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Chanel’s Weekly Villainess Sneeze Fic Thread (Disney villainesses) Last part added


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I just declared October the Disney Villainess Sneeze Month. Because I felt like it. I will post one fic per week, with a different Disney villainess, told from the point of view of their respective “princess”. My brain was under strict orders NOT TO MAKE UP SNEEZE FICTION because I'm busy with a lot of other projects. But as usual, nobody listens to me, not even my own brain. These kind of wrote themselves while I was working on an original non-fetish fic though, so I guess my other projects don't suffer too much. heh.gif Yep, this idea might not be the most popular on the site, but I'm actually proud of these fics and so I will publish them, with pride, anyway, hoping someone else will like them. tonguesmiley.gif

Also, I'm saving the best for last, so... don't miss out. wink_kiss.gif


Why Smoking Is Bad For You

I first met Cruella de Vil at university, in art class. I was the quiet, shy girl, and she was the outgoing, loud type. She was the sole heiress to a fortune and a fashion empire and she was clearly eccentric, but back then she hadn’t begun her descent into madness. She dyed her hair black on one side and white on the other, “a fashion statement” she called it, but I had no idea what it was supposed to state. Back then, she had a lovely figure, slender but full. That was before the desire to fit into the smallest size of designer clothes turned her skeletal. She took a shine to me, and I was flattered. It didn’t occur to me that her interest in me went beyond friendship. Not at first. Not until that night with the wine and the cigarettes.

We had been on an art exhibition that evening, and ended up in her apartment. It was no wonder; she could afford a classy, stylish studio apartment while I had what could best be described as a glorified shoebox. She opened a bottle of Bordeaux and we had a few glasses of wine. She lit what seemed to be her hundredth cigarette for the evening, leaned back and blew a jet of blue smoke up towards the ceiling. I don’t know what on Earth possessed me - the wine, I suppose - when I asked;

“May I try one?”

She smiled.

“A cigarette? Anita darling, I thought you’d never ask.”

She handed me the pack and I took one and put it between my lips. She took out her lighter and lit it for me. I took a drag, very carefully, and choked back a cough.

“What do you think, darling?” she asked. Her eyes were shiny, possibly from the wine, possibly from watching me smoke.

“It’s terrible!” I replied and giggled. She smiled widely.

“Only the first time.”

I felt dizzy and naughty; so this was what it felt like to be a bad girl. Well then. Why not play the part?

I took another drag, slowly, while looking into her eyes. I leaned forward and blew smoke into her face. She winced and pulled back a little, but she was laughing.

“Oh, right up my nose… huhhh… I’m gonna…”

She pinched her nose with her free hand and stifled a sneeze.

“Bless you!” I was giggling like a schoolgirl. Damn that wine.

She sneezed again. And again. And yet again.

“Oh my God,” she gasped and reached for a Kleenex. “This has never happened to me before!”

“You cannot possibly be allergic to smoke, can you?” I teased. She shook her head and put the smouldering cigarette in the ashtray while tending to her irritated nose.

“No.. I don’t know what this is about… hehkTSSChoo! HeESSChoo! Heh-eh-iSSCCHOO!

“Bless you!”

She blew her nose and finally managed to catch her breath. She gave me a pitiful glance that was adorable coming from Mademoiselle de Vil. She sighed and picked up her cigarette again.

“God, that was odd,” she muttered and shook her head.

That’s when I did what I really shouldn’t have done. Giddy from wine and laughter I leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss on the tip of her nose. As I pulled back, I saw something change in her facial expression and I wanted to explain that it didn‘t mean what she thought it meant, but I lost my courage. Nothing was the same between us since that evening.

So you see why I can’t tell Roger why she has this fixation with me. It was really my own fault from the beginning. I still blame the wine. That, and the damned smoking.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Ooh, this is such a fun idea. This first little story already is all the proof anyone would need that you have a handle on this. I'm really curious which other characters you're going to choose. (Though I have a feeling I know who one of them will be already. tonguesmiley.gif)

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Hey, from someone else who writes weird and unpopular things, more power to you! I'm looking forward to this with interest, while doing a mental tally of which Disney villainesses I'd want to see sneeze (probably more than I think?).

