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I Am Illogical - Star Trek TOS (Spirk, M/M)


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Jim curled up on his side away from Spock. Hurt and illness shuffling through him.

Spock stood awkwardly next to the bed.


"It's fide, Spock."

The emptiness in Jim's voice made Spock's mask falter, "Jim, I..."

"You've exposed yourself to by illdess edough. You're godda get sick."

"That is not my concern."

Jim turned over, annoyed, "Then what, Spock? You told me you're illogically into me sneezing and sniffling all around and over you. I indulge you, thinking you love it, and now you avoid intimacy where this 'illogical' kink is at its peak and don't even tell me why." Jim's voice broke, "I thought you found me attractive like this."

Spock's heart broke and he reached out and embraced his t'hy'la. "Jim, do not ever think that I find you anything but attractive and do not ever doubt my desire for you." He paused. Honesty would be the best policy here, "I do find myself in a state of arousal at your current condition and it most certainly is not revulsion that drives me away from intercourse with you."

Jim wondered, "Then what?"

Drawing a breath, Spock explained, "Earlier when I exited the quarters I sought medical advice from Doctor McCoy about how to alleviate your discomfort and speed up the healing process. During the course of your conversation, I revealed we had engaged in intercourse previously today and the good doctor's reaction was not one of approval. He instructed me in various methods if assisting you in your time if sickness and very strongly cautioned me against copulating with you."

Jim sat up, smiling and shaking his head, "You mean to tell me that you put off sex because Bones told you to?''

Spock faltered, "Doctor McCoy's reaction to learning of our sexual activity since the appearance of your cold was so negative I...I admit I felt...ashamed. Especially with regards to my...my fetish. I felt myself selfish and thoughtless for taking pleasure in your own suffering. You are my t'hy'la and I should find no - "


Spock waited until Jim had finished blowing his nose. "Spock," Jim laughed, "you don't need to feel bad about getting turned on by it! You know this! I love your fetish, you know that!"

Spock nodded in agreement. Yes, he did -


- know that, very well.

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They were lying back on the bed, Spock's head nestled against Jim's chest, "I must apologise for my error earlier. I see now that my behaviour was problematic and will endeavour to simply be honest with you in the future."

Jim smiled and pressed a kiss into Spock's hair, "It's ok, baby, I dow." before twisting away and catching a fit of sneezes in a closed fist. Spock turned his head to view his lover and tilted his head, "Fascinating, although worrying."

"Whad is? Urgh..." Jim coughed and tried - and failed - to blow his nose.

"The congestion in your sinuses has increased by approximately 30.6% and the inflammation due to pressure has increased by the hour. I suggest we remedy this using a method suggested by Doctor McCoy when I visited him seeking advice on treatment of the human rhinovirus."

Jim snorted, "Didn't we just agree to not listen to Bones when he's telling us how to cure the common cold?"

"While I believe the doctor is most illogical in most areas, Jim, his medical qualifications are sound." Spock corrected him, getting up, "You have a water-heating device, I will attempt to gather a bowl and oil with decongestant properties."

"Oh...ok..." Jim snuffled as Spock strode out of the room.

"You forgot...your shirt..."

Spock felt flushed and flustered as he exited Jim's quarters. He enjoyed cuddling with Jim, but years of hard Vulcan codes of sexual conduct were hard to ignore and he suppressed a chill as he stepped out of the room and made for a recreation room.

Spock ignored the stares that followed as the First Officer entered, shirtless, and began searching through cupboards with not a glance or word to anybody.

"Meester Spock?" tried Paval, meekly, "Ees there somesing ve can help you vith, sir?"

The Enterprise's infamous emotionless, literal, stone-faced Science Officer turned to face the teenager, "Yes, Ensign Chekov, I am searching for a bowl, approximately thirty centimetres or more in length, that will be able to hold hot water."

"Um..." Chekov looked anywhere but his commanding officer and made his way over to a high cupboard, "I teenk zere is van in here." he said, reaching on his tiptoes to open the door. Unable to reach, Hikaru stepped over and handed the bowl to Spock with ease, earning himself a blushing "Sank you, Hikaru."

