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Erratic Sensitivities (Forever, Henry) Part 15 posted.


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Here's part 3. Share and Enjoy!


Jo pulled up at the antique shop and walked Henry inside. He didn't sneeze as much as she had expected during the car ride, but enough that she didn't regret her decision to drive him home. She had insisted that they stop off at a nearby drugstore first so he could pick out some different medication to try. She was surprised when he had selected three different brands saying that he would need to experiment and remarked on how many choices there were compared to fifty years ago. It had almost sounded as if he had been speaking from experience, but of course that was impossible. She'd also teased him good-naturedly when he'd tossed several boxes of tissues into the shopping cart as well.

Abe looked up when they entered. "What are you doing here? I was just about to leave to come get you."

"What do you expect when you kept me waiting for over three hours?" said Henry knowing full well that Abe had not been just about to leave since he was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. He suspected that his son had wanted Jo to drive him home in the hopes that they might develop more than a professional relationship.

"Well you could have called," Abe replied pretending to sulk and winked at Jo when Henry was distracted by a small sneezing fit. "I thought you said you were going to take something for that."

"I did, but its effectiveness was limited. You know I'm always building up a tolerance to medications and have to keep switching them around. I picked up some more on the way home to experiment with," said Henry holding up the pharmacy shopping bag, then muffled two sneezes into his arm.

"Right," said Abe. He wouldn't have worded it quite like that, but he knew his father had stated it that way for Jo's benefit. "Would you like to stay for dinner," he asked her.

"Thanks, but I should go so Henry can rest." She turned to Henry. "Give me a call when you've had a chance to look over that file."

Henry nodded and sneezed again. "From what I've seen so far, there are some definite discrepancies, but I will definitely need some more time to look things over more thoroughly. Perhaps we should discuss it over lunch tomorrow."

"Fine, it's a date. Feel better," Jo said and left.

"Why didn't you kiss her goodnight?" Abe asked.

Henry chuckled. "Because it's generally considered improper to kiss one's colleagues."

"But you two are going on a date tomorrow," Abe pointed out.

Henry rolled his eyes. "You know full well that the term date doesn't always indicate a romantic get-together. This is most definitely work related." Henry pulled a tissue from his pocket as his breath started to hitch and caught of fit of five sneezes in it. He sighed and massaged his sinuses a bit trying to relieve some of the pressure. "Even if I was romantically involved with the Detective, I hardly think she'd want to kiss me in this state."

Abe nodded sympathetically. "Go upstairs and take your pills. I'll lock up and then join you for dinner."

As Henry climbed the stairs up to their shared apartment, he hoped he'd have better luck with the next medication he tried.


Henry arrived at the diner Jo had suggested ten minutes early. He got them a table and tried to relax while he waited. It was a nice place, not too crowded and fairly quiet except for the radio playing 70s and 80s music in the background. He was feeling much better today than yesterday because the on and off rain had washed all of the pollen out of the air. He was lost in his thoughts reviewing the points in the file that he wanted to address with Jo when he noticed that Alphaville's Forever Young came on the radio. He felt his breath catch in his throat as the lyrics brought out painful emotions. It was one of those songs that always got to him because it seemed so fitting to his situation. The next song to come on the radio was Kansas's Carry On Wayward Son which was even worse because it almost felt like that song was written specifically about him. He took some deep breaths to try to calm himself, but the song brought up memories of all the tragedy he'd seen in his long life and how he'd had no choice but to keep carrying on. As tears came to his eyes unbidden, he knew this was why he preferred instrumental music. He quickly wiped the tears away not wanting Jo to see should she turn up soon. Thankfully the next song to come on the radio held no emotional significance for him.

When Jo arrived at the diner she quickly spotted Henry and made her way over to his table. He didn't seem to see her and appeared lost in thought and had a distraught look on his face. "Hey are you alright?" she asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

Henry jumped in surprise. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm fine, I was just thinking."

"About the case?" she asked sitting down across from him at the table.

"Yes at first, and then my mind wandered to other matters."

Henry didn't offer any further explanation and Jo decided not to push him, figuring that it probably wasn't any of her business. The waitress came over and took their orders and they discussed the case while waiting for their food to arrive. "So what discrepancies did you notice when going over the file?"

"The victim could not possibly have been killed with the weapon described in the file. It says he was killed with a chef's carving knife, but the wounds were clearly made by a military grade hunting knife. Either the medical examiner on this case was incompetent or they were trying to conceal details of this case." Henry paused to sniff as he felt a faint itch forming in the back of his nose. "Furthermore the file states that the victim was killed by a single assailant, but there were definitely two assailants, one approximately the same height as the victim and the other one about six inches taller. Also the taller assailant was right handed and the shorter one was left handed."

"You got all that just from looking at pictures of the body?" said Jo impressed in spite of herself.

Henry grinned. "It was easy to determine these facts by closely examining the shape and angle of the wounds. Also the victim was a Libra, the taller assailant a Scorpio, and the shorter assailant a Taurus."

Jo shook her head. "Ok now I know you're just messing with me."

Henry laughed. "Perhaps my abilities don't extend quite that far, but I'm telling you this was most likely a cover up and it would be wise to speak with the medical examiner on this case."

"Yeah maybe he was paid off or threatened. I'll look up the guy's info once I get back to the station and then we can go talk to him."

The food arrived and as they ate Henry pointed out a number of other odd details about the case. The faint itch in his nose that had started after Jo arrived seemed to be getting stronger. He wasn't sure what was causing it, but this body was still new to him and it could be anything. He sniffled as he took a sip of his water hoping it would conceal the act.

"Need to sneeze?" Jo asked somewhat amused.

Henry cursed inwardly. Sometimes she was too perceptive for her own good. "It's nothing. I'm..." he trailed off as the itch in his nose surged up. His breath hitched a few times before sneezing forcefully against the back of his arm. He started to lift his head up, but then he sneezed again unexpectedly. He sniffed and rubbed his nose, wondering what he could possibly be reacting to.

"Bless you. I thought the rain would have washed all of the pollen out of the air," Jo commented.

"So did I. I've been fine all day up until now." The itch lingered waxing and waning slightly just below the level needed to make him sneeze. He knew it was just a matter of time before he sneezed again and dug his handkerchief out of his pocket.

