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Jensen x Reader Plane RPF


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So I decided to try RPF. In 2nd person POV. Because at the time of writing this I recently discovered and fell in love with both and had to try.

Inspired by Anonymous's RPF. Thanks to Seniorstatus14 for helping me keep writing and with what happens, Anonymous for editing, Sen Beret for leaving me an awesome review, and Nola for fixing everything. So uh yeah sorry to all you guys that actually had to wait the extra day.


You make your way through the crowded aisle. The flight wasn’t supposed to be full, but there were a lot of people with big, bulky bags boarding at the same time as you were. Luckily, you only had a small backpack, which could easily be stored underneath the seat in front of yours. You glanced down at your ticket again and look around the room. 6A. Great, a window seat. Not the aisle, as you’d’ve prefered, but at least you would get to see out the window and the ground below. You settle in, adjusting the seat belt. After putting your phone in airplane mode, you read the “in case of emergency” paper. The aisle seat next to you is still vacant. You pull a book from your bag and begin to read to keep yourself busy.

A few minutes pass, and you look up to see someone standing beside the aisle seat. . Because he’s trying to fit a larger carry-on bag into the overhead compartment, you can’t see his face. He supports the bag with his left hand and waves his free hand at someone, saying something you can’t make out. You do, however, see who he was talking to and barely manage to contain a shriek when you discover that Jared Padalecki is flying on the same plane as you are, only a couple rows ahead of you. Meaning that the tall stranger beside you must be Jensen Ackles. As the bag goes into the storage and his arms come down, you can confirm it’s him. He was clean shaven, wearing a gray t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. As Jensen sits down, you offer a silent but thankful prayer that today was the day you cashed in on those frequent flyer miles for a first class seat.

You work up the courage to say a simple “Hello” as normally as you can as Jensen sits beside you.

Until you spoke, it seemed like he hadn’t really noticed you. “Hi,” he replies, turning to look at you. His eyes sparkle in the light streaming through the window to your side.

You introduce yourself and hold out your hand for him to shake.

Instead, he raises his hands in the air and flashes you an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I don’t want to shake anyone’s hands. I think I might be coming down with something, and I don’t want to pass it on. I’m Jensen.” Where others would have to look closely, you noticed right away that Jensen was under the weather. His eyes looked tired, and his nose was a bit pink, . Apparently, luck is on your side today, because not only are Jared and Jensen on the same plane as you, but Jensen is seated right next to you, and he’s sick. You force yourself to keep your cool.

You smile in return, hoping it’s sympathetic, not gleeful, and say, “Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. And yeah, I recognized you. I’m a fan of the show. But I know you probably get a lot of fans fawning over you, so I’ll leave you alone.” You’re screaming on the inside but are surprised at yourself for being able to remain so calm and carry a casual conversation. This was Jensen freaking Ackles.

“Very considerate of you,” he comments, grinning. “Do y...”

Yes? You try not to look expectant as he trails off.

He turns his head away from you. His head is tilted back, his jaw is slack, and his nose is twitching. Your heart leaps. Best. Day. Ever. He bends at the waist, burying his face into his forearm. “Hu’eschh!” He sniffles; the most adorable sniffle you’ve ever heard.

“Bless you,” you manage.

“Thanks,” he replies. He wrinkles his nose, sniffling again, hard. “You have any questions for me or anything?”

You shake your head. “Nothing I can think of, at the moment.” You pause. “How are you?” It’s the only question that comes to mind.

He laughs. “I’m doing okay. We’ve been pretty busy on set, but that’s not unusual. How are you?” Jensen returns politely. You can hear the congestion in his voice, the added “d” in “unusual” and “been,” the extra “b” in “I’m.”

“Good,” you reply, a short answer. You’re still in shock; your brain isn’t working properly.

The flight attendant’s voice is suddenly heard over the speaker. You hear the same procedures as you always do, no smoking, emergency exits there, there, there, and there, you’ll land at approximately 4:32 PM, etc. The sort of thing you tune out and forget by the time they finish speaking. Instead you turn your attention to Jensen’s sniffling and see him rub his nose every so often out of your peripheral vision.

You pull your backpack out from the seat below and dig through the front pocket. You knew it was somewhere in there… there! Pulling out the travel pack of tissues, you softly say his name. “Jensen.”