Also, I'd never given any thought to it before, but I love the Cruella/Anita angle.

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Seriously, Cruella is something I had never never never thought of, but this was wonderful and unique and I am so down with reading something off the beaten track.

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Seriously, Cruella is something I had never never never thought of, but this was wonderful and unique and I am so down with reading something off the beaten track.

THIS. It certainly explains their friendship, doesn't it?

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What a terrific idea! Can't wait for each one to be revealed,

Wasn't Miss de Vil expelled for drinking ink? A fantastic bit of period trivia, like the naughty boy who drank the water in the nightlight. But perhaps that didn't make the Disney cut...

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Oh wow, what an AMAZING writer you are. I absolutely love the voice in your work. It is so unique and personal and ALIVE. Beautiful. I can't wait for the next one!

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Wow. Just… wow. ^_^

Blah: Thank you, I’m glad you liked it! I was a bit apprehensive about the idea at first, but then I thought, what the hell…! :lol:

Garnet: Thank you! It’s fun to test the waters with new angles sometimes. ^_^

bangbang: Thank you so much, I’m a bit surprised myself how smoothly the story worked out. :lol:

ShyFoxy: Thank you! :D

lilmissallyvanek: :whistle: Huh, what, why, me? :P

Blessing Queen: Thank you! : )

snufflebunny: ^_^ Leave it to the lesbian to find the subtle lesbian hints. :lol:

count de tisza: YES! It’s been a while since I read the book, (and I didn’t like it, it was too weird for my taste), but yep, she was expelled for drinking ink.

Devil Bird: :mf_tongue::hug:

alias: Thank you so very much! :D

MLPLover: Thanks, and will do! ^_^

Ouranlover02: Thank you! :D

So, I had planned on putting Maleficent in installment three, but then I decided that since pretty much everyone already know she’ll be on the list, you’ll get her in the second part just to keep you hanging on the rest. :P (and those of you who know, hush. It’s more fun to keep people guessing. )

Also, fun fact. When I was a kid, we had a spinning wheel in our living room. Yes, as furniture. My mom was a hipster before it was cool. :lol: I asked her why there was no spindle on it. And she made a joke about protecting me from pricking my finger and fall asleep for a hundred years. So for quite some time I believed I was Sleeping Beauty. Can you really blame me for being so scared of Maleficent? :lol:

Aaaanyway. Off we go! ^_^


On Spinning Wheels And Sneezing Fairies

I have never felt so betrayed in my life. To find that everything about my life was a lie. Everything I had has been taken away from me today; even my name. From tonight on, I will no longer be Briar Rose, but Princess Aurora. Who is that? So is it any wonder I’m crying my heart out?

A sound from the fireplace startles me. It sounds like a voice saying my name. My new name. I look up, the tears on my face suddenly forgotten. I can feel eyes upon me, but I am alone in the room. Again, the bodiless voice says my name. No. Aurora’s name.

“There is no Aurora here,” I reply. My voice trembles a little, but not much; as far as I’m concerned, I am telling the truth.

“Oh really?” a woman’s voice says. It’s a resonant, sensual voice, dripping with mockery. “Then who are you, my dear Princess?”

I blink. Where there was nothing but shadows only seconds ago, there is now a tall woman dressed in black robes. She seems to have horns, but it might be just a headdress. Her skin is so pale it almost seems to shimmer with green. Her eyes are captivating, large and golden.

“I’m just Rose.”

“Rose, is that so? There is no Aurora here, you say?”


She steps forward with a wicked grin.

“No, I don’t think so, my dear. There is no Rose here, however. Briar Rose never existed. She was the lie, not Aurora.”

“I don’t know who I am anymore!” I cry out. “And who are you?”

