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Erratic Sensitivities (Forever, Henry) Part 15 posted.


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This is a fanfic for the new show Forever. Disclaimer: I don't own this show or the characters, I am just borrowing them for my own amusement.

Normally I don't write for shows I've only seen three episodes of, so please forgive me if I don't capture the characters that well.

Warning: There are a couple of instances in this story where suicide is joked about. Normally I would never joke about suicide, but it seemed fitting due to the premise of the show(for those that haven't seen it, the main character is incapable of dying permanently). If this is something that you think will offend or upset you, please don't read this story.


Dr. Henry Morgan woke up and looked at his clock. It was well over half an hour before his alarm normally woke him up. Today he was woken instead by an incredibly itchy nose. He let out a soft groan as he sniffed and rubbed at his nose and could feel congestion starting to set in. He hated when this happened. He'd enjoyed a nice string of non-afflicted incarnations, but his current body, which he had acquired just the previous evening, seemed to suffer badly from allergies. He never used to get allergies, but as the condition grew more and more common in modern society, he found himself growing increasingly prone to them. The strange thing was that every time he died the things he was allergic to changed seemingly at random. Sometimes he got lucky after he died and didn't seem to have allergies at all, or at least he'd die again before he could encounter anything he was allergic to. He briefly mused over how accident prone he seemed to be and wondered if his immortality made him more reckless than he would otherwise have been. Of course at times he'd find himself allergic to something that he'd been allergic to in a past incarnation but the intensity of the allergy wasn't always the same. What had previously been a minor allergy could turn into something more severe or vice versa. One thing that stayed fairly consistent was that sneezing seemed to feature as a prominent symptom in the majority of his allergies most likely due to his keen sense of smell and overall sensitive nose.

As the itch in his nose increased, he quickly deduced that his current body must have a rather nasty pollen allergy. He looked around for a box of tissues, but there were none on either of his nightstands, since it had been a few months since he'd last suffered from allergies. He couldn't wait any longer. The itch in his nose reached its peak and he had no choice but to sneeze into the crook of his arm. He sniffed wetly and pulled himself out of bed. He opened his closet and retrieved a box of tissues from the top shelf. He opened the box and pulled out a couple of tissues just in time to muffle two wet sneezes into them. He sat down on the edge of his bed and blew his nose then sighed. He could tell that this was going to be one hell of a day.

Henry showered and dressed thankful that he had woken up early as it took him a bit longer than usual to accomplish these activities with his intermittent sneezing. He went down to the kitchen to get breakfast and brought the tissue box with him. Abe was already sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of oatmeal.

"You look awful," said Abe as he looked up from his breakfast.

"I'm fine," said Henry cringing inwardly at how congested his voice was starting to sound. "It seems that this is just going to be one of my allergy-ridden incarnations." He quickly pulled a tissue from the box and sneezed harshly into it.

"Bless you. You sound awful too," Abe replied. "There's some oatmeal for you on the stove."

"Thank you," said Henry both for the blessing and the oatmeal. He poured himself a bowl adding syrup and brown sugar and sat down at the table across from Abe trying his best to eat between sneezes.

Abe shook his head after Henry sneezed for the fifth time since he sat down. "You should take a sick day."

"I'm fine. I told you, it's just allergies. I've got too much work to do."

Abe rolled his eyes. "Yeah like you're going to get so much work done sneezing all over the place. At least take something for it."

Henry nodded. "I will. I'm stopping off at the pharmacy on the way to work." He gasped as the tickle in his nose suddenly flared up and caught three rapid-fire sneezes in a wad of tissues. "If the medicine doesn't work, I'll simply commit suicide tonight. That usually does the trick."

Abe rolled his eyes again and ignored Henry's last comment. "And you've packed a handkerchief?"

"Yes father," Henry replied sarcastically, the irony not lost on either of them. "I've got two in my coat pocket and another four in my briefcase and I'll be purchasing more tissues as well."

Abe nodded finally satisfied. "Very well. Off with you then. If you want to go torture yourself, who am I to stop you?"

Henry chuckled and kissed Abe affectionately on the top of his head secretly pleased that his adopted son fussed over him so much. He put on his coat and scarf and headed off to work.


Jo didn't see Henry when she entered the morgue. There was only Lucas preparing a body that had just been brought in. "Is Dr. Morgan in his office?" she asked him.

"Yes, but I wouldn't go in there if I were you Detective," Lucas warned. "He's having one of his attacks and he's not in the best mood," he said air-quoting the word "attacks".

