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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Inefficacious Quarantine Clause (Big Bang Theory)


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Although there isn't much sneezing in what I have written so far, future sneezing, contagion, and whatnot is inevitable (of course tonguesmiley.gif). In this part, Penny is the only one infected. Hope you all enjoy reading this!


Crap, he's going to be here any minute, Penny immediately starts rifling through her closet and the piles of clothes on the floor for something decent to wear for date night. She had only meant to lay down for a few minutes, and ended up sleeping for over two hours. Oh well, it was probably from staying up late last night drinking wine. She found a red dress and a nice pair of shoes, and was just putting on the first heel when she heard a knock at the door. She stumbles over to the door, holding her other shoe, to let Leonard in.

"Hey...wow that sounds hoarse *clears throat* hey, I'm almost ready. Just give me a sec!"

"You okay?" Leonard asks, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, I just overslept...again," She says somewhat dismissively, as she stands on one foot to put her other heel on. She goes in her room and starts attempting to do something with her hair.

"Are we ok?"

What is this 20 questions? "Yeah, we're good," She decides to just put her hair up without really combing it.

"Are you sure, because after what happened the other night-"

"Yes, let's go Leonard!" She interrupts, nearly yelling. She grabs her purse, locks the door, and stomps down the stairs, exasperated. The truth was that she was still upset at him for taking Sheldon's side the other night, making her feel stupid. It wasn't the first time, and probably wouldn't be the last, so she knew talking it over with him wouldn't help. For a smart guy, he can be so dense!


The car ride had been uneventful, now dinner was proving to be more of the same. She just wasn't very hungry or talkative but tried to feign interest in both the food and Leonard's awkward ramblings about work. "...and then Howard took some tape off Sheldon's desk to use to fix the problem with his space toilet, and Sheldon flipped out and told him that even tape from the most intelligent being on the planet wouldn't save him from utter failure with that useless heap of space junk. When Sheldon woke up....."

Suddenly, she felt a tickle start growing in her nose. No, I can't sneeze right now...Leonard will start asking questions again, and might tell Sheldon and he'll freak out...oh crap..."nghxxt'choo" She half succeeded in quietly stifling the sneeze. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

"You ok, babe?" Leonard stopped his rambling to give her a look of concern.

Damn. "Yeah, it's allergies." Truthfully, she wasn't sure what it was. It could be allergies though, right? She didn't feel sick, just maybe a little off....and her nose was still itching like crazy.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Leonard offers, rising. She thought he would never ask.


Back in her apartment, she reflected on the events of that night. After they had left the restaurant, she had sneezed a few more times in the car. On the way up the stairs, she had to stop and sneeze Huheshew! HahyyYEEEECHEW! Leonard had turned around and blessed her. Of course, she had told him to shut up, because she was still annoyed and didn't want his sympathy. Then, like an idiot, he had asked her if she wanted to come into his apartment. She had said yes without thinking it through.

They hadn't been in the apartment very long and were sitting on the couch when she had felt the need to sneeze again. Thankfully, Sheldon wasn't all that observant about anything that wasn't all about him, and hadn't noticed. However, Leonard had.

"Sheldon, I need you to get my research paper from my room and go over it. I think I need your help." That's what he had said to Sheldon to get him to leave the room. After a few smart remarks about how he knew that Leonard would come to his senses and ask for help, because after all who wouldn't want to be able to bolster the validity of their paper by adding the name Sheldon Cooper to the list of contributors...he had left in search of whatever Leonard had been talking about.

"Sneeze as quietly as possible," Leonard had mouthed to her. Penny had tried and, after several hitching breaths, stifled silently. However, a quiet choo had slipped out. Leonard had started whistling in an attempt to cover it up.

Sheldon ran back into the living room freaking out anyway. "Leonard, stop that infernal whistling. You know you signed that roommate agreement and it clearly mentions my feelings on whistling and other whimsical behavior. Did you sneeze?" He had accused, turning his attention to her.

They had tried to tell Sheldon no, but he insisted that he had clearly heard a women sneeze and started spraying lysol like a madman. Leonard had invented some intricate story in which he and Penny were imitating birds. Sheldon had given him a condescending look, and started ranting about how "birds don't chirp in girlish choo sounds" and how such a "mundane game of imitation would only appeal to the simple-minded." She had just walked out and slammed the door, without waiting to find out if Sheldon bought the story.

Now she was crying and drinking wine, because Leonard hadn't followed her and she was just angry for more reasons than she could express. The urge to sneeze hit her like a ton of bricks and she just let them out HehEEESSSCHew! heh...hi...hi....hi...hh'yyIIIIISCHHHah!, spraying everything around her with potential germs. She still wasn't sure if it was really allergies or not, but what did she care. Drinking made her care less, and it's not like Leonard would be coming over anytime soon after the night they had.

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A few confusing points:

If Penny sneezed while Sheldon was in the room, he MOST DEFINITELY would have acknowledged it--I'm talking about the first time she sneezed.