"Thank you, Ensigns. May I ask a personal favour?"

They nodded.

"Do you happen to be aware of where I may find liquids that one would mix with water to produce decongesting steam? Doctor McCoy has suggested eucalyptus or menthol. Unless either of you have alternate suggestions?"

"We have some of that stuff in the botany lab," Sulu told him, trying hard to focus on his superior officer's face, "I have gathered oils from a few plants that would help. I'll get some, if you'd like to come with me?"

"Certainly, Mr Sulu."

"I vill com too!" Paval pouted, stalking out after Sulu and their half-naked, half-Vulcan First Officer.

"Any of these should loosen up any congestion." Hikaru told Spock, handing him four small bottles, "These two are standard Earth decongestants. Eucalyptus and menthol. This one is Andorian, kind of a minty sort of thing - nice little plant. Puffs out decongesting gasses every minute and a half. This one is Orion, smells like pine trees, I think. Best use only one or two drops of this stuff - it's strong. Really strong."

"Thank you, Mr Sulu. If there is some form of repayment I can offer you..."

"Actually, sir..." Hikaru lowered his voice to make sure Paval couldn't hear, "I'm on shift at 21:00 tomorrow night and I was wondering if I might be able to get someone else to cover it. There's a holofilm being shown in one of the rec rooms and I was hoping I could...with Paval - that is - Ensign Chekov..."

Under any other circumstances, Spock would have refused, spouted off explanations about logic and suggested he find an alternate time to court his fellow navigator. However, Sulu had just given Spock items that would help ease Jim's discomfort when he didn't have to and his request was not unreasonable...

"Of course, Mr Sulu, I will make arrangements for your shift to be covered for the aforementioned time."

Sulu smiled broadly, "Thank you, sir!"

As Spock turned to leave the lab, Chekov called after him, "Meester Spock? Aren't you cold? Vith no shirt?"

Spock turned and immediately understood why the ship felt colder than usual and felt his ears flush emerald. "I was...meditating deeply and I...I found myself distracted by the conclusion I reached after meditating on a particular thought. It was merely my eagerness and clumsiness that prevented me from remembering to dress myself accordingly."

"Meditating?" Sulu repeated,

"Clumsiness?" Chekov echoed.


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"Jim, I have returned."

"Hey, topless."

Spock felt his ears flush at the reminder and busied himself heating water in the bowl, "Mr Sulu has provided me with various decongestant oils from the botany lab." he explained, "I am to place them in boiling water and you are to inhale the steam. Typically this is done with a towel covering the head."

"Ah, goig for the old-fashiod method?"


Pouring the water in and adding a cap of menthol oil, Spock felt a catch in the back of his nose at the sharp scent and let out a quick, partially-stifled sneeze into his fist and sniffed.

"Oh do, Spock..."

Sensing his lover's worry, Spock interrupted, "There is no need to concern yourself, Jim, I am only reacting to the scent of the menthol oil, which is rather strong."

"Yeah, I'd ibagide so." Jim shrugged and took a towel out of the drawer, "Alright thed, let's get it over with."

Spock placed the steaming bowl on the desk and arranged the towel over Jim's head, "Bend over and inhale."

Ignoring the sniggers coming from beneath the towel, Spock sat back down with his PADD before Jim threw off the towel on his head and sat up.

"Jim?" Spock put the device down, concerned. The Captain looked pathetic and...well...adorable. Hair damp and ruffled, skin shiny and nose an angry red,

"I ca't keep by head there, Spock, it's too hot." he gasped, before sniggering again.

"I would imagine so," Spock replied, the corner of his mouth quirking, "Water, when reaching one hundred degrees celcius tends to boil and begin to take it's gas state..."

"I dow, Spock, I dow...but it's too hot for adyode uder there - expect baybe you but..."

Spock had rearranged the towel over his boyfriend's head while he was talking and, using his Vulcan strength, pushed Jim's head down over the bowl again.