"Maybe it's the flowers," said Jo pointing to the small centerpiece on the table. Henry shook his head and muffled three sneezes into his handkerchief. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. Fake flowers wouldn't cause a reaction Detective," said Henry chuckling.

"Oh," said Jo flushing slightly wondering how she'd missed that detail. "Maybe you're coming down with something." She leaned across the table to feel Henry's forehead.

Henry jerked back as the scent of Jo's perfume entered his nose. He knew she had worn that perfume around him before in the past. It wasn't overly strong and he never noticed it unless they were in close proximity. He'd never had a problem with it before, but now it was causing his nose to tickle fiercely. He quickly brought the handkerchief to his face and stifled several rapid-fire sneezes. He had hoped to keep as quiet as possible so as not to draw attention to himself in a public place, but stifling the sneezes prevented them from relieving the tickle in his nose. His breath hitched before he succumbed to a series of stronger sneezes that he couldn't completely stifle. He retrieved a small antique box from his pocket, opened it and took a couple of antihistamines from inside. He swallowed them with a gulp of water before sneezing another three times. He hoped that this new medicine would work as well as it had seemed to last night, but it would still take at least half an hour to get into his system. "I think I'm allergic to you Detective."

"What? That's not actually possible is it?" said Jo taken aback.

"Your perfume I mean," Henry clarified and sneezed again.

Jo shook her head. "I wear this stuff all the time and you've never had a problem with it before."

"I know. I told you my allergies are erratic. I could be fine with something one day and have a reaction to it the next and then out of the blue it doesn't bother me anymore, until it does again..." Henry trailed off his breath hitching and then sneezed explosively. He blinked a few times feeling a bit dazed from the force of it.

"That's really not normal you know. You should see a doctor about it," said Jo gently.

Henry sneezed twice more and blew his nose wincing as his handkerchief was starting to become rather sodden. "I don't need to see a doctor, I am a doctor, but if you must know, I've consulted with a number of specialists over the years and they are all equally bewildered about my condition. They can't really do much for me other than perform another allergy test if I start having random attacks, but that's not always helpful since those tests only cover a limited number of triggers." Henry doubted that the specialists would have been able to do anything more for him even if he'd been able to tell them about his immortality and repetitive deaths.

"Was my perfume bothering you yesterday?" Jo asked. "When I arrived at your office you said you were doing better than you were an hour ago, but then you seemed to deteriorate pretty quickly after that."

"Hmm, it's possible, but it's hard say since I was already sneezing my head off. At the time I attributed the increase in my symptoms to the musty old file you brought me. After you left I had to wear a surgical mask in order to read it and seal it up in an evidence bag when I wasn't viewing it." Henry pulled the bag with the file out of his briefcase and returned it to Jo. "It's certainly possible though that it was a combination of your perfume and the file that was affecting me yesterday."

Jo nodded. "So you're allergic to mold too then?"

Henry shrugged. "So it would seem, for the time being at least." He brought the handkerchief to his face and muffled four rapid-fire sneezes.

Jo sighed. "I guess I'd better go try to wash this stuff off." She got up and headed back to the bathroom.

Henry blew his nose and paid for their meals. To his relief his nose started feeling better shortly after Jo left, but he wouldn't be surprised if his allergies started acting up again somewhat once she returned. It would be difficult for her to wash the scent off completely without a full shower and it was likely that some of the smell had been absorbed by her clothes. Sure enough, he sneezed again as soon as she sat back down at the table.

"Sorry, I washed it off the best I could. I guess I'm not wearing perfume to work anymore."

"That's very considerate of you," said Henry touched by her kindness.

"Well we work together on a regular basis and I figure you have enough to deal with without me adding to it. It must suck though. At least people with predictable allergies usually have an easier time avoiding and treating them."

Henry nodded. "If you think what you've seen is bad, well let's just say that constant sneezing is nothing compared to the torture of a skin rash, or the terror of an asthma attack or anaphylactic shock."

Jo's eyes widened. "You've gone into anaphylactic shock before?"

"Yes, from food allergies usually, though there have been other things that have brought it on. It hasn't happened in years, but I still carry one of these just in case." He pulled an epi-pen from his coat pocket and showed it to Jo briefly before replacing it.

"And the food allergies come and go at random too?" Jo asked. Henry nodded and sneezed twice into his handkerchief. "Damn, that must be an awful way to live, never knowing if some new random allergy will kill you."

Henry shrugged. "I try not to let fear rule my life. I just go about my day and I don't think about it." In truth he was much more afraid of a life-threatening reaction happening in front of someone else than the reaction itself in case he did die.

"Well that's a great attitude to have," said Jo realizing a newfound respect for the man. "I should probably get back to the station now and get to work researching that medical examiner. Your reaction seems to be subsiding. Will you be alright to drive?"

Henry nodded. "I'll be fine, Detective. I'm sure I won't be sneezing much once you've left and the medicine I took should be taking effect soon anyway."

Jo smiled and shook her head slightly doubting Henry would admit it even if he wasn't ok to drive, but this time she believed him. "Ok I'll call you once I have something."

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What was this? A part 3? Now I might just end up getting distracted from my writing by YOU! :) I'm kidding. Jo must be falling for him at this point, the way she washed the perfume off just for him.

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I wouldn't necessarily say she's falling for him. I thought it was just common courtesy. They have to work together and it would be much harder for him to function if he can't be near her without sneezing.

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To me it's always seemed like that, even if it's not correct, because he does crazy, reckless stuff, and she's like a mother following him around. I don't,t know, must be just me thinking that. I've always thought the two had something for each other, nothing big, by there.

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Well as the show currently is I'm not really sure I see it. I do see the potential for it, but I don't think it's quite there yet. Jo's still grieving for her husband and Henry still hasn't really let go of Abigail even though a lot of time has passed. Perhaps eventually they will be able to find comfort in each other, but I think it will take time.

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True, very true...... *Strokes imaginary beard* There is potential. And when did she lose her husband? I only watched the last ten-fifteen-twenty minutes of the first episode, and most of the second one. I didn't know she had one.

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I don't think they ever said exactly when her husband died, just that it was less than a year ago. You should really go back and rewatch those episodes. If you don't have any kind of on demand thing with your tv service you can find episodes streaming at projectfree.tv I actually rewatched all the episodes myself this morning just because I was trying to figure out if Henry ever called Jo by her first name, but as far as I could see, that never happened, but she does call him by his first name.

