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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chanel’s Weekly Villainess Sneeze Fic Thread (Disney villainesses) Last part added


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NoV: Thank you, dear. I put that phrase in there to catch your eye. ;)

Blah: I knocked you out of your groove there, didn’t I? :proud::lol:

D.B: Love you too, sweetie! :lol: Maleficent was being a pain in my lower back all the time, she clearly didn’t want to be the star of more sneeze fics. But I got her where I wanted her in the end. :lol: Thank you! :hug:

M.L: Thank you! I was actually wondering if I could manage to writee a stepmother fic, and it worked out better than i thought. :lol: Even I felt sorry for her!

Count: Well, I only work with the Disneyficated versions here, so I would have no idea what you’re talking abot. :lol: But thank you!

Blessing Queen: Thank you for reading! :D

Indescribable: Thanks! Hehehe, trust me, there are crazier ideas in my head, that I have removed from there with a big NOPE! :lol:

ThePokeFan: Thank you. And… you’re about 50% correct. :P


So, here we are at the last one. My personal favourite, and the pairing struck my likning so much I’m currently working on a longer fic with these two. Somewhat different though, less dom/sub and more Amore, but until I’m done with that, have this little piece of almost-smut. ^_^


By The Queen’s Throne

I have learned over the years to tend to the Queen’s every whim and never question any of her odd demands or cruel punishments. She detests me, but even so, she likes to keep me handy for certain tasks. Especially if those tasks allows her to revel in the amount of power she holds over me.

She somehow manages to turn her weakness into means to further degrade me. At least that’s what she believes she’s doing, and I am not going to ruin her fun. Because that means I would ruin my own fun. The amusing thing is that she could find out so easily; she only has to ask her magic mirror that knows everything. But she never does. Why would she suspect anything in the first place? I’m eighteen years old and for fifteen years we have been living in the castle together. As far as she knows, I cannot possibly have any secrets from her. So why bother?

I know the Queen has been out riding in the morning. Being around horses for more than just a short while usually puts her in a rather miserable state. She is obsessed with her appearance and loathes the impact this condition has on it, but I silently disagree. I think she’s never more beautiful than she is right now; flushed, with watery, puffy eyes and a runny nose that’s turning rose red. I secretly enjoy watching her struggle to look composed and indifferent, when I know the itch must be raging like a fire inside her nose and up into her sinuses. Her hands are twitching with a suppressed urge to reach up and rub at her irritated eyes and itchy nose, but she won’t allow herself to show such a crack in her willpower. Her jaws clench. I can only imagine how furiously she must fight to keep from giving in to the need to sneeze.

“Snow White. Come here,” she says, her voice not betraying her distress at all; perhaps there is a slight hint of congestion, but not much. But her nose is her traitor. Oh yes, it betrays her a thousand times over. The shade of her perfectly shaped nostrils is beyond rosy, and they twitch ever so slightly. For a moment I can see the glitter of moisture before she sniffs it back. Oh, but that light sniffle is to be her undoing, and I can tell from one quick glance at her face that she is painfully aware of it too.

“Yes, Your Majesty”, I say, pretending that I have no idea what she wants of me.

“I…” She sniffles again and her hands grasp the armrests of her throne so hard her knuckles whiten. She wouldn’t rub her nose - wise from experience she knows she wouldn’t be able to stop, leaving it a glowing red and possibly swollen as well - and she would never soak her own hands by covering a sneeze. That’s why I am here by the Queen’s throne today. She clears her throat.

“I need to sneeze.”

She really does. Her poor nose is getting a shade that has gone far past rosy, it’s more a shade of sunset crimson now. Still, she fights the urge, she certainly doesn't want to let it have its way with her. She will not sneeze unless I’m ready to catch it for her; there is no way she would want to risk spraying all over herself.

“Yes, my Queen.”

I have the handkerchief ready. The softest fabric attainable, to keep from chafing the delicate skin around her beautifully chiselled nose.

Her eyelids flutter. Her reddening nostrils widen. Her lips pull back to reveal her perfect teeth. Her chest heaves. Once. Twice.

And then, finally, she snaps forward with a wet, tickly sneeze.


I catch it expertly in the soft handkerchief, smiling at the sensation of hot wetness between my fingers. I remove the cloth from her face and take a step back, although I know what’s coming next. And yes;

“Oh, no, I think I have to sneeze again,” she says. Of course she does. She always sneezes three times in a row if she sneezes at all. She gestures impatiently for me, but I’m already back by her side. I know this pattern. We have done this many times before. It is after all hard, almost impossible, for a Queen to avoid horses. And for this Queen, it’s impossible to avoid sneezing after being around horses.

