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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Another Spice and Wolf Fic (Request)(Multipart)


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Hello again! This is a request for Blessing Queen. Sorry there's not a lot of sneezing in this part, I'll try to make up for that in the next one, haha! Also, sorry if there's some mistakes, I typed this kinda fast lol.


“Holo, wake up.” Lawrence lightly nudged the sleeping wolf goddess.

Holo gave a groan of acknowledgement, opening her crimson eyes, but they snapped shut seconds later. The morning light seeping to the lodging room made her head pound, unusually. Holo rolled over, pulling the blankets more tightly around herself.

Lawrence spoke again. “C’mon Holo, we need to start going to the next town. Usually you’re the first one up…” he muttered offhandedly.

“Mhm, fine,” Holo murmured, surprised at how weak her voice sounded. She sat up, wincing in the morning light, and stretched. She pushed the blankets off of herself, only to wrap her tail around herself, giving a shiver. Even with such warm clothes, it felt cold in the room. Again, her head was throbbing, and she felt a sudden tickle in her nose. Holo’s chest lifted slightly as she hitched her breath.


The irritation intensified, and her eyes fell shut.


The wolf goddess succumbed with an uncovered, dainty sneeze. The throbbing in her head momentarily intensified, and she held her head in her hand for a moment, willing the ache to subside. It only dulled, much to her inconvenience. “Ugh. I believe I’ve come down with something,” she announced, only to cough.

Lawrence looked up. “Well, you look alright to go.”

“I suppose,” Holo said slowly, but her words backfired the moment she stood. A wave of dizziness washed over her, and she stumbled. Luckily, Lawrence had been watching, and caught her in his arms.

“Whoa. I guess you are in no state to travel,” Lawrence observed, failing to hide the disappointment in his voice.

“No, no. We can still go…” Holo protested, even as her voice dripped with exhaustion.

The traveling merchant lifted her away from him, keeping a hand around her waist to steady Holo. He pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. Holo’s face was rosier than usual, and it wasn’t a surprise to Lawrence when he felt heat upon contact with Holo’s forehead.

“No way. You’ve got a fever, Holo. We have to stay here.”

“But what about traveling? I thought you wanted to make it to the next town as soon as possible.” Holo’s gaze met Lawrence’s.

“Don’t worry about. It wouldn’t hurt to stay behind a few more days, especially if it means you have a chance to get well again.”

The wolf goddess nodded, but her white-tipped ears and tail drooped with disappointment. It was fun to travel with Lawrence, but he was right. She was in no state to do it. Holo suddenly lifted her hand and pressed her wrist against her nose at it twitched with irritation again.


But she wasn’t done. Her chest lifted with another breath, crimson eyes tearing up from the burning tickle in her nose.

“Hi-ihh-! Hih’chew!! Hih-Ih’chew!!”

Holo sniffled and scrubbed her pink nose on her sleeve.

Lawrence’s expression filled with sympathy. “Bless you.” He handed her a handkerchief. “There, use that.”

Holo gave a silent nod. “Thanks,” she said quietly so not to hurt her already sore throat. Holo pressed the silk cloth against her nose and blew softly, though it was going to be pointless. She assumed her nose would only get stuffed up again within moments.

“C’mon now, you should lay down,” Lawrence said softly.

Holo gave another silent nod and leaned against him. Lawrence carefully led her to the bed. He propped her pillow against the wall and let her lay down, her head pressing into the soft pillow. She gave a sigh that was somewhere between satisfaction and disappointment. Lawrence put a hand on her shoulder. “Look, if you get enough rest and such, we’ll be able to go in a day or two. I know, it’s not fun being sick, but I’ll try to keep you as comfortable as possible, okay?”

Holo gazed into his eyes. She sniffled wetly, but smiled. “Right...Thank you,” she said suddenly.

Lawrence blinked in surprise. “You don’t need to thank me. It’s only the right thing to do.”

“Yeah, but...you’re used to traveling alone, and now I’m just being a burden. You could be going to the next town by now, but instead you have to take care of me.” She coughed lightly.

