

Mario laughed."Of all the things in the world,why a soggy noodle..?" Luigi smiled weakly."H-Hey,give be a break..I'b sick,rebebber..?"

"Mario and Luigi?"

Well that was fast,Mario thought."Come on,Luigi."


"Okay,so what's the problem?"

"I think he's got a cold,"Mario replied,pointing to Luigi,who was shivering really badly right now.His eyes were somewhat red,and he looked even more pale than before.

"You think he's got a cold,eh?We'll see."

The doctor slowly made his way to Luigi."How are you feeling,kid?"

Since Luigi's throat hurt so badly he couldn't even speak,he let out a small whisper."..Horrible.."

"Not too good?Let's see if we can fix that."

But as soon as the doctor reached for a blood pressure thingy,Luigi started coughing very loudly.Of course,it hurt really badly,so he let out a low groan after his coughing fit.

"That sounded harsh,"the doctor joked.

Luigi could only whimper softly,only "Just leave me alone" was what he wanted to say.The doctor reached for a themometer-it wasn't the kind you stick in your ear-and gave it to Luigi. "Because I'm old-school," he smiled.

The themometer stayed put for about 10 seconds,untill Luigi sneezed,which sent it flying to the floor.Frowning,the doctor bent up to pick up the themometer."Guess old-school won't work..."he sighed,which made Luigi feel kind of sad.The doctor reached for a diffrent themometer this time,and gently placed it in Luigi's right ear,and held it there untill it beeped."Wow,that's a high fever.."the doctor said."We just have to run some tests to see if he doesn't have strep throat,but by that horrible sound he's making,he probably does."he said, mentioning the low groaning sound Luigi was making.

Mario tried to hold back a smile."Hey,leave him alone,"he said.

Luigi didn't say anything-he lowered his head slightly to avoid contact,his cheeks already glowing red from embarrasment and shyness,even though he was smiling,too"I-It's dot fuddy.."he mumbled.Then he paused and said."Ok,baybe a little..."

This made Mario and the doctor laugh a little.Luigi smiled too,even though his nose was itching.

"But to run some tests,we need a sample,"the doctor said,just as Luigi shot forward with a strained,loud sneeze.


THe doctor turned to Luigi,who was already blushing and turning away."Hey,don't be shy,"the doctor smiled,placing a warm,reassuring hand on his cold,shivering shoulder.That's when he noticed Luigi's runny nose."Well,we've found our sample,"the doctor joked,taking a cotton swab and rubbed it across his upper lip,wiping away the mess in one sweep."Here,"the doctor smiled,handing Luigi a good-sized piece of tissue.Which was at the right moment,because Luigi felt himself trying to sneeze."Oh sdap,it wod't cobe out,"he moaned in a low,weak voice.

The doctor gave an exasperated smile."Can't help ya there."

Like it was on cue, Luigi let out a couple of loud sneezes."HIIH-S'CHUH!!""HAAH-S'CHUH!!"

Both the doctor and Mario looked at him with worried expressions on their faces.Luigi's face and eyes were burning red."W-Why is everyode lookigg at be..?"he mumbled.

"...Yeah,that's a problem,"the doctor sighed. Luigi sat there,shaking and shivering,what little strength he had gone.


"I just need to run to the store right quick.You sure you'll be alright?"

They were both at a bus stop next to a nearby store.The results were clear-Luigi had caught a really bad cold.Shaking and miserable,he gave Mario a weak smile and a thumbs up."I-I'll be alright.."Mario wasn't sure at first,but if he brought his weak,sick little brother into the store with him,the dirty glares from the others would tear him apart,and by the look of how pale his face is,he could pass out at any time.

"Ok,then..I'll only be a short minute,ok?"

"Just get id there already,"Luigi sighed,weakly shoving Mario away."Alright,then,"Mario giggled as he left into the drugstore.

What's taking him so long,Luigi thought.The temperature had only dropped about 2 degrees,but Luigi was shivering.His fingers were almost numb,and the tears running down his face from the nonexistent cold were stinging his face,and his left jacket sleeve was dripping wet from the countless times he sneezed in his wrist.And it was only 3:15.He facepalmed himself,already knowing this was going to be the worst day ever.

Luigi sighed,getting impatient.The only thing distracting him from that long wait was watching people enter and exit the resteraunt next door,and the random coughing and sneezing fits that would hit him from out of nowhere. Of course,every time it stung his chest and nose and it immediately made him weak and shaking.He didn't know what was worse-the coughing or the sneezing.A bus,then two,pulled up to the bus stop,but Luigi silently shook his head no.At least Mario came back,holding plastic bags filled with stuff that looked like boxes of tissue.

"W-What's id the bags....?"Luigi mumbled.

"Just some boxes of tissue."Mario awnsered,that comment confirming Luigi's suspicions."Figured we might need a load of them."

"Not fuddy."He wasn't in the mood for a joke right now.

Mario giggled,trying to lighen the mood."Sorry.I guess trying to cheer you up isn't an option,huh?"

"Nope,"Luigi sighed,his voice almost gone."C-Cad we just--"He broke into a loud coughing fit."...just go hobe.."

Mario agreed."Ok,we just gotta wait for a bus."

"Two just passed while--H-HAAH-P'TCHUH!!--w-while you were idside.."Luigi moaned.

"Dangit."Mario slumped on the bench,just as another bus pulled up."Well,that was fast."

Mario was looking out the window,humming a song that sounded really cheerful and happy,the exact opposite of how Luigi was feeling-sick and miserable.Could this day get any worse..? he thought,when suddenly he shot forward with a loud,violent "H-HIIH-S'CHIIIHH!!"

As expected,dirty looks came their way,but Luigi had enough.He was leaning to the side,so he caught a glimpse of one person staring at him."W-What are you lookigg at..?"he mumbled.Mario's equally disgruntled stare further proved the point.That worked-they instantly turned away.

Luigi weakly lifted his hand for a high-five."High-5?"


"Hey Luigi,"Mario shouted."You want something?"

"I-I'm right here.." awnsered a weak voice,lowered almost to a whisper.

Mario quickly turned to his right side to find Luigi wrapped up in covers on the couch."J-Just a glass of water.."he moaned.

"Nothing else?"Mario asked.He placed his hand on Luigi's forehead,only to find it burning hot.He pretended to yank it away and scream in pain,like he burned his hand.Luigi gave a weak laugh and said,"Call the fire department."

Mario smiled."At least your sense of humor is returning.You hungry?"

Luigi slowly shook his head no,followed by a loud "H-HIIH-S'CHUH!!"

Mario laughed and teased,"Well,I guess I need tissues,too." He patted Luigi's burning hot forehead and left for the kitchen.

Luigi couldn't help feeling weak and frail,wrapped up in 2 or 3 covers.He squirmed around,trying to get a little more comfortable.

What do you think? smile.png

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All you need to do is space out the periods, commas, exclamation marks and question marks. Otherwise very nice job~ I liked this a lot~ thumbup1.gif

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