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I Am Illogical - Star Trek TOS (Spirk, M/M)


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Spoke awoke later that morning feeling...well, terrible. His sinuses ached terribly and stung with the latent urge to sneeze. His nose and lips were chapped and, well, his throat had seen better days.

Stifling a quick sneeze into a fist. Jim was still sleeping, good. Carefully, carefully, Spock got out of bed and headed to get ready.

"Lay id course, Bister Sulu." Spock ordered, thickly, clearing his throat painfully again.

"Course laid in, sir."


"Bless you, Pav - Mr. Chekov." Hikaru muttered gently to the ensign and Pavel whimpered,

"I just vant to go ed cerrl up id bed." the teen sniffled,

"As soon as shift's over, I'll make you a hot toddy." Hikaru smiled,

"Did you dow sey were inwented in Russia? KTSHEW!"

Hikaru chuckled, "I bet they were."

"Eet's true, in Ledidgrad - HAktshh!"

For Spock, this was too much. He too, felt terrible and wanted to curl up in bed. With Jim. The bridge was too cold and the navigator's sneezes were grating on him, so when Chekov released his last sneeze, Spock snapped,

"Bister Chekov! Regulatiods state that if ady persodell is feelig to idcapacitated to work efficiedtly at their statiod, they bust report to Sickbay ad, if the bedic should dot believe theb - haaah - " Oh no, not now, not in the middle of a sentence. Not in front of everyone. No - "believe theb to be...HUUUUHHRTCHUU!!"

Spock had, quite mistakenly, believed the sneeze to be under control and thus had no time to repress it. Fighting the urge to blush became harder once he realised his sneeze had caused everyone on the bridge to fall silent and turn to the source of the noise.

It seemed quite unfair, Spock thought to himself, that someone with a sexual interest in sneezing and very little desire to sneeze around other people, had been cursed with such a loud, explosive sneeze. Louder than Jim's certainly, but luckily - unlike Jim's - they generally only came in singles, maybe doubles if he was very unlucky.

But now apparently, that was not the case and he felt his nose gear up for another when he was interrupted.

"Spock! What the hell are you doig od the bridge?!

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Silly Spock! Don't you know that regulations state that if any personnel is feeling too incapacitated to work efficiently at their station, they must report to sickbay? (Or jim's bed)

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It must have been an hour or so later when Jim awoke and, upon finding the bed empty, and the rest of his quarters, he leaned over.

"Cobuter, locatiod of Cobbader Spock."

"Unidentified command. Repeat."

Jim sighed and blew his nose as hard as he could, "Computer, location of Commander Spock."

"Working.......Commander Spock...location: bridge. Temporarily acting Captain."

Sighing, he shut off the computer and contacted Bones.

"Bodes? You there?"

"Damnit Jim, I'm in the shower, whaddaya want?" came the cantankerous reply,

"Spock's sick with what I have."

There was a snort on the other end, "There's a surprise. You wanna bring 'im to sickbay or do I gotta come to you?"

"He's gode to the bridge."

"WHAT?! Oh no he has not! I'ma drag him to sickbay myself if he's not reported within the next thirty seconds, you mark my words, damn fool is gonna make himself worse AND infect the lot of 'em while he's at it."

Jim strode onto the bridge, shirtless, sniffling, tousle-haired and Spock had to suppress the urge to rush forward and kiss him silly. Instead he straightened up with a sniffle of his own.


"Spock, what are you doig od the - hrrushchoo! Choo! - the bridge? You're sick too, you deed to be restig, I told you to - iiischooo!"

"Captaid, I ab perfectly capable of perforbing by duties as I ab dot very ill. Also - "


Leonard stomped in, also apparently not bothering to dress after his shower, clad in medical pants and several hyposprays at the ready. "Damn fool hobgoblin, just what are you tryna do, eh? Infect the whole crew? You too Jim, Captain Idiot, runnin' round wi' no short on, you tryna make yourself worse? And don't you try an' hide that sneezin' from me, Chekov, I can tell a man with a cold a mile off, devil-ears here got to ya? Never mind! All a'ya! Come with me!"

