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Danny Rand (Ultimate Spiderman)


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(Creative tital.. i know!!!)

The team had just come back from defeating the frightful four. Everyone was celebrating, “Hey guys, why don’t we go out for pizza?” Spiderman, leader of the team, asked.



“sounds great”

Everyone agreed to go after they had training. Coulson had set up the training area and five drones came up and started firing towards the team. Power man tossed White Tiger into the air to shred the flying drone. Danny had punched a hole through his drone, Nova blasted the mini drones that where following him, and spiderman webbed it’s blasters to make it explode.

“Good job, you all made record time. 10 seconds.”

The team cheered and everyone went to go hit the showers.

“hey Danny, I have your text book.”

Danny followed Ava into her room to retrieve it. Once she opened the door, Danny’s eyes started to get a little itchy. ‘oh no..’ Danny thought.

“uh.. Tiger?”


“I’m just going to wait outside.”

“Danny, I appreciate the thought, but it’s ok to come in.”

“that’s not the pr…problem.”

“Your being dramatic… just come in” She grabbed his wrist and pulled him into her room.


“stop whining.” Ava rolled her eyes as she searched her room for his book.

A little calico cat came out from under the bed and started to rub against Danny’s legs. (I honestly think all cats have sneeze fetishes… they always go to the one person who is allergic to them..)


“did you say something?” Ava asked, not looking at him. Danny cleared his throat before answering.

“No… Uh Ava.. Can you get your cat.”

“Are you afraid of this little adorable kitty?” Ava said, in a baby voice, as she bent down and picked up her cat.

“no” Danny was stepping away from her and the cat and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“boys…” Ava rolled her eyes and started playing with the cat.

“Hept…cho…gah…. I’ll just get the text book later.”

Ava didn’t seem to notice that he spoke, or even that he left.

Danny Walked out of her room and headed to the showers. On the way there Power-man (Luke Cage) walked up to him, “hey Fist, you ready to go.”

“Oh, um no,I hih.. haven’t showered yet.” Danny stifled a sneeze into his wrist “hppt”

“Your not getting sick are you?” Luke raised his eyebrows.

“No, but I did have an encounter with Ava’s cat.” At that Luke frowned and put a hand on Danny’s shoulder.

“Are you ok? You know I don’t mind staying her with you.”

Danny smiled and looked at Luke, “Thank you my friend, but we will still go.”

“You sure you feel up to it.”

“Yes, no need to worry.”

Luke shrugged and walked Danny to his room to get his cloths before showering. Luke waiting outside for Danny to be ready and when Danny finally came out they walked to meet up with the others.

“Hept…” Danny coughed a little into his wrist. He put on his sunglasses because his eyes where slightly watery and reddish looking. Luke had tried to get Danny to take medicine, but he refused. ‘the elders forbid medicine unless it is an emergency.’ Luke had given Danny a look at that. ‘suit yourself.’

Danny and Luke reached the others, “Where have you been! We’re gonna miss the movie!” Nova fumed.

“I thought we were going to get pizza?”

“The plans been changed.” Ava came out behind the door wearing a different dress, this time green with a brown sash. Danny faked a smile before muffling a cough into his wrist, and moved to stand between Danny and Ava. Ava looked at Luke funny but Luke just smiled.

“Come on!” Nova was already flying out of the tri-carrier. It took everyone ten minutes to arrive at the movie theatre, the movie was “Godzilla”

When everyone got there Danny said, “you go ahead, I have something I have to do. I will meet you for pizza later.”

“Nova, Ava and Peter went in but Luke stayed to talk to Danny. “Dude, what’s going on?” Danny went to sit on one of the benches and Luke sat next to him.

“I believe something is ‘messing' my chi energy.” Danny looked around to see if anyone was watching, then he lit up his fists. Something was off, the glow was dim and Danny looked really warn.

“Do you think it has something to do with the cat?”

“Another force is at hand, but I believe the cat… triggered..it..” Danny was sweating, having troubling focusing and his breathing was strange.

“Danny ,stop.” Luke put his hand over Danny’s right hand. Danny stopped and rested his head on Luke’s shoulder. “You ok man?”