Secondly, I'm confused about what happened in the end. I know Penny tried to stifle her sneeze and Sheldon heard it but Leonard tried to convince him otherwise. So did Penny just storm out? I feel like there is a missing sentence or a paragraph stating what Penny did in between sneezing and crying back in her apartment.

Other than that, I really liked reading this. You're a talented writer I can't wait for more.

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A few confusing points:

If Penny sneezed while Sheldon was in the room, he MOST DEFINITELY would have acknowledged it--I'm talking about the first time she sneezed.

Secondly, I'm confused about what happened in the end. I know Penny tried to stifle her sneeze and Sheldon heard it but Leonard tried to convince him otherwise. So did Penny just storm out? I feel like there is a missing sentence or a paragraph stating what Penny did in between sneezing and crying back in her apartment.

Other than that, I really liked reading this. You're a talented writer I can't wait for more.

The first time Penny sneezed, she and Leonard were on a dinner date. Sheldon wasn't there to acknowledge it.

In the end, Penny was frustrated with the whole evening with Leonard and angry at Sheldon for implying that she was stupid and stormed out. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear. I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if it was confusing at the end :)

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This is a really cute story and I'm looking forward to more! :) You've got the Sheldon banter down pretty well; I was giggling as I read and could totally imagine him saying that.

And to be honest, I didn't find anything confusing at all!

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I like this a lot, the Sheldon banter is well written! I didn't find anything confusing! I'm looking forward to the next part.

Edited by TheCakeIsALie
Removed quote
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This is a really cute story and I'm looking forward to more! smile.png You've got the Sheldon banter down pretty well; I was giggling as I read and could totally imagine him saying that.

And to be honest, I didn't find anything confusing at all!

Thank you!! I mainly watch the show for the Sheldon banter, so I'm super excited that you enjoyed that part :D

I should have part 2 finished and posted sometime today. This part features more sickness, sneezing, Sheldon banter, and (maybe?) spreading of the virus ;)

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Here's the next part smile.png Sorry it's not longer. I had planned on writing more, but I need to get ready for class! So, no Leonard sneezing until tomorrow. Sorry, guys! He is actually already infected though, and just doesn't know it yet tonguesmiley.gif Hope you enjoy!!


Part 2

Leonard's POV

"Leonard, where's the orange juice?" Sheldon calls from the kitchen, "You know I must have orange juice with my waffles on waffle day, and I have to start eating in 2 minutes if I'm ever going to finish by the time we are supposed to leave."

Leonard stumbles out of the bedroom with his pants half on and looks in the refrigerator. "It's right here on the shelf, Sheldon." He grabs it and sets it on the counter with his free hand, while holding the waistband of his pants with the other.

"Well, what is it doing there. You know orange juice belongs in the door, and why don't you have pants on?"

"Because you interrupted me putting my pants on!" He explains as he puts his leg in and yanks them up.

"It's not my fault you didn't have your pants on. You should've had them on.....*looks at his watch* exactly two minutes ago."

"Just eat your waffles," Leonard shoots back as he heads for the door.

"Are you going to see Penny?" Sheldon asks hurriedly, "If you are, I must advise you not to."

"And why is that?"

"I think she might be sick"

Leonard ignores him and walks out the door, shutting it a little harder than necessary, and knocks on the door across the hall. When Penny finally opens the door, he notices she looks tired and a little off. "What do you want, it's 8 in the morning?" are the first words out of her mouth.

He nervously asks to talk to her for a minute. Surprisingly, she accepts and lets him in. He tries to find the words to apologize for last night, but he's not sure what to say, so he blurts out, "Are you okay? Sheldon thinks you might be sick." He sits on the couch with her.

"Really? That's what you came over here to ask me?" Her tone stings a bit.

"Yes and no, uh actually I came over to apologize for the past few nights and ask you if we are okay...." He fumbles for words nervously before letting the sentence trail off into silence. The silence is interrupted by heh..hi...hi...as Penny's face goes into a pre sneeze expression and she turns away quickly...hehissschew! issshuu! heh...heh...hupssHHHYYEW! The last one was so desperate and loud that he nearly jumped, "....bless you," he quietly adds to his unfinished sentence.

"Ugh, thagks. I guess we're ok..."

"Well, at least I guess is better than no, right?" He asks hopefully, not really waiting for an answer, "What should I tell Sheldon?"

"I dod't dow. I guess it's allergies *sniff* Dod't you have to go work?"

Leonard jumps up when he notices what time it is, says a quick goodbye, and rushes out the door. Sheldon is waiting for him in the hallway with a look of derision on his face.

"She says it's just allergies..?..." He offers hopelessly.

"I'll give you a choice between lysol or the decontamination laser"

"We need to go, Sheldon," He responds in an almost whiny voice as he heads for the stairs.

"Ok, Lysol it is," Sheldon states matter-of-factly as he pulls the can out of his bag and sprays Leonard liberally.