Sulu shook his head, "I finally get a boyfriend and suddenly I'm surrounded by shirtless men."

After the Southern doctor had put on a shirt, stuck them all roughly with hypos and sent them off with a ''Go on, get outta here, bunch o'fools." Jim offered his hand to Spock who, after initially refusing it and looking away in childish indignance, reluctantly held hands with his captain back to Jim's quarters.

"Spock, you really shouldn't have gone to the bridge today." Jim told him,

Spock was not in the mood for talking. He was humiliated three times in one shift and Jim was responsible for two of them.

"So you're...not talking to me?" And Spock quirked an eyebrow, "That's hardly befitting behaviour of a senior officer, is it?"

That broke the silence, "Jib, I have beed - HRARSCHOO! - hubiliated quite edough for today."

"Hubiliated, Spock? I was tryig to do what was best for you!"

"It was illogical ad codescendig!"

"Oh? Ad sdeakig out this bordig wasd't? 'Oh I'b a Vulcad so I cad suppress the sybtobs ad do beditation ad spedig the day with by boyfried whed we're both sick ad deed each other is illogical!'" Jim snapped at him,

The Vulcan stopped and watched his mate, "Jib...I...that is...by decisiod to take cobbad this bordig idstead of layig with you is by do beands a reflectiod of by feeligs of you. I was sibly tryig to watch over the ship, dowing how buch the Ederprise be - heh...Jib, esxcuse be...hehSCHOO! beads to you ad believig I could bake it through the day..."

"Spock..." Jim sighed, "It's just that...sobetibes you cad be a little too stiff about work. I dow it's ibportadt but so is your health ad so is our relatiodship. We rarely get tibe off together ad, well, you beig so eager to go to the bridge idstead of beig with be...it...hurts a little, you dow?"

Spock felt a wave of shame flood through their bond and guilt licked at his insides, "I ab...sorry, Jib. That is dot how I beadt it."

"I dow. Oh, cobe here, you." Jim hugged Spock with all his might, "I love you."

"And I, you, k'diwa'le."

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Spock is reading when Jim comes out of the bathroom.

"Spock?" Jim calls weakly, and Spock looks up. Jim is flushed deeper than before and sweating profusely. His hazel eyes and glazed and shiny and his hair is damp with sweat. He's shaking and and hand is holding him against the doorframe, the other is up on his forehead.

"I dod't feel well at all."

Spock put his book down and strode over to his bondmate, grasping him round the waist and plastering a hand to his forehead, "Do, ashaya," he agreed, "I should't ibagid you do. Your teberature is at a far frob ideal level. Cobe."

Leading Jim back to the bed, Spock eased off Jim's pants and began dampening a flannel as he had done before.

"You're sick, too." Jim mumbled,

"I am of sufficient health to assist you."

"Spock? Spock? Heeeey, Spocky?"

Up went the eyebrow, "Yes, Jim?"

Jim giggled, "How bady ears do Starfleet captaids have?"

An odd question, "That would deped od the species of the captaid. However as bost of the captaids id Starfleet are hubad I would say two - "

"Wrog!" Jim laughed, "Three! A left ear, a right ear ad a fidal frodt-ear!"

Spock sighed, of course always got silly when his temperature reached -

"Spock, why did the chicken cross the road?"

"I would assube the likelihood of a farm - "



"Oh, oh that was hilarious...I do bake byself laugh sobetibes...bless you, Bister Spock." Jim sighed, laughter still evident on his feverish face.

It was a short while later after Spock had not at all put Jim to sleep by force to stop his incessantly bad jokes and make him take rest to lower his temperature that he heard the sound of Jim sneezing again.

He peered at his mate, looking startlingly adorable for such a powerful man. Jim always had an appearance that commanded respect. Stocky figure, handsome voice, stern voice, styled hair. Oh, he was not tall by any means, definitely one of the shorter men on the ship, but his demeanour made up for it. And while it was easy for him to put on weight regardless of what he was eating, even with 'love handles', as he called it, he still was able to match anyone on the ship in physical ability (despite his complaining).

But here he was, sleeping, curled up like a child on the bed, breathing through his mouth to accomodate his running nose and suddenly pitching forward into the pillow with small, tired-sounding sneezes.

