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Here's part two! Yeah, had to end it off there, lol........

Jo shot him a look. "What did I say? If this is our guy, he's got it in for you and he knows your voice. Sneeze again, and I'll shove you back into that elavator with that old woman. And find a way to shut off the power."

Henry glanced back at the elevator, and shuddered as a witch-like elderly lady walked into it. And Jo did not usually give empty threats-If you though about it, she couldn't even-

"I know you're going off on a lecturing ritual. In your head. Again." The Detective glanced at the card and pointed left. "That one. Apartment 31. If you sneeze you're joining her." Jo added as the metal doors slid shut. The women grinned at him. Great, wonderful cause of anxiety for Henry. Pounding the rotting oaken door, Jo pressed herself against the wall, dragging Henry's arm so he was behind her.

"Who's there?" A gruff voice snapped. A TV clicked on, indentifiable by the drone of CNN. The news wasn't an obvious choice of preference.


"Shut up, you idiot!" Jo elbowed him. Hard. In the center of the chest. "This is the last time I take you anywhere!"

Henry sniffed and leaned against the wall, chastised. "And if you're going to sneeze, go down to the lobby."

"I'm not going to sneeze, Detective," Henry lied, erasing the cringe from his face.

"You wish, Shrink Squad Member." She growled.

The Detective pounded the door again and no reply came, except for the TV's volume rising signifigantly.

"You know how you're always calling and interrupting interrogations? The door banging pisses me off the most, and right now, I would find it really useful." She whispered.

Slipping around his partner, Henry raised his arm to the door, ready to beat the crap out of it-

"Don't even think about it!"

He hadn't realized he was letting himself sneeze. Whirling away from the door, Henry tried to muffle them into his arm.

"Huh-Mmph! Mph! Chht!" Jo whipped out her pistol as the brass handle started to move, and nearly shrieked when a dakrly-clothed man swung a shotgun right into Henry's face. Everyone froze.

"This is more like it." 'Adam' whispered, as he stifled four more sneezes into his coat sleeve. The Detective didn't feel like her partner would miss her if she was gone. So why did she feel a momentary stir of protective instinct toward him?

"This is NYPD. You're under arrest for attempted murder only, sir. It will remain that way unless you pull the trigger." Henry sniffed and rose from his bent over position, slowly.

"Don't make that decision, Adam."

"Oh? Tell her the secret, Henry. I may let you go."

"Secret? There's nothing to hide-"

"Bullshit! You and I, we're soulmates. We are the only thing holding on to older ways while the rest of the world changes and dies. We are constants. So tell her. Fill this moron in."

Henry's face paled and Jo let her gun fall to her side. Soulmates? What odd word choice-They were both men and from what she knew, Henry certainly wasn't gay. Hell, he'd been talking about how perfectly symmetrycal her face was a couple moths ago!- He was wearing modern clothes and a digital gray Armitron watch was strapped to his arm, what little was visible outside of the sweatshirt sleeve, so how was he 'holding on to older ways' as he put it? Henry was the one who looked old, he didn't carry a phone and didn't own a TV.

"Are you deranged? Let him go, 'Adam'." She brought the gun back up. From what she could see of his bowed head, 'Adam's lips parted to reveal teeth stark white against the darkness. He jammed the point of the gun agaisnt Henry's Adam's Apple forcefully.

"Let's play a game. Jo, you put the gun down. Slide it to me. Henry, if you sneeze, the gun goes off. And she will be informed of what our secret is." 'Adam' growled. Henry was reasonable enough to comply, and he glanced at Jo, lines of worry stretching a pattern into his face. He would sneeze, she could see it on his face. Not is she could help it. And the only secret she could think of was a gay one.

"Hang on, I'm thinking." She said, sliding the pistol to 'Adam'.

"There we go. Inform her of your birth date, Henry."

"I'd rather.... Not..." His breath hitched momentarily.

"Do it!" 'Adam' shoved the tip harder into his neck.


