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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Danderous Villains (M - Iron Fist from Ultimate Spiderman)


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Hey Guys. I decided to write a fic that was requested by Zane. I'm not into male sneezing or allergies so much, but I like to cater to other people's interests as well as my own in stories and roleplays, and this seemed like something that would be interesting to write.

Zane asked for a fic about Danny Rand, AKA Iron Fist from Ultimate Spiderman. She wanted to see him suffering from allergies. I hope this is good enough. It's only part one. I have some interesting plans for part 2 if there's enough interest.

If anybody wants to roleplay with me or trade fics, my contact information is in my profile.

Danderous Villains

Part 1

Danny Rand sat on a bench in Central Park and closed his eyes, focussing his attention. It was harder than usual. The pollen count was high today and his eyes were feeling itchy and watery, and there was a tickle dancing around in his nose that was very had to ignore. But if he focused his chi just right, he knew he'd be able to get by without showing any symptoms.

"The universe has provided me with such a beautiful day today. I must show it my gratitude by allowing myself to enjoy it." he said to himself as he took a deep, calming breath.

He realized his mistake when a load of extra pollen assaulted his nostrils, raising the level of the tickle he was feeling in his nose dramatically. His nostrils started flaring and his breath started hitching as he fought to regain his composure.

"ahhhhhh..... hahhhhhhh..... m...must focus m... muhhhhhhhh.... my chi!" Danny whispered to himself, "Buhhhh... become one with the... the snuhhhhh.... hahhhhh sneeze and... and let it hehhhhh..... die down...."

After a few minutes of sitting there focusing, trying unsuccessfully not to let his face grimace with the oncoming sneeze, he was finally able to bring it under control. He opened his eyes and smiled. "The universe does not provide us with challenges that we are unable to overcome." he said as he stood up.

Just then his SHIELD communicator beeped. Danny looked around to make sure nobody was within earshot and stepped behind a tree to answer. Nick Fury looked out at him from the small screen. "Danny! We need Iron Fist to investigate an incident. You're the only one close enough to get there. An alarm went off at a small genetics laboratory and the guards aren't responding. I'm sending you the address over your communicator!"

"It seems that the universe is determined to send me challenges today. I shall meet them with determined composure."

Nick Fury raised an eyebrow. "I take it by that you mean that you're on your way?"


The screen blinked off and Danny found somewhere private to change into his costume, then he ran to the scene of the crime.

The guards at the genetics laboratory had all been knocked out cold somehow. Danny made his fist glow with chi energy in preparation as he stalked the hallways of the building, listening for any sound of disturbance.

He heard some scuffling and crashing in one of the rooms up ahead. As he slowly approached, he noticed that something was starting to affect his sinuses. The allergic tickle that he though he'd fought down was returning. He tried to set it to the back of his mind and concentrate on the matter at hand. He didn't have the luxury of losing focus right now.

He turned and entered the doorway, rolling into a crouch. A large, hairy man stood with his back turned to him, shoving some containers of some sort into a bag. Whoever it was, he seemed to be shedding a little. Danny could see tiny bits of fur floating around in the air. So that's what was affecting his allergies! He wrestled his nostrils under control before they had a chance to flare on him and controlled his breathing so that it wouldn't hitch with the need to sneeze.

"I advise you to stop what you are doing. The path you are on will lead to nowhere but discordance."

The man turned around revealing a gargoylish parody of a cat-like face. He laughed. "You think you can take down Cat-Man? You're nothing but a kitten! I've fought heroes more intimidating than you!"

"You would be wise to not judge people based on outward characteristics like their age or size." said Danny as he leapt into action.

Danny knew he was in trouble as his attacks kept missing. Cat-Man was throwing so much dander into the air unintentionally that it was taking Danny a lot of extra energy to not break into a sneezing fit right there. His reflexes were slower than usual, and Cat-Man was fast and agile.

