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Lol-wait, you get email notifications? Holy cow, I must be more annoying than I thought :) And, for me, when company goes over the tablet goes up. I can't even write if the slightest noise is pervading my room. :D

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Yeah I get email notifications. How do you think I respond so quickly to you sometimes? You thought I sat at my computer constantly refreshing this topic? ;)

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No, I just thought you got around to it when you got around to it. Unlike me, whereas I have the next week and a half free and around my

hhouse the only thing to do is play CoD MW3 and Roblox (The computer isn't even an option half the time, courtesy of my siblings) and GH on there's this :D And you type on your computer? I'm Impressed with you-I have to sit there and tap the keys with my index finger, and unless I have a story in mind, I'm a hop less mishap. :)

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Yeah I remember how much it sucked when there was only one family computer, then I got my own laptop when I started college and now everyone in my house has their own computer so it's great for privacy. As for typing, yeah I do type, I'm fairly good at it. Maybe they don't teach typing in school anymore? At my school they taught typing starting in the third grade and then I took another typing course in college just for the easy A. I also love to play text MUD games which is awesome for improving typing skills. Like imagine something like WoW but it's all text so you have to read everything like an interactive multiplayer story and everything you do in the game has to be typed in.

Edited by Shayla
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I'm in Junior High, and at my school I got nailed with computers, and now-while I get an A for good behavior and good essays-I completely suck at the thing I swear the teacher made up called 'Typing Position'. I know this is off-topic but did they make you do that?

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If you mean a certain posture for typing, I vaguely remember something like that, but I don't think they figured it into the grades you got. All that mattered was speed and accuracy.

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This is probably very irritating. This is also another story, a different one. Like I said, when I get going, I get going. For miles. And miles. And miles. And.........

Henry perred into the icy black water and winced. Better not die now, he thought, looking at Jo as she jumped onto the boat docked in the bay. Everyone would know his curse. And the media'd be all over it. The creaking planks, midnight crickets, and waves lapping at the edge of the wood added to the eerie-ness of it.

Add to that the fact that human remains had been discovered inside the boat, The Sinking Star.

What an odd name, as stars typically don't sink. The Detective waved him from the deck, impatient. "Come on, you're slower than a turtle."

"It's cold out here, Detective. Could the man have waited before-" He caught sight of the gruesome scene before him. "I was told it was decomposed remains. Not dismembered. And smeared all over the deck!" He watched his breath fog up in the cool air, and arched his eyebrows at Jo.

"How long before we can get this back to the lab?"

"Uh, not very long-"

"Huh-scht!" Henry sneezed into the back of his wrist, aware of her grin. And quite uncomfortable by it.

"What? I sneezed, it's not another attack, Detective." She was growing wary of his death wish and sneezing fits, and actually acutely in tuned as to when they were happened. Apparently she sensed something he didn't.

"Uh-Huh. What happened the last time Henry Morgan said it was 'just a sneeze'." Jo looked around, discovered a four and a half inch blade embedded in the white wood. Blood stained its edges, and she reached to pull it out when Henry pushed her hand out of the way.

"Don't touch it! If your fingerprints are discovered, you'll get arrested for a crime you didn't commit!" He said, pulling on gloves. She smirked.

"I work in law enforcement. You work in Crime Scene Investigation. No one knows the law better than I do, 'specially you-"

"Huh-ssht!' Henry's head snapped forward and he sneezed again, missing his mark of his wrist. Right on the murder weapon.

"Henry! What did I say! An attack, again." She muttered, as he slipped it from the wood into a bag. "Carry on ignoring me, why don't you. They'll find your DNA all over that thing."

"Would you relax?" He turned and swiveled from his crouch, smoothing down his red scarf. "'They' referring to Lucas, alright? He'll know where I was, when I was there, and the whole..... Whole.... Huh-Xxsght!" Henry caught it in his arm, and stumbled forward into Jo as the boat jerked hard to the right.

"What... Was... That?" She asked, pushing him to the wall of the captain's cabin. Jo drew her sidarm and stared at the murky black water below. He stepped up beside her, rubbing his now-red nose.