He looks up at you with tired, green eyes. You hold it out to him. He takes it with a grateful look on his face. “Thanks.” He pulls a tissue from the package and hands it back to you.

You shake your head.“Keep it. You need it more than I do.”

Jensen held the tissue over his nose and blew. It was soft, yet forceful. If anyone could sound good while blowing their nose, this guy could.

“Thanks. I didn’t think to bring any.”

“No problem,” you reply, a small smile on your face. You decide against trying to start up another conversation with him. You don’t know how long you can last before going insane, and it’d probably be a good idea to leave him to get some rest. You know he’s going to a convention, and he should work on getting better. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be able to attend, but you would definitely be going through some YouTube videos this weekend. You pick your novel up off the ground and continue to read. When you glance at Jensen again, he’s leaning back in his seat, eyes closed, head bobbing slightly to his music. You turn back to your novel.

The thing that pulls you from your thoughts an hour later is the sound of Jensen softly snoring with his earbuds still in his ears. You resist the urge to scream; he’s so cute. You also stop yourself from taking a picture of him; maybe you’ll ask him for one later. You turn back to the story in your lap.

“HU’EHhchhoo!” You look up from your book. Did Jensen just sneeze in his sleep? It sounded like it hurt. Bless you. His head appeared as if it were in a slightly different position than the last time you peeked at him, and his eyes were still closed. He paws at his nose, still asleep. You silently melt in your seat. You turn back to your book, half of your attention on the story, the other half on Jensen.

The next thing that interrupts your reading/daydreaming is the flight attendant coming down the aisle with the cart of drinks.

“What would you like?” She asks. “They’re complimentary.” She keeps her voice down, noting that Jensen had fallen asleep.

“I’ll have a coke, and my friend here’ll have the same.” You pull down the little table for Jensen. The flight attendant hands you one cup and sets the other in front of Jensen.

Almost two hours of the flight have passed, only one more until you land. Jensen wakes up beside you with a start, coughing. It doesn’t sound good at all. He holds a fist to his mouth while he struggles to catch a breath, slightly hunched over. His other hand is on his knee. You can't just sit there and watch, so you reach over and pat him on the back with your right hand and hand him his drink with your left. He takes the coke from you and swallows half of it in one gulp.

You see Jared peek over his seat two rows up. He mouths, “Are you okay?” He was so sweet, and so cute, his hands on the chair, head just above the headrest.

“I’m fine,” Jensen says, or rather attempts to say. His voice is hoarse, almost inaudible, so he clears his throat and tries again. “I’m fine, Jared.” It’s a little better.

Jared raises an eyebrow at him as if to say “Yeah, sure, if you say so,” but he sits back down.

Jensen faces away from you again, covering his mouth with his fist as he sneezes. “Heh’escchhh!”

“Bless you.”

“Tha — HU’EHSchh’oo!” It’s so sudden, he barely has time to turn away and covers it with the back of his hand.

“Bless you.”

He sniffles thickly. “Thandks.” Jensen pulls the packet of tissues you gave him out of his pocket, takes one, and blows his nose. “These come in handy,” he comments.

You laugh. “Yeah, I keep them in my bag for a reason.”

Jensen smiles back at you before shoving the pack back into his pocket.

Half an hour later, about when the pilot announces that you’ll be landing soon, Jensen is again sound asleep, just like he was most of the flight so far. He’s snoring louder than he was before, mouth slightly open, probably more congested now than earlier, by the sound of it. And once again, Jensen is pulled from his sleep with another bout of coughs. His cup of soda is empty, there aren’t any flight attendants that you can see, and you don’t feel like signaling for one to come. You dig around your bag and pull out a full, unopened bottle of water that you were planning on saving for later. You use the edge of your shirt to grip the cap, twisting it off and handing him the bottle. He takes it gratefully, spilling a few drops as the coughs shake his whole body. You’re having a deja vu moment of earlier that flight, as you again rub circles over Jensen’s hunched over back. He is still coughing and now receiving annoyed looks from other passengers, though he doesn’t notice; he’s too busy. Almost a minute passes and half of a water bottle, too, before he finishes, and he’s left struggling to catch his breath. He takes a long pull from the bottle and sighs.

Jared again peers over his chair, brushing his long hair out of his face.

“I’m fine!” Jensen calls to his friend, earning him more glares from the people around him. Jared holds up his hands as if to say, “Okay, whatever,” then turns back, sitting straight in his seat and facing forward.