After an intense but short battle, Cat-Man had managed to manoeuvre between Danny and the doorway. Then he threw some kind of bomb and ran out the door. Danny dived behind an upturned table and braced himself as a wave of bright light and electrical energy washed over the room. It was an electrical bomb, which worked kind of like a taser. So that's how Cat-Man had managed to take out the guards!

Since he'd taken cover, Danny hadn't taken the full force of the blast. But he still felt small shocks travelling up and down his body, which distracted him enough that he wasn't able to focus on fighting the tickle in his nose. His breath hitched as he tried to fight back the sneezing fit he knew was coming, but it was no use. The room was filled with dander and his poor nose couldn't take it any more.


Unable to stop himself, he sneezed with abandon as he shakily got to his feet and stumbled out of the room. He needed to get away from all that dander, maybe center himself for a few minutes so he could refocus his energies.

Unfortunately, it didn't look like that was an option. He needed to follow Cat-Man and stop him before he lost his trail. He could at least get out of that dander-filled room though. He stopped in the doorway, leaning against the frame to take in a few shaky breaths as more big sneezes threatened to overpower him. "hehhhh.... HATCHOOOOOOO!!! HESHOOOOO!!" He bent over double with their force and staggered out of the room. "*SNIFFLE* I bust fid sob way to clear by dose. Baybe thed I cad.... huhhhh... cad codcedtrate!"

In an office with an open door close by he saw a box of tissues on the desk. He staggered in and grabbed a few, holding them up to his nose. "HACHNFFF!! CHNXXXX!! CHNNNFFFFF!!!" He stifled three sneezes into the tissues then gave a strong, gurgling blow.

He balled the tissues up and threw them in a nearby garbage and gave a small sniffle. "That seems to have cleared up my sinuses a bit." he said to himself, "Once you've identified the source of a blockage, the universe tends to provide you a way to clear it."

He grabbed a few more tissues in case he'd need them and ran out on Cat-Man's trail. The man was shedding a lot so Danny had a fine trail of cat hairs to follow that had floated to the ground. He tried to breathe in mostly through his mouth and not too deeply as he took off in pursuit.

Let me know how much you enjoyed it. Constructive criticism is always welcome. My contact information is in my profile, I'd love to get together with some of you and do roleplaying and fic writing together

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Oh ho ho? What is this I find?

This is very interesting, please do continue. smile.png

Are you a fan of Iron Fist?

I am not a huge fan, but I do like him. :)
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You.... You actually wrote this? :jawdrop: Thank you soooooooo much!!! I love it! :wub; I so hope that you continue! THANK YOU!!!! stretcher.gif

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You.... You actually wrote this? jawdrop.gif Thank you soooooooo much!!! I love it! :wub; I so hope that you continue! THANK YOU!!!! stretcher.gif

I'm glad you liked it. It was fun to write! I've got some pretty cool ideas for the next part.
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Thanks to everybody who liked the story! Hopefully the second part will be just as good for you.

Part 2

In spite of Danny's best efforts, his eyes were itchy and wattering and his nose was tickling like crazy! He followed Cat-Man's trail through an empty alleyway, having to stop halfway through when the tickle just got too strong for him to fight anymore.

"ahhhh.... hehhhh.. CHNFFFFFF!!! SHHHNNNN!!!! CHNKKKKK!!!" he muffled the sneezes into his elbow, trying to be quiet just in case he was catching up to Cat-Man enough for him to hear. Then he continued on. He didn't notice the pair of interested eyes watching him from above.

He finally caught sight of Cat-Man heading into a railway storage yard and hurried in pursuit. The large freight boxes formed a kind of maze. Danny was glad he had the trail of dander to follow, even if it made his nose feel incredibly tickly and sneezy.

He peered around a corner to find that Cat-Man had stopped. He was handing over his bag of stolen goods to somebody. So Cat-Man was only a henchman for somebody else? Danny risked peeking a little further to try and get a good view on who it could be.

He stifled a gasp of surprise as he recognized Beast from the X-Men. Why would Beast be consorting with villains like Cat-Man?