"I don't know. No surprise if it was a whale or something." The boat rocked again, everyone on it being slammed forcefully into something. In Henry's case, the deck, adjacent to the dead man's severed head. Instead of running and screaming, he stared into its eyes, momentarily stunned by the impact. Then the eyes ciaght on to his dulled senses, and realizing what it was, he yelped and swatted it away. Right at Jo's feet.

"Ahhh!" The shriek in and of itself was hilarious. The after-scolding, however, not so much.

"If you ever do that again, I'll hang you from the cieling by your toes-"

"Huh-Hurushoo! Huh'Chht! Ckt!" At the last one, he pinched his nose and rocked forward from his position on the deck, then struggled to his feet. All around them, people were getting up, checking the icy blue water.

"Bless you. This place is going to have to be de-Henryified at this point." Jo said, taking the bag containing the knife from him.

"What?" He sniffed congestidly and cocked his head, confused.

"You've sneezed all over it. And....." The Detective held up the bag. ".....With the boat rocking, and your violent sneezing, this has the potential to kill again."

"How? Huh-Shht!" He stifled it against his wrist and stood face-to-face with her, crossing his arms over his coat.

"The way you sneeze- you jerk your whole body forward, and imagine if the knife was in your hand. Pointing blade-up." Henry worked the scenario into his arm. Death by sneezing. Humorous and deadly.

"Very well, you win. Keep the blade." He turned back to the remains and studied the stains on the white paint. "Look at the stains. All drag marks. For each body part."

"So he was very.... Short?" Jo snickered and came up beside him.

"Hmm, a midget, yes." Henry didn't understand the complexities of modern society. At all.


"Huh-Xxsght! Chk!" He pinched his nose and his arms shoulders came up. "Someone short must have killed this man."

"Uh, okay. You are missing the fact that 'this man' is upwards of six feet tall and very well built."

"How do you know, Detective?" He sneezed again, loudly. Now people were staring.

"Cover those up better, Henry. Your'e getting dirty looks." Jo still felt the boat-rocker would come back, but focused on the conversation at hand. "And I had a digital rebuild done beforehand. Of what parts we have, clearly." She gestured at the boat with here hands, and then it rocked. Not just rocked, but practically capsized. The blade was flying through the air, as Jo had released it in the initial wave, and Henry was lying on his back as he watched the glinting metal spiral end-over-end toward his face, and closed his eyes, waiting for impact.......

Had to end that one off. He may or ,any not die, I don't think I'll let him live this time, but maybe I can come up with a better cover story for him to use, If he does die...... :D Sorry, Shayla. This must be annoying. :)

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Oy, more cliffhangers... *waits patiently for the next part*

BTW what was making him sneeze this time? Was it just a general pollen thing, or was it because it was cold out?

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Just putting this out there: This story is tagged as 'hot' only because of the conversations before and after stories. Never had a 'hot' story before, no pun intended. :D

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Here's part 2. Enjoy!;)

........ And sank a full two inches into the wood beside his neck, missing the skin only by mere centimeters. Jo leaned over him and plucked it from the deck, then helped him up. Upon looking into the water, Henry saw that three people had been thrown overboard, and were thrashing in the freezing liquid.

"Help me get them out," Henry said to Jo, leaning over the edge of the boat to grasp another man's flailing hand. The Detective pit the bagged knife down, and grabbed his other arm, and helped Henry haul him up onto the deck. His fingers were slightly blue at the edges, and he instructed Jo to stay with the man while he went for the other two.

"Be careful. You're bad enough without the cold water." She said, as he sneezed into his arm three times.

"Thank you, Mother. I'll be sure to heed your advice." He replied, reaching out for the second one, a women. She club to his hand, and the growing itch in his nose waited no longer, again.

"Huh-Xxsght!' He stifled it into his arm, but was knocked off-balance as the boat rocked, and fell into the water.

"Henry!" Jo's face appeared over the edge as he fell back-first into the murky water, the resurfaced with a loud retch and cough.

"You idiot! I told you be careful!" She chastised, pointing to the other two women, watching the scolding.