“Holo, why would you say that? You can’t help being sick, and it’s not like I have to get to the next town. A break could be nice, actually,” he added.

The wolf goddess wagged her tail lightly and nodded.

“Good.” Lawrence smiled. “Now then, I’m gonna go into town and get some stuff for you. I won't be gone long. Try to stay laying down, I don’t want you to pass out when I’m not here.”

“Okay,” Holo said with another nod, her ears pricking back up. A few minutes later, Lawrence left, and Holo was on her own.


Hope you guys liked, this was my first time writing a female one!

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This is so cute!I'm loving it!Thank you for writing this,I'm curious about how this will continue! smile.png

Thank you, I'm so glad you like it! I think I'll be able to post the second part tonight :)
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More more more!!! *Foxy jumps up and down, tail wagging happily* I love Holo and she's so cute to think of having a sneezy cold! I also loved your other fic and I just love your writing PERIOD ^_^

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More more more!!! *Foxy jumps up and down, tail wagging happily* I love Holo and she's so cute to think of having a sneezy cold! I also loved your other fic and I just love your writing PERIOD happy.png

Wow, thank you so much, that means a lot! I'm so glad you like my writing! :D I agree, Holo is sooo cute!!!

Here's part two! :)

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours...or at least that’s what it felt like to Holo. Truly, Lawrence had only been gone for about ten minutes, but sickness made that feel like ten hours. It had been a long time since Holo had been sick, but had it always felt this horrible? She was lucky to have a caretaker, or rather, just company in general, really. Holo suddenly sat up.

“Hih’chew!! Ihh’shew!! Ihh...Hih...Hih-Eh’chew!!”

Her body tensed with each sneeze, the last one being more forceful than the rest, causing her to break down into a coughing fit. Everytime she took a deep breath, she felt her lungs crackle. When she could properly breath again, she only groaned in displeasure. Holo lowered her head back down onto her pillow. It really did get boring when you couldn’t get up, but it was better than passing out, she supposed.

Holo rolled over so she was facing the wall, unable to get comfortable. Her eyes were sore, and badly she did want to close them and go to sleep, but it was too hot. Earlier she’s been shivering, but her temperature rose higher, it seemed. She’d almost considered removing her clothes, but she’d surprised Lawrence with that one twice (once when he’d first found her, and twice when they both had to take off their soaked clothes from the rain), which was probably more than enough.

Minutes passed, accompanied with boredom, and more sneezing, which only created fresh pain for her headache. When the inevitable tingling started again in her nose, she refused to make her headache any worse than it already was. She pinched her pink nose between her fingers in an attempt to hold back her sneeze. It receded only slightly, but her nose still tickled. Eyes watering from the irritation, Holo held her breath. For about a minute, it worked, but it wasn’t like a wolf didn’t need to breath. She exhaled, and upon inhaling again, the tickled worsened. The wolf goddess could feel her nose twitch between her fingers, and her breath finally hitched.


The burning itch intensified still, and her eyes fluttered shut. Her chest heaved as she suddenly gasped loudly.

“hH-!! HH-!!”

Her nose could only take so much irritation at once. Holo’s fingers dug into the sheets as she prepared for a harsh throbbing pain in her head.

“HH-!! Hih’sHEW!! AH’Shoo!! Hih...Eh-EH’shoO!!”

But she wasn’t done yet. The sneezing fit continued.

“Ih’shoo!! Ah’shoO!! HIh’chew!! HIH-Eh’sHOO!! Eh’shoo!! Ih’shoO!!”

Even with her sensitive wolf ears, she hadn’t heard anyone enter the room. Sure enough though, she eventually felt a hand rubbing her back in comfort while she was still lost in a fit of sneezes. Finally, it started to die down.

“Ih’shoo!! Ih-Eh’chew!! Hah...hah…”

Lawrence still rubbed her back as she caught her breath. Her head was pounding, and Holo couldn’t imagine what it would of felt like had she stifled. Holo grabbed the handkerchief Lawrence had lent her, and properly blew and wiped her nose.

“Are you okay?” Lawrence asked.