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I am totally digging this. I love how he just tries to glaze over his "erratic" allergies. Oh no big deal, they come and go. And Jo just like, That's not normal you know! Fantastic!

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That,s probably something he would try and do. Then again, this show is new, so the characters haven't REALLY been described in minute detail yet. :)

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Yeah, it's why I usually don't write fanfic for shows so new because I really like to take time to get to know the characters to make sure I can channel them as well as I possibly can. Though the images I had in my head for this story were just so strong that I couldn't wait. :laugh: So I'm just doing the best I can with what I have to work with. I'm not entirely sure he would have been as open as he was about the nature of his allergies if this had been canon, but I imagined that if he was, he would be very matter of fact about it and try not to make too big a deal of it.

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I agree with you on that. Should have waited, but I had ideas and found,t wait to utilize them. Just something people who enjoy something do, you know? :)

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Here's part 4. Share and enjoy!


Jo was having a much harder time than she had expected tracking down Jonathan Bradford, the medical examiner on the cold case. Apparently he had retired and moved multiple times over the years and she was having trouble finding his current address. In the mean time there were other murders to solve, so she would have to put this case on the back burner for the time being. She was currently in an apartment where the neighbors had reported screaming coming from and the inside of the bedroom looked rather gruesome. It looked like someone had savagely attacked the bed with a knife. There was some blood, but not nearly as much as would be expected for a murder. It was possible that the attack started here and then continued on in another location.

Henry arrived and frowned as he looked around the room. "Where's the body?"

"There isn't one. Just an apparent crime scene," said Jo.

Henry sighed. "Why did you call me out here in the pouring rain when there's no body? I'm not a CSI."

Jo grinned. "Because you're like my own personal Sherlock Holmes and you often see things that the CSIs miss. Just be glad this attack happened indoors."

Henry chuckled. "Very well Watson, let's see what we have here." He slipped on some gloves and walked around the bed carefully examining the crime scene, poking and prodding things as he went. He looked over the various stab marks in the bed's mattress and pillows and gouges in the wooden headboard as well as the pattern of blood spatter. He shook his head as he came to a conclusion. "I don't believe anything but this bed was attacked here. Yes there is blood but I believe it was self inflicted by the man who stabbed the bed. The pattern of the blood suggests a cult ritual, but without further evidence of any kind of sacrifice I believe the wounded individual you are looking for must be suffering from delusions and quite possibly hallucinations as well. This man should be found and hospitalized as soon as possible for his own safety."

Jo nodded. "Ok well we've already got people searching for him." She made a call and updated the search party that the suspect was probably wounded and mentally unstable.

"It's a shame about the bed. It was an exquisite piece of craftsmanship. These throw pillows and bedspread were antique as well." He picked up one particularly badly slashed pillow and examined it thoughtfully. Without warning a sudden tickle surged up in his nose and he sneezed twice loudly into the arm not holding the pillow. He peered suspiciously at the pillow unsure if that was the cause or if it was something else in the room. It was a down pillow as he could easily see through the ripped fabric. It had been decades since he'd experienced a reaction to feathers and he tentatively sniffed the pillow to be sure. As his nose started tickling again he had his confirmation that it was indeed the feathers. He saw Jo quirking an eyebrow questioningly at him and he pinched and rubbed at his nose trying not to sneeze again.

"Still reacting to the remnants of my perfume or are you allergic to feathers now too?" she asked smirking.

This was starting to get embarrassing. He sniffed and rubbed at his nose again and opened his mouth to utter a denial but his nose had other plans. His breath hitched and then he sneezed violently four times in a row. The pillow fell from his grasp landing hard back onto the bed and a cloud of down feathers rose up from it into the air around him. He coughed a few times and waved at the air in front him trying to clear the feathers away. His nose was tickling badly and running now. He dug his handkerchief out of his pocket and started sneezing repeatedly into it.

"I guess that answers my question. I'll have to remember to add feathers to the list," said Jo teasing. She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the bedroom still sneezing and led him to the couch in the living room which he collapsed on.

After a few minutes the sneezing started to slow down. He blew his nose and looked up at Jo pathetically wiping the allergic tears from his eyes. "Would you mind getting me some water Detective?" She nodded and went off to the kitchen coming back a couple of minutes later with a tall glass of water. He pulled the antique box containing his allergy medicine from his pocket.

"Are you sure you should be taking more of that Henry? You just had a dose a couple of hours ago," said Jo uncertainly.

Henry shrugged rubbing his nose trying to stave off another fit. "What's the worst that could happen? I'm not likely to die of an overdose from just four pills." He rubbed his nose again and gasped as that seem to increase his need to sneeze and he muffled four rapid-fire sneezes into the back of his wrist. He took the pills from the box and swallowed them with the water and put the box back in his pocket. He sneezed twice more, coughed a few times and then took another gulp of water. "I'm not sure how effective it will be though. I might simply need to sneeze out all of the feather particles that I breathed in."

Jo sighed as she took in his red nose and watery eyes. She sat next to him on the couch and rubbed his back as he had another sneezing fit. She wasn't sure what made her feel the need to comfort him. She just couldn't stand to see him suffering like this. "You're a real hot mess aren't you?"

Henry sniffled and looked at Jo with an amused expression on his face. "I should probably take it as a high compliment that you could find me attractive in this state."

Jo felt herself flushing. "That's not what I meant. I meant you're a disaster waiting to happen."

"There's no need to be embarrassed Detective. I told you that scientifically speaking you are quite attractive. You needn't be self-conscious for thinking the same of me."

Jo rolled her eyes. "You're a real charmer aren't you," she said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Henry grinned. "Well I have had a lot of practice." He rubbed his nose as the tickles flared up again and sneezed five times against the back of his wrist, sniffed and let out another three harsh sneezes. He blew his nose and drank another sip of water.

"Bless you times a hundred or whatever ridiculous number of times you've sneezed today. Actually consider this a blanket blessing for the rest of the day."

"Thank you Detective." Feeling utterly exhausted he rested his head on Jo's shoulder.

Jo stiffened at first, but then she relaxed and gave him a small one armed sideways hug. "Come on, I should take you home."