"I was trying to. It's not my fault. Just help us get out of h-here." His teeth chattered, and he looked at his fingers. To a degree, the water felt warm, but he knew that was his body trying to regulate his temperature. The people next to him didn't.

"Why does it feel so warm?" One asked, looking at him.

"Body.... Temperature..." He said, as Jo found a rubber life-vesta and tossed it to him. Henry in turn tossed it to the CSIs, motioning for them to get on. "Huh-Chht! I've been in the water less time then you. Go."

Besides, he was rather used to being cold, each time he died.

"You are the biggest jackass in the world. One of these days you're going to die, and the only thing I'll miss is the fact that you were good entertainment."

"Ent-tertainment?" He gripped the slippery wet rubbery as she pulled him over with the help of the others.

"Seeing you do stupid, crazy things to solve murders. Remember the grape slushie?"

"As of the moment, I would prefer not to," Henry said, perfectly recalling a few weeks ago. The women and man were given towels provided by a bystander from his car, who had apparently been trying to go to the beach for the night when that happened.As he took one, Hereby felt another sneeze build and snifled, dislodging it immediately.

"Huh'chht! Huh-Xxsght!" Jo glared at him as he rubbed his nose wihpth his finger and he gave her so look.


"You do realize you could get sick now."

"I doubt that. I was in the water for one minute and that doesn't make someone catch cold." His head jerked forward in another sneeze, but Jo remained steadfast, handing the knife to the CSI worker.

"Uh huh. Okay, I believe you. If you get sick you better confess it."

"I will not!" Henry protested, knowing full well that was exactly what would happen, but if it did, he had a .44 in his drawer. And his body would vanish. Then he'd be back and naked in the cold water, only to reinfect himself.

"Yeah, right."

Luckily, Henry didn't get sick, but as Jo had inwardly predicted, his allergies seemed to get worse. Every time she looked at him he'd sneeze or rub his nose like he was going to. Even when the case was closed only days after incident, he was still afflicted. Granted, the days did get colder as they delved into winter and the pollen grew less as the flowers dwindled.

"Is there a peoblem?" Henry asked one day as she came into his office, a grim look on her face,

"'Is there a problem'? That's the least you have to say? Were you not told that-"

"Huh-Xxsght!" He cut her of by sneezing into his wrist and she narrowed her eyes.

"Do you mind? Our suspect-proven murderer, at this point just got released because someone mixed up the profiles with another DUI charge!!"

"Who did that?" Henry asked, dumbly, understanding clearly that she meant him.

"You! He got away on something he should have been arrested for previously, but the dates got messed-up. Now he had to pay a fine and he's on his way home right now."

"Well, freedom is man's best friend."

"That's what she said. You are coming with me, Henry, to talk to the court about this."

"Huh-Chht! Me? What?" Jo grabbed his hand and dragged him to the courthouse, pretty much a pot filled with boiling water.

Henry couldn't be happier at her concern for him at the boat, and in honesty having Jo angry with him wasn't the absolute worst he felt he could do to get her attention.

That's it for a while, I'll take a break. And one more thing, I'm going toon vacation for a few days starting Monday afternoon, so sometime Friday I'll be back on the forum. :)

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Nice continuance. I'm glad he didn't get hurt, but am amused that he still managed to get himself into a mess anyway. I swear he's starting to remind me of a couple of my favorite characters from Stargate Atlantis that just seem to be trouble magnets. :laugh:

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Let's see if I can get this right; Not a major spoiler, but I kind of want a chance to try it out.

That is exactly what I thought with the bridge-climb in episode 2. The only reason he didn't let go was because of the thing he had in his hand. What was it again?

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It was a carabiner I believe, but he dislodged it from where it was attached to the bridge. He nearly fell but managed to pull himself back up. Then he dropped the carabiner on the pavement and got hit by a truck when he tried to retrieve it.

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Going on vacation tomorrow. So, till I get back, this'll be it. I'll upload part two of this story Friday or Thursday, unless I find a way to take my tablet with me. Enjoy!