“Not really…” Holo whimpered with self-pity. She turned to Lawrence. He saw that her eyes were watering, her nose was red, and her face rosier than before. The traveling merchant pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. Hotter than before.

“Listen, you lay down, and I’ll get you something for your fever,” he told the wolf goddess hurriedly.

“Mm,” was all she responded with. She let her head fall to the pillow again, staring at the ceiling. Her ears twitched at the sound of water, and Lawrence walk back over to her.

“Here,” he said, pressing a cool, moist cloth to her head.

Holo gave a moan of satisfaction, closing her crimson eyes and savoring what felt like aloe to a burn. “I’m glad you’re back,” she murmured suddenly, internally cringing at how scratchy her voice sounded. Lawrence handed her a glass of water, which she greedily gulped down.

“Get some sleep. I’ll be here if you need me,” Lawrence told her as he brushed a strand of her auburn hair from her face.

Holo smiled, revealing one of her canid fangs. She finally felt comfortable, except her body was still quite hot. And then she realized something. Maybe it wasn’t the heat of her body that kept her from sleeping, but the lack of company. In her days when she lived in the wild, loneliness was something she’d become accustomed to, but with Lawrence around, she realized how nice it was to have someone around again. It was nice. Holo’s shallow breathing gradually turned into deep sighs. She’d finally fell asleep.


Sorry this one's kinda short, but there will be more to come! :)

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*wags tail some more* Yep, this is definalty one of my favorite fics on here! happy.png

Hahaha, now I'm the one wagging my tail! xD But really, that means a lot, I'm so glad you like it!

wow amazing cant wait for the next part biggrin.png

And the updating speed is fast :3

Thank you!!!

This is awesome!!Loving it,Holo sick is so cute!!Loved the sneeze buildup she had!

Thanks, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! :)

Here's the third and final part!!!


When Holo awoke, she found that she could no longer breath through her nose. She forced herself to sit up, and the cloth Lawrence left on her forehead landed into her lap. However, Holo barely noticed, for when she’d sat up, the movement caused the congestion in her nose to shift. Her nose twitched.


Her eyes fluttered shut, and she fumbled for the handkerchief Lawrence had given her. She grabbed it just in time, it seemed.

“Hih’chew!! Ih’shoo!! Eh’shoo!!”

She caught all three messy sneezes into the silky fabric. As she further blew her nose, she noticed that her headache had, luckily, dulled for the most part.

Lawrence had turned to face the wolf goddess. He was sitting at the wooden desk, drawing on some scrap paper. Another design for his dream shop, Holo guessed. It was something she saw Lawrence do quite often.

“Bless you. How are you feeling?” The traveling merchant stood and approached her, pressing the back of his hand to her forehead.

“A little better,” Holo answered, only to hear her own voice crack. She must’ve been breathing through her mouth while she was sleeping, which only made her throat drier.

“You’re fever’s gone down,” Lawrence said, positivity shining in his eyes. “And here.” He reached to the bedside table, grabbed a glass of water, and handed it to Holo. She sipped half of it down gratefully, much to her sore throat’s content.

“How long have I been asleep?” Holo asked, rubbing her eyes.

“A few hours,” Lawrence replied as he rose back to his full height. “I know you probably aren’t too hungry, but I want to you to at least eat something. How about I get you some soup? It would be good for your throat too.”

Holo nodded. “Yes, I suppose you’re right,” she said with a sniffle. She suddenly turned, lifting the handkerchief back up to her nose.

Hih'shoo!! Hah'chiew!!

“Bless you. Look, I’ll be back in a little bit, just stay put.”

“Right,” Holo obeyed, though her ears drooped with disappointment. It would be boredom all over again without Lawrence there. A few minutes later, he left again, leaving Holo alone in the lodging room. She flopped back down and stared at the ceiling.

“Ugh. Why couldn’t he have gone when I was sleeping? Could’ve left a note and woke me when he got back if I was still sleeping…” she muttered to herself. With a flick of her big, fluffy tail, she sat back up, propping herself against the wall. She laid the aforementioned tail in her lap, and stroked through its soft fur to pass the time.