"*coughs* what the hell?! stop!!"

"No, I told you not to go there Leonard, but you did. I was even nice enough to give you a choice between this and the laser. You should be thanking me!"

"For what, making me smell like springtime Lysol all day at work?!"

"It's clean linen, Leonard, clean linen. Get it right."


Penny's POV

Oh, damn! I'm late again! Penny gets dressed for work in a hurry and wonders how she managed to sleep all day. Her thoughts are interrupted minutes later by a knock at the door.

"*knock knock knock* Penny, *knock knock knock* Penny, *knock knock knock* Penny!"

Why me? She wonders to herself as she opens the door for Sheldon. At first, she's confused, because he is not standing where she expected. Then, she spots him leaning up against his apartment door defensively with his hand on the doorknob. She almost laughs at the mask he's wearing over his nose and mouth.

"Penny, I need to know what form of sickness might be breeding inside of you."

"Sheldon, it's just allergies. Don't freak out" She moans in an exasperated tone.

"Prove it by showing me an allergy test or telling me your most prevalent allergies in order."

"Uh.... plants and stuff?" She really wasn't prepared for his line of questioning.

He started to go on one of his tirades about "plants and stuff" not being an acceptable allergy list right as her nose started to slowly run and burn. She decided to try to stifle and aim them inside her apartment. The first 3 were nearly silent stifles, which only succeeded in making her head hurt. The next few came out in quick succession: kcht! nxxxtchoo! h'yyyeEESCHIII!!. Sheldon had stopped talking when the fit started and went pale. She waited for his response.

He was already turning the doorknob with the one hand and shakily put his free hand in his bag. "M-my...my mom would tell me to bless you, but-- Oh LORD, get awwwayyyy!!!!! *runs inside his apartment and slams the door, only to crack it open again and spray Lysol in her general direction*

She shuts her door, and decides to finish getting ready for her evening shift at The Cheesecake Factory. A struggling actress can't afford to get sick and miss work.....


Leonard's POV

"Leonard, you need to get over your obsession with Penny. She's the reason we get sick more often," Sheldon suddenly states as they are playing a game of 3D chess.

"No, she isn't!!!"

"I figured you might say that. Do I need to remind you of the "flu of '08" that she brought here from Nebraska or me missing the Hadron Collider thanks to the crazy microbes that wreak havoc in her body all the time? Do I, Leonard?"

"Not this again!! Sheldon, you don't even know if she really is sick!"

"Oh, yes Leonard. I know that she's sick. I just don't know which germ is the culprit, yet"

"How do you know this? I'll check on her when she gets home from work."

"I think a more appropriate question would be 'how did I not know this sooner?' with my superior intellect," Sheldon replies, smugly, "Just so you know, she came home early from work. No one can miss the monstrous thudding of her feet on the stairs, except you that is."

"I'll Skype her as proof that she's not home," Leonard says as he grabs his laptop.

"Fine. I would like to ask her some questions"

Leonard lets it ring several times and is shocked when she finally answers.

"Hey, Leonard," she greets him, hoarsely.

"Penny, what symptoms do you have other than loud sneezing fits, copious amounts of mucous, coughing, and insomnia??" Sheldon demands, cutting Leonard off.

"uhh...it's not that bad." Penny rolls her eyes.

"Oh, please! I can hear your infernal hacking from here and your toilet has flushed twice as much as normal for the last 3 nights, so either your not sleeping, there's another person in your apartment, or you have undiagnosed diabetes. Now, as I was saying--"

"OH MY GOD! YOU'VE BEEN SPYING ON ME?!?!" Penny yells, clearly upset.

"It's not spying when it's so loud I can't help but hear it. I contemplated busting my eardrums to be free of it, but I don't think I could live without being able hear my wonderful voice as it imparts knowledge to the uneducated masses. Now--"

"hhh'ESCHEWW!" Penny's sneeze interrupts Sheldon and she searches for a tissue.

Sheldon flinches back as if the sneeze could hit him, and Leonard can't help but feel concern and compassion for his girlfriend.

"Bless you, are you okay? You look like you feel terrible" He asks as Sheldon starts scribbling things on a notepad.

Penny finally finds a tissue and blows her nose. Before she can answer, Sheldon answers for her.

"Of course she feels terrible, Leonard. Based on the information I have so far, she probably has the flu or ebola."

"Ebola, Sheldon....really?" Leonard shot back with mock horror.

"You won't be mocking me when your dead. Penny, have recently traveled to, or been in contact with someone who has traveled to, Africa?" Sheldon questioned seriously.

"Oh yes, Sheldon, I completely forgot. The restaurant sent us to Africa last week to serve food to patients in the hospital!" Penny responded, trying to keep a straight face.

"I sincerely hope that's sarcasm!"

"Duh. Would you chill out Sheldon? It's probably a little cold or something..."

"Probably?! I don't need you to guess I need you to know, now!!" Sheldon starts panicking even more.