Jo was about to ask what he meant when she heard the sound of muffled sneezing coming from Henry's office. "Allergies?" she asked.

"Yeah, though to what I have no idea. The man never tells me anything," Lucas grumbled. "Sometimes he just comes in sneezing his head off for no apparent rhyme or reason. Then he holes up in his office as much as possible demanding not to be disturbed unless it's an emergency. I honestly don't know why he just doesn't take the day off when he gets like this."

"Well thanks for the warning, but I think I'll take my chances."

"Suit yourself Detective."

Jo smirked. "Don't worry. I can handle him." She knocked gently on Henry's office door.

"I said I was not to be disturbed," came Henry's annoyed congested voice from the other side of the door followed by a small series of muffled sneezes.

"It's Detective Martinez," said Jo.

"Oh it's you. Very well, come in if you must," Henry answered resignedly.

Jo entered the office closing the door behind her. She tried not to stare but Henry looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy and his nose was awfully red. "You look like hell."

Henry narrowed his eyes. "How kind of you to notice." His breath hitched before sneezing twice into a tissue. He groaned softly before blowing his nose.

"Bless you. Funny, I'd have taken you for someone that uses handkerchiefs over tissues," Jo commented.

"You would be correct in your assumption Detective, however I've already used up all the handkerchiefs I brought with me. All six of them." He rubbed his nose as he felt the need to sneeze again, but it backed down for the time being.

"Yikes, that must be one nasty cold you have," Jo replied feigning ignorance hoping she could get more information out of him that way. "You should really go home and rest before you infect the rest of the staff."

"I do not have a cold. There is no risk of me infecting anyone."

"Not a cold. So what's wrong with you then?"

Henry sighed feeling his patience waning. "I would think that to an officer with your investigative skills it would be painfully obvious that I am suffering from an acute allergic reaction."

Jo couldn't help chuckling a bit. "Let me rephrase that. What are you allergic to?"

"At the moment? Pollen I think. The count is rather high today." Henry grabbed a tissue as the tickle he'd staved off returned in full force and he sneezed harshly into it, paused for a couple of seconds, then sneezed twice more.

Jo frowned. That was an odd answer, but then Dr. Henry Morgan was full of eccentricities. She wondered how many other allergies he had that weren't bothering him "at the moment". She had the strange notion that he might have numerous unusual allergies. She resisted the urge to laugh as she imagined him collecting allergies in much the same way he seemed to collect scarves. "The pollen count has been high for the last several days and you've been fine. Did you just forget to take your meds today?"

"No. My allergies are somewhat erratic. The pollen simply wasn't affecting me until today. I did take some medicine, but as you can see..." he paused to sneeze wetly into another tissue, "it hasn't been one hundred percent effective. I was much worse an hour ago though so it must be doing something. Be glad you waited until now to come to see me."

"Um yeah," Jo mumbled not wanting to imagine the state he was in an hour ago. "Well I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you. Now did you want something, or did you just come here to gawk at me and interrogate me about my faulty immune system?"

"Oh right," said Jo having almost forgotten why she was there. "I just wanted your opinion on a cold case. It's not urgent." She placed the file on the one spot on his desk that wasn't covered in used tissues. "Just take a look whenever you're feeling up to it."

Henry picked up the file and opened it. It was quite old and had a rather musty smell to it which seemed to aggravate his already irritated nasal passages. He could feel his nose tickling and starting to run as he attempted to scan the first page. He tried to ignore the sensations at first, rubbing and pinching his nose to try to make the feeling back down. If anything this seemed to make things worse. He dropped the file and grabbed a handful of tissues just in time to catch an intense fit of sneezes. They came hard and fast one on top of each other pitching him forward violently in his desk chair.

After the first dozen sneezes, Jo's mouth dropped open in astonishment. She'd never seen anyone sneeze like that before in her life and guessed that this was a glimpse of what he must have been like an hour ago. "Shit, are you going to be ok?"

"I'll live, but barely," Henry answered once he'd managed to stop sneezing. He blew his nose repeatedly before continuing. "Though if I haven't improved by tonight, I might just kill myself," he said repeating the same joke he'd used with Abe that morning.

Jo started to laugh but stopped as she sensed something in his voice that made her think he wasn't entirely kidding. "Yeah well I think that's a case of the cure being worse than the disease."