Then he brought his hand up to his forehead. "In times like this, one should learn to heed one's own words!" he whispered to himself, "It was I who told Cat-Man to not judge based on appearances, and yet I have made the same mistake!"

Once Dany realized that this couldn't be Beast from the X-Men, he noticed that there were a number of subtle differences, and this Beast's fur was darker than the original's. Of course! This was Dark Beast!

He just might have been able to manage Cat-Man alone in his current condition, but Danny had grave doubts about handling both of them. He slinked back a bit out of view and activated his SHIELD communicator. Nick Fury appeared on the screen.

"What's the situation?" asked Fury.

"I've... I've engaged a villain c... cuhhh.... calling himself Cat-Man. He got away but I... I... f... fuhhhh... followed him to find him meeting up with Dark Beast! I feel it would be best to request backup before... hahhhhh... engaging them." Danny whispered. He tried to keep his breath from hitching but he couldn't help it. His nose was tickling so badly it was hard to keep the breathiness from his voice.

"Most of our heroes are busy right now, but I'll see what I can do for you. Are you okay? You sound a little strange"

"I'll be... fuuuhhhh..... f... fine." Danny tried to assure him, "We all have our trials to face, One must only... hahhhh.... kn... know one's duty!"

He quickly turned off the communicator before Fury could ask any more questions and snuck back to the corner where Cat-Man and Dark Beast were talking. Dark Beast seemed to be moulting just like Cat-Man, and must have been waiting there for a while because there was a fine coating of dander all around the area.

A slight breeze suddenly blew some of that dander right into Danny's face. This was bad! His nostrils began to flare wildly. He silently begged his nose to calm down and not sneeze, but it was no use. "ahhhhhh..... hahhhhhhh..... HEHHHHHHHH......" He pinched his nose at the last minute in an attempt to stifle. "HA-CHNKKKKK!!!! CHNXXXXX!!!! HHHCCCNNNFFFFF!!!"

It didn't do any good, both villains heard him. He saw them looking his way and decided to just let go. Maybe he could at least sneeze out enough to satisfy his tickly nose so he could face the villains without going into another sneezing fit.


"Who's there?" called out Cat-Man, "Come on out so we can fully see you!"

Danny took out a tissue and blew his nose before stepping out into the open. As best as he could, he concentrated his chi on the task of controlling the tickle in his nose while he confronted the two villains. He thought he'd be able to talk fine for now, but with all this dander about, not to mention the pollen, his nose was distracting him with a constant tickle.

"Well, what do we have here?" asked Dark Beast.

"That's the hero kid I was telling you about who tried to stop me at the lab!" said Cat-Man.

"I will introduce myself." said Danny, "My name is Iron Fist. I have heard of you Dark Beast. Your cruel genetic experiments have created a great deal of disharmony in the universe. I would advise you to abandon whatever abominable experiment you are planning with the stolen gods from that genetics laboratory!"

Dark Beast laughed. "Abominable experiment? What makes you think everything a villain does has to be abominable? Sometimes a villain likes to steal things for more mundane reasons, you know. If I were to steal a chocolate bar, it might just be because I was in the mood for a chocolate bar!"

"I cannot argue with your logic," said Danny, "But I know that you did not merely steal a chocolate bar from that lab."

"No, I didn't. But think about it: that's a small genetics laboratory. They don't do any kind of breakthrough research, and their security system was basic and easy to defeat. Do you really think they'd carry something instrumental for one of my 'abominable experiments', as you call them?"

"Then I will ask you for enlightenment. Please tell me of your purpose in stealing from that laboratory."

This was good. If he could keep Dark Beast talking, that would keep him busy until reinforcements could arrive, and Danny could concentrate on fighting the tickle in his nose instead of fighting the villains. His nostrils began to flare, there was a ridiculous amount of dander in the air. Danny tried not to show how much it was affecting him. He wished he could rub his very itchy eyes.