Henry nodded. "This will quickly become tiresome though, having to abandon my car and come back for it later. I don't suppose the NYPD would pay for a car service?"

Jo laughed. "Probably not." She noticed that he was absentmindedly fidgeting and rubbing at his hands when he wasn't rubbing at his nose. "Is something wrong with your hands?"

Henry had been so focused on his nasal symptoms that he hadn't even noticed what was going on with his hands. He stopped fidgeting, but then immediately felt the urge to rub them again. "I don't know. I think there's something wrong with these surgical gloves. They feel all hot and tight and itchy and..." he trailed off and then sneezed several times into his handkerchief. He blew his nose and then took off the gloves. His mouth dropped open at what he saw. His hands and wrists were bright red and covered in raised hives. He ran off to the kitchen and ran his hands under cold water in the sink.

Jo followed him and looked grimly at his hands. "That doesn't look good at all."

"The gloves must have been contaminated with something. They'll need to be tested," Henry said and then muffled a trio of sneezes into his arm.

Jo raised an eyebrow. Her guess would have been that he'd developed a sudden latex allergy since no one else had a reaction to the gloves, but it wouldn't hurt to have them tested all the same. "Ok I'll have them sent to the lab." She saw that his nose was really becoming quite red and swollen from all the rubbing and his eyes and cheeks were starting to turn red from where he'd wiped away the allergic tears. Whether it was an allergy to the latex or some sort of chemical burn it looked serious. "I think I'm taking you to the ER instead of home."

"That won't be necessary. I have supplies to treat chemical burns in my home laboratory," Henry protested and then broke off into a sneezing fit that turned into a coughing fit.

Jo frowned. "If it were me, would you let me treat this myself?"

"Of course not. You're not a doctor, though I might treat you myself," he answered and coughed a few more times.

"That cough doesn't sound good either. We're going to the ER. I'm your ride, so you don't really have a choice," Jo insisted.

"Please Detective, I really have no desire to sit around an emergency room waiting room for hours when I can easily treat this at home."

"Don't worry, police escorts usually speed things up, now come on before I handcuff you," she threatened.

"Very well," he said holding his red itchy hands out in a placating manner. "I'll come quietly." He followed her out of the crime scene apartment and down to her car and they drove off toward the hospital. The ride felt like it was taking forever. He kept sneezing and coughing throughout the ride. On top of the reaction to the feathers, Jo's car smelled like her perfume which was really exacerbating matters. He couldn't even open the window because it was still raining. He'd soaked through the two handkerchiefs he had on him. He hadn't brought any more than that and didn't have any tissues either because he thought he wouldn't need them due to the rain. Even the two handkerchiefs and the medicine he'd only brought with him at Abe's insistence. Luckily Jo had a few travel packs of tissues in her glove compartment, which she had firmly denied were for his benefit. He groaned and blew his nose after a particularly harsh sneezing fit.

"I know you keep an epi-pen on you," said Jo, "but do you carry an inhaler as well?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"You just sound like you're wheezing a bit. Well we'll be at the hospital soon. And stop scratching," she scolded.

Henry was wondering if he should just sit on his hands at this point. That was the fourth time she'd told him to stop scratching. He wasn't doing it on purpose but his hands and face itched badly and he kept doing it absentmindedly. "I'm not wheezing, I'm just congested," he tried to assure her though he did feel slightly out of breath, but that was easily explained by being trapped in an enclosed space with her perfume.

They pulled up at the ER parking lot and Jo found a parking spot not too far from the entrance. "Before we go in, have you considered the possibility that you have an allergy to latex and that's why you reacted to the gloves?"

"That's absurd, I'm a medical examiner. I use those gloves almost every day."

"Hey, you're the one with the erratic allergies," she reminded him. "I just want to make sure you mention the possibility to the hospital doctors so they will take precautions and use latex-free gloves around you just to be on the safe side."

"Fine, duly noted," said Henry with a sigh. "I really hope you're wrong though."

"So do I Henry, so do I."

Edited by Shayla
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Oh, for crying out loud, Henry! You really are a hot mess, aren't you?

*sits patiently, waiting for more fic*

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Jo sighed as she took in his red nose and watery eyes. She sat next to him on the couch and rubbed his back as he had another sneezing fit. She wasn't sure what made her feel the need to comfort him. She just couldn't stand to see him suffering like this. "You're a real hot mess aren't you?"

And that describes me in a nutshell. Poor, poor, Henry. Blame the creators for creating a scenario that's so very easy for us to exploit.

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Thanks for all the comments everyone. Here's part 5.


True to her word Jo had managed to get him through registration and triage fairly quickly and he now had a room in the ER and was wearing a hospital identification bracelet and a bright red allergy alert bracelet on his left wrist. He was grateful as his sneezing and coughing was earning him a lot of unwanted stares in the waiting room. Half the people there probably thought he had the plague. "That was impressive Detective. Is this something you'd do for all of your colleagues or am I special?"

"Well you're certainly special, but yeah I'd do this for any colleague. Well most of them anyway," said Jo grinning.

Henry nodded and grabbed some tissues from the box on his lap and sneezed twice harshly into them then tossed them into the trashcan Jo had placed next to his bed. "I suppose you can leave now. I'm sure they need you for the investigation."

"No they don't need me. You did rule the situation as not being a homicide so they can handle things without me. Besides the Lieutenant would rather I stay and make sure nothing happens to the best medical examiner we've ever had."

"So you've basically been assigned babysitting duty?"

Jo nodded and laughed. "Yeah I guess so. Someone's got to stay and make sure you don't scratch the rashes." She reached over and pulled Henry's right hand away from where it was rubbing at his left wrist.

"It's these hospital bracelets. They're chafing," Henry complained and muffled a sneeze into his arm. "By the way, please don't be offended but I can't ride home in your car when we're done here. In fact I won't be able to ride in your car at all until it's had a good airing out or I find some better medication." Jo just looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "Your car smells of your perfume," he explained.

"Oh damn, I'm sorry Henry. I should have thought of that," said Jo apologetically. "Why didn't you say something? I thought all the sneezing was just from a reaction to the feathers and the latex. We should have taken your car."

Henry shrugged. "I was a bit preoccupied before we got in your car so the possibility of it retaining the scent of your perfume hadn't even occurred to me. By the time I realized the problem we'd already driven away and there was no point mentioning it because I couldn't exactly open the windows due to the rain."

