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Teammates, Saving the Day or on Sick Days (Steven Universe) (3/3)


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Ok, so I freaking LOVE Steven Universe. I thought it was just another dumb show Cartoon Network has on these days, but it's amazing. So there's like these women/beings called the Crystal Gems and they have powers and stuff, save the day all the time and various other things. Steven is a gem too, his mother gave up her life to give birth to him, since only one being can have that gem. So he's like half human and half gem. They don't really state his age, it's kind of a coming of age story and most people say he's like 11, but he seems younger to me, he's just an innocent, happy-go-lucky kid. Here's pics of the characters: http://steven-univer...ost-620x348.jpg

I love the whole dynamic of the gem women and Steven. Pearl is an over-protective mothering figure, Amethyst is more like a fun big sister, and Garnet is a stoic mentor. They all care about Steven so much, it's so sweet, they just seem like such a nice family!

Anyway, clearly this isn't a fetishy story, just wanted to write a nice story about the gems taking care of Steven. I wanted to write their dynamic that I love so much. This is my first fanfiction, it'll be short, probably just 2 or 3 segments. Here we go!

He hears laughter through the sound of the heavy rain as he resurfaces from the ocean. “Haha, hey!” Steven laughs alongside Amethyst. The heaviest storm of autumn has made the ocean violent, or as Amethyst described it, fun. Steven is amusing himself by jumping over the waves, close to the shore where Amethyst is sure he can reach the bottom and where she can keep an eye on him.

A wave gets the best of Steven and he’s pushed underwater again. Amethyst takes his hand and tugs him back up above the sea. “Did you see that one, Amethyst? It was huge!” “Yea, that was a good one!” Amethyst grins. A few minutes later hailstones begin to mix in with the rain, not that the two impulsive gems mind; it only makes the situation more exciting!

“Exciting” is not how Pearl would word it exactly. Already concerned when her teammates went out in the storm, she’s pushed into taking action when the heavy hail starts. Hailstones bounce off of her umbrella as she ventures out of the house towards the water. “Steven! Amethyst! You two come back here right now!” The blonde gem shouts out to the pair, standing right at the shore where the water doesn’t quite reach her feet.

“Aw, come on, Pearl!” Amethyst groans, though she follows the “request” with Steven tailing her. The purple gem walks on ahead, squelching haphazardly through the goopy, wet sand. “Come on, Steven.” Pearl says as she ushers him under her umbrella, which is really rather pointless as he is soaking wet. The young boy suddenly begins coughing loudly, earning a worried look from Pearl. “Are you ok, Steven? Did you swallow too much water?” He shivers and shakes his head. “Nah, I’m f-fine. D-did you see me out there though? I’ve n-never seen the waves that crazy bef-fore!” The thin woman smiles softly. “I did. It’s amazing how much the weather can affect the ocean, isn’t it?” Steven nods as the two follow Amethyst into the house.

Amethyst walks in and allows herself to fall to the floor, facedown, next to Garnet’s feet. The tall, afro’d gem looks down at her teammate. “What are you doing?” She asks in her British accent. Amethyst mumbles something into the floor. “What?” She rolls over to face the gem towering over her. “I’m air drying. Wanna join me, Steven?” The young gem hasn’t stopped shivering and answers, “Only if we c-can air dry under bl-blankets.”

Pearl gently guides him forward with her hand on his back. “Go take a hot shower Steven, it’ll warm you up.” “Okay.” Steven complies and heads off towards the bathroom. Pearl turns her attention to her long haired teammate on the floor. “And it wouldn’t kill you to wash that salt water off.” “Later…” Amethyst mumbles. “I agree with Pearl, it’s starting to smell like wet dog in here.” Garnet adds. “Ugh… Fine.” Amethyst gives in and heads for her room.

Edited by Kshu
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Yeah, I'm with fang (Do you like to be called Girl bird?) Steven Universe is an awesome show! You should watch Uncle Grandpa-THAT is a good show, too!

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Thanks guys! I wasn't sure anyone was really watching this show, I only saw it by accident and realized it was wonderful, I never would have thought from the commercials!

Ch 2

Amethyst is back in no time at all, before the sun even finishes setting. She’s soaking wet as she walks back into the living room. “Amethyst, you’re dripping water everywhere!” Pearl complains as she mops up the trail her teammate is leaving. “Hey, I’m clean, aren’t I?” She says as she returns to her prior position lying on the floor, willing herself not to be annoyed by Pearl’s nagging. “I still wanted to air dry.”

Just as Peal is sitting down after putting the mop away, Steven returns from the shower in his pajamas. “It’s no good guys, I’m still cold.” He sits down next to Pearl, wrapping an arm around her tightly for warmth. Normally she’d be pleased with the affection from Steven, but his behavior raises concern from her. “Yea? How do you feel otherwise?” She asks, trying not to sound worried. Steven leans his head into her. “Tired, messing with the ocean is exhausting.” Pearl wraps her own arm around the boy, who she notices feels warm. Maybe it’s just from the shower?

The slender gem places her hand lightly on Steven’s forehead. He’s definitely feverish, much to her dismay. “What is it, Pearl?” The young gem is looking up at her quizzically, with big, glassy eyes and slightly reddened cheeks. She does her best to smile reassuringly, though concern shows on her face. “Nothing, Steven.” She insists. He hasn’t seemed to realize yet that he’s under the weather.

