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Not Makoto's Day (MakoHaru)


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Today just seems to not be Makoto's day. Set in their second year of college.


Haru licked his lips as he finished his ice pop. Summer was fast approaching and it was hot, he sighed and looked out the closed window. One might wonder why the window is closed if it's so hot, it's because of his roommate/boyfriend/best friend Makoto. Makoto is allergic to some foreign flowers that that bloomed in the summer. It was a shock to find out when summer rolled around their first year in Tokyo, they didn't have many foreigners in Iwatobi, so they didn't have many foreign products as a result.

I want to swim. Haru thought while looking out the window. It was Friday and he only had two classes in the morning, none of them training. The school pool wouldn't be open until classes ended, so he would have to wait. He turned his bored gaze towards their dolphin clock (a birthday gift from Nagisa) and noted that Makoto would be done with classes soon.

Maybe he'll train with me. Because of the grueling courses Makoto had to take in to become a certified teacher, he didn't get to swim drills as often as he would like. Despite this though he always made a effort to join Haru after classes a couple times a week and train with him. The thought brought a slight blush to Haru's face and he couldn't help the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Just then he heard the door to the dorm open and a slightly stuffy “I'b hobe!” Haru turned to see his boyfriend's familiar warm smile, the only indication that he was in any kind of discomfort was his pink nose and moist eyes.

“Welcome home.” Haru responded automatically, getting up and placing a quick kiss to Makoto's cheek and taking his backpack to the bed while the other took off his shoes. He started to put Makoto's school books away when-

“hih...hh- eh'GSHhu!! snf-

Haru looked back and locked eyes with Makoto sending him a meaningful look. Makoto just chuckled.

“I'm fine Haru, snf my allergy meds are just starting to wear off.” Makoto smiled a bit sheepishly. Haru waited for him to go to the bathroom and take more, and raised an eyebrow when Makoto came over and started to put the rest of his stuff away instead. His eye twitched as he realized his boyfriend was playing oblivious to his stare and would be forced to voice his question.

“Then why aren't you taking more?” Haru inquired, his voice taking on an irritated edge.

He watched a blush push it's way into Makoto's cheeks as he averted his eyes.

“I ran out this morning. I was in such a rush that I didn't get to call the pharmacy before I left... hey don't give me that look! I already put in an order, it'll be ready in a hour.” Makoto pouted when he caught Haru's, Makoto's being stupid again, look.

“Oh come on Haru-chan! I've beehh- hh...hih! Hi'GJHhoo!! ih'CHHhhh! Ugh..” Makoto had turned away, the sneeze doubling him over into his hands. Haru sighed, mumbling what could have been either “bless you” or "Drop the -chan" and grabbed the tissue box from the bathroom. Pulling out three and handing them to Makoto, he put the box on the tale next to the sneezy man's bed. He was going to need them.


Sorry for the lack of sneezes here guys!! This is actually going to be a two part fic, but the next part has a descriptive blowjob scene so I can't post it here. The next part will be up in the Adult section in a couple of days, so if you're interested go check it out!! If you can't get into the adult section then I'm sorry but hope this is better than nothing *sweats nervously*

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