“I will be…” Danny exhaled and sat up only to bend back down and start coughing. They where quiet, but only because Danny wanted them to be; Luke could hear the strain. He put a hand on Danny’s back and rubbed soothing circles. When the coughs subsided Danny stayed still, elbows on his knees and hands in his hair, behind his head.

“I think we should go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Have you checked out.”

“And if it’s of magical origin?”

“Then maybe Director Fury can help”

“no, If it escalates, then I need to go the the Sorcerer Supreme.”

“Dr. Strange? It’s a magic thing?”

“I beli…believe soó..” His breath started to hitch.. “Hepk.” He bent over into his lap with the sneeze.

“I really think you should be checked out.. Maybe your getting sick.”

Danny coughed in his lap, “You have forgotten the ca..cat… Hetpcho..IShoo.”

“Danny it’s been two hours…. I doubt it’s still Ava’s cat.” Danny kept his head in his lap, avoiding Luke’s gaze. He wasn’t embarrassed, he just didn’t want Luke to see how scared he was. His head felt fuzzy and dizzy, his hand was aching, he couldn’t focus, his nose was always itchy, throat on fire, everything that would explain being sick… But it felt different.. he was in pain….His Chi felt different, like someone was changing the one thing that defined him, kept him calm.

“Danny! Danny! Earth to Danny!” Danny had just realized that Luke had been shaking him and calling his name.

“I’m here. I’m sorry my friend.”

“Are you sure your ok? You just zoned out on me.”

“I am alright.” Danny smiled up at him. Luke was about to say something when their coms went off.

“Get to the tri-carriar now!” Nick Furry, director of SHIELD, yelled into their coms. The rest of the team ran out of the movie theatre and to the tri-carrier.

Should I continue? Comments are greatly appreciated, negative or positive!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should you continue? SHOULD YOU CONTINUE?!!!! YES!!!! OF COURSE!!! This is really good! I Love Danny! You so need to continue! :D Thank you so much for writing this!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The team all ran to the tri-carrier and was met with it being under attack by the zodiacs. The team split up. Sam, Ava and Peter went down towards the core to make sure the Zodiacs didn’t make the tri-carrier go nuclear. Danny and Luke went to go help Fury take down the leader.

Luke Found Fury tied to a table and ran to go release him. “Fist! Stop the leader from getting the Scorpion Key!” Danny saw that the leader was on the floor below him, about to reach the key. He ran across the floor and jumped off towards the leader, “KIYAA!” His two fits where glowing and he punched the leader. The force of the punch sent the leader to the other side and into a wall, knocking him unconscious.

Director Fury and Luke ran into the room, having heard the bang. “Fist, you good?” Luke called to Danny.

“Yes, i’m…fine…” Danny ran over to them and helped arrest the leader.

“Where is the rest of the team?!” Danny and Luke shared a glance then ran down towards the core. Danny was starting to feel spent after using both his iron fists, but he pushed through, only think about the safety of his teammates.

Danny and Luke had just about reached the door, when they heard Nova (Sam Alexander) scream. Luke tore off the door and they both ran inside, to be faced with an army of Zodiacs.

Luke and Danny re-united with their team and all fought as one. Luke threw White Tiger up into the air to snap lines that where falling from the ceiling, giving the Zodiacs a way in and a way out. Spider-man Webbed the entrances shut while Nova blasted Zodiacs who were trying to escape. Iron Fist (Daniel Rand) was fighting off Zodiacs who were trying to reach the control panel. Iron Fist was facing three at a time, usually Iron Fist would be able to take care of them easily, but seeing as Iron fist was feeling a bit “under the weather” they where each getting to lay a hand on him. Iron Fist was starting to get irritated, so focused his Chi into his fists and punched the group of Zodiacs. A Wave of Chi energy blew from his fist knocking every Zodiac in the room into the opposite wall, all of whom, fell unconscious.

The rest of the team stood in shock, all except Power-man. He ran to Iron Fist, just in time to catch Danny. He fell limp against Power-man, panting and sweating. “Is now a good time?”