He must truly be exhausted for them not to - "Achiiew! Ach-hi-ew! Issshi!" - awaken him.


"Yes, Jib?"

"What are glasses called od Vulcad?"

"Go to sleep, Jib."

"Spock-tacles...get it, Spock? Spock-ta...c..."

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"Whrt rr yuh derg?"

Spock had fallen asleep on the bed and woken up when he felt a something (or rather, a boyfriend) on top of him, squeezing him tightly. Finding he was unable to speak properly due to aforementioned bondmate, he settled for the primitive mumble.

"Bide." Jim muttered sleepily, hugging Spock, "I love you."

"I love you too, ashal-veh," Spock replied, attempting to wriggle free, "however, I shad't for buch loger if you codtidue to lie in that badder ad obstruct by respiratory passages. This cold comprobises by breathig edough."

"Srry, you're warb." Jim replied, sliding off and settled for gathering Spock in his arms like a hot water bottle and clinging tightly.

The pair of them drifted back off to sleep for what must have been about half an hour (Jim keeping his arms and legs locked tightly around Spock) when it happened.

There was an earthquake.

Or rather, a crash, as Spock logically deducted, that shook the ship badly and set off the blaring siren and sent both Spock and Jim tumbling out of bed and rushing round in the flashing black/red room.

"Bridge to Captain Kirk, Captain, are you there?"

Jim was, clad in academy hoodie over his bare chest and tripping over sweatpants as he struggled to get them on as he tumbled out the door.

"Jib!" Spock called after him, throwing on (Jim's) regulation shirt and his own trousers.

"Scotty, what the hell's goig od here, what's happedig?" Jim asked thickly,

"We're being attacked, sir! Unidentified ship."

"Screed od. Oped chaddel, Uhura."

"I'm hailing them, sir, they're not responding."

The screen flickered on and everyone peered at it,

"Appears to be hubad," Spock commented, "Do idedtifyig duber or sigil, leadig be to believe it is ad illegal vessel."

"Pirates?" Jim wondered, rubbing his nose with his sleeve, "For the love of God, why at two id the bordig?"

"I suspect they wadted to sdeak up od us whed the ship would dot be - "

"They're preparing to fire, sir!"

"Shields at 33 per-cent!"


"Dow is dot the TIBE, DABBIT!" Jim yelled, smacking his hand down on the chair,

"They're hailing us, Captain!" Uhura called,

"Dab right, they are, put it od audio, Lieutedadt, let's hear what these idcodsiderate bastards have to say for thebselves." he ordered, rummaging in his pocket for a tissue, and using his sleeve again when he couldn't find one.

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Okay, I know this was a couple entries back but I just can't not say anything about it

"A left ear, a right ear, and a final front-ear"

You have no idea how hard I laughed oh gosh

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"This is Cabdaid Kirk of the Starship Edterprise," Jim snapped, pathetically, "we would like to dow why - "he stopped to suppress a cough, " - why you have oped fire od our vessel without apparedt cause."

"I was under the impression this was a Starfleet vessel, yet they do not seem to speak Standard." a silky human voice replied,

Jim sighed, "Does adyode have a goddab tissue?"

"I heff spare vods, Keptid." Pavel sniffled, passing him a few,

"Thags, Chekov."

"I demand to speak to the Captain. Preferably in Standard." the voice demanded.

"This is the Captaid." Jim replied, curtly, "Why have you attacked our vessel?"

"The usual," the voice replied, "Your women, your supplies and your potentials as hostages. We just wanted to offer you the chance of surrender before we attacked again and destroyed you - and potentially anything of value to us."

"Dot happedig." Jim snapped back, "Do you dow what you're dealig with?"

The pirate chuckled, "A Starfleet vessel? A high-end crew? A big bad bunch of Federation loons coming after us?"

"Do. A seriously pissed-off captaid who is dot pleased at beig woked up at two id the goddab bordig. Dorbally, I'b reluctadt to oped fire ad would prefer to cobe to a diplobatic arradgebedt - "

"We do not do diplomatic arrangements with targets, Captain..."