“They didn’t tell you? They told you the rest of the story, but failed to mention me?” She clicks her tongue. “Why, I’m insulted.”

But she doesn’t sound insulted. She sounds amused.

“My name is Maleficent. I am the fairy that put the curse on you. And I am here now, in person, to make sure it comes true. Rise, Princess Aurora.”

I don’t want to do anything this woman commands me to, but my body acts without my permission. I grasp for something to defend myself with, anything at all. The only thing within my reach is a small bottle next to the jewellery box. I have no idea what this bottle contains, but it’s my only hope. It could be ink. It could blind her if I manage to get it into her eyes. I struggle to open it and throw the content in her direction, but not a single drop makes it all the way. Nor is it ink; the fluid is clear like water. The bottle falls to the floor and shatters. Maleficent chuckles contemptuously at this.

“Well, well, there is fight in you, I see. Interesting. Pointless, of course, but interesting nevertheless” she says and beckons me on. I have no choice but to obey. A heavy smell of perfume rises from the broken bottle on the floor between us. It’s so strong it makes my eyes water.

But it has an even stronger impact on my “visitor”. She bends over with a completely unexpected;


She glares at me with a hate so massive I could almost reach out and touch it, before she sneezes again. It’s funny, but I almost bless her. Old habits die hard, it seems. As she sneezes for the third time, I suddenly realise that her hypnotic power over me is fading. Perhaps it’s because she cannot focus, but I don’t care what the reason is. I start towards the door, but a strong hand grabs my arm.

“Oh no, you are not going anywhere. He-yiESSCHH!”

I try to pull loose, but she is far too strong, even mid-sneeze. She pulls me up against her body and put an arm around me in an embrace that is much too strong to be fought. She drags me with her, sneezing repeatedly as we move forward. I feel her body rock with each sneeze, but somehow she’s still perfectly capable of holding me so firmly I can hardly breathe, much less pull free.

Behind the fireplace, an eerily lit corridor has appeared. She drags me into it, sneezing violently over and over again.

“Ugh, I should kill you for this,” she sniffles and shakes me a little. I have given up kicking; she’s too strong. I decide to save my strength for the moment when she lets go of me.

“Why did you want to kill me in the first place? I gasp. “What did I ever do to you?”

“You… Hah-ayISSCCHUH! Until a few minutes ago, you were merely collateral damage. Now, however… AaISSCCHOO! AaaESSSCHHOO! I’m tempted to strangle you with my bare hands.”

She stops, moans silently and draws a deep, shuddering breath before being thrown into a sneezing fit so rapid and so fierce she’s practically leaning on me for support rather than holding me captive. I have never seen anyone react so strongly to a scent, and we’re not even in the room anymore. One of those wet and itchy sneezes sprays all over my shoulder and neck, and unbelievably enough she mutters an apology. Even more unbelievable, I respond that it’s fine. Nothing about this is fine! She wants to kill me, and then she apologises for sneezing on me?

As she slowly recovers from the fit, she heaves a deeply frustrated sigh. Under her breath she growls;

“That perfume was vile.”

I guess I can see why she’d think that.

By now, we’re at the door of an empty room. She drags me inside and pushes me into the corner so hard I nearly fall over. She steps in after me and closes the door. Her posture is as regal as ever; it’s as if the sneezing fits never happened. She smiles. It’s a beautiful smile, but it’s beautiful for all the wrong reasons. She really means to do this.

“No more interruptions,” she says, her voice hoarse and congested but still powerful. With a swift movement of her hands, a spinning wheel appears in the corner opposite from me. A misty, greenish light fills the room and is reflected by the spindle. It’s alluring, drawing me in. I know this is her magic, this is her curse set in motion, and I should be afraid, but for some reason I’m not. Still, I don’t want to prick my finger. If there is one thing I’m afraid of, it’s pain. As if she can read my mind, she purrs;

“Nothing is going to hurt this time, sweet Princess. You will only sleep, and dream. Forever.”