"You idiot. If you'd said something, I could have turned around and we could have switched cars. There was no need for you to suffer the whole ride to the hospital." Jo shook her head. "You might be a genius in a lot of areas, but I swear sometimes common sense is lost on you."

Henry sniffed and then muffed a small fit of sneezes into a wad of tissues. "I'm not exactly at my best right now. I can't help it if my cognitive abilities are impaired."

"I'm going to go call Abe for you. I'm sure he'd want to know that you're here anyway." Jo stepped out in the hallway to make the call. When she came back a nurse was drawing blood from Henry and he had a look of barely concealed fear on his face. When the nurse finished drawing the blood she inserted an IV and informed Henry that someone would be in soon to perform an allergy test and then left. "What's wrong? You couldn't possibly have a fear of blood in your line of work."

Henry grabbed some tissues and let out the sneezes he'd been holding back the whole time his blood was being drawn. He sneezed five times rapid-fire into the tissues and blew his nose before answering. "I just don't like having my blood drawn by strangers. I've had some rather unpleasant experiences. I offered to draw it myself but the nurse wouldn't let me. I have no idea what they needed so much of my blood for. I swear the nurse nearly took enough for a transfusion," Henry complained.

Jo laughed. "Doctors really are the worst patients. Now stop scratching or I swear to god I'll handcuff you to the bed railing."

Henry sighed and lowered his hand from his cheek. "It would easier not to scratch if I had some topical lidocaine to numb the itching. I asked the nurse for some but it seems I'm not allowed any kind of medication until after the allergy testing. I'd settle for ice at this point. Did you get through to Abe?"

Jo shook her head. "No I just got his voicemail. I left a message, but I'll try back in a bit."

"Hmm, if he's in the middle of a chess game he might not check his messages for awhile. He might answer his phone if he sees my number on the call identification though." Henry pulled out his phone to try calling Abe himself, but a technician came in to perform the allergy testing. The test took longer than previous allergy tests he'd had done, both because of his nasal interruptions, and because they were doing more thorough testing than was usually performed at a doctor's office. In addition to the standard scratch test, they also injected various allergens under the skin. The technician set a timer and left. Hives started popping up very soon on multiple spots on his arms and he felt himself squirming involuntarily. "As if I wasn't itchy enough already..." he trailed off and muffled a set of four sneezes into a tissue.

Jo smiled sympathetically and patted his hand. "It'll be over soon and then you'll get some medicine to make it go away." She pulled her hand away when Henry tried to rub his hand against hers to alleviate some of the itching. "Nope, nice try though." While they waited she went out in the hall and tried calling Abe again using Henry's phone this time. As Henry had predicted Abe picked up right away. She told him what was going on and he started asking her all these medical questions that she couldn't answer until she finally told him to just get down to the hospital so he could ask Henry himself. When she came back into the room the technician had returned and was examining all of the hives on Henry's arms and making notes.

"I take it he actually answered the phone this time?" Henry asked grinning when he saw the frustrated look on her face.

"Yes. He started interrogating me about your condition, until I cut him off and told him to just come down here and see for himself."

Henry laughed. "That's Abraham all right, always the worrier. He's rather like a father to me." Henry was surprised to find that he meant it. He wasn't sure when their roles toward each other had reversed, but it was probably sometime after Abe had turned fifty. It was certainly easier to play it that way for the benefit of others anyhow based on outward appearances. He recalled that he used to tell people they were like brothers when they had appeared much closer in age.

The technician finished her examination. "Well it appears you definitely have an allergy to latex Dr. Morgan and a bunch of other things as well. The skin testing might not be entirely accurate since you have had antihistamines in your system, but you probably have to worry about false negative results more than false positives. The blood panel will confirm the results of the skin test. When that comes back a doctor will go over the results with you." She applied ointment to Henry's hands, arms, and face, and injected some medication into his IV as well as hooking him up to a saline drip. "I hope you feel better soon Doctor." Henry thanked her and she left.

"Dear god, tell me this isn't happening," Henry moaned covering his face with one hand.

Jo didn't even have the heart to gloat over the fact that she'd been right. "Hey, it'll be alright. You'll just use latex-free gloves from now on. No big deal."

"I know, it's just frustrating." He closed his eyes. The medication was starting to make him groggy as it worked its way through his bloodstream.

"Get some rest Henry. I'm sure Abe will be here soon."


Henry was jolted awake with a sneeze. It seemed like that happened every time he started to doze off. The medication had reduced his sneezing considerably, but hadn't eliminated it altogether. At least the itching in the rash and hives had greatly diminished. He glanced over at Jo who was still sitting in a chair next to his bed and smiled.

Jo smiled back. "How are you holding up?"

"Better I think. The itching has much improved. I only wish I could fall asleep. I'm so tired."

"At least you're only sneezing one or two at a time now."

"Yes there is that," Henry conceded.

Abe entered the room and shook his head at Henry. "What have you gotten yourself into?"

Henry's face lit up. "Ah Abraham at last! Take me home."

"We'll leave when the doctors say you can leave," said Abe firmly.

"I'm a doctor and I say I can leave," Henry insisted. "This is all overkill." He made a wide dismissive gesture that seemed to include everything from his IV to the entire room.

Abe rolled his eyes and looked at Jo questioningly. "The attending physician thinks he'll probably be fine but wants to keep him overnight for observation just as a precaution since latex allergies can be serious," Jo explained. "Of course Henry is being a stubborn idiot and won't sign the admission forms."

Abe frowned. "Latex allergy? Aren't those protective gloves made of latex? How is he going to do his job?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. He'll just switch to latex-free gloves and he'll have to bring his own to crime scenes."

Henry grabbed a tissue and sneezed twice into it. "Just take me home. I'll commit suicide and then I'll be good as new in the morning."

"He doesn't know what he's saying. They've got him on some pretty strong medication," Jo tried to reassure Abe when she saw the look of wide-eyed horror on his face.

Abe shook his head. "This is nothing new. I just didn't know he joked like this in front of anyone else. It's going to get him into trouble one day."

"Yeah tell me about it," said Jo. "I had a hard time convincing the attending physician not to put him on a psych hold. I just explained that he's an ME with a morbid sense of humor. Though in hindsight maybe I should have let him."