"DOD'T iderrupt be, you little shit, as I was sayig, I WOULD try ad cobe to ad arradgebedt but I ab id do bood with diceties. I just wadt you to kidly piss off so I cad go back to bed with by boyfried ad sleep the rest of this stupid flu off. But do, I've got to listed to sobe prat try to extort be ad by crew, well you listed here, soddy. Do ode threateds this ship ad do ode threateds this crew. Ad certaidly do ode deprives be of sleep so sobe idsufferable cribidal try to build hibself up idto..."

"Sorry to interrupt Captain, but they're preparing to fire on us, sir." Hikaru quickly interjected,

"Shield status?"

"Shields at 90%, sir."


"Bless you, Bister Spock." Jim called, and clung onto his chair as the phaser rocked the ship, "Fide tibe they picked to attack, with three of our bridge bebers uder the weather."

"Ad...hah...ad likely bore....ah-heh...by the ed...ofthedight-CHUUUU!" Spock commented, "HIIIITCHUUU!"

"Returd - HACHOO, HUHRCHOO! TCHEWW! Returd full phaser fire, Helbsbad." Jim ordered, tiredly, sneezing into the tissues given to him by Pavel, "Let's just take these bastards out as sood as possible."

"Locked on target, sir."


Chekov was now coughing to hard, it sounded like her attempting to hack up his trachea.

"Sickbay, Chekov."

"But, sir - "

"You can't do adythig right dow adyway, Chekov, head dowd." Jim mumbled and Spock, blowing his own nose, worriedly stepped away from his station feel press the back of his hand to Jim's cheek only to be waved away by the captain.

"I'b fide, Spock, dod't worry."

"I do dot believe that to be true, Captaid. HHRRIIISCHEW!"

"Bless you." Jim sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I've half a bide to sed you to sickbay too."

Spock was about to retort with an explanation of how illogical that would be until the apparently head pirate interrupted them.

"You are not at your best, are you, Captain?"

"That's rich, codsiderig how badly we've dabaged your ship." Jim retorted,

"True, you have damaged us. But that doesn't mean you've won. You may destroy our ship, if you wish."

"What?" Jim rubbed his temples where his headache was throbbing, "If that's a surreder, we'll beab you aboard the Ederprise ad hold you id custody udtil we get to the dext Stabase."

"I think not, Captain, you'll be hearing from us again." the silky-voiced pirate chuckled, "See you soon."


"They've gone, Captain." Uhura announced,

"Do lifeforbs od the scadder," Spock confirmed, "they vadished."

"Right." Jim got up from the chair, "I wadt to stay ad figure this thig out but I just - "

And he felt dizzy.

And then he was on the floor.

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"Sniff...Hika..." Paval whimpered, as Hikaru sat down on the Russian's bed, sweeping his thick brown bangs away from his forehead,

"Hey," he whispered, "how's my little bear cub?"

"Sick." Paval answered, before breaking off into a series of hacking coughs to prove his point.

"No shit..." Hikaru laughed quietly, tucking the bedsheets round Paval, "Doctor McCoy reckons it's a bit more than a cold. Kirk's gotten worse as well, he fainted after you left."

"Ees he alright? Sniff."

"He was taken down to sickbay, so probably."

"Did you see Cobbeder Spock eed ze Keptaid's cobbad shirt? Vhy vas he wearig zat?"

"Seemed like they had both been sleeping when red alert was sounded. Probably just grabbed the nearest thing by mistake - to be fair, Kirk was in sweatpants and a hoodie. No shoes, no shirt." Hikau laughed, offering the tissue box to his boyfriend when Paval's sniffles became more frequent, "It's weird seeing them out of regulation stuff. Like seeing teachers outside of school."

Paval giggled and sneezed violently.

"Good thing Mr Spock isn't around to hear that now."

"Da, he seebs to get so...er...razdrazhen, razdrazen....eeerrr...what ees ze Edglish? Addoyed?"

"Yeah, annoyed." Hikaru encouraged,

"Yes, addoyed, vhedever sobeone sdeezes." Paval finished.

