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Take Care of You- Spice and Wolf One-shot Fanfic


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Hey everyone! I recently started watching the anime Spice and Wolf, and inspiration for a fanfic finally hit. This is probably gonna be a one-shot, unless I can really think of something else I can do with this lol. Also, I hadn't meant for it to end up so short either, but it is what it is, I guess! ^^; Btw, this was meant to take place in episode two, and at one point, some background info is explained, which might be explained wrong, so sorry if there's any inaccuracy lol.



Lawrence groaned as he sneezed for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. He sat up from the position he laid in on the bed with a sigh and ran his hands through his silver hair. His travels as a merchant had led him through pouring rain, and now it seemed to be taking its toll, even if he wouldn’t admit.

On the bed opposite of the traveling merchant, his female companion stared at him curiously. A unique being, she was, with wolf ears the matched her long, auburn hair, and a fluffy white tipped tail just to put the icing on the cake. Her name was Holo, but to many others she is known as The Wise Wolf, said to be a goddess that grows the wheat in the fields. It was only last night Lawrence had found her sleeping in the back of his cart...naked. After providing her with clothes, she decided to travel with Lawrence, feeling she was no longer needed in the wheat fields, as people were able to harvest it themselves now.

Holo’s crimson eyes glittered with amusement. “Bless you, again. That is what you human’s say, right?” She gave a smile, revealing one of her canine fangs.

Lawrence glanced at her for a second. “Yes, thanks…” he said briefly, his mind seeming to be focused on other things. He involuntarily shivered, the cheap candles in their lodging room only providing light, not warmth. He pulled his legs up against his chest, only to scrub at his nose with his sleeve as it itched again.

“Hh-! HHh-!!”

His eyes fluttered shut, lips parted, and he sneezed wetly twice.


He grunted in pain as his head throbbed from the outburst. It was only two hours ago that he’d felt fine, exchanging words with other merchants of the town. Now he was shivering with a headache and sneezing constantly. It was exhausting.

Across the room, Holo’s ears twitched. She heard him groan. There was a few seconds of silence before she suddenly spoke. “You’re sick,” she said matter-of-factly.

Lawrence lifted his head and stared at her, his eyebrows knitted into a slight glare. “And how would you know that?” He almost winced when he couldn’t hide the stuffiness in his voice.

“Don’t underestimate The Wise Wolf. I can sense things you wouldn’t believe. And anyways, it would be obvious to anyone. You don’t look too good.” Though amusement shone in Holo’s crimson eyes, she really did mean well.

Lawrence parted his lips to speak, only to feel the itch in his nose suddenly spike again. He pressed his lips together quickly, afraid that if he so much as talked he would sneeze, and the point he was trying to prove would mean nothing. Holo was right, but Lawrence wouldn’t let her have the satisfaction to being right.

His eyes watered in irritation, but he wouldn’t even breath. It seemed though, that his efforts were unnecessary, for the tickling in his nose became unbearable. His reddened nose twitched, and he hitched his breath.

“Hih-hH-! Hhh-!! Hih’iishoo!! Hih’eshoo!!”

Another two wet ones into his wrist, but that wasn’t all. His head tilted back again, further this time.

“HHh-!! Hih’iishoo!!”

The last one tore at his throat and he broke into a coughing fit.

“Okay, yeah... you’re right…” he admitted, wheezing. Once he finally caught his breath, he questioned Holo. “But how come you’re not sick then?”

“Easy,” she replied proudly. “Different species, different immune system. Simple as that.”

“Right…” Lawrence muttered with a sniffle, resting his head back on his knees. Another shiver wracked through his form.

Holo suddenly rose from her bed and did what Lawrence wasn’t expecting. She stripped her bed of her quilt, crossed to Lawrence’s bed, and offered it to him.

He looked up to the generous wolf goddess. “Thanks…” he murmured, but when she tried to wrap the blanket around him, he lifted a hand to stop her.

“W-wait, Holo…hiH...”

At first, Holo looked at him in confusion, but the wavering expression on his face gave her an answer. Lawrence's reddened nose was twitching, and his eyes were tightly shut. He tilted his head back, and he sneezed three more times uncovered.

Hih’iishoo!! Heh’eshoo!! Hih’ eshoo!!

He sighed in exhaustion. Much to his satisfaction, he felt a warm blanket wrap around him, courtesy of Holo. “Better?” she asked.

He nodded and crawled beneath the quilt that belonged to his bed for even more warmth. “But...why are you doing this for me?”

Holo blinked, looking almost offended, but then her eyes became filled with gratitude. “Because you took care of me, Lawrence.” She left it at that and rose from his bed. With a flick of her tail she lifted the candles gracefully from the nightstand. “Now then, get some sleep. You need it.” Holo blew out the candles with a short sigh of breath and crawled into her own bed, leaving Lawrence to comprehend what she had said to him. But, the traveling merchant did not comprehend anything for long, for the moment his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep.


Tell me what you guys think!smile.png

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That was really nice! We don't see a lot of attention put on the minor characters of TWAU on here! I really liked it too.

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*Sorry meant to say SAW. Also, I should mention I love seeing Holo take care f a sickly Lawrence. All the spicy, wolf-y love.

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We don't see a lot of attention put on the minor characters of TWAU on here!

Okay, I giggled at this. I've been cornering the market on giant wolves in this forum lately, it's true :|

More to the point! I haven't seen this anime, but my SO likes it so I'm at least tangentially acquainted with it. This was really cute! Can't speak much to the characterization but it seems on-point from what I know. Even if it was short, I think it was a nicely encapsulated little "slice of life" scenario.

Lawrence parted his lips to speak, only to feel the itch in his nose suddenly spike again. He pressed his lips together quickly, afraid that if he so much as talked he would sneeze, and the point he was trying to prove would mean nothing. Holo was right, but Lawrence wouldn’t let her have the satisfaction to being right.

Especially this line, paints a very clear picture of their relationship :D

Nice work!

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That was really nice! We don't see a lot of attention put on the minor characters of TWAU on here! I really liked it too.

*Sorry meant to say SAW. Also, I should mention I love seeing Holo take care f a sickly Lawrence. All the spicy, wolf-y love.

Thank you! Haha, spicy, wolf-y love, that's what I was going for. Glad you liked it!
We don't see a lot of attention put on the minor characters of TWAU on here!

Okay, I giggled at this. I've been cornering the market on giant wolves in this forum lately, it's true :|

More to the point! I haven't seen this anime, but my SO likes it so I'm at least tangentially acquainted with it. This was really cute! Can't speak much to the characterization but it seems on-point from what I know. Even if it was short, I think it was a nicely encapsulated little "slice of life" scenario.

Lawrence parted his lips to speak, only to feel the itch in his nose suddenly spike again. He pressed his lips together quickly, afraid that if he so much as talked he would sneeze, and the point he was trying to prove would mean nothing. Holo was right, but Lawrence wouldn’t let her have the satisfaction to being right.

Especially this line, paints a very clear picture of their relationship biggrin.png

Nice work!

Thanks a lot! Glad to know someone who hasn't really watched it enjoyed this lol.
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Good fic,already watched the anime.Would you continue this fic or start a new one showing Holo sick?It would be so cute see her sneezing(she sneezes a few times in the anime,but I would love to read a fic where she's sick and sneezy!)

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Good fic,already watched the anime.Would you continue this fic or start a new one showing Holo sick?It would be so cute see her sneezing(she sneezes a few times in the anime,but I would love to read a fic where she's sick and sneezy!)

Thank you! And sick!Holo? I think I could do that, though it might be a little bit (depending on motivation and such, hehe). I agree, she's adorable!

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