"Would you give it a rest, Sheldon? She probably needs help, not your interrogation," Leonard cut in.

"Fine," Sheldon rushes off toward his room.

Leonard calls after him, curiously "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to go order a hazmat suit or make my own sterile bubble, whichever one can be completed faster. That way, when all of you are dead from Penny's mystery virus, I can clone myself to make a race of intellectual super humans and take over the universe!"

Leonard turns his attention back to Penny. "Whatever. So, is there anything I can do?"

"Watch hib ad bake sure h...heh...haiiitttSHUU! he dod't es-es-....escheeew! euthanize be like a dog in by sleeb?"

"Bless you, I'll try. Good night, Penny"

When she hung up, he wasn't sure what to do. He really wanted to go over there but decided against it. Maybe tomorrow when Sheldon wasn't on high alert.


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Brilliant! You write the characters so perfectly. I love Sheldon's condescending yet hilarious tone is spot on! I can't wait for Leonard to get sick too; what will Sheldon do then?!

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I really like this, it's hilarious, you have the characters spot on! :D I keep reading Sheldon's comments in his voice...it fits perfectly!

I particularly liked this bit: "*runs inside his apartment and slams the door, only to crack it open again and spray Lysol in her general direction*" It made me laugh :D

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Thanks for the lovely comments!! They made my day :)

I didn't get around to updating this today as school obligations and other things kept me busier than expected. Sorry, guys!! I have quite a bit of free time tomorrow, so I'll make it up to you ;)

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Part 2 (continued)

Leonard's POV

After the that conversation with Penny, Sheldon decided to quarantine Leonard. His reasoning was that "disease isn't always spread by people that know they are sick. If that was the case, fixing the problem would be as simple as euthanizing sick people when they become a danger to society." Leonard tried to argue, but it was in the precious Roommate Agreement, so he finally relented. Their only contact would be the commute to work, and Sheldon would wear a mask and sterile gloves for that until the hazmat suit arrived.

The next day at lunch, Leonard is eating in his car when Howard texts him, "Hey buddy, Sheldon says you've been quarantined cuz Penny is sick? He's insane. How do you live with him?"

Leonard texts back, "Yeah, i don't know. Apparently, he's not crazy...you know that story by now."

"Yeah, yeah his mother had him tested. The psychologist must've been a space monkey. Is Penny okay?"

"I think it's just a cold or something, no big deal right? But Sheldon is acting like she has ebola and will kill us all lol."

"Well, Raj and I are surprised he isn't wearing a hazmat suit yet."

"Oh he will be. It's on backorder."

"LMAO seriously?! I need a picture of that"

Leonard decides that Sheldon won't miss him if he skips out for the rest of lunch, so he decides to check on Penny. He stops off to get some Nyquil on the way, because it's unlikely that she has any. Penny doesn't plan like that. Before long, he finds himself nervously knocking on her door. She answers looking rather rough.

"Wow, you look terrible!" He says before he can stop himself.

"Gee, thagks?"

"You know I didn't mean it like that. Here I brought you something." He offers it to her.

"Awwww, you're the best! I ...hehyyyishoo!...*sniff* ugh I've deeded this."

"I figured....I should get back to work."

"Yeah...thagks agaid, Leonard."

"No problem. Feel better, okay??"


By the end of the following workday, Leonard knew he was getting sick. He had sneezed a few times at work and started getting a headache. It took every bit of energy he possessed to hide it from Sheldon on the way home. So you can imagine his relief when Amy calls Sheldon to inform him of her plans for their obligatory date night.

"Well, Leonard I'm off to date night. I don't understand why people like this sort of thing. I think I'd rather go to the dentist, and you know how much I detest that man," Sheldon announces upon leaving.

"Yeah, well have fun!" Leonard responds with a little too much enthusiasm.

"You say that like it's possible," Sheldon mutters as he walks out the door, closing it behind him.

Leonard knows he has maybe an hour or two at best to decide what to do. He can't stay here sick. Sheldon will drive him crazy if he does, but he really has nowhere to go. He can't call his mother, she'll just make him feel guilty somehow and tell him to grow up. h'kchht, he stifles a sneeze quietly into the crook of his arm. That just makes his head hurt worse. He needs to make a decision and fast. He throws some pjs in a bag, still trying to decide where to go.


Penny's POV

A mixture of the Nyquil and home remedies has obviously helped a lot over the last 24 hours. She notices that she is still sneezy and congested, but at least she know longer feels like death. She warms up some canned soup, and has maybe half of it eaten when she hears a soft knock at the door, so soft she almost wonders if it really happened.

She opens the door to find an exhausted-looking Leonard leaning against her doorframe, sniffling.

"Aww, please don't tell me you're sick now, too??" She assesses, feeling guilty.

h'knxxt! Her question is answered he sways with the force of the sneeze, trying to stabilize himself with the doorframe.

"Oh, sweetie..." She puts her arm around him and leads him inside, "You look terrible."