Dark Beast laughed. "Well, the thing is, little hero, that I have a small problem right now. It's actually a problem that you're intimately familiar with at the moment, judging by your earlier sneezing fit, and I can tell that you're desperately fighting a tickle in your nose as we talk. See, it's moulting season, and that's making both me and my associate Cat-Man here very uncomfortable. We itch all over and get our fur over everything, even our food!"

Dark Beast paused to itch his chest, releasing even more dander into the air, then continued, "The lab that we stole from was doing research on animal fur and moulting, and I'd heard that they'd made a few minor breakthroughs. Using their samples and data, I plan to find a cure to moulting once and for all! So you see Mr. Iron Fist, while my motives may be selfish, they are certainly not sinister in this case. I'd rather not waste my time on a pointless fight right now, so if you'll excuse my petty crime, I'll allow you to leave and I can get to my research and stop this itchiness once and for all!"

Danny stared at Dark Beast for several seconds. "Even if what you tell me is true, and I have no reason to expect that you wouldn't lie to me, I still cannot turn a blind eye to what you've done. If you wish to leave, you will have to get past me first." with an effort, Danny focused and diverted some of his chi away from suppressing the tickle in his nose and into making his fist glow with power.

He let out a slight gasp as the tickle instantly got worse, but he didn't back down. Dark Beast put out his hands palm-up. "Think about this for a second. You were barely able to fight one of us, do you really think you'll be able to take on both of us fighting that tickle in your nose at the same time? You're outmatched and outnumbered!"

"Not anymore he's not!" came a high-pitched voice from above as a brown shape jumped down from the top of a shipping container. "For he is now joined by the one and only Squirrel Girl!"

Edited by Joal 555
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this is super adorable omfg

i love squirrel girl and it's really great that you've included her in this! Can't wait to see where this goes @W@

Dannnyyyyy <333

Edited by Joal 555
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this is super adorable omfg

i love squirrel girl and it's really great that you've included her in this! Can't wait to see where this goes @W@

Dannnyyyyy <333

Squirrel Girl is, indeed, awesome! I've got a few fun ideas to try with her!

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Oh dear gods.... I feel soo bad for Danny! Squerel girl doesn't know how to help... He is so screwed, my poor baby!

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His allergies are going to give him hell with all the fuzzy people/creatures around. I can't wait for the next part!!! Update soon!!!

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Sorry for not having updated this in a bit. Don't worry, I've got the next part mapped out in my head and I'm eager to get to it, I've just got so much other stuff to do, and a good online friend of mine from the forum has requested another fic from me and I thought it was a great idea so I've been doing that too.

I'll try to get the next part up sometime in the next few days.

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Okay guys, here it is! I just took three hours out of my day to put in a final push to finish this story. I hope you all really enjoy it!

Part 3:

Not much happened in the city that Squirrel Girl wasn't aware of. She had a city-wide network of squirrel informants, after all. Her little friends kept an eye on what was going on for her and told her if anything interesting was happening. Few people paid much attention to squirrels, so they were able to observe quite a bit.

When one of her squirrel friends told her that there was a commotion at a nearby lab, and that there was a weird, furry man running in her direction, she quickly scrabbled up a close-by alley wall. She couldn't cling to walls in the same way Spider Man could, but like a squirrel climbing a tree, she could scrabble up buildings where the bricks were rough and jutted out enough to provide good finger-holds. She knew where all such buildings were in the city.

The man passed by right underneath her. He definitely seemed to be up to something, but she didn't know enough yet. She figured she'd wait a few minutes then follow him and see what he was doing. He shouldn't be hard to follow, he was leaving a small trail of fur that could be easily seen if you knew to look for them. Her own tail itched in sympathy, it was starting to molt a little too.

Then she saw somebody else enter the alleyway, and she recognized him as Iron Fist, one of the heroes that worked with Spider Man. Her squirrel friends always gave her detailed accounts of Spider Man's battles, so she knew that creepy weirdo Jay Jonah Jameson was completely full of it! She didn't know why people put up with hearing his boring rants blaring at them over and over again from creepy bilboard screens throughout the city.