Henry sat in his office, looking over files of cold-cases long forgotten by anyone who ever really cared. Interestingly, he had discovered one dating back to 1912, and was eagerly looking over it-an apparent execution murder shot, suspect never found-when Jo burst into the office, a worried look on her face.

"What? What happened?" Henry asked, standing.

"You know the subway?"

"Of course I do. What about it?" Dread clawed his stomach, and he sniffed. While they weren't gone, his allergies were dying down. Only slightly.

"Some terrorist who's calling himself 'Adam' took hold of it, with a gun at the captain's head. He's in a standoff with NYPD." She stopped and bit her lip, watching as dim horror spread across Henry's usually calm looking face. "And he says he wants to see you."

"Me? When did this begin? Why am I being informed of it now?' He asked, heading for the door. Jo followed.

"This started at midnight. It's two AM. And no one knew about it until One Forty-Five AM failed to show up. He's threatening to have the captain drive the train into the Three AM arrival."

Henry looked at his watch, leaving the building into the brisk night air. That only intensified the growing irritation in his nose and he rubbed it, trying to dispel the itch.

"Then we haven't much time!"

The subway station was a blur of yellow and concrete gray, bringing back horrid memorized better left unsurfaced. The Russian musician, and the suicidal women, proved to be almost to much for him to think about.But he continued to the blockade built hurriedly by the police, casting sideways looks at the mass of frantic civilians. Abraham wasn't there, much to his relief.

"Who're you?" A police officer asked, stopping the two on their way to the train. Henry noted his drawn gun and glimpsed reporters. Hopefully he could avoid dying. Jo flashed her badge.

"I'm Detective Jo Martinez,a and this is my colleague, Dr. Henry-"

"Huh-Xxsght!' He stifled the sneeze into his arm, and smiled meekly at her, motioning for a continuance.

"And this is Dr. Henry Morgan." The Detective finished, narrowing her eyes at Henry. The officer let them past, but gave Henry a reproachful look as he slipped behind the yellow tape and makeshift iron fencing. The subway car was lined against the side of the platform, and a group of officers were bunched at the edge, craning their necks to talk to a shadowed form in the car, on someone's phone screen. Apparently Adam didn't want to come out.

"Excuse me, this is Detective Jo Martinez, and I'm sure you need some help-"

"Huh...Huh-Chht! Just let me go in, Detective. I'll try to negotiate with him." Over the small phone screen, the bulky form of 'Adam' cackled.

"Yeah, that's the guy I want. Tell him the back door is open, and disarm him."

"Please! Just do it! I have a wife and kids-"

"Shut up, you idiot! I got half a mind to pull the damn trigger!" Adam snapped, and Henry slipped around the crowd, hoping to get to the end of the car, were the entrance was, before Jo saw him.

"Henry Morgan! Where do you think you're going?" The Detective caught his scarf, and stopped him in his tracks.

"Look, we have to help the civilians-" Henry's breath hitched and he arched his back, sneezing into his arm with a throat-grating," Hurushoo!"

"Bless you. And there is no way I am allowing that. Aren't you a civilian yourself?" Jo demanded, letting go of his scarf and blocking his way to the car.

"There are two ways this argument can go, Detective. I can win and at least talk to him, or you can lose and I can still talk to him? Henry said, rubbing his nose. Maybe wordplay would convince her. In the flickering gray light, Jo uncrossed he arms and stared at him.

"Those are the same thing, respectively. And still, no! Not unless you are given a gun and a riot shield. And wrapped in bubble wrap for added defense. That man is dangerous, Henry! He's got a gun-"

"And I have a brain. Of course I'll go armed, Detective. The bubble wrap is not nessascary, but I have the usage of words available to me." He fell into a sneezing fit, and Jo studied him.

Hmm, formal, scarf-clad, smart...... Maybe she could trust him, but if he died, she'd never forgive herself for losing the one man she thought had potential at the lab. And..... Other... Things, things that she didn't want to think about. A dry laugh resonated throughout the underground structure, freezing everyone in the station. Including Henry, caught mid-sneeze.

