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You Look Like Death, No Pun Intended (Soul Eater- Death the Kid)


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I'm just gonna post this before I lose my nerve... I just started watching Soul Eater so forgive me if I make some mistakes sweatdrop.gif and I also apologize for how lame it is...whistling1.gif I promise I'll write something better later hypocrite.gif

Title: You Look Like Death, No Pun Intended

Fandom: Soul Eater

Character: Death The Kid

Death the Kid was hard to handle on his good days, so anyone could imagine dealing with the guy on his bad days was going to be a living hell. And it was. Today was no exception for his inability to deal with things being uneven, or out of order in any way, if anything today Kid was especially picky, going around readjusting everything, though he ended up putting it back into its original position prior to when he found it. Liz and Patty found him to be quite snappy today too, more bossy than usual and just downright short tempered. After Kid had checked everything in the house, folded and refolded the toilet paper, he settled down in a chair, succumbing to the fatigue that he’d been feeling recently.

“Damn,” he cursed hoarsely, then cleared his throat impatiently.

“You okay?” Startled, Kid realized in his spacey-ness he failed to hear Liz enter the room.

“Yes. Why would you ask such a senseless question?” He answered without a second thought.

“Because you look like Death, no pun intended,” Liz retorted with a scoff. “Are you sick?”

“Death the Kid does not get sick,” he said firmly.

Three hours later, Kid wasn’t so sure. His head was pounding in his ears and when he looked over to where Liz had sat down, refusing to leave him alone, there was multiple Liz’s staring back at him with a look of fright on their faces. How everything in the room had tripled was beyond him, but he knew he had to fix it. It’s not symmetrical, it’s not symmetrical, it’s not symmetrical, he kept repeating to himself as he struggled out of the chair he’d been sitting in. One staggering step and Death the Kid met Carpet the Floor.

“Kid!” Liz cried reaching out for her fallen friend. She kneeled beside him, and flipped him over, putting a hand to his burning forehead. He was barely conscious, and everything in his vision was blurry as he stared up at Liz with glassy eyes. “C’mon, we’ve got to get you to bed.”

Distantly, he heard what Liz had said, but he couldn’t comply right now. He had to…to.. “heyii…hit’YIESH’uu!”

Liz jumped, as Kid convulsed in front of her, his head snapping upwards, chin knocking against his chest. “Bless you,” she said, brushing his silky hair out of his eyes.

She managed to pull him to his feet, but it was difficult when he couldn’t support his own weight. It was all he could do to cling to her side, and let her drag him along. He’d never felt quite this awful before, and Kid couldn’t imagine how it had hit him this hard. It seemed to have developed in merely hours, sucking the energy right out of his body. A low moan emitted from him, but that only led to a throat scraping coughing fit that left him breathless. Luckily he and Liz had made it to his bedroom, where he gladly collapsed onto his bed.

“Kid…?” Liz asked timidly, watching as he regained his breath.

“Yeah?” He rasped finally, cracking one eye open.

“Are you going to be okay?” Liz held her breath like she expected him to deliver the news that he was dying from some sort of incurable disease.

“Of course I am. Dohh… hyyehh… HiYIGSHH’UH! Dod’t be stupid,” Death the Kid sneezed again, too weak to bring up an arm to cover. His breath was still catching though, and Liz knew he was going to do it again. “Heh…hhyii…hiyyhh… Yi’KTCH’uu! HehSHh’eiw! Hnn…” he gave a sigh of relief after the final expulsion.

“What was that you said about never getting sick earlier?” Liz asked suddenly, looking rather smug.

Edited by Carebear<3
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I'm attempting to read it but the font and the size are a tad hard to read... Love the anime though so I guess I'll have to try later on a bigger screen.

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I agree with the font being a bit small, but man, this is cute! Poor Kid.... I've only read the first bit of Soul Eater, but I love that guy!

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Aww Kid! I loved the head snapping and hitting his chest part during the sneeze~ so cute! <3

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One staggering step and Death the Kid met Carpet the Floor.

This line cracked me up. laughing.gif I've actually only seen one episode of Soul Eater, so I'm not familiar with the characters, but I still loved your story. I really enjoyed the cute, humorous tone. Thumbs up!

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AHHHH I LOVE SOUL EATER!!!! Death the Kid is one of my favorites!!! Good job!!

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One staggering step and Death the Kid met Carpet the Floor.



This is very good! 8D And also you made a bunch of puns and that basically makes you number one in my book. :>

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YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES! I love Soul Eater and Death the Kid biggrin.png This is awesome! More asap!

Edited by Melody
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omg this is sooo cute! I absolutely love the way you wrote it, with the humorous tone and such. Do continue if you can, I woud love to see much of this sick Kid adorableness!!<3

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You have nothing to worry about, this is super cute and Death the Kid is already my favorite SE charscter.....<3 This is wonderful! And hilarious too XD

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:jawdrop: Did I land in some alternate universe or something? Am I dead? :dead: :looks around: There's actually a Death the Kid fic?!!!! *fangirls all around the room!!!* You are so amazing for writing this!!! I Love Death the Kid!!! :wub: and his obsession with symmetry :laugh: and I so hope you continue!! Thank you so much for writing this and if you do continue I so hope there is more sneezy Kid. :D

PS: Sorry guys that I haven't been on for a long time. I just got back from vacation and I'm still pretty jet lagged. lol. Love you all!

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