"No, that ain't right." He snapped, as Henry's head bobbed. Jo could tell he was slipping.

"You're 35?" She was playing his game. He'd told her long ago he was born on September 4th, 1980.

"Yes. Good math." He cringed as the shotgun dug deeper. A bead of blood rolled down the black metal. "When...... Wil you stop?"

"When you sneeze." 'Adam' replied, "Or when you tell her the truth."

"That is the..... Damn truth...." He rubbed his nose and snifled.

"Never heard you swear before." Jo said. Take his mind off the urge.

"No it ain't! Henry was born in 17-" Jo drew a pocketknife she'd kept in her pocket for years. Her husband had bought her that on her honeymoon. 'Never tell anyone' he'd said. Henry merely stared down the barrel, his face practically made of stone.

"Told you gimme the gun!" 'Adam' barked.

"You said the gun. This is a knife." With that she flipped the balde and lunged forward, prepared to stab him in the stomach.'Adam' ducked though, and she threw him off balance. His finger slid onto the trigger from it's previous position, and the gun went off....

Had to leave a cliffhanger no matter how obvious it is...... Anyway, story there's no much sneezing in this one. There'll be more in the most part :D

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Oh, forgot to add this: Don't know when Henry was born, and I don't know where 'Adam' lives, and I also don't know if Jo ever refers to any pocketknife her husband ever gave her ( He didn't) I just added these because it fitted the storyline better :)

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Another great part, looking forward to more. They never do say when Henry was born, the oldest I've heard him referred to was at least 250 years, so I guess he'd be born sometime in the mid 1700's

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Here's part 3!

........ And buried itself into the wall panel behind Henry, inches from where he was standing. He'd had so many near-deaths and actual-deaths he wasn't fazed, and took a step back, frozen with his hands to his face. Jo and 'Adam' fought for control of the shotgun, and all the while Henry was caught in a sneezing fit.

"Hurushoo! Huh-Xxsght!" That was the norm for the next five minutes. Until he regained his senses and picked up the pistol from its position, forgotten on the floor.

"Freeze! Both of you!" Henry barked, holding the weapon awkwardly in his hands. The way he stood, both legs bent, splayed, and planted firmly on the carpet, along with the fact that his arms were stretched out in front of him, was enough to make both of the fighters stop and chuckle. "Now what?" He asked irritably.

"You look like some ape about to mate." 'Adam' said, grabbing Jo and putting her in a headlock. Jo punched him and wriggled out of it, grabbing the shotgun.

"Now what? You aim and fire." She instructed as he handed her the pistol. 'Adam' stood and made a dash for the door to his arpatment, running inside.

"Get him!" The Detective cried, following.

He tried to jump from his balcony. Henry had done that once, after Abigail died. He was so distraught he nearly tore himself apart until Abe found him, clutching the railing, about to do it again, and coaxed him out of the depression.

It was painful, and Henry concluded that it was the 5th most horrible way to die.

So, that was how he and Jo ended up grasping 'Adam's' arms, as he hung precariously over the edge. It didn't help that he felt a sneeze building in his nose again.

"C'mon, idiots!" 'Adam' jeered, squirming in their grip. He wanted to prove to Jo the curse!

"No! Death is permanent; You are not!" Henry had to make it seem as though he actually cared about the man's life, like he had with the suicidal women-except then, he had truly cared. 'Adam' was so repulsive that if he died, Henry really would'nt feel a shred of regret for him. Jo nugded his shoulder.

"Help me get 'im up and I'll buy you coffee every morning for a month."

"I was trying..... Anyway....." He murmered the reply, trying to fight a war on two fronts. The itch in his nose was tearing at him, but at the same time, his future kind of depended on it.

"Lemme go, Henry. It's not like you give two craps about me. As for the Detective....... Good luck." 'Adam' snarled, kicking his feet against the building. The cold night wind blew a faint breeze against all of them, and that did it.

Letting go of 'Adam' Henry turned and sneezed violently into his arm several times. "Huh-Xxsght! Huh.Xxsght! Huh-Chht! Chht! Huh-Xxsght!"