When Iron Fist stopped to have a small sneezing fit, a tingle went up Squirrel Girl's spine and made her tail twitch a little, loosening some fur which floated gently down. She'd never told anybody how much she enjoyed seeing cute guys sneeze, and Iron Fist's sneezes were some of the cutest she'd ever heard! When he moved on, she eagerly followed. When he entered the train yard, she told a squirrel nearby to gather the troops for possible trouble, then she jumped on top of a freight container and leapt from one to the other in pursuit.

She flattened herself against top of the nearest container and inched her way to the edge to watch what was happening. She saw him speaking softly into his communicator, but she couldn't hear what he was saying. Then she saw him watching the villains and fighting off a big sneezing fit. Her tail twitched several times as she watched with fascination. The poor boy must be allergic to all that dander in the air! How absolutely adorable!

Her heart skipped a beat when he finally let loose and came out to confront the villains. She heard the entire thing, and she knew that Iron Fist was definitely outmatched in this case, especially as he was also fighting a tickle in that poor, cute little nose of his. Then Dark Beast said the very thing she was thinking.

"Think about this for a second. You were barely able to fight one of us, do you really think you'll be able to take on both of us fighting that tickle in your nose at the same time? You're outmatched and outnumbered!"

As a hero, she just had to step in and help even the odds. In one fluid motion, she leapt off the top of the freight container and landed gracefully next to Iron Fist. "Not anymore he's not! For now he is joined by the one and only Squirrel Girl!"

Both the villains and Iron Fist stared at her in shock. She smiled. "I want you all to say hello to my little friends!"

Her squirrels knew a cue when they heard one, and they immediately began swarming in, massing around Squirrel Girl and Iron Fist.

* * *

The universe can sometimes teach you interesting things that you never knew about yourself, Danny mused inwardly. For instance, he had never known until this very moment that he was, in fact, allergic to squirrels. Judging by the overwhelmingly increased tickle in his nose, he was, in fact, very, very allergic to squirrels!

It's not like that's something you'd usually know from experience. Squirrels generally kept a safe distance from humans, it was rare to be able to get close to one. But now he was surrounded by a small army of them, and it was making his nose tickle on a completely new level! He immediately redirected his chi towards surpressing a sneezing fit, and the flame on his fist went out as he dropped to his knees, his breath heaving.

Squirrel Girl looked over at him. "What's the matter? Um.. you go by Fisticuffs, right?" She knew his name, of course, but he was so cute kneeling there just focussing on fighting off a sneeze that she couldn't help but tease him a little.

"ahhhh.... huuaaahhhhhh.... Th.. that's nuhhh... not quite.... hahhhhhhhhhh...." Danny now had his hand up to his nose, rubbing his flaring nostrils and trying to quell the irritation. Squirrel Girl inwardly "SQUEE"d at the sight. She kept her composure though.

"You're right, that wasn't it... what was it again... Fisting Lad? No, I don't think that was it either. Well, it will come to me. As for you two though, " she raised her voice and pointed to Dark Beast and Cat-Man, "Prepare to be taken down!"

The squirrels rushed towards the two villains and began swarming them, climbing and clawing and biting at them all over. Cat-Man shrieked and began flailing about, trying to grab them and bashing into the walls of the freight containers to get them off, but they were too quick for him.

Dark Beast kept his composure much better than his associate. He growled and gritted his teeth and started grabbing small handfulls of the squirrels and throwing them off, but they were tough little critters and after tumbling to the ground they ran up again for another go.

Then Squirrel Girl leapt into action. She saw that Cat-Man was taken care of for the moment, so she focussed her attention on Dark Beast. She attacked with speed and fury, but in spite of her speed and super-human strength, she wasn't a trained or experienced fighter. Dark Beast managed to dodge her initial attacks, but the irritating little squirrels biting and clawing him all over were prooving to be a major distraction, and Squirrel Girl began landing blow after blow.