"That's easy for you to say." In his exhaustion Henry rested his head on his desk in the folds of his crossed arms. He realized this was a big mistake as he caught another whiff of the musty file. He sat up, grabbed some more tissues and sneezed several more times into them blowing his nose wetly when he'd finished.

Jo felt so bad for Henry. The poor guy looked so worn out and miserable that she almost wanted to hug him. "I think you should go home and rest. You're in no condition to be working right now."

Henry waved her off in a dismissive gesture. "I'll be fine. This will pass once the medication takes full effect."

Jo raised an eyebrow. "I think you need new meds."

"Perhaps," Henry agreed. Unfortunately another facet of his condition was that when his allergies changed after dying, sometimes medications that had previously worked well were no longer very effective. Sometimes it would take him up to a week of experimentation before he figured out what medication his body currently best responded to.

"You really need to go home, but you're in no shape to drive. Can your roommate pick you up or do you need a ride?"

Henry was about to protest, but driving to work had been a challenge and that was before his allergies had hit in full force. He sighed in defeat. "Abe will be happy to pick me up, he's used to it," he said referring more to his need for rides after dying and reviving. "You needn't concern yourself."

"Ok give me your keys."

"Why would I do a thing like that?" Henry asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Because I'm a police officer and I'm telling you to," said Jo firmly. "With allergies like yours it might actually be worse than driving drunk and I don't have time to babysit you until your friend gets here to make sure you don't drive."

Henry stifled a sneeze and then chuckled. "Very well Detective." He retrieved his keys from his pocket and handed them over to Jo.

Jo pocketed the keys. "Take care of yourself Henry. Again, there's no rush with that file. It's a fifteen year old case, it can wait a little longer." Henry nodded and then started to sneeze again. Jo wasn't sure if she should just leave or wait for him to finish and say goodbye. Henry waved her off indicating that it wasn't going to stop any time soon, so she turned on her heels and fled the office.

Edited by Shayla
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Oh, I adored this! The plot, the writing (especially the dialogue), all of it! Things I especially loved:

* The relationship between Hebry and Abe. It felt very natural, the same mix of snark and care we see in the show. And I loved the top-of-Abe's-head kiss.

* The dialogue between Lucas and Jo. I really do feel bad for the poor boy! Though I think if he paid more attention to what he does know than what he doesn't, he might realize he's not quite as in the dark about Henry as he thinks.

* The dialogue between Jo and Henry. Especially the exchange about him using handkerchiefs (that was my absolute favorite part of the fic), and her taking his car keys away from him.

* How the whole fic opens up yet another avenue for Jo to see that there's something "off" about Henry. (For example, when she points out that the pollen has been high for days, so why did he only start suffering today?)

"If the medicine doesn't work, I'll simply commit suicide tonight. That usually does the trick."

This is something I've actually been wondering about: if Henry is sick (seriously or minorly) or injured, might he simply choose to kill himself painlessly so that he wouldn't have to deal with whatever the problem was? I'd be very interested to see what, if anything, the show says about that. As for allergies, I never really thought about it with them, because I've been thinking of his ressurections as essentially a reset to factory settings, but--considering seeing as the show has so far given us no indication that even knows exactly what happens--I really like the idea that it's really a whole new body he gets each time, each with its own quirks, with only the visible "shell" remaining the same.

I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in this fandom. :)

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Wow thanks! I rarely ever get such detailed feedback on a fic. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm definitely going to be doing a part two with some sort of perfume reaction and possibly a reaction to cats in a third part. If you've got any suggestions for allergy triggers you'd like to see I'm certainly open to ideas.

You're right that the show only gives us so much information so far. I wasn't sure if his body sort of teleported and reset as you said, or if he actually got a brand new body each time, but obviously the latter worked for the purposes of this story. I was actually sort of thinking of it like how the Doctor in Doctor Who regenerates and has different quirks about each body he's in. The difference here is that with Henry, each body looks the same. One thing I'm extremely curious about is the fact that he revives naked in water each time, but his clothes aren't left behind where he died, so where the hell did his clothes go? It must suck always losing a set of clothes each time he dies. I guess any time he does it on purpose though he can make sure to get naked first. I also wonder what's going to happen to him in winter time. What if he turns up in a body of water that's frozen over? Will he just keep dying repeatedly until he can break through the ice? Even if it's not frozen over there's still the potential for dying of hypothermia. I'm guessing he just has to be really careful not to die in cold weather.

