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Wolverine (X-Men)


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This one's in the setting of the actual movies, like X-Men Origins, all that good stuff. Hope you all enjoy this! :)

Wolverine relaxed against the wall, almost imperceptibly-no, that's a complete and total lie, as the proper word would be 'obviously'. What was the Professor thinking? Sending him back to this place to-what was the word? Ah, yes, 'recuperate'.


All Charles had told him to bring was the Blackbird, some food and water, and-guess who?- Cyclops. As if his day could'nt get any worse-now he had to listen to the irritating guy whine about how much he loved Jean and how much he wanted to go back and 'see' her. He smirked as he imagined the two kissing and cuddling while the rest of them did better things-

"Whoa. Stryker musta given you a helluva run, huh?" Cyclops kicked a gun-or what remained of it. The muzzle was sliced in three, and the handle was snapped.

Wolverine winced as he remembered slashing at the gun and the person who held it, trying to get to freedom and her blessings. Cyclops continued down the cavern-like hall, talking loudly as though nothing mattered.

Nothing ever did to that arrogant-

"Hah-xxsght!"He tripped and stumbled against the wall. He winced and kept going-the sneeze had taken him by surprise. Better not let Cyclops see that, 'cause he'd make hell of it.

"What was that, Wolvie? D'you trip? Man, I wanna go back to the Institute and relax with-"

"Do you ever shut up?" Wolverine snarled. A shadow at the corner of his eye caught his attention, and he froze with his fists raised up. The other man remained carefree.

"Come on, let's just go."


Out of the darkness trotted an innocent looking cat. Wolverine nearly lost his temper when Cyclops decided to walk up and pet it, as though it wasn't going to kill him or anything.

"For all you know that could be-Hah-xxsght!" He was caught off guard by another sneeze. Cyclops stared and grinned, slowly realizing what was afflicting the other man.

"Aww, you awergic to this wittle cutie?" He asked in a mocking tone. Wolverine sniffed and nearly punched him in the goggles when the cat meowed faintly. He unsheathed his claws and studied the cat's fur, it's eyes. Something was off about it. Every nerve in his body was telling him to kill, kill, kill. Cyclops picked it up and started toward him, a smirk spreading across his face.

"Come on, pet it!"

"Quit dicking around! I wanna get the hell outta here as soon as possible and you're not-"

The cat hissed at Cyclops and clawed his and, then jumped back to the ground. It an instant, it became Mystique, her blue features slipping into smug disgust. Wolverine leapt forward and slashed at her arm, but missed and stumbled forward. She gripped his arm and twisted, taking on Wolverine's feature and abilities. Cyclops stared, gaping.

"Don't just stand there, you idiot! Do something!"

"Which one of you is which?" Cyclops asked, shakily. He twisted and escaped the Wolverine/Mystique's grip, punching her in the jaw. He tackled her to the ground, and then morphed into a cat and slipped from his grasp.

"THAT'S Mystique, dumbass!" He raced after the fleeing cat, aware of the growing irritation in his nose.

"Okay, quit being such a-"

Wolverine stopped and turned to him. "A what? Quit being a what?"

Cyclops froze. "Forget it." He mumbled.

"Good. Now help me catch Mystique." Together, they pounded through the dim, abandoned hallways, following the white blur on the edge of their vision.

"Which way?" Cyclops asked. They had come to an intersection, and the cat was gone.

Wolverine stopped and sniffed the air. Yeah, the Mystique had been this way-

"Hah-xxsght! That way." He pointed to the one on their left, a growing feeling of dread taking root in his stomach. This was the way to the chamber Stryker had used to add the Adamantium to his bones.

Did Chuck always make things this difficult?

"You sure? There's fur everywhere. Even down the halls."

"Course I'm sure. What do you mean-Hah-xxsght! You dick!" He shoved Cyclops against the wall, angered by the cruel man's trick. They continued down the hall, and each nook, each cranny, came back to

Wolverine in flashes of graphic, painful memories.

"I'm sorry."

"For... For.... Hah-xxsght! For what?" He rubbed his nose and nervously looked around. Any shadow could be a hiding place for guards, for Stryker and his team of self-

"For, like you said, being a dick." Cyclops looked ahead and squinted. "See that?"

"What......." a lihpght at the end of the tunnel.

They had arrived at the lab.

"No, that doesn't look like lab light, Logan. Too..... Dim, to say the least." He shrugged. "Let's just go. We can tell Charles that we were here, and-"

"We can't. Mystique knows."

"Knows..... What?" Cyclops continued on, and Wolverine was forced to follow, however much hi gut told him not to.

"About.... Never mind. You're right; We should keep going." He stopped and held his hand up to his face, waiting for an explosion.

"Hah-xxsght! Hah... Hah.... hah-xxsght!" He winced. That last one sounded particularly loud. He noticed Cyclops staring and straightened, then ignored him and kept going.

"Bless you-"

"Shut up!"

"Look, I know you're still pissed off, but-"

"Shut up!!" He barked. The sound echoed off the hallway walls and bounced back, dwindling each time it repeated his words.

"Don't have to be so-"

Mystique jumped from the shadows and grabbed his throat, and in a flurrish, took on Cyclops's shape. Great, she knew just where to hit home. Take his teammates like that, and hell, he could go into.

"Get! Off!"

A frenzy.

"Why? He your gay lover?"

"One: Hell no. Two: Take on your own form so I can kick your ass!"

She smirked. Again, he'd been wanting to punch Cyclops all day long, he only did what anyone would do to an enemy who impersonated that irritating someone.

He punched.

"Where's Magneto?!" He wrapped his small hand around his/her throat, and nearly gasped when he/she spoke.

"Dude, I'm not Mystique! Lay off!"He stood and winced, then turned to look around. Mystique had disappeared. Out of the shadows, a small white cat stepped, gazing at him with cold, calculating eyes.

"Hhaahh-xxxxssgghht!"He doubled forward, and regained his balance to catch the cat as it leapt for Cyclops again. "No, you don't!" Wolverine snarled, hugging it to his chest. Rubbing his neck, Cyclops took the cat and smirked as it tried to claw and spit its way back to him.

"Whoa, this thing wants to get into an all-out fisticuff with you-"

"Hah....." He turned his head away and sneezed violently into the blackness.

"Hatchoo! Hah-xxght!"He stifled it into his elbow and shakily rose to his feet. "Let's get outta here-Charles said we can have steak for dinner tonight," he said, turning away and heading for the surface, like noting had happened.

And to this day, Wolverine has been so intent on keeping those events a secret, that-even though they brought to the institute a really pissed-off Mystique-if you ask Cyclops what happened, nothing, dear Reader, did.

So what do we think? BTW, (Not to sound stuck-up, as that is what some people associate that acrynym) I don't own any of the characters presented in this story. They belong to Stan Lee. I wonder if I can find a story truly about this. If so, I'll see what I can do so all us fan girls can witness this. :D

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