Iron Fist ignored his question, and slowly start to stand up. His head was swimming, and everyone’s auras where becoming over whelming. He wanted to throw-up, but he couldn’t, instead he muffled some weak coughs into his fore-arm.

“Danny…. That was…. wow..” Spider-man was speechless.

“I’ve never seen you use so much power…” Nova’s face was full of ‘awe’

Ava was the first to notice Danny’s appearance, “Are you ok?”

Danny put on a fake smile and said, “Yes, It took more Chi energy than I had expected.”

White Tiger (Ava Ayala), Nova, and Spider-man (Peter Parker), went to go inform Fury of the situation. Once they left Danny let himself relax, and assess his condition. He wasn’t physically hurt, but his head was pounding, He felt nauseous, and he felt as if he was a gong and someone just hit it.

“Yo, Fist!” Danny could faintly hear Luke yell his name, He attempted to focus on Luke but his aura was making him sick. He knew Luke was worried about him and he tried to reassure Luke that he was ok, but he couldn’t think straight.

Luke had grabbed Iron Fist’s shoulders as if to steady him. “Danny! Look at me! Danny!”

“Your right…” It was hardly a whisper.

“I know.” Luke brushed Danny’s hair out of his eyes.

Danny was overcome with a coughing fit, he was bent over, and he was squeezing his eyes shut. Luke bent down and held Danny, Luke knew Danny was holding out on him.

“Danny, You need to tell me what’s going on with you.” Luke was the only thing keeping Danny from going face first into the floor.

“I feel horrible…” Danny swallowed hard.

“Are you gonna be sick?”

“If I look at you, then maybe…” Danny had just realized how bad that sounded, “My friend, I did not mean it like that…”

“The aura’s are too strong, aren’t they…?” Danny nodded, Luke took off his glasses and put them on Danny. “Does that help?”

“Thank you.” Danny tried to stand up straight but that only made him dizzier. Luke lead Danny out of the room and lead him into the infirmary. “Luke…”

“Danny, don’t argue. I want you to stay here while I meet up with the rest of the team.” he walked to the door and stopped at the frame, “and don’t even think about leaving.” With that, he left.

Luke ran over to the team, who where informing Nick of the power cores situation. It seems as though the power core is safe and that the enemies have been captured. Luke noticed Spiderman looking around, “um, Nick? Where’s Iron Fist?”

Luke had to cover for Danny, He knew Danny didn’t want anyone to worry about him, “He’s uh… helping in the Infirmary…” Luke gave his cheesiest smile. He wasn’t completely lying, Danny was in the infirmary…

“oh, ok. Well Nick it looks like everything is back to normal, I’m gonna go now…”

“Hold it Parker! You have work to do. Full report on my desk by morning.”

“aww man!” spiderman whined and jumped out of the helicarrier. Luke thought this would be the perfect time to sneak out and check on Iron Fist.

“Power-man, my office, now.” Luke froze and shivers went down his spine. He followed Nick fury to his office and sat in one of the chairs.

“Yes, director Fury?”

Fury sat down at his desk and pulled up the video of Iron Fist after the fight. “Want to tell me what’s going on with Iron Fist?” It wasn’t a question.

Luke gave a nervous laugh, the stopped when he caught Fury’s gaze. “Danny’s sick… but not like flu sick. He thinks their something wrong with his… Chi… and he thinks it has something to do with magic…”

At first Nick didn’t say anything, he just stared. Luke was starting to think Nick knew more than he was letting on.

“Bring Danny to Dr. Strange, find out what’s wrong with him. Keep me posted.” With that Nick walked out.

((Sorry it's soo short! i've been pretty busy lately! Sorry for no sneezes....Please forgive me!))

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  • 2 years later...

Hey there! I know that it's been a few years, but if your still interested in continuing the story, I'd be interested!?

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/28/2017 at 1:38 AM, MarauderFanGirl4Ever said:

Hey there! I know that it's been a few years, but if your still interested in continuing the story, I'd be interested!?

I'm always in the mood for Danny. I'm currently working on a LOTR fic, I'll work on this later. But i'll continue it :)

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