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I also wonder what's going to happen to him in winter time. What if he turns up in a body of water that's frozen over? Will he just keep dying repeatedly until he can break through the ice? Even if it's not frozen over there's still the potential for dying of hypothermia. I'm guessing he just has to be really careful not to die in cold weather.

And this is why I have so many "illness" fics floating around my head. Reborn naked in cold water=prime opportunities for a bit of sneeze torture.

I'm wondering if/when/how they'll deal with illnesses, myself. If Henry can die via poison, surely he's affected by illness too. But the question is, does he build up immunity like the rest of us (as in, once he gets something like measles, will he never get it again), or will he "reset", as you said, so that it's entirely possible for him to catch the same illness over and over again?

Anyway, on topic, yes. I really enjoy the idea of Henry having fluctuating allergies with each new "life", though I probably won't be adopting it as a headcanon, just a fun fic idea. I'm also glad you made Henry someone who prefers handkerchiefs, since that's what I tend to write, myself. Something about gentlemen with handkerchiefs, I don't know...

And if you need more ideas for allergies and think you can figure out a way to make it work, I'm always fond of a good feather allergy. Particularly when the allergy sufferer winds up with a faceful of the stuff.

(On a side note, I'm amused that we already have such a small but devoted following for the show over here on the forum. And like you said, we're only three episodes in. Maybe it'll never be a huge fandom, but at least anybody searching for sneezefic won't be disappointed.)

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Yes it's certainly understandable. The potential for illnesses cropping up from reviving in cold water are high, especially if he was already starting to come down with something before he died, but then again there's that whole reset thing so it might not apply. I just remember this one time I was visiting my grandmother as a kid and I was getting a sore throat but I didn't tell her because I knew she wouldn't let me go to the beach. So I kept quiet and got to go swimming and then I ended up with a really high fever.

I'm not sure if I'd turn the changing allergies into headcanon myself either as much as I love the idea. For now it's really just for the purposes of this story and I'm sure there's the possibility that I'd write other fics where this isn't the case. There are other ways this idea can be explored as well. Like maybe he doesn't always like the same foods each time he comes back(another Doctor Who regeneration type quirk).

As for the handkerchief thing, I'm honestly not really fond of them myself and in real life I'm kind of disgusted by them, but I will write a character using them if I think it fits. Henry having been born before the invention of tissues would have grown up using handkerchiefs so would be more likely to prefer them. I did the same thing with Hook for the same reason in my recent Once Upon a Time fic and he also had to resort to using tissues eventually after his only handkerchief got soaked through. There is one scenario involving handkerchiefs that I really love though which is if the handkerchief itself is making someone sneeze more for whatever reason, whether they are allergic to the washing detergent/fabric softener or maybe the fabric itself, maybe it got coated with some other allergen like dust or animal dander, or perhaps in the case of a borrowed one it's smells like the other person's perfume/cologne. This just creates the potential for an endless loop of sneezing. :twisted:

I was actually thinking of possibly doing something with feathers, but I wasn't sure how exactly I could work that in. Though when you mention a face full of the stuff I can sort of see that happening in a crime scene perhaps. Like maybe during an attack with a knife a down pillow got shredded or something.

I also think it's cool that there are a few people on here already that really love this show. I might not have even thought to write this story if someone else hadn't done one first. Who knows, maybe people who are unfamiliar with the show will get into it after reading the fics on here. I sort of had that happen with House. It was a combination of the fics on here and my mother raving about the show that got me into it.

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Lol, yeah. This is a nice little community wev'e got going here. And back to topic, I would probably slide with the theory of the fact that, hey, each time he dies, whatever he's built an immunity to will basically reinfect him again-Because new body=New immune system. So, yes, I think they should implement a side-episode for us SF people. That would be hilarious and just amazing.

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So basically if that were true then he'd probably only retain immunities to diseases he'd been exposed to before the first time he died and the whole thing started. As for a "fetishy" episode, who knows. It could happen. TV episodes where people get sick or have allergic reactions do happen from time to time and it's used as a plot device or for humor. Hell there was even one show where I swear they actually gave the main character a sneezing fetish.


It would be cool if they had some sort of episode where they dealt with him having allergies or illness or even a very noticeable injury like a broken limb and show how dying effects those things. Personally I kind of hope that they don't actually do anything sneezy on the show though just because I watch this with my mother and it's always awkward when that stuff happens.

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I can agree with that-just saying the word is awkward, but, you know, there's nothing wrong with it. As for the video reference, I'll be sure to watch that-the Millers? Never saw that one. Which episode?