Hikaru paused, he had noticed this as well, even before Paval had gotten sick. If someone had let out a stray sneeze or colds were going round or allergies, the Science Officer always became far more sharp and ready to jump down anyone's throat. Except the Captain's.

But then everyone knew the Captain was the exception to all Spock's rules.

"Itchiiiieeeww! Chiew! Cha-hiew!"

Hikaru shook himself, remember the topic at hand and shrugged, "Probably a germaphobe, I guess. I can't imagine Vulcans doting over their sick loved ones. Probably illogical or something...do Vulcans even sneeze?"

"Beester Spock does," Paval pointed out, "Wery loudly, id fect, like ze oter day vhen ze Keptid cabe id wis Doctor BCoy."

"True, but he's half-Vulcan."

"Yes, is true."

The aforementioned sneezy hal-Vulcan was currently shivering down in Sickbay, looking over his Captain, with what Leonard could only interpret as worry on that stoic Vulcan face.

"He's just overheated from fever, Spock, you don't need to hover." the cantankerous doctor reminded him,

Spock's finger's hovered underneath his quivering nostrils, "He is by bodbate, Doctor, ad I will rebaid here udtil he is able to cobe back to quarters with be...HHHHRRRISHUU! ISCHUU!"

"Bless you, hobgoblin. Here, keep these close to ya. If it's what Jim has, I don't want it spreading too much - it's not 'just a little cold', that's for sure." Leonard grumbled, dumping a box of sanitised tissues next to Spock.

"Ideed, Doctor?" Spock questioned, raising an eyebrow and blowing,

"Seems more like a case of the flu."

"Hhhhh...ITSCHIUU!" Hikaru sneezed into his elbow, preparing to settle down for a night in Paval's quarters. He had agreed to stay the night in case Paval showed any signs of the same levels of fever Kirk had. The navigator had drifted into a light doze while Hikaru had been in the bathroom.

"Hah...eh-TCHUUUU!" he sneezed again and Paval opened his eyes and eyed his boyfriend with guilt.

"Sorry, Hika..." he sniffled.

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Wow this chapter was so good! It's interesting how they think spock gets annoyed by sneezing. I'd like to see spock in a room with pavel, hikaru, and leonard all sneezing. That would prove interesting! :D

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I love the part where they're on the bridge being attacked and Jim goes all captain in command while sneezing his head off every other word. That is so hot!

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"Bodes?" Jim struggled to sit up, " 'sthat you?"

Leonard looked up from his desk, "Yes, it's me, you germ-ridden bastard."

"I take it frob your tode you caught it too?" Jim mumbled, rubbing sleepily at his face, "Where's Spock?"

"Dext to ya."

Jim glanced across. Sure enough Spock was sleeping deeply next to him, congested snores causing a quiet rumble from the right and Jim smiled weakly and wanted nothing more than to gather Spock up in his arms and carry him back to his room where they could cocoon together forever.

It was, after all, his fault Spock was sick.

His thoughts were interrupted by his boyfriend coughing himself awake. Trying to sniffle, but failing, he sat up and blearily stared at Jim.

"You are awake."

"Yeah, dot long woked up."

"Your fever has broked?"

"Seebs like it."

Reaching over to hold Spock's hand across the beds, their tender moment was ruined by a fit of sneezing as loud and cantankerous as the man giving it.

Spock cringed inside. Leonard was, in a way, his friend, but his sneezes were not for him. He was in no way attracted to the doctor and he suddenly had an illogical wish that the floor would dropped open beneath him and swallow him up.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the doors of the sickbay slid open.

Oh no...

Ensign Pavel Chekov and his new squeeze; Helmsman Sulu, shuffled in meekly, explaining that Sulu had contracted Chekov's virus.

Spock closed his eyes and prayed Leonard would just give them hyposprays and send them on their way. But no. He sat them down, checked them over, and kept them in for 'quaratine purposes'.


All of them.

"Bost illogical, Doctor - eeeehhSCHOOO!"

"I'll - ke-tchew! - decide that, dow just lie back dowd."

"I'd do as he says, Spock." Jim grinned and Spock shot him a glare,



Spock was in agony. For every delicious expulsion Jim produced, three more not-so-appealing ones were sounded from the men around him, while his own nose tickled him angrily.

