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Nitori has Allergies (?) a RinTori fluff story (M, Free!)


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Basically the title says it all here. Nitori is sneezing a lot, and a worried Rin confronts him about it and ends up taking care of him. All fluff. All cute <3

"Hk'shew!" Nitori sneezed for the umpteenth time that day.

Rin knew that the kid had allergies but this was ridiculous. He wasn't going to say anything. To be honest he found Nitori's sneezes rather cute. The way that, even from across the room, you could see him flutter and build up to them. The way he tried to stifle them but somehow a little noise popped out every time. The way that he sighed audibly after each one, looking down and blushing softly. That was before Rin counted thirty two sneezes in one hour.

They were at practice now, so it would have to wait. He didn't want to confront the little guy in front of all of these people, that would be a dick move. Even still, he hated to see Nitori suffer like this. He convinced the captain to end practice early.

Rin took an extra long time getting ready to go so they would get some alone time. It was just them, sitting on opposite sides of the locker room bench. Nitori was blushing even redder after his sneezes, knowing Rin was hearing each one loud and clear.

"..hih...hih....Hk'Shew!... hi'sshew!" Nitori's head bobbed into his hand. He exhaled and turned away from Rin.

"Gesundheit." Rin muttered, and blushed himself. Could the kid be any more adorable? His blush was almost as red as his delicate nose; his eyes were puffy and watery.

"T-thank you sempai." he sneezed again.


Are you okay?"

"What do you mean?" Nitori turned back towards Rin.

"You know what I mean. You've been sneezing like it's your job." Rin closed his locker. They started walking back towards the dorms.

"Oh, that!" Nitori chuckled, "It's nothing! I just ran out of my allergy meds last night. The pharmacy isn't open on weekends and today is Saturday so it looks like I'm out of luck until Monday, ha, ha..." his facial expression became desperate, "..heh...Hh'ksh! nnh....ow."

"Oh, shit." Rin said, startled by how sucky the situation was and by how cute Nitori's sneeze was. "What are you allergic to?"

"p...pah....H'KShew! h'kshew! h'kshh!...h'ksh! Ksh!" They had just walked outside. "Pollen...Hk'shew!" Nitori pulled out his inhaler and took a couple puffs.

What a dork, Rin thought and handed him a handkerchief.

"Thank you!" he blew into it forcefully then put it in his pocket. He stumbled a bit and put a hand on his head.

"You okay?" Rin awkwardly put his arms up, ready to catch his roommate if he were to fall. Thankfully he didn't, just put a hand on Rin for support.

"...yeah...just need...a breather...my vision is....a bit fuzzy....might need to.....sit down...." he said in between breaths, then sat on the ground. Rin crouched down and felt his forehead. He was running a temperature, of course.

"It might be a bit more than allergies. Put your head between your knees." Nitori obeyed and continued to breathe, well wheeze more breathe, deeply. His sempai got his inhaler out of his bag and gave it to him.

"..thanks..." he said, breathing more normally now.

"Can you make it back walking?"

"I don't know." his head was still in between his knees. Rin growled, realizing what he had to do.

"Get on my back."


"I'm not going to say it again." Rin was crouching at the ready, back facing Nitori. The second year slowly, cautiously got on. His sempai stood up with ease, surprised at how light he was. Nitori clung for dear life, he didn't realize how tall Rin really was.

"..gah...You're choking me!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Nitori relaxed. They started walking. Rin found it very calming. It was a brisk evening, and the added warmth was appreciated. They rhythmic breathing against his back, the human contact in general. He wasn't the hugging type, and couldn't remember the last time he had been in close contact with somebody for this long.

Nitori was internally screaming. It was so embarassing! He was causing Rin so much trouble! Not to mention he was basically hugging him. On top of it all he had to sneeze. He was holding it back for as long as he could, but the pollen/sickness/whatever was happening was getting to him. His breath began hitching.

"..hih....Rin...I h-have to....hehh....sn-...sneeze.....eheh..." Rin knew long before Nitori said anything, he could feel his breathing become irregular. He had another handkerchief at the ready.

"Just aim away from my face."

"..hehh..hEEhh.....H'kshew! H'kshew!...H'kshew! h'kshh! h'kshh!...hehh.....'kshh!"

"Gesundheit." Nitori's head was pounding as he got the little fuzzies in his vision again.

"I'b so sorry!"

"It's okay, we're back." Rin closed the door behind them and rolled the boy on his back onto the top bunk. He resented the cold spot he left on his body. "I think I have some Benadryl or something, wait here." He started digging around in his drawers.

"Okay...hey, ..Rin?" Nitori propped himself up and called shyly. Rin turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Thank you." The older boy blushed ever so slightly at the cuteness overload.

"Don't worry about it."

That's all! Feedback is always appreciated~

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Aww awwww awwwwwwwww!!!!!!

This is the best morning wake up call ever! *flails around* Rin is the best Sempai EVER.

This has to be continued, please please please! Pretty please with chibi Rin and Nitori on top! :bounce: :bounce:

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wOW THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU'RE TOO KIND <3 how can I not continue it with such amazing readers?

"Here, I didn't have anything for allergies but I found some Nyquil." Rin tossed the bottle of night time cold medicine towards Nitori on his bunk, who almost caught it. "Is there anything else you need? Water, soup, maybe a doctor?"