Jo staggered forward with the sudden weight, and 'Adam' fell six stories-into a concrete alleyway. Tumbling head over heel. Henry rushed to the railing, horrified at what he's just done.

"You.... You...... Dumbass!" The Detective shoved him and peeered over the edge.

"Head or tails?" He asked, planting his eyes everywhere but 'Adam's' body.

"Heads. No coffee for you." Jo growled, stalking back inside."You'd better hope his body magically disappears." She looked around.

You have absolutely no idea, Henry thought, looking at the ominous pool of black spreading slowly under 'Adam's' head. He watched it carefully, ready to turn away as soon as it vanished.

It disappeared in. a flash, just as Jo returned. "The hell did it go?!?!" She dropped the card. Henry opened his mouth to utter a reply about a gang body stealing session (In truth, he had no idea what that was or even if it existed) when aother sneeze attack caught him off guard.

"Some.... Huh...Huh-Xxgsht!" He sneezed once, followed by three more.

"Bless you. Probably some cult body stealing crap I heard about on the news.' She said, walking out of the apartment. "Good luck with the paperwork, 'cause I'm going home."

How could she just drop it like that? Henry glanced back down at the alleyway. Well........ Abe would pick him up, because he's taken Jo's car........... He grabbed the metal railing and jumped, feeling the wind rush past him, then CRACK.

It was the most embarrassing night of his life.

Had to add that part in, lol. Just because I felt like it. :D

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You certainly do have a flare for suspense, though the ending was kind of weird. I'm still amazed at how fast you can write. I think I burnt myself out from all the writing I did over the last week and a half. I've got several hundred words of a new chapter written but now I'm just kind of stuck not knowing quite what I want to do with it. I probably need a break.

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Yeah, that ending was a little off. The only reason I write fast is 'cause I'm not the biggest kid around, so I just end up tapping the heck out of my tablet's screen with my thumbs. The reason the end was weird was because the second part went downhill, but that's okay,I suppose. That one's done, and I added it because WHY NOT? Had a few minutes of writer's block and I've actually only had that problem happen once in third grade. And let me tell you, that story started out good, but then burned itself out halfway in, lol :)

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Yeah I just wasn't sure why Henry needed to kill himself for Abe to pick him up and killing himself because he was embarrassed seemed a bit frivolous. *shrugs* I still enjoyed the whole drama of the story though.

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Yeah, I might end this one 'cause I'm out of stories. Which is okay, if they come back I'll make a new thread or whatever it's called.

They don't give a clear notion as to when he was born, but it instigates it when he got killed on the boat-Speaking of which, I think the reason he comes back in water is because that may be the scene if his first death. IDK, just a theory.

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Classic-I forgot where to put them -_- Ignore the fact that the spoiler tag is right above. That goes to show how forgetful I am :)

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Yeah you've done a lot. I don't blame you for taking a break. I think I'm pretty much doing the same thing. I'm definitely not done with my story, but just kind of stuck right now. Maybe I'll get some more inspiration after the next episode, and omg I'm going through such withdrawal. I swear I love this show better than anything I've seen in a long time. I even went to fanfic.net for non-fetish fanfic and there's only a handful of stories on there so far so I went through all the ones I was interested in already. :laugh:

That definitely is a good theory about why he comes back in water. Too bad he has no control over what body of water, otherwise he could just keep his bathtub filled.

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True, he probably would be able if the bathtub were the case. Still, those things are pretty shallow, and he always comes up literally bursting through the surface, so he'd end up kissing the shower-sprayer thing.

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Thank you for that image. :rofl:

Edited by Shayla
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Painful. Very painful and I'm sorry to say I'd be laughing my face off it it ever happened (Won't) Anyway, Heard about the Fabric.net-I think I'll make a profile 'cause I've got plenty ideas for a non-fetishy story.