"Breathe in, Jim, it will help." the half-Vulcan instructed him, not removing his hand from Jim's back.

"It's hot!"

"It is meant to be, ashaya, but it will ease the pressure in your sinuses."

"By dose is ruddig." Jim grumbled thickly,

"You may tend to that in approximately sixty seconds, Jim, just breathe in more."

Spock continued that way on his PADD, one hand on Jim's back, and if his senses weren't more finely-tuned - even for a Vulcan - to that sort of thing, he might not have noticed Jim's back heaving with laboured breaths.



"Godda....godda sdeeze...Spock..."

Spock let go of Jim's back and Jim rose from the bowl, back and head tilted abaft. Jim's eyelids quivering in sync with his erratically hitching breathing, while his hands flapped back and forth in the only remotely feminine manner Captain James T. Kirk ever exhibited, moistened, flaming red nostrils shivered and danced before bring both hands together over his nose and pitching forward again and again with a massive, shuddering fit of sneezing.

Spock's blood shot through his body and his heart crashed with no remorse. Too much, too much.

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"Spock, by dose..."

"No, Jim."

He was holding Jim close now, hands running over every inch of his body. Spock stiffened as he felt Jim's wet nose press into his neck and moaned openly. Shame licked at his insides, this was illogical. He knew it. Harbouring pleasure, lust for his mate in this state, even unhygenic he -

But any doubt in his mind was washed away by feeling Jim release another sneeze against his chest and was replaced by an absolute burning in his blood. Was this what pon farr had felt like? It didn't matter. All that was on his mind right now was JimJimJimJimJimJimJim.

"Yes..." Jim moaned, strong hands feeling their way through Spock's hair, "yes, Spock..."

Spock shifted his hips and began kissing Jim intensely, moving from his lips to his cheeks, his neck, his nose...


"Bless you, Jim..." feeling his bondmate clench, Spock took that as a signal to hold on tighter,

"Dig it in there, Mr Spock...HAAAAHTSCHOO!"

"You are hot, Jim." Spock growled,

"Feverish for you, t'hy'la." Jim retorted, grinding on Spock's waist and sniffled, twitching his nose that made the other man weak.

"Spock?" Jim asked later, lying on his side facing his lover, "Can I ask you something?"

"Certainly, ashayam."

"Kind of a weird question but...how did you sort of...discover you were into sneezing? Into - " he gestured to his face, " - this?"

Spock rolled over to face Jim, "Well..."

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yeah, that was kind of a short porn-y one. the next chapter will be longer, honest! sick myself right now and really stressed out :-( boo.

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Wow I'm away for a few days and come back to not one, but several glorious updates! Awesome! And sorry you're sick :-( I hope you feel better very soon!

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Spock lay on his back and thought back. He was a child and a very confused one at that.

A half-breed, mixed-race, hybrid. Human, Vulcan. Bullied and shamed by his peers. He was also aware that he, unlike his parents and so many other bonded couples, did not desire the opposite sex. When he was bonded with T'Pring, he knew that to show emotion in the act was shameful, but while he placed his mask on his face, inside he felt dread and the idea of her touching his hands in a Vulcan kiss made him shudder inwardly. . It wasn't that T'Pring was unpleasant or unattractive - he just simply would have preferred to be bonded with a male.

As he was with Jim now.

As for sneezing - Spock remembers distinctly the point he noticed his own reaction to sternutation. He was at school, concentrating hard on quadratic equations. Using all his energy to block out his bullies' taunts when there was a distinct, "Huhtschu!" which came from his teacher. A handsome man by anyone's standards and Spock had broken his focus to look up, and his heart hammered in his side.

Yes. That had been the point he realised.

It hadn't been much of an issue until recently. Spock had gone through his life revealing it to no one, rarely affected by it, other than catching the occasional snatches of sneezing from any aesthetically pleasing male that happened to sternutate at any rare point and feeling the illogical bubbling in his stomach. Or any illogical revulsion at any not-so-aesthetically-pleasing beings doing the same.

