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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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The cold fall breeze blew over the green fields of Scotland as all of the tree's leaves were slowly changing colour into a bright orange. The sky was clear of clouds and there was a thin layer of frost covering the ground.

Inside the stone walls of Dunbroch a young princess was in the worst situation a princess could ever be in.

"MY QUEEN!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as her mother gracefully scooped up the small figurine and placed it on her side of the checkered board.

"Merida, ye don't need to shout about it." Elinor said in her normal Scottish accent.

"But now I'm going to loose...again." Merida said with a sigh as she slid down her chair.

"Oh Merida, stop being so dramatic. After all, I was able to win one time after I took yer queen."

"Don't remind me."

Her mum was the chess champ and she knew it. Every time she challenged her to a game, her mother would always. Merida studied the board playing out different situations in her head, even though it was slightly aching.

She hadn't been feeling a full one hundred percent ever since she woke up and she had only been growing more tired.

"I surrender." Merida said.

Elinor blinked multiple times. "Are yer sure, ye could still win."

"No, that's okay." Merida said as she began moving her chess pieces back to their original position. "I'm just feeling a little tired."

"Oh, I see." A smile tugged at the corner of Elinor's lips. "I guess the princess has conceded the battle due to her...lack of sleep, as she usually does."

"Not now mum." Merida said with a groan. "I'm heading off to bed."

Elinor looked from the window and noticed the sun was already setting. "Alright." She said. "Sleep well."

Merida walked down the stone hallways until she reached her room. She laid down in the soft bed and rested her head against the headrest. "Urg, my head." She groaned aloud. Her head had only gotten worse and now she could feel her sinuses feeling a little stuffed.

She sniffed in an attempt to clear her nose but nothing happened.

Merida sighed before she got to her feet and walked over to her dresser where she had everything stored. She went to the bottom drawer and pulled out a white cloth with small flower markings knitted into it.

She placed it over her nose and blew into it making a gurgling noise. Merida resurfaced a few seconds later and sniffed feeling no air make it through her nose.

Deciding to try and beat whatever she had before it got worse, Merida got back into bed with the handkerchief right beside her.

So this is my first fanfic on the forum, so go easy in me, I'm still not sure about how everything works. Also sorry but no sneezing yet but it will come. Let me know if you want me to continue.

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You guys al awesome, thank so much for all the feedback. And as promised chap two will come out sometime tonight, or tomorrow.

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Merida required great effort to open her eyes.

She felt tired and week and she couldn't breathe through her nose. Merida looked to her nightstand at grabbed her hankie and pressed it to her nose and blew. The hankie was quickly filled but Merida still couldn't get any air through it. After blowing her nose over and over again for a few minutes, she noticed a faint prickling sensation in the back of her nose.

She sniffed in an attempt to rid her nose of whatever was bothering her, but to no anvil she let loose a loud sneeze.


She wiped her nose on the hanky and groaned. "Whad did I do to deserve dis?" She said. Her stuffed nose was making her voice sound congested, and she hated it. "Urg, I sound like ad idiot."

She wiped at her now runny nose before she stood up out of her bed. She walked over to her dresser and looked into the mirror hanging on the wall. Her hair was messier than usual, she was slightly pale, and her nose was beginning to turn into a light shade of pink. She groaned as she took in the sight of how she looked before diving into the dresser drawers in search of more handkerchiefs.

She had found five more, and just in time.

A quick tickle caused Merida to raise the handy to her nose and covered both her nose and mouth. She let out a soft but wet "Hechoo." Before she blew her nose.

"Merida, are you alright in there?"

Merida's eyes went wide. "Uh..."

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Oh damn! I think we can all relate to this...not wanting our folks to know we're sick.

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This is soooo cute! I've never seen a Merida sneezefic before! Though the sneezes weren't that good, and I'm not blaming you if you don't know how to write good sneezes, because I don't either, the plotline was actually reallt good! Keep up the good work!

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