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The episode of The Millers is called Cancellation Fee which aired this past April. I couldn't believe what they did with that episode. I'm pretty sure I was watching that with my mother as well and the only thing that saved it from being massively awkward was the fact that I was recovering from surgery and I was so drugged up and really out of it and missed half the fetishy stuff the first time watching it anyway.

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If you mean with my surgery, don't worry it wasn't anything major. I was basically just having the inside of my nose and sinuses renovated. :laugh: The surgery didn't solve all the issues I thought it would but it's a big plus actually being able to breathe even when I feel like I shouldn't be able to just based on the sinus pressure.

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Yeah well that's why they put you under general anesthesia for that sort of thing. I have enough trouble with the ENT just putting a scope up my nose while I'm awake. The week or so afterward was hell while I was recovering, but I think it was worth it.

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Here's part 2. Share and enjoy!


Jo looked at her watch. It was two hours since she'd left Henry's office, but she had this nagging feeling that he still hadn't gone home yet. The man could be stubborn and reckless and didn't always know or care what was best for him. Her boss did say she should try to trust her gut instinct more and she was tempted to do a GPS trace on his cell phone, but decided it would be easier just to call his office and see if he answered there first. The phone rang several times and Henry picked up just before the phone would have gone to voicemail.

"Detective, what can I do for you?" Henry answered the phone with an exasperated voice knowing that she was checking up on him.

Jo was startled at first wondering if she should add psychic abilities to his list of quirks but realized he must have caller ID on his office phone. "You can tell me why you're still at work two hours after I told you to go home."

"I'm not a child. You may have the authority to confiscate my car keys if you believe I'm unfit to drive, but I don't have to go home just because you say so." Henry paused thinking he was going to sneeze, but it faded. "For your information I was planning on leaving, but Abe is busy and said he'd get here when he gets here. I believe he's not feeling particularly sympathetic given that he told me not to come in today."

Jo laughed. "Well at least you sound better than you did when I left," she said noting that while he still sounded tired and congested, he did sound much better and she was actually surprised that he hadn't sneezed yet while on the phone.

"Yes I am much better, thank you. I told you I'd be fine once my medicine took full effect. Though perhaps I should try to find something that will work a bit faster. I have considered grinding the pills up into powder and inhaling them to get them into my system faster, but I'm afraid that might cause more than a few misunderstandings." Henry covered the mouthpiece of the phone so that Jo wouldn't hear, and then stifled three sneezes against the back of his wrist. In truth he had improved much once he put on a surgical mask when viewing that musty old file she'd left, and then sealed it up in an evidence bag when he wasn't reading it, but his pollen reaction still hadn't fully abated.

"Yeah, probably not the best idea," Jo agreed.

"I believe I'm well enough now to drive myself home when I'm ready to leave, but you still have my keys. I'd appreciate it if you'd be so kind as to drop them off at the end of your shift. I have a feeling Abe is going to leave me waiting until seven just to teach me a lesson. I would take the subway, but I've been a bit put off of that mode of transportation since the accident."

"Sure, I should there by 5:30, 6:00 at the latest. I'll call you if for any reason I end up being later than that."

"Thank you Detective. I'll see you soon."


Jo made it back to the morgue by 5:45 and it was pretty empty as most of the staff had gone home already. She nodded to Lucas as she passed him in the hallway. When she entered the main storage room she stopped short when she saw Henry lying on one of the exam tables. Her first thought was that he must be taking a nap, that as weird a thing as that would be to do, from him it didn't really surprise her. Yet there was doubt descending over her and she approached the table slowly. He was lying so still and didn't appear to be breathing. "Dr. Morgan wake up. I brought your keys." He didn't respond and she was starting to get a little worried. She shook him gently. "Come on Henry. Wake up so I can give you your keys." She put her cheek next to his face to see if she could feel any breath coming from his mouth or nose. He definitely wasn't breathing. She ran out of the room to find Lucas and found him coming from the bathroom heading back to the storage room. "What the hell happened?" she all but shouted at him.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Lucas answered completely bewildered.

"What happened to Dr. Morgan? He was fine when I spoke to him on the phone an hour ago!" said Jo nearly in a panic.

"I really have no clue what you're talking about," Lucas said and followed her back to the storage room. He rolled his eyes when he saw Henry lying on the exam table. "Oh for crying out loud. Dr. Morgan get up."

Jo raised an eyebrow. "You mean he's faking it?"