With the squirrels over fighting the villains, the tickle in Danny's nose eased a little. He sighed and relaxed his control. Big mistake! There was no way the tickle would have disappeared with all this dander was about, and he'd already been having trouble holding back his sneezes. He tried to increase his control again and fight the oncoming sneezing fit, but it was too late. The sneezes were going to erupt from his tortured nose and there was nothing he could do about it.

But he still tried. He rubbed his nose even harder as his eyes squinted and teared up. His nose twitched and his nostrils flared as his breath hitched like crazy. "ahhhhhhh... hahhhhhh.... HIIIHHHHHHHH... HAAAASSHHHHOOOOOO!!!!! HIIIISSSSHHHHOOOOO!!!! HEHHHHHH... HURASSHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! HAAAASSHHHHHHOOOOOO!!!!"

The sound of those sneezes washed over Squirrel Girl, and she couldn't help but glance over at him. She learned then that it was generally a bad idea to lose your focus in the middle of a fight, as Dark Beast landed a blow on her that sent her crashing into the wall of a freight container.

She slid to the ground, then got to her feet and stumbled to where Danny was sniffling and fighting more tickles in his sneezy nose. "Pull yourself together Iron Wang!" she chided, "I could use your help in this fight!"

By now, Danny had figured out that she was just teasing him with the name thing, so he ignored her little attempt at humour. He knew she was right, though, he had to help out in this fight! He gritted his teeth and focused all his attention on directing his chi towards supressing the tickle in his nose. If he could do that, he could still fight. He was a trained martial artist, after all. Even if he didn't have eough chi left over to power his fist, he wouldn't be helpless in a fight.

He stood up and focussed his chi on his nose with more intensity than ever before. It was starting to work... but.... there was just way too much dander in the air, the tickle was just way too strong. No matter how hard he tried, he knew he was going to let out more sneezes.

He groaned as his nostrils flared and his breath hitched. He rubbed his poor tickly nostrils until the very last second. "ahhhhh...... HEHHHHHHHHHHH...... HAAAAAAT-CHOOOOOOOOMMMM!!! HAAAAAT-CHOOOOOOOOMMMM!! huuuaaaahhhhHHHHHHHHTCHOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!"

A different kind of sneeze burst out of Danny this time. They boomed with explosive power as chi energy blasted from his nose. It was dispersed, not focused, but it formed a blast wave that actually helped clear the area of a lot of the dander that had built up.

Squirrel Girl watched him sneeze, her whole body tingling as she felt the blast waves from his sneezes wash over her. Then she looked thoughtful.

Around this point, Cat-Man had hit on the 'stop, drop, and roll' method for releiving himself of his squirrel assailants, and it worked. The squirrels jumped off him as he hit the ground, and began backing off and chittering as he rolled. Dark Beast noticed and threw himself to the ground as well, and soon the two of them stood back up again, surrounded by a slightly more hesitant mob of chittering squirrels.

"I think it's time for the artillery to comence firing!" Squirrel Girl shouted, and on her command, squirrels appeared poking their heads over the edge of the freight containers. While the other squirrels had been on the attack, these squirrels had been busy grabbing acorns and other nuts and piling them up on the containers getting ready. Now they began pelting them with great force against the two villains, while the squirrels surrounding the villains took turns running forward and nipping at their feet to keep them in place.

The villains raised their arms above their heads and began dancing from the painful bites the squirrels were inflicting on their feet. Squirrel Girl turned to Iron Fist. "Okay, that should buy us a little time. I've got an idea but it relies on you. Do you think you could sneeze again like you did jut now?"

Danny sniffled. "I... I thik so. I've dever sdeezed like that before *SNIFF* I was tryig to hard to codtrol it that by chi blasted right out by dose!" he took out a tissue and blew his nose hard to clear it. "If you can make me sneezy enough again, I'm pretty sure I can do it. But I don't understand, how will that help fight them?"

She twitched her tail suggestively. "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure I can make your nose as sneezy as it needs to be. As for how that will help, well, I guess I'll have to show you. You see, science has long known that a squirrel's tail has certain aerodynamic properties that help it keep its balance and jump far from tree to tree. Specifically, the fuzziness of the tail acts like micro-fibers and creates micro-vortices that help keep it in the air.... or something along those lines anyway."