That doesn’t sound so bad. In a dream, I can be Briar Rose again.

“You can be anyone you want to be… do anything you want to do,” her voice reassures me. An immense feeling of serenity envelopes me at those words, and I reach out my hand… and touch the spindle.

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Whoa… it seems I really didn’t live up to the set expectations with that last fic. :lol:

lilmissallyvanek, I’m glad you liked it! Love you too! :P

Alright, moving on. This is interesting, because this one was way, way too easy to write. :lol: I’m not kidding, this was the easiest of them all, I had a first draft done within like five minutes, but a lot of modifications happened. So, without further ado, villainess three. Here you go. Be brave. :P


Not Very Ladylike

Stepmother is possibly the most strong-willed woman I have ever come across, but there is one thing that never fails to defeat her and reduce her to a complete mess.


It‘s the same thing every spring. It seems half the laundry consists of handkerchiefs for a few weeks. She’s moodier than usual, but also less likely to hurt me. She tends to withdraw to her study instead of keeping tabs on my work, so in a way, her season of hell is my holiday season.

Being graceful and ladylike at all times is the most important thing in life to her. If anyone is within earshot, she stifles her sneezes into handkerchiefs. Those stifles are so fiercely reined in they must hurt something awful. But at least they sound dainty. Controlled. Ladylike. Of course, stifling gives her no relief whatsoever. It seems to me like she sneezes almost constantly from waking up to falling asleep, quiet and restrained but madly persistent sneezes.

This afternoon, my stepsisters and a couple of their friends - they do have them, surprisingly enough - were allowed to go to the local fair. I too was allowed to go, but only for the purpose of buying some items for the kitchen. It didn’t matter to me; I was happy to get out of the house even if it was only for a few hours. And while I did enjoy the fair, I’m not used to being around so many people for very long at a time. I headed back home much sooner than I had planned, and apparently sooner than I was expected to.

Upon my return, I could hear stepmother sneezing. And those weren’t stifles. Not at all. Those were harsh, throaty, violent screams of sheer desperation. She succumbed to fit after fit, and in between I heard her mutter curse words so vulgar they made me blush. I could tell she was in the parlour, probably with a book she was unable to read due to the intensity of her sneezing. And, being under the impression that she was alone in the house, she let the sneezes out completely unrestrained. That certainly wasn’t very ladylike. I suppose she hoped to get some relief if she stopped fighting the itch, but from what I could tell, she had little luck with that.

I couldn’t help it; I began to laugh. I tried to laugh quietly and succeeded quite well, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. She was being so loud she couldn’t possibly have heard me even if I had roared with laughter. How helpless she was to the onslaught of her hayfever, and how furious it made her. I really try not to be the vengeful type, but I must admit, those brutal sneeze attacks quickly put my trip to the fair to second place of today’s pleasures. Humming contently, I began doing my chores in the kitchen, hoping that she would stay unaware of my presence.

But as the latest fit was tapering off, I heard her footsteps approaching. I blinked in horror. If she found out I had heard the past hour‘s worth of her failing willpower, she could hurt me for real. She had never been physically violent before, but I wouldn’t put it completely past her. I looked around for somewhere to hide, but it was too late.

She opened the door to the kitchen and I froze. She stared at me. I stared back. I couldn’t help it; the woman was a drippy, red-nosed mess. I had never seen her look more undone, all her natural elegance swept aside by the crude and desperate urge to sneeze. She looked utterly miserable, and I suddenly felt sorry for her.

As she stared at me, a congested chuckle escaped her. It sounded almost like a sob. She shrugged.

“Happy, are we?” She wiped her nose with the handkerchief she clutched in her hand. When I didn‘t reply she added; “Well, Cinderella? Are you pleased to see your evil stepmother in such agony?”