Now for Part 3 biggrin.png


Penny's POV

"I'b sorry, Peddy." Leonard almost moans as she helps him make his way to the couch.

"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that made you sick."

"I should be taking care of...huh...*sniff* byself, dot beigg a burded...h'kssh hxxxt'uh...heh h'knnnnggt!" He moans, grabbing his head.

"oh bless you, sweetie! That's ridiculous. You're too sick," She argues while covering him up with a blanket.

"Really?? My bob used to say 'big boys take care of themselves' add leeb be by myself" Leonard looks like he might cry.

"How old were you?!" Penny asks him, incredulously.

"I dod't dow...five?"

"Wow, your mom has issues! It's a wonder you survived to be a normal adult."

"I dow...*sniff* you dod't have to tell be that."

He gives in and lays down on the couch. She wonders if she should have him put on pjs or take medicine, but it isn't long before she hears him snoring quietly.

She sits down next to him to watch television, and soon falls asleep as well.


Penny suddenly jerks awake, startled by an unexpected noise.


Oh yeah...She looks around and remembers that she's not alone. Leonard looks worse than before.

"Bless you" She mumbles sleepily before sneezing herself "hiyyESSSHHEW!

"Thagks...sorry i woke you ub"

She winces at how awful he sounds as she searches for tissues and medicine. She blows her own nose before handing him the tissue box "Here, blow your nose. I promise you'll feel better after. He blows his nose a few times, before stifling another sneeze. It seems to take everything out of him and he leans back with a moan. She pours him some medicine and forces him to drink it. He makes a face.

"I know it's gross, but it does help," She informs him as she sits down next to him and begins rubbing his back. "Do you want to put on your pjs? It's more comfortable."

"I'b too tired..." He moans as he lays his head across her lap."

"All right, in a minute then." She whispered soothingly. She grabs a blanket and tucks around him before settling down to watch a movie.


Leonard's POV

An odd sound disturbs the peace of his slumber, and it takes Leonard a while to figure out what it is.

"*knock knock knock* Penny? *knock knock knock* Penny? *knock knock knock* Penny? Don't open the door, just answer one question!" Sheldon must have discovered that he was gone. Leonard opens his eyes and realizes it's dark. How long has he been in Penny's apartment?

"What, Sheldon?! It's 6 a.m.!!" Penny yells back.

"Is Leonard in there?"

"Yes," he manages to croak.

"Good, I don't have to call the authorities. How will I get to work if you're sick?"

"Take the bus?" Penny suggests, exasperated.

"That's not an option. There's too many people, and I can't find my bus pants. Besides, you must remember what happened last time."

"Fide, call Howard." Leonard tried.

"I guess I must, considering," Sheldon ponders the idea, "but it's all your fault, Leonard. I told you this would happen. Your girlfriend is like a walking petrie dish of bacterial cultures." The sound of the apartment door across the hall opening and closing signaled the end of the conversation.

He squinted at the brightness as the light came on, triggering a violent h'nnnggxxtchuh! He grabbed his head reflexively. The pressure in his head and face was excruciating.

Penny was beside him in an instant. "Bless you," she whispered in a way that he found comforting. "Are you hungry? I can warm up some soup if that sounds good."

His stomach growled at the mention of food. He hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday, so food was probably a good idea. He tries to get up to help her make it, but the room starts spinning wildly. A hand grabs his arm to steady him and an arm wraps around his waist.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" He realizes the hand and arm must be Penny's, "I said I could do it. You just sit down." He leans back on the couch again and closes his eyes. He can hear her microwaving the soup and walking around the apartment. He tries to imagine what this would be like if she wasn't here. When he opens them again, he struggles to blink back tears.

"You okay, sweetie?" Her voice and facial expression are full of concern as she sets a bunch of stuff on the coffee table.

"Yeah, I'm fide."

"Okey-dokey then," She doesn't sound convinced. "Here, eat your soup, and then I have some medicine for you."

She sits next to him on the couch with her own bowl of soup. Her body feels almost cool next to his. The soup is tasteless, but pleasantly warm. He gets most of the bowl down before his runny nose takes over. h'kxxxcht! nnngggch! h'ptchah! Every stifled sneeze seems to pound in his head.

"Doesn't holding them in like that hurt when you're already congested?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Then why torture yourself?"

He actually has to think to come up with an answer, "I guess by bob was always grossed out or somethigg and told be to sdeeze quieter and you dow how freaked out Sheldod gets" He has to pause to have a coughing fit. It's habid I guess." *sniff* knnngcht'choo! It was a half stifle this time , because he didn't have the energy to contain it fully anymore.

"Bless you! Here, time for medicine," She hands him the medicine, and feels his head, "Sweetie, I think you might be warm. Just lay down...I'll text Bernadette."

He complies and lays his head across her lap. He's pretty sure he hears Penny sneeze somewhat quietly a few minutes later. He tries to bless her, but he's so close to sleep that it comes out more like a moan than speech. She starts stroking his hair, which ultimately lulls him into peaceful darkness.