And then. Then there was Jim. His friend, his captain, his lover. His t'hy'la. He had, with much difficulty, confessed his secret vice to Jim and - despite the general consensus that unconventional sexual stimuli were frowned upon and shamed, both in Human and Vulcan culture - Jim had been pleased, even open to including it into their sex life as much as possible.

Spock fought to suppress a smile whenever he thought of it. His t'hy'la truly was an amazing man.

Speaking of his t'hy'la, Jim was gearing up for another sneeze now, placing one finger under his nose to stem the rush for a second and Spock tried to direct his head away to make it look like he wasn't staring...

"Go od, babe," Jim winked, still managing to smirk, "get a good look. I know you love it, and I love that you love it."

Pretenses dropped, Spock rolled back onto his side and removed Jim's finger from under his nose, allowing that hand to wave for a second before being sneezed into. Again, and again.

Yes. Jim Kirk was a most logical choice of mate.

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I love this fic so much you have no idea. I may or may not have read it over a good twenty times whoops. My fave part was just after Spock had talked to Bones and Jim was trying (and succeeding) to be particularly appealing and poor Spock was trying so hard to be unaffected I loved it :D and seeing Spock go a little into his fetishy past hello that was awesome too

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Spock flinched inwardly. Pavel Chekov was a handsome boy, but to Spock that's all he was. A boy. Seventeen years old and Spock shuddered inwardly. The idea of Chekov sneezing was...disturbing.

It was difficult, he mused, to remember that not everyone has the same reactions to sneezing as he. Most people saw them as mere involuntary functions that could not be helped and paid them no heed or some were disgusted by any and all sneezes. But either way, had no sexual connection to them whatsoever.

It was when Sulu blessed Chekov and offered the Russian a tissue that Spock remembered the helmsman had requested a shift change in order to take Ensign Chekov on a date.

Jim had laughed when Spock informed him of this, "Aaawwww, the pair of theb..." Jim cooed, "I bead its do secret that Sulu swigs for guys. I would have guessed Chekov was gay too if I had't heard hib talkig about a girl...but thed, look at be." he chuckled, "I feel all bushy idside - HUURCHOUM! - like by babies are goig od their first date. All paternal."

"That is illogical, Jim, as far as we are aware there are no blood relations to y - "

"It's just ad expressiod, Spock, you dow. Crew is fabily ad all."

Spock jerked his eyebrow in mild amusement, "And, in this metaphorical family, Helmsman Sulu and Ensign Chekov are our children?"

"Well, yeah, I bean, I thigk we all feel a bit parendal towards Chekov, with him beig odly a teed. Especially after that tibe he slipped up ad accidentally called be 'Papa' od the bridge. I thigk everyode but you ready to pass out frob cutedess..." Jim sniffled, "Urgh, cad barely uderstad byself."

Spock found the decongestants that he had acquired from Sulu and unscrewed the cap on the minty-scented one.

Passing it to Jim, his nose wrinkled. Sulu certainly had outdone himself.

The hours rolled around and Spock's shift ended, walked back to Jim's quarters he found himself shivering a little. Not surprising, the ship's temperature was set to human standards of warmth, but the shiver was quelled once he entered the pleasant warmth of Jim's room.

Jim was not there.

Oh wait.

The heap of blanket on the bed was breathing and the statistical likelihood of Jim being the cause of the breathing was 98.7%.

"Jim," Spock said, standing over the blanket, "my shift has ended."

The heap of blanket shifted and was thrown off to reveal a glowingly smiling Jim, nose running, shivering Jim.

"Hello, lover." Jim grinned, "Biss be?"

Spock occupied himself with rearranging the blankets back around Jim, "Yes, k'diwa, I missed you." he replied softly, trailing a Vulcan kiss across his jaw, "You are feverish." he stated.

"Perhaps a little." Jim snuffled, "Really I'b just bored. Whed cad I get back to the bridge?"

"When you are fit for duty."