I shook my head in response. If I had been asked that question only minutes earlier - and not by her, obviously - I would have said yes. But not anymore. I had never reflected on what it must feel like to actually suffer from hayfever, not until that very moment. It must be like the worst day of your worst head cold, replayed over and over again for weeks or months. It must be torture.

She whimpered in despair before she raised the handkerchief to her face and began to sneeze again. She no longer bothered stifling even in front of me; I suppose she was too exhausted. The sneezes were raw and scraping, they sounded even more painful than the stifles, if that was at all possible.

“Bless…” I began.

“Oh save your breath,” she hissed. “I’m not here to chat. I came to get a cup of tea.”

Of course. Something to soothe her itchy and sore throat. Although I doubted she’d be able to drink it between the violent fits, but that was none of my business.

“I’ll make some and bring it to you. Hot, strong and with honey.”

She seemed taken aback by the kindness in my voice - I know I was. She had no idea how to respond to it either, she merely nodded and turned around to leave. She sneezed over and over again as she returned to the parlour. My knees felt weak with relief as she left; I was immensely grateful that she hadn’t decided to punish me for seeing her in such a miserable and desperate state. I took a few deep breaths and then went to the stove to make that tea. I certainly didn’t want to give her any reason to be angry with me for the rest of the day.

In the parlour, the excruciating sneezing fits resumed. And while I honestly did feel sorry for her, in some ways I also felt that she got a punishment she deserved - and she could not blame me for it.


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And those weren’t stifles. Not at all. Those were harsh, throaty, violent screams of sheer desperation.

And with that line, you have got me and its impossible to stop from reading :D You really capture the feeling of when someone is sneezing so violently you half want them to stop, and yet are dying to hear them sneeze yet again... or maybe its just me! :lol:

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You really capture the feeling of when someone is sneezing so violently you half want them to stop, and yet are dying to hear them sneeze yet again... or maybe its just me! heh.gif

Stop sneezing? Why on Earth would we ever want anyone to stop sneezing? :blink::lol:

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Well, this was certainly unexpected. I don't think this would have even been one of the last characters I'd have guessed...

But something unexpected is often something awesome. It's always hard for me to even think about writing a fetish story without spelling out any sneezes. That's something I don't think I could ever do, no matter how hard I tried. And yet, I'd say you've done it just fine.

Again, I'm curious to see who you've picked for next week, but your character choice this time has completely obliterated my expectations. I don't think I could even begin to guess.

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My GOD. :dead:

The first one: Brilliant! So Anita, I think, tentatively trying a cig and then playing about with Cruella and then blaming the aftermath on what she thinks meddled with her not-meddled-with-at-all mind.

The second one: This made so much sense. And it should have happened like this in one way or another in the film. Maleficent clearly was concentrating on Aurora ultimately touching the spindle, but it would have been nice if they had a chance to chat.

The third one: This made loads of sense too! Cinderellams thought of the Stepmother deserving what she was getting was perfect.

In conclusion, it goes without saying that I LOVE YOU. ^_^:clapping::hug:

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I simply can't wait for the next parts!! :D

Cruella, wow that one was quite unexpected; Maleficent, never underestimate the power of perfume XD; and Evil Stephmother oh my I've never imagined I'd fell sorry for her(and we get to see Cinderella show a bit of her 'revengefull' side! >:D).

Keep up the amazing sneeze filled work!

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More wonderful goodies! The Wicked Stepmother is particularly fine, though unfortunately I was raised more in the pantomime tradition than the Disney. An allergic sneezing fit would be fantastic "Business" for an expert Dame, especially if the sisters then joined in. And where is Baron Hardup in all this? I assume he never lasted through Disneyfication either....

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These are all fantastic!! So well-written and better than any crazy disney fantasies that have went through my brain :D

Thanks for writing these :)

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These stories are simply magnificent. I'm with M.L. I did feel sorry for the evil stepmother's sneeze fits. I wonder if we'll get to see a post-transformation Ursula, or the Queen from Snow White next. Both would make must-read stories for me.

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