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I couldn't figure out a way to write on Fanfiction.Com, but I did find a website called Wattpad. I made am account and my name is EasYToDO, just wrote a Forever fix, so if you want go ahead and check that out. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess who's back with another story? Enjoy!

Henry studied the body before him, waiting for Lucas to arrive from his comic/lunch break. The body had been recently discovered, and was actually an archeological find, a body still clothed in the donning of Britian's soldiers. A clothing he was somewhat familiar with...... But now wasn't the time for memories. Not here. Not anywhere but home and his bed. Henry rubbed unconsciously at the slight itch in his nose, studying the yellow, severely cracked skull. Hmm, clearly British, and the cause of death could be-

"Dr. Morgan." Lucas walked in, pulling on the nessessary gloves. Henry pulled the light closer to look at a shard of metal on the bone, nodding to his coworker. Lucas glanced at the ratty clothing, hanging in ragged scraps off the bones. "Hell, this guy's old, ain't he? Could he be from the Rev-"

Henry's head snapped forward in a sneeze that caught him off guard, and as he recovered, he again looked at the bone. Mist coated the bleached surface, and Lucas chuckled.

"Whoa, what was that?"

"A sneeze." Henry snapped. He could have just contaminated evidence. That was, if the body was a murder victim. Which he doubted by a long shot.

"Well, bless you, then. Did that get on........ Shit, you might be in trouble!" He said, dropping his voice in an irritating manner. Henry wiped the mist away from the bone, already feeling another itch at the back of his nose.

"I'm well aware, thank you."

Jo chose that moment to walk in. She stopped and stared. "Is that a...... Skeleton?"

Henry opened his mouth to reply, but Lucas beat him to it.

"Yeap. We think it might be from the Revolution."

Henry raised his wrist to his face and turned on his heels, releasing two rather obnoxious-sounding sneezes. "Huh-Xxsght! Xxsght!" Then he looked back to Lucas. "Ah, you think it might be from the Revolution."

"Jeez, Henry. How many times have you sneezed today?" Jo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Three!" Lucas said, at the same time Henry said, "Twice!"

"Oookay. And what's that in the skull?" She questioned again, casting an uncertain look at the bone.

"N-nothing. Nothing. It's getting late. When is your shift over?" Henry interjected quickly.

"I just got here. It's not over till-"

"Then go see if the Lieutinent has any new cases."

"She said this is my new-"

"Carry on!" He gestured for the door, motioning for Lucas to help him before Jo found out what was on the skull.

"Wait, but-"

"We'd..... Really not rather you inquire further, Detective, we have.... Have...." Henry twisted and sneezed harshly into his arm, at which Jo crossed her arms.

"Mm-Hmm. Let me see what's on the skull."

"Uh, Detective-" Henry glanced back at Lucas, who turned his back and walked away, whistling. Cursing inwardly, he looked back at the Detective.

"Yeah. You sneezed on the skull."

"Did not!" He protested hotly, and she pushed past him without a second thought. Henry followed, gritting his teeth against the urge to sneeze again and the protests he wanted to shout right then and there.

Jo stopped and turned, putting her hands on the edge of the metal slab the skeleton rested on. She smirked.

"So Lucas wasn't lying. You were."

"I did no such thing." He replied curtly, flicking his eyes to the skull. Droplets still gleamed on the surface, winking their annoyance to him.

"Oh, for God's sake, Henry. You suck at lying. It's written all over your face. And you're about to sneeze again."

He stuck his tongue in his cheek, trying to prove her wring, but eventually couldn't help it. "Huh-Xxsght! Huh-Scht! Very well, you......" He looked up from his sneezing, and was stunned. The sound of his own sneezing had drowned out the noise, but Jo was on the floor, the skeleton in pieces next to her, and the metal slab was tilted over. Everyone in the lab who wasn't staring at their encounter was now gazing at the scene with mirth in their eyes. Even Lucas, laughing from behind the frosted glass. Then the Lietinent came in, trailer by a chuckling Hanson.

"I wanna know who the hell knocked that over-"

She caught sight of Jo and henry had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing and sneezing again. Hanson nudged his arm and smiled.

