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I'll Look After You - One Direction (Larry Stylinson one-shot)


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Wrote this the other day when I was super bored, thought I would post it on here for anyone who wants to read my crappy writing.

Hope you like it! :D

It was a gorgeous summers day in London and the boys had a day to them selves to just relax or do whatever they wanted. Harry decided to take Louis out for the day to look for a pet because Harry really wanted a cat, he'd wanted one for a very long time. So at around 11 A.M Harry drove round to Louis' apartment and knocked on the door. Not too long after Harry knocked Louis answered the door looking bright and cheery as per usual.

"Morning Haz!" Louis said cheerfully.

"Morning Lou"

So Louis sounded happy and energetic but deep down this morning Louis woke up with what he thought was the beginning of a bad cold. His throat was scratchy, his voice was slightly congested and he kept sneezing and coughing. He took some medication just to be on the safe side to hide the symptoms so Harry wouldn't worry, he knew how much Harry was looking forward to today and didn't want to wreck it.

"You ready to go?" Harry asked.

"Hell yeah, let's go!" Louis said flashing a smile.

The drive there was pretty much silent apart from-

"Hi'tchoo! Heh..ngt'choo! Heh...eh...chew!" Louis sniffled wiping his nose with a tissue.

"Bless you, you alright? Your not getting sick are you?" Harry said worried.

"Haz stop worrying it was just a sneeze, I'm perfectly fine, promise" Louis said trying to prove a point, but honestly he felt like utter crap.

"Okay, but if you feel sick just say and we can go home and watch movies and stuff"

"Ok, but trust me I feel great"

Harry never told anyone but he did have a sort of 'quirk' he liked to call it. He found Louis' sneezes to be so hot and loved taking care of people when they weren't feeling well.

After about half an hours drive they finally arrived at the pet store. They both hopped out of the car and walked in the shop. Harry's face immediately lit up when he saw the kittens, but Louis' immediately dropped. Louis was allergic to cats, quite severe actually. His symptoms tended to act up almost straight away so Louis was certainly going to be questioned at some point by Harry. Whether it being his eyes looking all irritated and red, or his constant sneezing and sniffling.

"Louis Louis look at how cute this fur ball is!!" Harry exclaimed excited.

"Awww Haz it looks perfect, is it a boy or a girl?" Louis asked trying to sound interested.

"It's a gi-

Harry was cut off by a mini sneezing fit from Louis, his sneezes were rapid and small and sounded so itchy and desperate it made Harry want to sneeze himself.

"Ishhoo! Hi'tch! Tch! Tch! Tchoo! Hishoo! Ish! Ish! Ishoo!" Louis sneezed rapid fire in to cupped hands which were covered by his sweater sleeve, his eyes were shut tightly as his nose twitched and then he bopped forward with little explosions each time.

"God bless you Lou, something must be really getting your nose going" Harry said.

"Ye...hehh...yeah...Hitchoo! Ish! Ishoo!" Louis said sneezing in between his sentence knowing exactly what was setting him off.

Louis sniffled and rubbed his itchy eyes which were getting redder by the second.

"I'mb sorry" Louis said the congestion settling in his voice.

"No no don't be sorry Lou, it's honestly fine you can't help the need to sneeze can you" Harry said.

"I guess not" Louis said feeling a bit better now being away from the cat

Harry had now finally decided on the cat that he liked the most, although Harry wanted to buy all the kittens, he could only leave with one at the end of they day. Harry was playing with the kitten while Louis was keeping his distance from all the cats, he was so worried that Harry would start catching on.

"Hey Lou, come play with me and Molly" Harry called over to me, and he had already named his little 'furball'.

"Okay sure" Louis said wearily.

Louis walked over to where Harry and Molly were playing, Louis could see clouds of cat fur in the air and of course all over Harry's clothing.

"Shit" Louis thought, this was going to be a very sneezy sneezy day.

Just before he finished the thought the sneezing already started and to be quite honest, Louis was scared that he wouldn't be able to stop since he was getting a cold aswell.

"Achiew! Chew! Ashoo! Choo! Hep'choo! Heh'ngt! Nxxt! Ngt! Ngt'choo! Ishoo! Ish! Ish! Ishiew! Ish! Ishuh! Ishuh! Tchoo!"