I really enjoyed writing this part, even though it was tricky to keep Leonard and Penny in character. :)

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Poor Leonard! On a different note, I LOVE this story! I've been waiting for people to write more BBT fanfiction with a sick Leonard. This story is really really awesome! :D

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Poor Leonard! On a different note, I LOVE this story! I've been waiting for people to write more BBT fanfiction with a sick Leonard. This story is really really awesome! biggrin.png

You actually encouraged me to write a BBT fanfic about a year ago. Sorry it took so long!! I'm glad you love it :D

It may take me a few days to finish the next part, because I don't have much free time this week. I enjoy writing this, so y'all shouldn't have to wait *too* long

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Take as much time as you need! Just as a request, do you think you coul add some more contagion (nudge-nudge-Sheldon*)? I would just love to see Sheldon's reaction to getting sick from Penny and Leonard as his worrying was written so well!

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Take as much time as you need! Just as a request, do you think you coul add some more contagion (nudge-nudge-Sheldon*)? I would just love to see Sheldon's reaction to getting sick from Penny and Leonard as his worrying was written so well!

Oh my gosh YES

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I love this fic! I agree, there aren't enough sick Leonard fics out thee! I started writing one a few years ago, but never finished it. This is awesome! I like the way you mention his mother and how he was brought up to take care of himself/hide being sick. I always imagined that would be the case when I pictured him getting sick in my head. You do such a good job with these characters!

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Take as much time as you need! Just as a request, do you think you coul add some more contagion (nudge-nudge-Sheldon*)? I would just love to see Sheldon's reaction to getting sick from Penny and Leonard as his worrying was written so well!

I've been considering this since I started writing it. I'll find a way to work it in soon, so check back for updates :D


Part 4

(Leonard's POV)

"I didn't get this sick though, so are you sure that's what it is?" He hears Penny ask quietly.

"The flu is definitely likely with that temperature," Another female voice answers.

The voices sound muddled. Leonard attempts to open his eyes and finds it much harder than it should be. The other female voice is familiar, but he just can't put a face to it yet. He keeps struggling to open his eyes until he finally is successful. He sees a blurred Penny and Bernadette talking in whispered voices. I should've known it was Bernadette.

He wonders if he has the strength to sit up or speak at this rate, but the urge to sneeze hits before he can do either.

"Knngch! heh....h'nnxxtch!" Somehow, he still manages to stifle quietly and even his breath to keep more from tumbling out.

Penny and Bernadette both turn to look at him, and Penny's expression changes to something that resembles loving concern.

"Sorry we woke you, sweetie."

He makes a move to sit up, and tries to find words to say.

"I get fevers easily..." He finally croaks out.

"Good to know," Bernadette mumbles to herself, writing something down. "Then, it could be something less awful."

Leonard turns toward the TV, leaving Penny and Bernadette to speculate about his condition. He doesn't feel like thinking about it right now. However, the TV doesn't prove to be a distraction from his pounding head and tickling nose for long. After several minutes, he simply can't ignore it anymore.

"h'ngxxxch! He moans as quietly as possible. Ouch!! Maybe Penny is right about the stifling thing. He would never admit it to her though.

"Bless you," both Penny and Bernadette say at the same time. He just sinks down into the couch.

"Just continue making sure he gets enough fluids and rest. I'll try to come check on him when I can. That reminds me, Amy said to tell you hi, and she hopes you both get better soon. She would come over, but she's still trying to convince Sheldon that it would be okay. You know how that is..." Bernadette punctuates the statement with an eye-roll.

"She'd have better luck convincigg a lab adibal (animal)," Leonard smiles weakly at his own joke.

"Are you kidding?? She'd have better luck convincing my 90-year-old grandpa to watch Desperate Housewives!" Penny chimes in enthusiastically.

Bernadette giggles. "Yeah, well let me know if you two need anything," she adds before walking out the door.


A couple days later, he's finally starting to feel better. Bernadette has come by once or twice to help Penny and give her a bit of a break. So far he hasn't seen Sheldon or Amy since their date night, not that he is surprised by this. Tonight is supposed to be game night for the guys, but he doesn't really care that he has not been invited. It's honestly been nice to hang with Penny. She's been sweet and almost maternal most of the time. She must not be mad anymore--... His thoughts are interrupted by her moving pillows so that she can sit next to him.

"Here, drink this," She hands him a mug of hot liquid, "It will help you feel better." She starts downing her own mug of the concoction, while he stares at his.

He finally takes a cautious sip and it burns all the way down and takes oddly like alcohol. "What is this?!" He asks hoarsely.

She starts to laugh, probably at the face he is making."Hot water, Lemon juice, honey, and whiskey."

"Why whiskey?"

"No germ can survive hot whiskey! That's what my grandpa says, anyway."

"My throat can't, either."