“You can keep the water, too,” You say with a smile. And then you’re pretty sure you start to melt when you see him pull out the crumpled tissue he’d just used earlier and hold it in front of his face. His head tilts back, eyes looking up and squinting with a blank expression, nose twitching, jaw hanging down. His nose no longer has the slight pink tinge it had at the start of the flight and is nowbright red from the many times he’d blown it and rubbed at it. He releases a loud, wet-sounding, “HUUuhr’uscchhh!” into the tissue.

“Bless you,” you say, then happily realize he’s not done.

“HUEH’chh’oo!” The force of the sneeze causes him to hunch over all the way. If the tray attached to the seat in front of him had been out, he’d have hit his head on it. “Thadks,” he replies. His voice sounds rough and gravely, and you know he notices too because he clears his throat, leading to him coughing again, though it lasts only a few seconds. He blows his nose, too, looking completely miserable. You feel bad that he has to go to a convention the next day. In an effort not to stare at him, you return your eyes to the book in your lap. (Mmm, this paragraph is sooo good, poor Jensen!)

Tthough one ear is half focused on Jensen, you appear to have your full attention on the story and only look up from your book when the plane hits the ground. You’re relieved to be getting off the plane soon, but you’re also disappointed that your time with a favorite television star has ended. You pack your bag, gathering your items together and wait for the plane to be done taxiing. As soon as the flight attendant announces that everyone may take off their seatbelts, Jared grabs his carry on and walks back to your row.

“How’re you holding up?” He asks Jensen, eyebrows creased with concern.

“I’ve been better,” he replies, and thumbing in your direction he mentions that you had been taking good care of him..

You blush, ducking your head down. “Yeah,” you almost stammer, unable to get anything else out. You offer your hand to Jared for him to shake. Which he does. “I’m [your name].”

“Jared Padalecki,” he responds, polite as can be, regardless of the fact that you most certainly knew who he was. Not that you’re concerned though, because oh God, he just shook your hand. Don’t die just yet.

“I know,” you almost mumble, your cheeks turning a darker shade of pink, if that was even possible. This gets you a laugh from him.

“Well, is there anything I can do for you in return?” Jensen offers. That was really sweet of him to say. You appear to think for a second, but you already know what you’re going to ask.

“Would you guys mind taking a picture with me when we get off the plane?”

“No problem,” Jared says.

And now you have a selfie with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki on your phone.


Your thoughts are greatly appreciated~

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:heart: So, you already know, but everyone else needs to know that this is wonderful! Sick whilst traveling is one of my absolute favorite scenarios and so this just hit sooo many happy-buttons for me!

And, omg, the 'you' - so brave. I would just liquefy and die...I love how sweet you made the relationship between Jared and Jensen, in just the small amount of interacting they had. And also, i love Jensen's sincerity. I like to think of him as such. :)

Thanks for sharing this story with us MoonDuck! :heart:

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*thinks of myself in 'you' position* *dies instantly*

The detail of your writing and the relationship between the boys just melted my heart. :D

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heart.gif So, you already know, but everyone else needs to know that this is wonderful! Sick whilst traveling is one of my absolute favorite scenarios and so this just hit sooo many happy-buttons for me!

And, omg, the 'you' - so brave. I would just liquefy and die...I love how sweet you made the relationship between Jared and Jensen, in just the small amount of interacting they had. And also, i love Jensen's sincerity. I like to think of him as such. smile.png

Thanks for sharing this story with us MoonDuck! heart.gif

And thank you so much for leaving me a nice review and for all the editing you did for me!

That was so good!! There are no X Readers on here and this was a great addition.

I know, right? Part of the reason I wrote one haha. I'm glad you liked it!

This is awesome!!!It's always nice to see an X Reader every once in a while, and this one was quite adorable~ Great work!

Thank you!!!

This is amazing! I love 2nd POV and this one with sick!Jensen made my afternoon. Thanks. smile.png

Thanks/you're welcome! Jensen's the best <3

*thinks of myself in 'you' position* *dies instantly*

The detail of your writing and the relationship between the boys just melted my heart. biggrin.png

I knowwww they're just so amazing, and I'm glad you liked my writing, thanks!

Second person can be such a challenge to do well but this was great. Thanks for sharing

And thanks for leaving me a review :P

If only dreams could come true

Don't we all wish they could... if only.

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