The silence in the room was almost annoying. Even the sound of Lawrence’s pencil sketching against the paper would’ve been better. It would’ve cure her feeling of loneliness. She started to remember those times in the wild, being on her own, with no one to care for her or talk to. It was horrible, and the memories gave her a sensation of emptiness.

And then she met Lawrence. Sure, there were other people in the past who had been her partner, but Lawrence was different. When was the last time someone truly treated her as a normal human being? A long time ago, it was. But this time, it was different.

Holo blinked when she noticed a teardrop land on her tail, only to realize she was crying. They weren’t sad tears, but happy ones instead. She raised a hand to her face and dried her eyes, sniffling. She pulled her legs up against herself and rested her chin on her knees, a thoughtful smile on her face. Only, it didn’t last long, for a certain itch in her nose made itself noticeable again. She brought her hand up to her face, handkerchief in it. Her breath hitched and her nose twitched.


Finally, her crimson eyes fell shut, and she took a final gasp.

“Ihh--Hih’shoo!! Heh-eh--Eh’chiew!!”

She sneezed into the handkerchief, body tensing with each release, and blew her pinkened nose. The wolf goddess then sighed and returned to her original laying position. She lost track of time eventually, but soon, Lawrence walked inside, a bag in his hand.

“I see you’re awake,” he observed.

Holo nodded, gazing at the bag curiously like any wolf should.

Lawrence pulled out a container filled with soup and a spoon with it. “Here.” He handed her the container, and Holo opened it. The warm scent hit Holo’s senses, and she suddenly realized how hungry she was. Within minutes, it was gone, leaving the wolf goddess satisfied and full. “Thank you, Lawrence. I must say, that did help my throat a bit,” she chimed.

“I’m glad,” Lawrence said. “Make sure you keep drinking that water though.”

Holo nodded. She’d almost forgotten about the half-full glass of water, and she swallowed down more of it. She flopped back down again, but not without her nose itching again.

“Hih-ih...Eh-iih-- Ih’shoo!! Hih’chew!! Eh...Ah’shoo!!”

She caught them all in her wrist, as the handkerchief was out of her reach in that moment, and sniffled wetly. “Ugh, I think I’ve done more than enough of that today,” she muttered, but all with good humour. She yawned. “It’s quite tiring.” Holo laid down, rolling onto her side. It was dark out now, and the fireplace glowed warmly in the lodging room.

Her eyelids drooped with exhaustion, Lawrence noticed, and he pulled the sheets and quilt over her tired form. She hummed with content, snuggling further into the blankets. Lawrence held her cheek in his hand for a moment. “Goodnight, Wise Wolf. I hope you’ll feel better tomorrow.” The wolf goddess heard, but did not reply, as she’d already fallen asleep. Sure enough, the next morning, she felt in good health again. Having someone around truly was a good thing.



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Please keep going. This story has been officially classified by the AWSOME police for being AWSOME. The high council of AWSOME declares that it is so AWSOME it is to AWSOME for public eyes. There you have it, the words of AWSOME, straight from a messenger of AWSOME herself. I bid you goodnight/good morning/good afternoon/Whatever time it is where you live.

Note from the FBI: If you are not anyone of those 'goods' you live on another planet and what the heck do you think your'e doing on Earth?

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Please keep going. This story has been officially classified by the AWSOME police for being AWSOME. The high council of AWSOME declares that it is so AWSOME it is to AWSOME for public eyes. There you have it, the words of AWSOME, straight from a messenger of AWSOME herself. I bid you goodnight/good morning/good afternoon/Whatever time it is where you live.

Note from the FBI: If you are not anyone of those 'goods' you live on another planet and what the heck do you think your'e doing on Earth?

omg this is one of the most AWESOME comments I've ever got, haha! Thank youuuu!!! (I don't think I'll be continuing it anymore, sorry to dissapoint sadsmiley.gif But, maybe if I come up with something, I'll write another part smile.png)
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(Confetti gun fail) Oh, so that's how this is gonna be, eh?

No, I'm kidding. Those idea juices should be flowing soon 'cause this this story has to continue!

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