Penny tries not to laugh as he continues to drink it and make faces. At least the drink is warm and somehow comforting, maybe a little too warm. It makes his nose run,

"h'ksscht!" Leonard pitches forward and grabs his head. The sinus pressure in his head is still too great for him to stifle without pain.

"Bless you, sweetie! If you keep holding them in so much, it will hurt." She warns him for that seems like the billionth time, handing him the tissue box.

"I dow."

She gets up to go get something, and he is thankful that she is at least giving him space to blow his nose in private.


(Sheldon's POV)

Meanwhile, game night is beginning in Sheldon and Leonard's apartment. Howard, Raj, and Stuart have arrived, and, after playing one game together, it is apparent that Leonard's absence hasn't went unnoticed.

"It just isn't the same without him," Raj blurts out.

"Sheldon...?" Howard asks a wordless question.

"If you are trying to get me to invite him over, the answer is still no," Sheldon announces firmly from his spot, "Tonight is game night, not 'catch your death' night!"

"You're overreacting as usual," Howard rolls his eyes in Sheldon's direction.

"I am not! If everyone chose to hang around and play games with potentially ill people during The Black Plague, there would be no modern civilization because everyone would've died. Now, does that sound like fun to you?"

"Whatever, Sheldon," Howard and Raj look at each other and decide to just deal with it. There is no point in arguing when Sheldon gets like this.

"It's not whatever, this is serious..." Sheldon continues while taking his turn on Wii Bowling. The others just don't understand the urgency of the situation. Sheldon takes comfort in the fact that his hazmat suit is due to arrive in the morning.


(Penny's POV)

Penny sits down and hands Leonard another drink. She's not sure how many they've had already.

"So, we're going to get drunk now?"

"i'm trying to get those germs drunk, not you" She grins at him.

....Although, you are probably drunk now and I'm not far from it. She adds to the statement in her head, being careful not to admit it aloud.

"h'ktchoo! Esschoo! hih heh...*sniff* HASCHOO!"

Her thoughts are confirmed as he sneezes unstifled toward the floor, something he would never do otherwise. She can't remember ever hearing him sneeze openly before. For a second, she struggles to overcome her shock. Finally, she is able to respond.

"Oh, goodness. Bless you, sweetie!"

"Hey, your right! That is actually better..."

She can't help but laugh at his response for some reason, and he joins in the laughter.

"I told you!!" She retorts.

The mood and playful banter continues for a little while, and it isn't long before they are cuddling closer together on the couch.

"I've missed this, us just being us." Leonard confesses as he places his arm around her and leans in so that his head rests on her shoulder.

For a split second she wonders if he is just delirious, so she stealthily feels his forehead as she begins stroking his hair. She's relieved to find no sign of fever, so relieved that she pulls him to her and begins to kiss him. In that moment, they both know where they will end up before the night ends.


(Sheldon's POV)

The next morning, Sheldon is getting ready for work when Howard calls, "Hey, Bernie's not feeling well, so you might want to call Raj to drive you."

He instantly feels a mixture of panic and doom. "Oh, Lord!! Are you insinuating that she's sick too?!?!"

"Yeah, that's what I said."

The affirmation isn't necessary though, because about that time a very high-pitched sneeze in the background of the conversation startles him.

"I'll find another way to get to work" Sheldon stammers with an edge of hysteria in his voice. He can't help thinking that her sneeze is even more annoying than her voice. The sound of a honking nose blow throws him over the edge. "I told you so!! I told you all! I would say it's been nice knowing you, but that'd be an exaggeration!"

He hangs up the phone and gathers the supplies to grow throat cultures and whatever else he may need, but he can't find the measuring cup. He rushes out the door with the intent to bang to demand that Leonard tell him where it is--without opening the door, of course. He stumbles and nearly falls over a box in the process.

"Oh, thank God!" He exclaims in relief as he discovers that his hazmat suit has finally been delivered.


Sorry, this part has taken so long to finish. I had to find time to actually sit down long enough to edit it and make it cohesive. The Leonard and Penny cuddle scene was written on my phone during a girls' night with my best friend a couple days ago (so that definitely needed a lot of editing :P).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 5

Sheldon's POV

Sheldon spends the next hour or two contemplating how things have gone so wrong. Quarantines are supposed to be highly effective in eradicating illness, so how had it failed? Penny, a regular germ incubator in their circle, infected Leonard, but Leonard sequestered himself quickly. Eventually, he had figures out the problem: Other people can't resist the urge to care for their friends/partners. This upsets him greatly, because he knows from past experience that he could never keep them from seeing each other. If only imprisoning people against their will was legal in the interest of public health.... The only workable solution then becomes to socially isolate himself.

He goes to work with Raj for the sole purpose of asking the president of the university for permission to work from home, considering the public health emergency. When he proposes it, the president just raises his eyebrows and gives him the look. After his lengthy, well thought out, persuasive argument on the subject the man concedes with a wave of the hand:

"Whatever, Dr. Cooper. As long as you continue your research somewhere."

