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This was mostly improv... after watching the movie for the 10,000th time, I realized that if Anna was so cold... how did she not get sick?

Because you don't get sick from being in the cold. Duh.

(^ No one likes you, logic....)

...So this just sort of fell into place. If someone else has already written something like this... I'm really, really sorry. Because I honestly had no idea... sweatdrop.gif

Anyways, enough of my rambling. Onto the story~ smile.png

Part 1

Anna trudged through the deep snow, stopping every few minutes to catch her breath. “Snow,” she groaned. “It had to be snow.” She shivered, pulling her cloak closer to her.

The Northern Lights were shining above, like a vivid rainbow against the deep blue sky. Anna gazed hopefully onto the horizon, hoping to find an outline of the North Mountain. But there was nothing, nothing but glistening white snow and a darkening sky.

She sniffled, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. “She couldn't have had t-tropical powers that covered the fjords in white sand and warm-”

Suddenly, her eyes widened. There was smoke rising in the distance. Smoke that could only be from...

...“Fire!” Anna exclaimed. Unfortunately, right at that moment, she lost her footing. She went tumbling down the hill... straight into the ice cold river.

For a moment, she just sat there, too stunned to move. Then, she regained her senses.

This river was cold. Really cold.

Well, that was an understatement. It was as if she was standing inside an ice cube. Her whole body was shivering, no, trembling, from the coldness. It was almost... painful.

“Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold...” she muttered through gritted teeth. Cursing herself for her own carelessness, Anna forced herself to make her way across the river and towards the fresh grey smoke.


“Hitchuu!” Anna sneezed. After walking for half an hour, she was a shivering, sniffling mess. Her dress was frozen stiff, and the little warmth her cloak had provided her was now completely gone. “Ha... ha... hatchoo!” She sneezed again. “Hatchuu! Ischiew!”

There was a sign beside the door, covered by a thick layer of snow. She shook the snow off of it, revealing the words underneath:

“Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post. Ooh! And Sauna...” Anna read, sniffling. Whatever was in there had to be better than this...


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This was mostly improv... after watching the movie for the 10,000th time, I realized that if Anna was so cold... how did she not get sick?

Because you don't get sick from being in the cold. Duh.

(^ No one likes you, logic....)

Hey! I cant let that pass! I really like logic! Logic is awesome! Okay, so maybe you don't want to invite logic to take part in your fetishy fantasies and such, but for most other things logic rules! *hugs logic close, comforting it at having such things said to it* There, there logic, don't listen to that mean old Yume!
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This was mostly improv... after watching the movie for the 10,000th time, I realized that if Anna was so cold... how did she not get sick?

Because you don't get sick from being in the cold. Duh.

(^ No one likes you, logic....)

Hey! I cant let that pass! I really like logic! Logic is awesome! Okay, so maybe you don't want to invite logic to take part in your fetishy fantasies and such, but for most other things logic rules! *hugs logic close, comforting it at having such things said to it* There, there logic, don't listen to that mean old Yume!

Perfect fetishy logic.

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This is actually...REALLY good!!!! Hey, it's not Elsa, (hint hint) but this is good enough. And I agree, with most things, logic rules, but when it comes to MY fetish it's null and void.


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  • 4 months later...

Um, will you continue anytime soon, it's been like *checks last update* 152 days (but who's counting?) or if you want me to sound less weird, 5 months. The point is, when will you continue? I really like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. Yes. Continue. Please!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funnily enough, it's actually been proven being cold can get you sick. Not that I'm complaining, lets me use ALL the fetishy logic :shifty:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

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