"Jo Martinez......"

"Please don't say it!"

"On this day......"

"I didn't mean to!"

"You are....."

"Henry, help me out here!" Jo proclaimed, standing. Henry, however, didn't reply, trying to sneeze when Reece said she was fired.


"Huh'ashoo!" Henry sneezed loudly into the air next to him. Reece shot him a look but kept going.

"Pretty damn lucky that was proven to be a reanaction dummy."



That was fun. Should this one have a part two? I pretty much wrapped it up there, lol.

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Yay, you're back. That was another great story. The whole thing was just so funny and I just loved Henry's indignant denial. :laugh: I'm not sure if this one needs a second part as it had a pretty good ending, but write whatever you are inspired to write.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't posted in a while, don't shoot! Lol, anyway, here's a seprate story, enjoy!


It wasn't the first time they'd been called to a 'different' crime scene.

It didn't appear to be very different from the others, a fact Henry made clear to Jo as they walked from the car to the yellow tape.

"See, the bootprints are heavy here, and they get lighter over there, moving away from the body, and then-"

"Whoa, save it for the Shrinks."

He gave her a quizzicak look. "Shrinks? That's not the first time I've hear you use that word; What does it mean?"

Jo couldn't believe her ears. Henry Morgan, asking for the meaning of a word? Impossible. Something must be-

Henry turned his head to the side, releasing three sharp sneezes into the crisp air beside him.

"Bless you. Already starting in, huh?"

He shook his head. "It's a possibilitly that....." He trailed off and sneezed again as he slipped behind the tape. Jo followed and shuddered at the sight of the half-decomposed body before her. Henry, however, being the modern day oddity that he was, crouched down next to it like it didn't faze him.

"Ugh, how'd he die?"

"It doesn't look like there's anything that caused it; That will have to be revealed in the Tox-Screening. Detective, do you see these marks on the filanges?" He picked up the body's arm and displayed it to her suggestively. Jo took a step back and grimaced.

"That is disgusting. And filanges? What's that supposed to mean?"

Henry sighed like it was obvious. "Fingers, Detective, the fingers."

"Well, it looks like someone used a saw."

"Anything else?"

"Do you really expect me to-"

He cut her off with four sneezes, each one following the last in quick succession. They all sounded painful. At last he looked up and motioned Jo closer, holding the flesh-covered arm to her.

"No way. That is the-"

"Just look at the fil- Fingers." He said, rubbing his nose with his index finger. Jo gave in and studied it off a moment, before looking away.

"Ever make me do that again, you'll wish you were never born. And I do see some kind of.... Tire track."

"Noted. And yes, those come from the wooden toys made for children in the early 1900s."

She looked at him. "How do you know that?"

"Abraham owns an antique shop, enlighten me." He muttered, peering around the rest of the crime scene. Jo knew he was about it sneeze; His eyes took on a faraway look and he would always stick his tongue in his cheek, like he thought it would help.

"Three, two, one...." She said, messing around, As soon as she said 'one', he sneezed into the back of his wrist twice. Jo chuckled as he looked back up to her.

"That was completely unessasary."

"And you call me weird. Look at you, studying bodies for a living."

"I am not 'weird'!" He said the word like it was foreign.

"And I am not an NYPD Detective!" She exclaimed back. She knew Henry found their time skirmishes annoying, but she secretly likes to see how he would defend the 1900s, 1700s like they were his own time period.

"Anyway, bless you times however much you sneeze next."

He sneezed three times, and as he recovered Jo laughed. "You know, it's fun to poke around at you like that."

"And it's fun to ask you what a symptom of Epilepsy is and see the look on your face." He stood and pulled off his gloves. "Speaking of which; What is a symptom of Epilepsy?"

Her mind screamed blankness.


"Is this liable?" She said. "Let's go, we gotta get back to the lab."

He sneezed once and said nothing, for a surprising change.

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They are so cute and funny together. Thanks for another great update.

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