"But baaaaaaaaabe..." Jim whined, "I'b perfectly...perfectly...aaahh...hah...HAAARRCHOUM!"

Spock kissed his lover with his lips this time, "I am inclined to disagree, Captain."

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More wonderful updates! I especially like the part where we see the origins of Spock's fetish. Perfect! :)

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"I understand vhy zey lower ze light down at night," Pavel shivered, "but do zey heff to lower ze temperature as well?"

"I guess it just adds to the night-time feeling." Hikaru shrugged, "I kinda like it, makes it seem like we're back on Earth and I'm walking you home to make sure you're safe."


"And warm, too." Hikaru laughed, "You cold?"

Pavel sniffled, "A leetle."

"You want my jacket?"

"Net, I em okay - ECKSTCHH!"

Before he could protest, Pavel felt himself being embraced and Sulu's jacket around his shoulders. "Senk you, Hika - " But he was cut off by Hikaru's mouth on his and his heart danced in his chest and he kissed the helmsman back eagerly. His first kiss with a boy! And with someone he had crushed on for so so long!


Hikaru laughed, "You must be pretty chilly. Come on, let's get you back to your room."

The next morning, Spock rose earlier than usual. After spending 4.56 seconds wondering why he had arisen 1.93 hours earlier than expected, a sneeze burst forth from his nose and dampened the arm he had thrown in front of his face to catch it.

He sniffed and found that the minty decongestant he had set out last night for Jim was still potent. Deciding that was the cause, he casually slipped off his pants and stepped into the bathroom. Being early for shift for far from illogical, after all.

Stepping out of the shower, Spock brushed his teeth and reflected upon the nature of their mission.

But while he was rinsing his toothbrush, another feeling rose. More specifically, a feeling in his nose...


The sneeze had given way to a sharp scrape at the back of his throat and a wet, watery feeling in his sinuses and he looked up at himself with something akin to realisation and worry on his stony-faced features.

Oh no...

"Set course for Starbase, Mr. Sulu."

"Course set, sir."

Not long now, Spock thought, shivering hard and looking at the clock, 2.13 hours to go and then I can...

Oh no, not a sneeze...he had been holding one back for a while now and was no more than a mere annoyance in the back of his nose. A little tickle, one that wet the insides of his nose and made it itch much like skin did when it had been in wet clothing for a long time.

Spock discreetly rubbed at the offending external organ, but it only served to wiggle the tickle and give it more room, spreading the damp across his nostrils and expose it to more of the cold air on the bridge.

Spock's eyes watered. Hold it in, hold it...


A very red, watery-eyed Chekov sniffled liquidly and thought his back was turned, he could feel Spock's steely glare on his back.


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"We thank you, Commander Spock, for your invitation to the Federation and we are of course most eager to get the official work done. But for now, we celebrate," the Lilian said, smiling overexcitedly, "for we are to be accepted into a new family on this special day. Do you have anyone who might wish to join us? A wife, perhaps?"

Spock cleared his increasingly burning throat, "My bondmate - that is, in your terms, husband - is currently incapacitated. Captain James Kirk, as I previously stated, was too unwell to beam down for today, to engage in merrymaking would be illogical in his condition."

The Lilian leader's golden face showed surprise and realisation, "Oh! Captain Kirk and you are married! Oh, forgive me, I did not realise. Nothing serious, I hope - if you wish to leave and be with him, we will take no offence, of course...what is it humans say on matrimonial bonds? 'In sickness and in health'?''

"I believe that would be the correct term, Chairman. Thank you for your understanding, I shall take my leave. I shall allow the rest of the landing party to remain behind to enjoy the festivities."

"Of course, of course. Wish the Captain well, again, from our planet! And take care of yourself, too!"

"Live long and prosper, Chairman." Spock bade him, "Spock to Enterprise. One to beam up. Aaahh - "

He was halfway through the sneeze when the transporter energised and he materialised in the transporter room off-guard.

"-CCHHOOO!!!" he finished off, forcefully, doubling over at the waist.