Danny cocked his head, still puzzled but patiently listening. She continued. "That's from what I could gather from the scientific research anyway, there aren't a lot of scientists out there studyiing the aerodynamic properties of squirrel tails. But I've been able to experiment with them in ways that other people couldn't, and I've discovered something very interesting that they can do."

The artillery wing was now starting to run out of nuts to pelt at the villains, and the torrent had trickled down to a small smattering. She turned to her squirrel friends surrounding the villains. "Okay guys, let's go all out! Just like we practiced, it's time for a SQUIRRELNADO!"

The squirrels all squinted with a determined look in their eyes, and in unison they began running in a circle around the villains. The wind began to pick up and soon to the amazement of Dark Beast and Cat Man, a small tornado began forming around them and picking them up off the ground. The squirrels also got lifted in the air, but they were able to use their tails to surf the vortex, and began pummeling the two villains with hundreds of little blows and scratches from all directions.

Squirrel Girl turned to Iron Fist. "See, the problem with this attack is that we haven't worked out all the details for controlling it yet, and that's where you're going to come in. My squirrels can't keep those two inside the vortex for too long, they should be thrown out at any moment now..."

As if on cue, Dark Beast and Cat Man were flung fro the tornado, landing on the ground to stagger up, dizzy and confused.

"We can't control the direction of the Squirrelnado yet, if there's no wind it just stays in place, and I don't think one hit of it would be enough to stop those villains. The effort really tires out my little guys so they won't be able to generate a second one. That's where you come in."

She grabbed Iron Fist by the shoulders and moved him over a few paces. "I've got to aim your nose just right for this.... Are you ready?"

Without waiting for a response, she brought her tail over to his nose and wiggled it around. She knew she was successful when Iron Fist got in incredibly cute pre-sneeze expression on his face. She got behind him again and held on to his body to keep him steady. "Alright, give me a big one!"

Danny knew that wasn't going to be a problem. He held back a little to let the sneeze build, and focused all his che energy on his nose again. "hahhhhhhhhh..... ehhhhhhhh.... HAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH......... TCHHHHHHOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!"

The blast wave pushed the squrrelnado into the two villains, who were just starting to come to their senses after the first squirrelnado attack. They were once again pulled into the vortex and the squirrels expended a final wave of furry in their attack. This time when they were thrown out, they hit the wall of a shipping container and slumped to the ground, unconscious.

The squirrels dissolved the squirrelnado and exhaustedly scampered over to Squirrel Girl. She laughed. "Great job guys! But why don't you go off and rest now. I think poor Cutie Fist here's nose could stand to be apart from you guys for a bit too." and with that, they dispersed.

She turned to where Iron Fist was panting heavily and sniffling. "As for you... " she said as she put her arm around him and gently drew him in for a tender kiss on the lips. Danny stiffened in surprise at first, but after a few seconds melted into it. It felt really nice. She broke off the kiss and giggled. "I'll be keeping an eye on you!" then she hopped up on top of a freight container and ran off.

Danny stood there for a moment processing what had happened. He touched his lips. "How remarkable, " he said, "I'm sure she wasn't wearing any lip balm, yet her lips tasted like hazlenuts!"

It was then that Spider Man swung in and landed right next to him. "Okay, I got here as quickly as I could! Fury said that you really needed my help.... " then he noticed the two villains unconscious on the ground "Oh! ... I guess you were able to handle it by yourself after all."

"Well, not by myself exactly, but I'll tell you all about it later my friend. Right now, I think I'm going to have a shower and wash some of this... this... hahhhh... HAAASSHHHOOO!! dander off me *SNIFFLE*"


Please let me know what you think of it!

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Awwww!!! That was so cute, and I love how Squirrel Girl is one of us. @W@ I'd prolly react the same way if I saw Danny being set off like that, my goodness.


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