“EEyISSCCH! Heh-pTSCHHiuuh!”

Knowing exactly what she wants, I keep the handkerchief firmly pressed against her nose, and she blows ferociously to rid it of all remains of irritants. I take great care to wipe her nostrils perfectly clean from the liquid her nose so generously produces. I have only just removed the handkerchief from her beautiful face when she inhales sharply and lets out the rare forth sneeze, even wetter and helplessly out of control than the previous. It sprays everywhere, most of it over me. I blink in surprise and have to struggle not to smile. If I do, she will suspect something. She gives me a blank stare and I don’t catch on right away. I look back, confused.

“Well?” she urges me on, her tone impatient. Oh. Of course.

“Bless you, Your Majesty.”

She flicks her fingers at me in a dismissive gesture and I bow to her and make myself scarce, at least until she has to sneeze again. It’s not going to take long, given how she’s already begun to wiggle her nose. Very soon she’ll order me to catch another bout of sneezes, and I‘m secretly looking forward to it. I know this particular way of showing her absolute power and right to degrade me is immensely thrilling to her. What she doesn’t know, is that it thrills me too.

The end.

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Quite a finale this has been! I had my suspicions it might have been this particular character, but regardless of what I had in mind, this was a lot of fun to read. I especially loved this part toward the end:

“Well?” she urges me on, her tone impatient. Oh. Of course.

“Bless you, Your Majesty.”

I can totally picture this happening. If I wasn't so preoccupied with other things right now, I'd probably try writing my own story about a lady who has the gall to demand that other people bless her sneezes. Heck, even though I don't think I could right now, I still really want to.

Thanks a lot for these great little stories! Now I can only hope you'll try something similar again in the future. Plenty more villains out there, Disney and otherwise...

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omg.gif In a good way, I dearly hope! heh.gif

Quite a finale this has been! I had my suspicions it might have been this particular character, but regardless of what I had in mind, this was a lot of fun to read. I especially loved this part toward the end:

“Well?” she urges me on, her tone impatient. Oh. Of course.

“Bless you, Your Majesty.”

I can totally picture this happening. If I wasn't so preoccupied with other things right now, I'd probably try writing my own story about a lady who has the gall to demand that other people bless her sneezes. Heck, even though I don't think I could right now, I still really want to.

Thanks a lot for these great little stories! Now I can only hope you'll try something similar again in the future. Plenty more villains out there, Disney and otherwise...

Thank you! Haha, I was obvious, wasn't I? tonguesmiley.gif I never really had a crush on the Wicked Queen when I was a kid (but I did think she was prettier than Snow White), and she never scared me either. After this little project however, I developed the worst crush on her...! blink.png

Oh yes, I could definitely see her force others to bless her when she sneezes. I read a fairytale once about a king who demanded that everyone blessed him whenever he sneezed. I thought, well, power-crazed queens probably would, too. heh.gif You totally should write that story someday, although I'm sorry for putting even more ideas in your head when you've already have enough on your plate. heh.gif

Thanks for reading and commenting, and, we'll never know what my strange excuse for a brain might cough up next. tonguesmiley.gif

Edited by Chanel_no5
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O-okay, the last one was totally unexpected... but IT'S SO PERFECT!!! I have no idea how you do this amazing miracle of writing!

I can only imagine Disneys Snow White, standing beside the throne, catching any sneezes her Queen releases... wow, just wow. And the fact you made her a fellow fetish lover is simply brilliant!

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Wonderfully done! :3

Thank you! :D

O-okay, the last one was totally unexpected... but IT'S SO PERFECT!!! I have no idea how you do this amazing miracle of writing!

I can only imagine Disneys Snow White, standing beside the throne, catching any sneezes her Queen releases... wow, just wow. And the fact you made her a fellow fetish lover is simply brilliant!

Awww, thank you so much!! :heart: I wasn't planning on making her a fetishist from the start, but then I figured, what the hell, she had to have some fun! :lol: Besides, what's the point of making the evil ones suffer, if nobody's enjoying it? ;)

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Very nicely done - a bit of dominance / submissiveness is never out of place in the sneeze fetish universe. Plus the decadence of having a hankie bearer for those sneezy moments only adds to the appeal :lol:

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