Abe nodded and turned back to Henry. "You're staying and that's final. Do I make myself clear young man?"

Henry burst out laughing hysterically. "Ok ok, you win. You'll have to entertain me though."

"What do you think this is for?" Abe held up a travel chess set. "We'll play once they admit you and move you to a proper hospital room."

Jo raised an eyebrow. She wasn't sure what was so funny, but she was glad that Abe was able to persuade Henry where she had failed. She picked up the paperwork where it was resting next to the sink and handed it to Henry. He signed it and she walked it over to the nurse's station. After Henry had been moved out of the ER and got settled in his room Abe set up the chess board on Henry's lap. It was amusing watching the two of them play, seeing the looks of intense concentration on their faces as they planned their moves. Henry was still sneezing intermittently, but it was a major improvement from earlier.

Henry grinned and moved a piece on the chess board. "And I believe that's check mate."

Abe's eyes widened. "Even drugged up you still beat me." Turning to Jo he said, "You'd think he'd let an old man win every once in awhile."

Henry's breath hitched and he sneezed into a tissue. He blew his nose and tossed the tissue into the trashcan. "Would you care for a game Detective?"

Jo smiled. "I think I'll pass. Chess isn't really my thing. I'm afraid I wouldn't be much of a challenge for you."

Henry yawned. "It's getting harder to stay awake. Who knows, you might actually beat me."

"I bet you'd let her win," Abe muttered under his breath.

"It's probably best if you try to sleep now," said Jo gently. Henry nodded and closed his eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of him," Abe said after he was sure that Henry was asleep. "He needs someone in his life. I won't be around forever."

"Um I think you might have the wrong idea," said Jo. "We're not together, we're just colleagues."

"Maybe not now, but in a few months who knows," said Abe dismissively. "You care about him, I can tell. Even if you only become good friends, that's still something."

Jo nodded. "I think friendship is about all I can handle right now."

Abe smiled. "Well it's getting late and I'm sure you need your beauty rest too. Go on home, I'll stay with him."

"Ok I'll check in on him tomorrow," said Jo and left hoping that he'd be all better in the morning and that he'd find something to help him manage his other allergies better as well.


Sorry there wasn't as much sneezing in this part but I hope it was still enjoyable to read. Just one note... In this part and I think in part two I wrote that Henry had a cell phone, but in episode 4 he kept asking people to borrow their phones so I'm not sure if he actually even owns one. Maybe he just forgot his phone that day, or maybe he just doesn't have one because he'd lose it every time he dies. Not a major thing, but I just thought I'd mention it in case anyone noticed that in the latest episode.

Edited by Shayla
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Wonderful. I like this storyline and your writing style.

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Thanks! Though stupid me, when I was trying to fall asleep last night I realized I left out something that I meant to put in that chapter. It wasn't anything big, I just meant to put in something about Jo having a soft spot for people who had saved her life multiple times. Oh well, I guess I'll just put it in part 6. It might take longer for me to get the next part up though as I've only got a vague idea right now what I want to do with it.

Edited by Shayla
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My tablet's having internet issues and my finger hit the report button and if it reports you I'm sorry, Shayla didn't mean to do it! This was a good two pieces youput up here while I was gone! Yeah, I don't think he does have a cell phone, as seen in Episode 4-Found a hotel that had reasonable channels. Henry's gonna kill himself one day.......

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It's ok. I'm sure if a report actually went through the staff will come and see your post and know it was unintentional.

Yeah I'm starting to think he probably doesn't have a phone just because it would get too expensive to keep replacing it since everything that's on him when he dies just seems to disappear.

His watch wasn't lost when he died at the beginning of episode one because he dropped it in the train crash.

I'm now starting to wonder what the hell he does about his wallet with ID, credit cards, etc. I can just imagine him keeping multiple backups of ID and credit cards, but bet he probably doesn't carry much cash on him ever.

Well regardless I think I'll just keep writing him as having a phone, at least for this story. I'll just get around the conflict in my head by imagining that he uses cheap disposable cell phone and would never have a smart phone like Abe has.

As for killing himself did you mean in my fic or on the show? If you meant the show...

well he already did that in the first episode as a means to try to figure out the case he was working on, but you probably missed that bit.

If you meant my fic, well you'll just have to wait and see. wink.png

Edited by Shayla
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Wasn't thinking when I wrote that-He dies all the time, lol. Was a figure of speech not designed for people who can't die-Figuratively :D

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Here's part 6. Share and enjoy!


Henry had a strange sensation in his throat. He was sick and it had been sore for days but this was different. It started as a tickle causing him to cough and water didn't seem to help. Then his throat actually started to feel tight and before he knew it he couldn't breathe. He collapsed and lost consciousness, but instead of waking up in water as he'd expected he was in a hospital bed with Abe shaking him.

"You were having a nightmare," said Abe. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

Henry blinked a few times and looked around the room to make sure they were alone. "I was dreaming about the first time I died from anaphylaxis. Not one of the best ways to die."

Abe nodded. "That was brought on by penicillin right?"

"Yes, I was being treated for strep throat at the time. At least after I died I wasn't allergic to it anymore and the strep had cleared up." Henry closed his eyes and thought for a moment. "You do realize I'm going to have to do something about this latex allergy. It's really not just a matter of switching to latex-free gloves. Sometimes the bodies I work with have latex on them in one form or another and there are other situations where I might be exposed to it. It might have only caused a rash and sneezing this time, but it could become worse upon further exposure. An epi-pen isn't always enough to keep me alive until medical help can arrive and I can't risk dying in public. Better to take care of it in a controlled manner. We could have taken care of it last night if you'd taken me home when I asked you to."

"I know," said Abe with a sigh. "I was just hoping to avoid it. I also thought it would look strange to your detective friend if I let you check yourself out of the hospital against medical advice."

"Yes there is that. I did try to get her to leave long before you arrived, but apparently Lieutenant Reece instructed her to stay and make sure nothing happened to me," Henry paused to rub at his nose which had started to itch, "or so she says." He sneezed three times into his arm. Abe blessed him and passed him the tissue box and he blew his nose. "I think the medication they gave me yesterday is starting to wear off. At least the rash is fading." Henry examined his hands and they were only a light red color now with a bit of residual itching.