Louis' sneezing kept going for a good 3 minutes, with Harry's shocked expression staying the same. Although the cat decided to make the most of it and climb on Louis and rub his fur all over Louis' clothes and face.

Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Tchiew! Hep'chu! Ish! Ish! Ish! Ishoo! Ish! Ehsiew! Esh! Eh! ESHOO! ESHOO! Kshoo! Kshoo! Kshoo! Kshu! Kshu! Cht! Cht! Heh'cht! Kxt! Kxt! Kxtch! Kxtch! HE'SHOO! AKSHOOO!

So Louis sneezed more and more and the more he sneezed the more violent the fit got and after the fit he just collapsed in a heap completely exhausted.

"Oh my goodness Lou, please don't tell me your allergic to Molly" Harry said with a guilty face

"I'm so sorry Haz" Louis said feeling like a burden that he was allergic to Molly and had upset Harry.

"So your allergic to cats? Why did you never tell me?"

"Yes, but it's not usually this bad though I have a bad cold aswell I woke up with it this morning, I never said anything because I felt bad because I know how much you want a cat" Louis said explaining himself.

"Let's go home yeah, because your sick aswell, I'll take care of you". Harry said.

"Ok" Louis said feeling bad for letting Harry down and wrecking the day.

"Hey Louis don't look so sad you didn't wreck my day if that's what your thinking, and to be honest I'd much rather spend time with you at home watching movies" Harry said.

"Are you sure? I just feel so bad, I'm sorry about being allergic to Molly" Louis said sadly.

"I'm very sure, please don't feel bad and don't worry about being allergic to her its fine you can't help it anyway"

When they arrived home after a very sneezy car ride, Louis was so tired and could barely walk. So Harry helped support him into the house and gave him some meds.

"Louis! Do you want some tea and soup?" Harry called out.

"Ye... Ngt! Heh'ngt! Chew! Ha'chew...Yes ple..heh...plea...he...se...snff...E'chew! Chew! Ksh!"

"Lou your seriously the sneeziest person I know"

Louis chuckled and stifled multiple sneezes into his shoulder.

"Here you go" Harry said handing him his soup.

"Thanks Harry" Louis said smiling.

Louis' nose was so sensitive right now that the steam from the soup was making his nose twitch and itch, when Louis' breathing started to hitch ever so slightly, Harry heard it and took the bowl of soup out of Louis' hands and placed it on the coffee table beside him, so Louis could let out the sneezes he was holding back. But unfortunately Louis' sneezes were being teasing and wouldn't come out.

"Is it stuck?" Harry said chuckling at Louis' pre sneeze face, he looked adorable, his head leaned back, eyes dazed and watering and his little nostrils quivering and flaring awaiting the sneezes.

"Ahh...ehh...hehehh...hiiii...heh??" Was Louis' reply which Harry took as a yes.

"Want some help?"


Harry tried to think of something that could help Louis to get his sneezes unstuck then he remembered the cat fur all over his jacket. Harry went to the kitchen and grabbed his jacket off the hanger and went back to Louis.

"Louis put your face in this and sniff" Harry said.

"Okay" Louis did as Harry said.

The effect was instant Harry stood back shocked.

"Ishu! Cht! T'cht! T'cht! T'chiew! A'tch! A'tch! A'choo! Choo! Tch!..." Louis paused for a second and looked dazed staring into the light and went into a rapid fit of girly sneezes.

"K'hiew! Kxtch! Chiew! Chiew! Cht! Hep'tchiew! Ha'tchiew! K'hiew! Kxt! Kxt! Ksh! Ish! Ish! Ishiew! Ishuh! Hi'itch! Hi'tchoo!

Once the fit subsided Louis gave a tired sigh, rubbed his cute button nose and sniffled congestedly which made him want to sneeze again. Louis' nose was now blocked through and through.

"Bless you" Harry said.

"Thangks" Louis said.

Would you like me to go get some vapour rub to help you breathe easier, it might help with the congestion too" Harry said.

"Yes please" Louis said.

"Okay" Harry said running to the bathroom to find some.

While Harry was in the bathroom Louis was well and truly caught in a horrible body shaking coughing fit and was finding it hard to breathe.

Harry came back in the find Louis hunched over on the sofa coughing up a lung and gasping for air when he had the chance.

"Oh my god Lou are you ok!?" Harry exclaimed placing the thermometer, vapour rub and tissue box on the coffee table before kneeling down next to Louis and rubbing his back.