"Bless you, sir..." stuttered an apparently surprised redshirt, Spock nodded in acknowledgment and stalked out of the transporter room before anyone saw the green flush he knew was there.

After pausing to stifle a few sneezes on the way, he entered Jim's quarters to find Jim lazily laying back on his bed, reading. A cold flannel across his head and a box of tissues kept next to him on the duvet.

"Hey, you." Jim sniffled, smiling, "I've beed so bored here, how'd it go? Ady trouble?"

"None, Jim, the Lilians are positively overjoyed at the prospect of joining the Federation and...aaahh...the rest of the landing party are enjoying their celebrations."

"You didn't wadda joid id?"

"Negative. I found it illogical. I felt your displeasure at my absence and returned the sentiment. I also had no desire to stay in the presence of such a tactile and casual race for longer than necessary. Their illogical topics of conversation and lack of personal space were most disquieting. HHHUUUHTCHUUU!"



"Oh do..."


As if sensing his shame, Jim placed one finger under the half-Vulcan's green, flaring nostrils, "It caught up with you, huh?"

Spock didn't answer and blushed harder. It was illogical, but Spock found much shame in his own sternutations. Be it due to sneezing being such a deeply sexual act for him, and to perform it in front of others was classed as indecent and shameful in his own, illogical brain or his Vulcan need to fight his natural instincts and functions in order to hold complete control. Even to sneeze in front of Jim made Spock cringe - less so, admittedly, than it did when sneezing in front of others. His family or the crew - but cringe nonetheless.

"You dod't deed to be ebarrassed id frodt of be, Spock..." Jim whispered in his pointed, green ear.

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Oh wow that was fast!! But I loove the little hints we've gotten and yesss they've led to this! I love this so much! Spock's turn Spock's turn!!

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"Well, at least now we don't have to worry about contagion." Jim chirped, taking the thermometer from Spock's mouth.

"We were not exactly precautious to start with, Jim."

Jim pouted, "Owh, is Spocky annoyed he caught his ashayam's nasty co - haaahgoddasdeeze....SCHHHEW! - cold?"

"Vulcans do not feel annoyance, Captain." The other man replied tartly, "I simply regret that I am to bear the symptoms of this virus whilst attempting to maintain both of our duties on the bridge."

Over the duration of Jim's time with Spock, he had witnessed many an eyebrow quirk and thought to himself (not that he practiced) he'd gotten pretty good at mastering it himself.

The moment he attempted, he was immediately cut down by The Original Eyebrow and put to shame until Spock lurched forward with three powerful sneezes of his own.

"What makes you think you're in ANY position to do either or both of those things?" Jim asked, folding his arms,

"As a Vulcan I can suppress the symptoms and engage in healing meditation. The virus should be - HHHRRRRIIISHCCHHOOOO! - expelled withid...Jib, please, could you...?"

Jim sensed his lover's request and handed him a tissue and Spock cleared his nose.

"Uh-huh.'' Jim nodded, watching Spock with an element of scepticism, "and now you have the perfect excuse to stay in here and watch me sneeze all day, you're going to go to that cold bridge and sniffle miserably, embarrassed and ill in that chair?''

Spock studied his mate, and despite his Vulcan protests, irritation was evident.

"I believe it is time for rest. I find myself fatigued and will allow my body to heal itself in slumber." He said stiffly,

"I concur, Mr Spock. If you could pass me a couple tissues, I'll be spooning you like a soup kitchen."


"Bless you."

Jim could have sworn he heard a sniffle and a mutter of "illogical' before they both drifted off to sleep.

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Wonderful update!

Jim pouted, "Owh, is Spocky annoyed he caught his ashayam's nasty co - haaahgoddasdeeze....SCHHHEW! - cold?"

I liked this part. The combination of Jim calling Spock Spocky, speaking a Vulcan word (don't know why I love when Jim speaks Vulcan to Spock, like he's completely embracing Spock's alienness) and being interrupted by sneeezes was absolutely glorious! Such a sweet ending too! smile.png

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