"You said he wouldn't come armed." A dark form slid from the shadows of the car entrance, a man at gunpoint a foot away. At his temples, no less. He kept his face down, but his lips and chin were still visible, split apart in a ghastly grin. Blood stains his lips, probably from being chewed to a pulp by a nervous habit.

"No one ever agreed, 'Adam'." Henry replied, straightening. Adam stood rigidly, and the captain followed suit, shaking and whimpering. The darkness added to the overall freakiness of it. Jo reached down to her belt and discretely gripped the handle of her gun, ready to draw it at a moment's notice. The room was so silent, you could hear a feather fall. Speaking of feathers, Jo glanced at Henry, now sniffling slightly and biting his tongue. She could tell, because he would cringe and his eyes would drift and then refocus. For several minutes, everyone just stood there, no one daring to draw their firearms. Then 'Adam' broke the silence.

"Henry Morgan, tell me why my name is 'Adam', and I may let this mewling wretch go." He dug the point of the gun into the captain's head.

"I have no idea, naturally. Possibly something to do with Adam and Eve?" He said, then bit his tongue again. Jo was starting to see fleck of blood on his tongue when he spoke. Wow, he really didn't want to sneeze, doing that.

"No. Close, but no." Adam backed into the train slowly, and the captain backed up too, pleading with his eyes. Henry stepped forward, a grim look on his face. Out of impulse, Jo grabbed his arm, but he jerked away and tracked 'Adam' with his eyes.

"I'll go. Let him free, and you have my word no one will touch you." He said, and the Detective felt guilt tug her gut. He was going to do it. God have mercy on him, he was going to do it.

"I keep him at gunpoint while we chat. 'Ova tee and crumpets, mayte!'" Adam growled, mimicking Henry's accent, "If you have a gun, I'll shoot him and then you, and drive this train into the Three AM."

Henry stiffened at the use of the accent, but said nothing, following 'Adam' into the train. Jo watched, numbness spread ing through her body. Only once the metal doors slid shut did Henry turn and look back, meeting the Detective's eyes with a wordless;

I'm sorry.

"So. How much progress have you made in the curse?" 'Adam' sat on the edge of the seat, still looking down. Henry suppressed once again the urge to sneeze by biting his tongue, feeling something vaguely coppery coat his mouth. Pretty soon he'd have to stop doing that, or he'd end up eating only pudding and soup for days. Not that he couldn't commit suicide or anger 'Adam', but he preffered to avoid that method of healing.

"None, to say the most." He replied curtly, staring at the captain, who was crouched by the other man's feet, praying into clasped hands.

"What happens when you revive?" Did this man really not care about the fact that he was giving away evidence of a curse better kept a secret?

"I....." Again, Henry felt the itch tug at his nose and gave in, pitching his nose and jerking forward in at least eight violent sneezes. 'Adam' chuckled.

"Wa's the matter with you? Poor guy, you allergic to somethin'?" He pressed the gun into the captain's head harder, grinning.

"Nothing." Henry mumbled, trying to remain as dignified as he could, while still behaving like a slave toward 'Adam'.

"Good to know. How's your life been?" 'Adam' asked, sitting back. He removed the gun from the captain's head, and placed it on his knee, balancing it on the bone. The man gave Henry a thankful look and crossed himself. Hmm, a holy man. A nice religion, as Henry and always tried to distance himself from such beliefs, assuming no God or holy dirty existed, but slipping every now and then.

"Fair enough. And yours?" He snifled and looked up at 'Adam', trying to hide it.

"Hahahahahah!" The black and gray clad man burst into a fit of laughter, picking up the gun and firing it into the ceiling. Henry flinched at the BANG and went tense. Even though he knew he couldn't die, his brain retained the animalistic function of fear, probably so as to avoid being humiliated beyond using a pizza-box as pants when he returned from death. "How's it been? How's it been?! I sure as hell assumed you knew just how 'well' my life's been going lately, eh?" He laughed again, and shook his head.

Henry seized the opportunity to stifle three rapid-fire sneezes into his elbow, thinking of Abraham.