"Ndo" Louis said once he caught his breath.

"Do you need your inhaler?" Harry asked worriedly.

"Yes...*deep breath* please" Louis said as he was trying to get more air.

"Ok" Harry sprang from where he was kneeling and ran straight to the kitchen cupboard to where his inhaler was situated and then ran straight back to Lou, where he was now back to sneezing again. Poor boy can never get a break.

"Here you go Lou" Harry said handing Louis his inhaler.

"Ishuh! Kshu!" Louis sneezed which Harry took as a thank you.

Louis took 2 puffs of his inhaler feeling the medicine loosen up his chest and help him breath.

Do you want to blow your nose?" Harry asked.

Louis nodded. Harry grabbed a tissue and held it onto Louis' cute little nose, Louis gasped the slight touch of the tissue on his nose created a tickly sensation in this nostrils. Harry could feeling Louis' nose twitching and squirming in the tissue.

"Just sneeze Louis" Harry said watching Louis fight back the oncoming sneezes.

"K'hiew! Heh'chiew! Ishiee! A'chiew! Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Ksh! Chiew! He'chiew!" The last sneeze made a squeaky sound making Harry laugh and Louis blush embarrassed by his squeaky girly sneezes.

Eventually Louis' nose calmed down enough from him to blow his nose. It felt good to breath through his nose again but not for long because straight away the cold air flowing through his nose made a tickle blossom.

"Ngt! Ngt! Nxxt! Huh'ngt! Ngt'ch! Ngt'ch!" Louis stifled 6 sneezes into Harry's chest while they cuddled on the sofa.

"Let's rub some vapour rub into your chest yeah" Harry said opening the lid on the container.

As Harry was rubbing the lotion onto his chest the strong smell flooded his nostrils making his nose itch, god sometimes he wished he didn't have such a sensitive nose.

"Ha...haz...got...gotta...sn...sneehe...hehehh...huuuh...sneezeh...uh...heh..." Louis said while the build up to the sneeze was making it harder to talk and the pitch in his voice getting higher with desperation.

"Then sneeze you idiot" Harry said laughing at Louis' ridiculously adorable pre sneeze face.

"Imd...eh...so...sorry...ehhhe...heh...CHOO! ESHOO! HACHOO! TCHOO! KSHOO! ASHOOO!! HECHOO AKCHOO!" Louis bent forward with 8 loud sneezes scaring Harry to death because he was expecting Louis' usual tiny sneezes.

"K'hiew! Chiew! Ishiew! Ipchiew! Tch! Tch! Tch! Tchiew!" The smaller sneezes followed after.

Louis rubbed his nose and chuckled "Sorry I should have warned you vapour rub has a strange effect on me, it makes my sneezes so uncontrollable and loud.

"Oh no don't be sorry it's fine, it was just a bit unusual hearing such loud sneezes from you" Harry said still in shock from the loud sneezes.

"Well I think it's about time we took your temperature mister" Harry said playfully.

"Okay" Louis said.

Harry put the thermometer in Louis' mouth and waited for the beep.

"101.3, sorry Lou you have a fever, better get some rest ok"

"But I'm not even tired" Louis whined.

"I don't care you need to rest" Harry said in a mature tone.

"Tch! Ishoo! Ish! Ishuh!... Excuse me" Louis said.

"Bless you, now rest please"

"Ok just for you" Louis winked.

"Thank you Lou" Harry smiled and tapped Louis' nose.

"Haz that isn't funny now my nose itches again ugh" Louis groaned waiting for the sneezes to come.

"Sorry I didn't know your nose was that sensitive" Harry said.

"It's...he...ok..ehh...you...ehehh...di...didn't....kn...know...heh...heehhhh....Ishieee! Hep'chiew! He'chew!-chew!-chew! Hachew!"

"Bless you and your sneezy nose" Harry said.

"Thanks Haz, I think I'm gonna have a little sleep now" Louis said yawning.

"Ok Lou, you'll feel better afterwards you need the rest" Harry said.

"Night" Louis said curling up on the sofa and closing his eyes.

"Night Louis" Harry whispered and tucked him in his blanket to keep him warm.

Louis soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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Oh and if you guys want this to be continued I'm more than happy too, I'm also happy for suggestions on what should happen next if you have ideas. I wrote this intending it to be a one shot but if you want more I will write it :D xxxxx

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