"The sun is shining and it's going to be another high pollen count day," said Abe.

"Wonderful." Henry sneezed again and groaned.

"Don't even think about going in to work today once you get out of here."

Henry shook his head. "I wasn't. I need to go down to the medical supplies warehouse. I want to set up my own allergy testing kit. I think it would be a good idea to test myself after each death so I'll be better prepared. I can custom add to it over time to check for everything I've ever been allergic to. Of course I won't be able to test for chemical sensitivities such as fragrances or cleaning products, but it will still be better than the wait and see approach. Who knows, maybe I'll even learn more about my condition by cross referencing my allergies with cause of death."

"That does sound like a good plan," Abe agreed.

They played chess to pass the time until an orderly came in with Henry's breakfast and Abe left to get his own breakfast from the hospital cafeteria. When he was about halfway through his meal a doctor came in to go over the results of skin and blood tests and gave him his discharge papers and some prescriptions for a few different allergy medications to try. The doctor seemed disconcerted at the frequency Henry was sneezing and told him to follow up with an allergist. When the doctor left, Henry read through the results again. In addition to a moderately severe latex allergy, the tests also showed he had severe allergies to three types of grass, two types of ragweed, two types of mold, and a minor dust allergy. He didn't see feathers listed anywhere and it appeared that it wasn't even tested for. This was precisely why he needed to build his own allergy testing kit.

Henry finished his breakfast and signed his discharge papers, then changed out of the hospital gown and back into his clothes. He called a nurse to give the discharge papers to who removed his IV and told him an orderly would be there soon to wheel him down to the hospital entrance. He nodded resignedly. There was no reason he couldn't walk out on his own but he knew they had to do it for liability reasons. When the orderly showed up with the wheelchair, Henry put on his coat and scarf, called Abe to let him know it was time to leave, and dejectedly let himself be wheeled away.

Henry felt the tickling in his nose increase as soon as he and Abe exited the hospital building. He really couldn't catch a break. He sniffled a few times trying to delay things as much as possible. As they entered the parking garage Abe pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket and passed it to him giving him a look as if to say 'just let it out already'. He blew his nose hoping that would help clear the tickles out, but that just seemed to irritate his sinuses more. He inhaled sharply and then sneezed twice into the handkerchief.

"Bless you," said Abe. "We'd better get those prescriptions filled."

Henry sneezed again and nodded. "Yes hopefully one of them will be marginally more effective than the over the counter medications."


Henry waited on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs next to the pharmacy counter in the drugstore while he waited for his prescriptions to be filled. Abe had driven him to where he'd left his car the day before and he'd driven himself there. Abe was hesitant to let him drive but relented when he promised to be extra careful. He had to get back and open up the shop anyway. It was tricky trying to drive when he had to sneeze every couple of minutes, but luckily traffic was slow, plus he'd had plenty of practice from past bodies in which he'd suffered bad allergies. He rubbed his nose as the need to sneeze came upon him again and then his phone started ringing. He glanced at the display and saw that it was Jo calling and answered it. "One moment Detective..." He did his best to cover the mouthpiece and then sneezed forcefully into his handkerchief.

"Bless you," said Jo. "The hospital told me you had been discharged, but I guess you're still not one hundred percent."

"Indeed and I hope you're not calling about a work related matter. I've decided to do the sensible thing and take the day off." He heard a crash on the phone. "Detective? Is everything alright?"

"That was me falling over from shock," Jo answered teasingly.

Henry rolled his eyes knowing that she'd probably just knocked over a trashcan for the sound effect. "Look if this is about a case you'll have to meet me at the pharmacy near the antique shop. I'm getting some prescriptions filled."

"No, no case. I was just checking in. I'm glad you're trying to take it easy and I promise not to bother you with any cases unless absolutely necessary."

"The rash is mostly gone," Henry paused and stifled three sneezes into his handkerchief, "but I'm still battling the hay fever. Thank you for your concern."

"Well I've got a bit of a soft spot for people who save my life, especially those that have done it more than once," Jo replied jokingly.

Henry grinned. "Then I shall make a point of saving your life on a regular basis."

Jo laughed. "Only if I get to save your life too. Well I gotta get going. I hope the new meds work out and you feel better soon."

"Thank you Detective, so do I." Shortly after he'd hung up the phone his name was called. He paid for the prescriptions along with a new supply of tissues. He really needed to stock up on some more handkerchiefs. Once he got in his car he went through the various prescriptions he'd had filled. One was a topical medication which he opened up and applied to his hands to take care of the remnants of the rash. There were two different oral medications for him to try. He picked one at random and swallowed the pills dry. The last prescription was for a nasal spray. He wished he'd paid more attention. If he had realized that the last prescription was for a nasal spray he wouldn't have gotten it filled. While his response to oral medications tended to vary randomly, his response to nasal sprays was invariably the same. They seemed to do nothing more than act as an irritant to his sensitive nose and gave him the most awful sneezing fits. Though this was one he had not tried before. Perhaps he would give it a chance at a later time. The worst that could happen was that he'd sneeze to death.


Henry managed to find everything he needed at the medical supplies warehouse and set everything up in his basement laboratory when he got home. When he was done he tried to help Abe in the shop, but Abe had shooed him upstairs saying his sneezing was scaring off the customers and that he should be resting anyway. He resigned himself to a day of reading and tried to enjoy himself as best he could with his allergies knowing he was going to die that night. He was restless though and had even called Lucas at one point out of boredom and also because he still had his doubts about his colleague's competency. Lucas had assured him that he and the other ME's had everything under control so he had no excuse to go in to work.

That night Abe had prepared a fabulous meal for him with his favorite dessert. "I suppose I should eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow I shall die." Abe just shook his head and rolled his eyes at the quote. Henry knew Abe had gone all out because he was scared that this time he'd die permanently. After dinner they played a couple of games of chess, Henry still winning every time. After midnight they both knew they couldn't put it off any longer and headed down to the basement. Henry placed an IV in his left arm, got undressed and lay down on the exam table covering himself with a blanket. Abe sat on a stool next to the table and picked up the syringe that contained the lethal dose of opiates that would kill him but hesitated to inject it into his IV. "Don't worry Abraham. Everything will be fine like it always is."

"I know, but it's still painful to kill your own father even if you know he'll simply come back to life." Abe kissed Henry on the forehead and injected the syringe into the IV.