"Yeah, he pulls this stunt on everyone sooner or later. Scared the shit out of me my first week here," said Lucas. "He is surprisingly good at holding his breath."

Henry continued to hold his breath and lie still hoping to keep up the charade a bit longer. His plans were spoiled though when his allergies flared up again causing him to inhale sharply and sneeze.

"There you see, corpses don't sneeze. You gotta make sure to check his pulse," said Lucas. "I swear Dr. Morgan, if you keep this up no one is going to believe it when you actually do die."

Henry opened his eyes and grinned. "That won't be a problem because I don't plan on ever dying." Of course this was the complete opposite of the truth. He died all the time, it just didn't seem to take. Lucas threw up his arms and left. Henry got up off the hard table and stretched.

Jo smacked him on the arm. "That wasn't funny you bastard."

"That is a matter of opinion, but I'm touched you were so worried about me," said Henry with a twinkle in his eye. "Admit it, you'd miss me if I was gone."

Jo scowled. "I'd miss the use of your brilliant mind, nothing more."

Henry shrugged. "If you say so. May I have my keys now?"

Jo shook her head. "Nope, I'm driving you home."

"What? Why?"

"One, it's your punishment for playing a prank on me and two, your allergies are still acting up."

"It was one sneeze Detective. I hardly think that constitutes a driving hazard. People sneeze all the time while driving even if they don't have allergies and they don't get into accidents," Henry argued.

"Sure it's one sneeze now, in an air-conditioned building, but what's going to happen once you get outside in the pollen filled air?" Jo countered. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you your keys back if you can stand outside for five minutes without sneezing."

"Challenge accepted," said Henry confidently.

"And no holding your breath or breathing through your mouth or you forfeit."

Henry sagged a bit. "Very well." He went into his office, put on his coat and packed up his briefcase. When they exited the building Jo set the timer on her watch and looked at him expectantly. Henry gulped. Right away he could feel a tingle starting in his nasal passages. He instinctively tried to sniff it away, but of course that just resulted in him inhaling more allergens causing the tingle to turn into a stronger tickling sensation. He gave his nose a good rub as his eyes started to water. Jo couldn't help smirking. She didn't think he'd make it two minutes let alone five. She saw a look of mild panic on Henry's face and knew he was going to sneeze any second now. Henry grabbed some tissues from his pocket and brought them to his face just in time to catch a series of four sneezes. He sighed and blew his nose then disposed of the tissues in a nearby trashcan. "I suppose you win. How long did I last?"

Jo smirked. "You did very well Doctor. You made it a whole minute and fifty-four seconds."

Henry groaned and followed her to her car. He was not looking forward to what was sure to be a sneeze filled ride home.

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-_- I hated this post. NO I DID NOT I AM JUST KIDDING IT WAS AWSOME. P.S: Like how she challenged him for the five minutes, and the death joke part was funny. I can see him doing something like that-and scaring the heck out of Jo. Great post, contradictory of the first 4 words I posted. (Again, not true, so don't worry, it was quite the opposite ;) )
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Nnnngh, this is hitting so many of my buttons. Allergy torture. Character trying to hold back from sneezing and failing. (And immortal characters always pique my interest.) Makes me interested in checking out the show, maybe. Not sure if I'll have the time, but what a cute. ^_^

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Thanks so much for the comments everyone! :D


You should totally watch the show. It's such an interesting premise and it's only three episodes in so far so you don't have much to catch up on. If anything you should watch at least one episode so you'll be able to envision Henry's lovely British accent. ;)

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Shayla's right-You should. It's an amazing series so far and..... Just watch the darn show. And yes, he does have a lovely British accent, because the creators must have thought YOLO and made it all the more awesome to watch. Add to that the fact that it's got all the epicness of CSI and Bones, and you got yourself a keeper. :D

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And yes, he does have a lovely British accent, because the creators must have thought YOLO and made it all the more awesome to watch.

Though Henry certainly doesn't YOLO. :lol:

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This is brilliant! I love this new show and was excited to see stories on here. I love your writing style.

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Thanks, I hope to have part three up sometime tomorrow.

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*Presses 'follow' button*

Now I feel better that I won't miss anything. This is a good story line and for a moment I thought you had two-shot it. I am very interested as to how the two of them work around Henry's allergies :)

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No definitely not a two shot. I have no idea how far I plan to take this story at this point, but it's one that could go on for quite awhile. It might just end up being kind of episodic without a definitive end.

Edited by Shayla
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