As he released a wet double into his fist, he wondered if indeed there was a singular deity out there that was punishing him. He would have preferred coughing, even vomiting would be preferable to the doctor, the ensign and the helmsman sneezing copiously, unstifled around him. Each sneeze was a tick forward to him exploding with frustration.

"Doctor Bcoy, I highly object to this quaradtide ad request that I returd to by owd quarters to recuperate."

"Request dedied, Spock."

Spock's eyes flickered over to his bondmate, pleading, but before Jim could say anything...

"ECK..TCHEW! Hiktchew!"



This was too much. Arousal from Jim and revulsion from the other three caused a most illogical bubbling of rage and frustration in Spock and he jumped up off the biobed and addressed the doubled-over doctor. The fact that his blood pressure and pulse rate was rising and highly visible on the monitor on the screen above.

"Thed at risk of soudig childish, Doctor, you caddot stop be." he snapped and power-walked out of the sickbay, holding back a sneeze as he went.

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"Eeeehhh-uhSHUUUUUH!" Spock sneezed tiredly and lay back on the bed with a sigh. He was, at current, in a very illogical state. His body was flushed with fever, anger and arousal.

"Do." he snapped at himself and then sighed again. Another illogical flaw he felt.

The door beeped and Spock flexed his fingers. If that was McCoy coming to drag him back to sickbay he would be glad to nerve-pinch...

"Hey, ashal-veh."

Spock lowered his hands and love flowed through him, Jim looked tired and...well, pathetic.

"Sorry about sickbay, if it werd't for be spreadig by gerbs everywhere, we woud't...well. Bodes was right." Jim mumbled, fidgeting with the zip of his hoodie.

"Jib," Spock took his bondmate by the shoulders and led him into his quarters, "Codtagiod is ad idevitable part of the flu virus. Furtherbore, it is udown if you were the origidal carrier of the virus aboard the ship."

"I dow, Spock, I..." Jim rubbed his eyes, "EEEHHshoum! Choum! HiiiSHOUM! Urgh, 'scuse be."

Spock moved closer, "I take it you are well-rested after your loss of consciousness on the bridge?"

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Jim nodded, "Hey, I've just noticed you wearing my shirt."

"A bomedary lapse in judgbent. The poor lightig and urgedcy of the situatiod bade it hard to detect which shirt was bide."

"I dever realised how good that colour looks od you, Bister Spock."

"I returd the coblibent to you, also, Captaid. Ad exted it to your curredt attire."

Jim looked down at himself. The black sweatpants and old zip-up academy hoodie, coupled with his shadowed eyes and ruby-red nose, he must have looked the picture of 'sick day with the flu'.

And as he understood it, utterly irresistible to Spock.

Spock moved closer, placing his hands on Jim's waist,

"Dot odly have I had to edure your idcessadt sdeezig while beig udable to touch you...I find your body sobewhat rather aesthetically pleasig id this attire."

"AAAEESCHOUM! ATCHOO! AAAAHHTCHOO! Is that so, Bister Spock?" Jim grinned slyly, hands moving up Spock's chest and resting his arms round the neck of the first officer, "if that is the case, ad we are both curredly edthralled by each other id the attire we are dow to such as extedt baybe...it is odly logical to rebove it."

"HUTSHOOOO! Very logical." Spock murmured, slipping his hands into the waistband if Jim's sweatpants.

"You really like the sweatpadts, Spock?'' Jim sniffles,


"I'b surprised. They ared't codsidered to be the bost flatterig of trousers."

"I disagree, Jib, the volube they add to your buttocks is bost pleasig."

"Oh yeah?"

"A - ASHOOOO! - affirbative."

"They bake by butt look ass-thetically pleasig, eh?" Jim giggled and Spock sighed.

"Jib, if you utter ady bore puds durig this bobedt if idibacy, I will be forced to udcap that 'Thig' that will reder you so sternuated you will be idcapable of speech."

Jim smirked, "Go ahead. Try it. By dose is too stuffed up to sbell adythig."

Up went the eyebrow, "Very well."

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