"Head down to the river as soon as my body vanishes," said Henry taking his son's hand in his. Abe nodded knowing the routine. He'd already packed up his car with a change of clothing and towels. They held hands as Henry drifted off to sleep. This was one of the better ways to die. He'd just fall asleep in a state of euphoria and wouldn't even be aware of his body shutting down. He smiled as images of Abigail and Abe as a young boy filled his head and then there was nothing. He awoke in water as he always did and swam to the surface. He took a deep breath as he broke through the surface of the water. He floated for a few minutes just enjoying the water and then started to make his way toward the shore.

Jo was driving but she wasn't sure where she was going. She had just left the bar where she was having a drink with her coworkers. She hadn't really felt like going, but her boss had insisted saying it would help her relax. She couldn't drink enough to take her mind off of her dead husband and still drive, so she left early. She didn't feel like going home though so she just drove. She suddenly had a feeling she should drive along the Hudson River and as she was driving she saw a man emerge from the water making his way up the bank. Jo stopped the car. The man appeared to be naked, but it was hard to tell in the dark, and as much she didn't feel like dealing with this right now, it was her duty as a police officer to make sure nothing illicit was going on. She got out of the car and walked toward the man and shined her flashlight on him. Yep he was definitely naked. He squinted in the bright light and covered his groin with his hands.

"Detective?" said Henry recognizing Jo as the one holding the flashlight. He felt himself blushing and was absolutely mortified that she had found him in this state, but at least it wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been if she'd witnessed his death.

"Henry? What the hell are you doing?" Jo shouted.

"I'm looking for my clothes, though I'm not quite sure where I left them," Henry lied. Jo shook her head and took off her jacket and handed it to him. He tied the jacket around his waist. "Thank you Detective."

"Do you want to tell me why the hell you were skinny dipping in the Hudson River late at night?" Jo asked in an exasperated tone.

"Lucas asked for my help with a drowning case. I was looking for evidence," Henry answered knowing it was a weak story, but it was the first thing he could come up with.

"Are you sure that's the story you want to go with?" said Jo knowing full well he was lying. "I can and will check on that tomorrow. This is crazy even for you under normal circumstances, but you just got out of the hospital and going for a swim at night in cold water is the last thing you need."

Henry nodded. "Yes I know." He sniffled as his nose started to tickle. He wasn't sure if it was the cool night air, if he'd gotten some water up his nose, or if this new body was allergy-ridden as well. Dying certainly would have cleared out any medication that had been left in his system. He quickly brought his arm up to his face and sneezed three times into it.

"Bless you. Come on, I think I've got some towels in the trunk of my car. The last thing you need is to get sick right now."

Henry followed Jo back to her car sneezing a couple more times on the way. He'd definitely need to do that allergy test as soon as he got home. Jo opened her trunk and pulled out a large towel and handed it to him and he started drying himself off. "Thank you Detective." When he finished drying off he tied the towel around his waist and returned the jacket to Jo.

Jo tossed the damp jacket in the trunk. "Seriously Henry, what were you doing out here? Did you have some kind of weird reaction to your new meds?"

"Perhaps. I was thinking about Abigail. We used to go swimming here long ago. We were young and in love," said Henry lying again. At least this lie had elements of the truth and those were usually the most convincing lies. He used to go for naked moonlight swims with Abigail but not in the city. They'd gone swimming out in the country where they'd had more privacy. "I've had a rough couple of days and I suppose I just wanted to relive those memories and imagine she was with me in the water."

"Oh Henry, I'm sorry. I know what that's like." She patted him on the shoulder in a feeble attempt at comfort. "Next time bring a bathing suit, ok?"

"Yes Detective, I'll try to keep that in mind." His breath hitched and he muffled a small fit of sneezes into the back of his wrist.

"Where'd you park your car?"

"I walked here. I just started walking aimlessly and found myself here," he answered.

Jo nodded. "Funny how that happens. I was just driving aimlessly and found myself here as well. I'd give you a ride home, but I'm not sure my car has aired out enough yet."

"Well let's see." Henry opened the passenger side door of Jo's car and stuck his head inside and sniffed tentatively. Her car did still smell like perfume. The smell wasn't nearly as strong as it had been, but it was still noticeable. He had hoped that his death would rid him of this particular sensitivity, but as his nose started tickling he knew that he had not been so lucky. He pulled his head out the car, closed the door, and let out four harsh sounding sneezes.

"Yep this isn't going to work. I'll call Abe for you."

"No need, he should be along soon. He knew I was going out."

"How will he know where you are though?" Jo asked.

Henry grinned. "Oh he knows my habits quite well."

Jo wasn't sure if this meant that Henry came walking here often, or if going swimming naked and then losing his clothes was something that happened on a regular basis. She decided she didn't want to know. Sure enough a car pulled up and Abe was sitting in the driver's seat. "Yes clearly he does. Goodnight Henry."

"Goodnight Detective." He watched as she got in her car and drove away then walked over to Abe's car. He grabbed a sweatshirt and sweatpants from the back seat, put them on and then climbed into the passenger seat next to Abe, closed the door and put on his seatbelt.

"What was she doing here?" Abe asked.

Henry shrugged. "It was quite the coincidence."

"Or maybe it was fate," said Abe with a wink.

Henry sneezed and grabbed some tissues from the glove compartment and blew his nose. "Fate... I don't know about fate anymore."

"You didn't tell her did you?"

Henry shook his head. "Of course not. I do feel I can be more open with the Detective than I've been able to with anyone in a long time, but not nearly enough to feel safe telling her the truth about me."

"You may have to someday, especially if you keep working so closely with her. She's bound to notice something," Abe pointed out. He also knew that Henry would need someone to help him after he was gone, but knew this wasn't the time to bring that up.

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Let's go home."

Edited by Shayla
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Love this. Henry and Abe's interactions are great. I love where things are going with Jo. And poor Henry, he goes and dies and it doesn't even solve the problem! Poor baby!

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Thanks, so glad you're still enjoying this. I seriously can't wait for the next episode, I'm going through bad withdrawal. :laugh: It should be a fun episode from what I've seen of coming attractions. There was a brief glimpse of Henry, Abe and Jo talking and her asking how they know each other and the two of them just start babbling. :lmfao:

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