"No doctor! Just water would be great...h'KSh!...actually some tissues too?" he punctuated the sentence with a sniff. "I mean, if it's not too much trouble of course!" He downed a few teaspoons of the Nyquil and shuddered at the taste. The water was sounding nicer and nicer.

"Yeah, sure." Rin said nonchalantly and left to retrieve the items. The vending machine down the hall had water bottles for 89 cents. The storage room probably had tissues; at least toilet paper.

Meanwhile, the cough syrup was doing its job. Nitori was beginning to feel very sleepy. He didn't want to fall asleep just yet - Rin would be back soon. He got settled under the covers and propped his pillow against the wall so he could sit up. He switched on the TV and started flipping through the channels. Nothing good was on, really...

Rin successfully got two bottles of water, but found the storage room locked. He was going to have to go to the grocery store down the road. It wasn't that far of a walk. While he was there he might as well pick up some soup and over the counter allergy meds. Leave it to Nitori to catch the flu and run out of allergy meds on the same day.

Which ones to get though? The isle was full of different flavors and brands. He just grabbed one at random. On his way to the check out he had a surprising chance encounter.

There was Haru, with a basket full of similar items; soup, flu meds, and cough drops. They made eye contact. "H-hey.." Haru managed.

"Hey. What's all that stuff for?" Rin asked, "Are you sick too?"

"Me? No. Nagisa came down with something. Wait, are you sick?"

"Oh, no. Nitori is." It was funny how they both got sick at the same time. "Those two must be hanging out more often than I thought."


"Yeah." There was an awkward pause. "Well, I should go, Nitori is waiting for me."

"Yeah, and Nagisa for me. Later." They parted ways and checked out in different lanes.

About twenty minutes had passed since Rin left. He returned with soup, tissues, water, and allergy meds, ready to coddle the little dork.

"Okay, I've got-...oh for Christ's sake." Nitori had passed out sitting up in his bed watching animal planet. His mouth was hanging wide open, a little bit of snot dribbling from his nose, head against the wall at an awkward angle. Rin grabbed a few tissues and climbed up the side of the bunk bed. He gently shook the sleeping boy by his shoulder.

"Oi. Oi. Wake up." Nitori gently groaned and half-heartedly pushed the hand on his shoulder away. "Oi, your neck's gonna hurt like hell if you sleep like that." His eyes slowly opened and squinted.

"..Oh man I didn't mean to fall asleep!"

"Don't worry about it. Here." Rin handed him the tissues. He took them gratefully, wiped his face and blew his nose.

"...gross." he made the mistake of looking at them when he was finished. His sempai pulled the trash can next to the bed and put the box of tissues within reach.

"...hih...hIH........." It seemed the nose blowing had awoken the tickle in his nose, "..heh....heh heh!.....uhhg.......heh! heh! heh!....it's s-..heh.....stuck...."

"Uhh...sorry.." Rin said, having no idea what to do in this situation. He tossed him a water bottle. In all honesty he didn't want the sneeze to come out right away. It was a weird mix of amusing and cute to watch. The kid's eyebrows were scrunched up like he was concerned about something. His eyes couldn't decide wither they wanted to be half-lidded or closed tight and alternated inconsistently. He even waved his hands a little bit in front of his face, as if fanning more allergens into his nose.

"...heh..heh.....heEEehh...s-so..ti-hiihh...tickly...." his voice kept going higher and higher in pitch, "...heh....heh......hehh-.......heh! heh! heh!---HEH'KShnn! H'kshn! H'kshew!....heh-H'ksh! 'kshh! 'kshh! 'kshh!" The last few came out rapidly into his now messy hand. He grabbed a few tissues and cleaned up.

"...Gesundheit." Rin said, slightly taken aback by the intensity of the fit.

"Thadks." Nitori said, sniffling, and took a much needed drink of the water. He cleared about half of the bottle. "I'm still so sleepy." he sighed.

"Probably because you're sick. And you took Nyquil you dunce." The older one turned off the TV and cut the lights. He took off his shirt and yawned. His bed looked mighty inviting.

"Yeah..." Nitori yawned too and got settled under the covers, still sniffling. "Good night, Rin-sempai!"

"'night Ai-chan." he smiled, knowing his underclassman didn't like that name. "Ai-chan" smiled, because he secretly liked it.

That's all for now! I kind of had no idea where this was going when I started it but along the way developed some possible sub stories? Maybe Haru is posing as the errand boy while Rei takes care of Nagisa heheheheh. Maybe a prequel with a little Nagisa on Nitori? Who knows!

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Oh my god this is amazing~ Nitori is my second favorite character in Free and this was so cute and Rin thinks he's cute and Nitori being a shy baby and I love this so much!! Sneezy Nitori i best <3

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This is so cute! I can totally see Nitori having asthma, per the inhaler you put in the first part.

Oh, and I love the little homage to Nitori and Nagisa's friendship :P

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Nitoriiiiii!!!!!!!! I just want to cuddle him and kiss his little nose!

These two are just perfect together. Truly precious dolls. :D

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Wow, this is cute. I love the stuck sneeze + fit scenario! And it would be awesome to see you follow up with that Rei/Nagisa sub story, but only if you find the time and motivation!

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GOSH the stuck sneeze part... <3 And Nitori is my favorite character, so I loved this even more!!! You've got me smiling like a dork, this is the cutest thing I've read in a long while!! Fantastic work. I can't wait to read more of your writing!

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