"Shoulda known, right? You're a riot. A real damn riot. In all seriousness, have you discovered anything about the 'revivals'?" 'Adam' again pushed the barrel against the captain's head, always looking down at his stomach.

"Only a slight gap depending of the manner of.... Death....." Despite his efforts-he couldn't go back to biting his tongue Henry felt his head bob and his breath hitch. "Huh-Chht! Huh-Uchht!" He sneezed into his wrist and sat forward, trying to catch a glimpse of 'Adam's' face. The captain peered up, blessing Henry briefly. 'Adam' shoved the gun into his temple and shouted for him to shut up.

"Anyone ask you, bastard?!"



Henry lunged forward, wrapping his arm around 'Adam's' throat, and the other man, who was roughly the same size as him, if not bigger, fought back, kicking Henry between the legs and darting away while he was distracted with the pain. The captain grasped the gun and yanked it from 'Adam's' clutch, and while 'Adam' tried to get it away, Henry barrled into the struggle, and was enough weight to send all three men collapsing through the sliding doors, which opened to permit them into the subway station platform, in front of a stunned crowd of people, including the Detective, who had a wire tucked under her jacket and WS about to enter the car. Needless to say, the three continued the fight for the gun, 'Adam' grabbing it and then getting tackled by the captain, then Henry gripping the barrel, then getting shoved by 'Adam' and the captain, fighting for the sake of fighting. Jo wrenched the weapon away from all three of them, standing with it dangling from her fingers while they continued fighting, grunting and gasping for breath in a hapless head of hands, feet, and entangled limbs altogether. Apparently none of them stopped to think that the gun and been removed from the struggle.

Until 'Adam' got on top of Henry, and pulled his scarf out form it's place on his neck.

Now, Henry decided, would be the perfect time to sneeze.

So, he conjured up as many images as he could find in his mind of pollen and flowers and that one guy's obnoxious perfume, and let himself sneeze openly onto his enemy, still sitting on his chest.

"Hurushoo! Huhshoo!' He felt 'Adam' recoil, then the cool fabric of the scarf wrap around his throat, squeezing the air out of him. Why did no one stop him? Where was Jo?

There she was, pulling 'Adam' off him and punching the man's face, beating him back until Henry almost felt sorry for him. Note the use of the word 'almost'. Gasping, he pulled the scarf off of his throat and sat up, staring as Jo continued pounding the crap out of 'Adam even though he was far from being coherent any more. Wrapping it again onto his shoulders, he struggled to his feet, putting his hand on Jo's shoulder. And the Detective did something Henry felt he rather deserved.

She punched him in the nose.

"Ahh! That was my nose!" He cried, bringing both hands up to his face. Several men raced forward to help arrest 'Adam' and take the captain to the hospital. Jo sighed and glared at him, panting.

"Serves you right, you suicidal jackass!" Henry felt a sneeze build again and loosed it into his arm, cringing at the pain that sparked right between his eyes. The skin felt tender to him, and it hurt like hell to breath.

So he concluded that she had broken his nose.

"You broke it, Detective." He said simply, watching blood come away onto his fingers when he rubbed his nose.

"Damn right I did. You nearly got yourself killed! What were you thinking? It's one thing to have you constantly be around bodies; Quite another when you become one!" After he straightened, Lieutinent Joanna marched over and slapped him, laying a hard one on his cheek.

"Now what was that?" If it hurt now, it would be worse in the morning. Abe would not envy him when he came home in this state.

"That, my dumbass friend, was for being a total moron. And this......" Joanna gave him a choice if her gesture and continued. "Is for still fighting even after the gun was deliberately removed from the struggle."

Jo nodded."She's got a point. Now you go to the hospital with the captain, and get your nose fixed, no pun intended as to how wrong that sounded. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

With that, the two women spun on their heels and walked away, leaving Henry to his allergies with a broken nose and stinging cheek.

He couldn't be more miserable, he thought, until.......

I'll write more in a few days if not tomorrow, if I can bring my tablet with me on the trip. BTW, going to Florida. :) This one didn't have as much sneezing, but the plot I was using doesn't leave very much space for sneezing. There's a second part, so hey, he'll sneeze a bit more.