As Sheldon walks to the car to wait for Raj to take him back home, he runs into Kripke. After a few moments of uncomfortable staring, the inevitable conversation begins, "Good morning, Kripke."

"Hewwo, Cooper..." Kripke responds condescendingly with a raised eyebrow, "What's with the awien suit?"

"It's not an alien suit. It's a hazmat suit! I just came to work to ask to work from home until this epidemic is over."

"What epidemic are you twalking about? They pwobabwy wet you off because you wook wedicuwous and they don't want to be wiable for your psychotic bweakdown."

"Well, you won't be calling me ridiculous when I survive this and you don't. Penny is sick, and she got everyone else sick, too"

"And how exactwy does this concern me?"

"She spread it to Leonard, who somehow spread it to Bernadette. So, Howard is doomed, which means Raj will be soon. Eventually, one of them will come to work and spread it to the entire university. Save yourself while you can!!"

"How did Weonard spwead it to Bernadette? She's Howard's girlfwiend, wight?"

"Yes, I have no idea where this conversation is going, but stupid questions bore me. If you will excuse me, I have to get to the car."


Penny's POV

"HESSSHOOO!" Leonard sneezes forcefully into a tissue.

"Bless you," Penny responds as she bustles about the apartment gathering the dirty laundry. Ever since last night, he hadn't bothered to stifle anymore. For a short, little scientist, he sure has a loud sneeze She smiles to herself as the thought crosses her mind and looks to make sure it went unnoticed.

"Thanks, babe"

She goes off to do laundry and sees Sheldon on the stairs. He jumps back and she does to, not expecting to see someone in a hazmat suit.

"What the frick-frack is that? The latest physicist fashion trend?"

"No, this is a hazmat suit to keep me from being contaminated by people like you."

"Whatever, Sheldon, you look ridiculous!" She pushes past him.

"Why do people keep saying that??" He calls after her and she rolls her eyes, muttering to herself as she continues down the stairs with the laundry.

As soon as she gets the laundry into the washer, she races up to her apartment to tell Leonard. His reaction is not what she expects.

"Uh-oh, who else is sick?"

"Is that what that means?" She asks to clarify.

"Probably...have you heard from Bernadette lately?"

Penny responds by whipping her phone out and dialing Bernadette. She answers with a hoarse "hello?"

"Ugh, you sound awful! Don't tell me we got you sick, too?"

"hi'tchu! Itchiiieee!...*honking nose blow*... sorry."

The sneezes are more high pitched than her voice usually is. Penny reflexively pulls the phone away from her ear. "Bless you...well I guess that answers that, and also explains why Sheldon is walking around the building in a hazmat suit."

"Seriously? Who does that?!"

"I know! and in broad daylight!" She is vaguely aware of Leonard's nearly silent stifling going on behind her.

"I gotta go lay down, but let me know if anything else happens please?" Bernadette responds weakly.

"Yeah, ok. Feel better!"

She hangs up the phone and whirls around to tell Leonard the latest news. She finds him with a sneezy expression on his face, breath hitching wildly.

"Are you okay?" She asks after several moments of waiting.

"Y-yes...h'ktch! h'ptchoo! h'nnxxxtchah! *sniff* hi...huuuuh...*groans*....huh,,,huh...h'ptch-CHUH! HAESHOO!...hah...HAHESSHOOO!....allergies I think."

"Bless you!!" That's about the only thing she could say in shock.

It has to be allergies, because he hasn't taken allergy medicine the last few days. She can hear his breath still hitching as she finds the bottle of allergy pills in his stuff and tosses it to him. He barely manages to catch it before sneezing into his elbow. "Bless you again." She says, even though she can tell he probably isn't done. ​I should probably just record myself saying that at this point....


The next morning, Sheldon awakens to the feeling of a scratchy throat. He almost goes across the hall to beg for assistance but decides against it at the last second. Being around someone who has been sick will only make things worse. He resolves to isolate himself entirely to prevent further contamination of his body as he kills whatever may already exists with airborne, mouthwash, and whatever else he can find. In his hurry, he swallows some mouthwash as it overflows his mouth. But how could he be sick when he had taken such care to avoid this??

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Ha! Sheldon couldn't escape it :D I can't wait to see how it develops. He's avoiding them now, but I'll bet he comes running to Leonard and Penny when it hits him full force and he's need of someone to sing him "Soft Kitty" he he

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Ha! Sheldon couldn't escape it biggrin.png I can't wait to see how it develops. He's avoiding them now, but I'll bet he comes running to Leonard and Penny when it hits him full force and he's need of someone to sing him "Soft Kitty" he he

That's exactly what I am thinking of writing for the next part :P

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Ha! Sheldon couldn't escape it biggrin.png I can't wait to see how it develops. He's avoiding them now, but I'll bet he comes running to Leonard and Penny when it hits him full force and he's need of someone to sing him "Soft Kitty" he he

That's exactly what I am thinking of writing for the next part :P

That would be great! I seriously can't wait for the next update!!!

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