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Great part.

"There are two ways this argument can go, Detective. I can win and at least talk to him, or you can lose and I can still talk to him?"

This was the best line ever. :lol:

Poor Henry though, he does something heroic and ends up with a broken nose for his trouble. I almost hope he actually takes something for his allergies at this point. It's not going to be fun at all sneezing like that. I swear he is starting to remind me more and more of John Sheppard from Stargate Atlantis who was always going to reckless suicide missions, though I guess not as bad since he can't actually die, but still.

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I'll skip ahead a few months. Mainly because I don't know where to go with the broken nose, but let's say his allergies gave him a reprieval for the time being. As for the future second part; 'Adam' find a way to bust out of jail, and I'll leave you to your fancies till Thursday night. :D Probably won't see the fourth episode, but me and my mother always find a way.

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Well we really don't know enough about Adam at this point to make any assumptions, but if he really doesn't care about anything anymore like he's indicated, then he might just kill himself to get out of jail. As for the broken nose, well when I had my deviated septum corrected I had internal splints and a ton of gauze packing, so if his nose was broken badly enough to need that, then it would be difficult for allergens to get up there anyway.

If you miss the next episode, you can always find it online.

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Well, hopefully the hotel we find has a TV with modern channels on it and a not-too-old screen, because if it does we'll be able to watch tomorrow night. :D

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Modern channels? It airs on ABC, that's a basic network so the hotel TV should have it if there is a TV at all. Well anyway, enjoy your trip.

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Good to be back home again. Although that break was an opportunity for everyone to do some writing. :D came back and was like, 'what's all this interesting stuff?' So, in return........ BTW The setting is a few months later, so, like Shayla mentioned, Adam escaped earlier by hanging himself. Now they're looking for him, and they've got a lead.

Henry looked at the apartment complex and shook his head, surprised that tips had led him and Jo to this on their chase to find 'Adam' before he struck again-and took more than a train.No matter how hard he and the rest of the lab's staff tried, the mystery man was as slippery as water and had found a way to escape. Hung himself, the moron. He must have really wanted to escape, and Henry knew he'd used a rope because they had found a taught noose in his cell. No on ever found 'Adam's' body.

"This is it. Try not to sneeze." Jo said, slamming her car door shut and patting his shoulder.

Henry watched his breath fog up in the cool late night air and sighed. "Must I, Detective? And why would 'Adam' hide here?" He knew very well why; He was hiding in plain sight. Still, this was bad cover, so simple even Lucas had figured it out. Without the doughnut offering and silent looks, and nudging and the whole nine yards, too. Sniffling, he rubbed his nose as the cold began to set to work on his sinuses. Jo gave him a look fit to kill and walked through the lobby doors, flashing her badge at a terrified 55 year old receptionist.

"NYPD. Do you have a man who calls himself 'Adam' here?"

Nodding, the woman slipped them a card saying he lived in the sixth floor to the seven floor building. Henry felt fear tug his gut. Great. There were balconies here. 'Adam' would surely be looking for a way to expose him, and being thrown from a ledge at around sixty five feet was the perfect way to tell the Detective he was cursed. His nose had other plans, though, and he turned his head in time to muffle three light snezes into his coat arm.

"Bless you. Now come on into the elevator before I drag you." Jo said as the door opened. Henry had seen no reason to moveand decided the woman was simply tired and followed her into the aluminum swathed mechanism.

"Thank you. And if you try to drag me in here, my scarf will most likely snag and kill me by squeezing my trachea-"

"Again. Lecturing. We talked about this multiple times the last case, Henry. What was the lady's name you said, Abigail?"

He froze, and again felt the tickle in his nose grow. Annoyed that she had remebered that particular detail, and yet partially touched, he sniffed and looked away, resisting the urge to sneeze. The door's upper panel pinged, and the metal slabs slid open, revealing an old hallway. The scene took the air from Henry. Just like last time......

"Huh....Huh...Huh-Chht!" He fought the sneeze, then let it come.

Take that as a sneak peak. My mother's saying it's time to go to sleep. :)

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