Garnet has been watching their interaction and Pearl looks over at her pleadingly. The tall gem walks over to her and responds to her motion asking to come close to her face. Pearl whispers in her ear, “Steven has a fever; do we still have some of that syrupy medicine?” Although children get sick so often, the gems had only experienced Steven being sick a few times before since gems don’t get sick. Despite being half gem and not going to school where most childhood bugs are caught, Steven is half human and spends a lot of time in town with other people.

And playing in the freezing ocean today certainly didn’t help, Pearl thinks as she glares at Amethyst, who is still unaware of the entire situation. Garnet goes to check the cabinet where they had kept the medicine last time Steven was sick. She turns back to Pearl and shakes her head no. The stoic gem then takes the umbrella and heads for the door. “I’m going out.” “Where are you going, Garnet?” Steven asks. “Just to get some things, I’ll be back soon.” She says, and goes out into the rain.

Amethyst finally looks up from the floor across the room. Seeing Steven and Pearl, she laughs. “What’s going on, Steven? You and Pearl getting married?” Steven barely responds to his teammate’s teasing. “I’m cold…” He complains. Amethyst looks up at Pearl in question. “What’s wr-“ Pearl interrupts her by shaking her head and mouthing “He’s sick.” Oh… things like this are usually better left to Pearl and Garnet. Still, she wanted Steven to feel better as soon as possible; she missed his normally happy-go-lucky demeanor.

Pearl, still looking in the purple gem’s direction, notices that Amethyst looks worried and kind of at a loss. Her teammate transforms into a purple cat and shakes all the water out of her fur, getting water everywhere, though Pearl does not scold her. The cat then jumps up on the couch and curls up on Steven’s lap in an attempt to warm him up. Steven laughs softly. “Aw, thanks, Amethyst.” Soon, Steven appears to have fallen asleep.

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I knowwwww right? God, I love the kid. Alright, final chapter; I'm so happy i finally got this story out there, it's been in my head for a week.

Ch 3

It’s not long before Garnet is back from the store, her hair poofier than usual from the rain. “I brought the syrup.” She tells the gems. Amethyst looks up at Steven, who is asleep. “Should… Should we wake him up?” Pearl nods. “It’s best that he drinks it as soon as possible.” She shakes him gently, looking into his face and rubbing his arm soothingly. “Steven? Wake up, Steven.” Steven opens his eyes and looks at her sleepily. “Wha…?” He coughs for a while. “Ugh… guys, I don’t feel good.”

“Don’t worry, Steven. Garnet brought medicine.” Amethyst says. Steven makes a face. “Blech, no thanks, medicine’s gross.” Just as Pearl is going to insist to Steven that he needs to take the medicine to feel better, Garnet settles the matter. “You’re going to take the medicine.” Steven looks up at her and whines, “But Garnet-“ “No buts.” She says definitively, remembering how much of a struggle it had been in the past to get Steven to take his medicine.

Garnet reads the dosage information on the back of the bottle. “How much does Steven weigh?” She asks. “Hey, that’s a rude question.” Steven huffs. “About average for his age.” Pearl says. “Yea, average!” Steven says, satisfied. “Yea, because you’re short.” Amethyst teases. “Hey…” Steven moans, though he doesn’t have enough energy to continue bantering. Garnet pours a dose of the “cherry” flavored medicine into the cap, and water into a glass, then brings them both to Steven, who still looks apprehensive. Pearl encourages him gently. “Just do it fast Steven, then you can wash the taste down with water.”

Steven gives up and does as he’s told. Garnet takes the empty cap and glass from him, returning them to the kitchen. Pearl notices that Steven is starting to nod off again. “Why don’t you get into bed now, Steven?” She says softly, though her feelings betray her words; she isn’t quite ready to give him up yet. The boy simply leans more heavily on Pearl. “I don’t feel like moving…” Pearl nudges him again in spite of herself. “Come on Steven, I’m not going to carry you.” She was pretty sure she couldn’t carry him anymore, though she had fond memories of carrying him around when he was younger.

Garnet had decided it wasn’t just a memory for her. The strong gem walked back over and suddenly Steven felt himself being lifted up. “Hey, Garnet, I’m not a baby.” “I know.” She said, though she didn’t put him down. Carrying him to his bed, she smiled softly to herself; she hadn’t held him in many years. She pulled back the covers and set down Steven, who made himself comfortable and allowed Garnet to pull the blanket over him.

The gems say their goodnights, make the room dark, and start settling in. Steven’s voice is heard in the blackness. “Actually, I’m still pretty cold.” Pearl starts to get up to check the closet for an extra blanket when Amethyst walks past her. “I got it.” She climbs up the platform to Steven’s part of the room and transforms into a big German Shepard dog. The purple dog jumps up onto Steven’s bed and lies down next to him.

“Guys? Aren’t you going back to your rooms?” Steven asks. Pearl answers, “No, we’re staying out here with you, in case you need anything during the night.” Steven’s tired voice sounds pleased. “Like a sleepover?” “Exactly.” says Amethyst, who is surprisingly still awake. Steven, who is very nearly asleep, drapes an arm over the warm Amethyst-dog silently and drifts off to sleep, surrounded by his teammates, friends, and family.

Edited by Kshu
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Now this was an awesomely amazing story. Beautifully done.

Thank you for writing yet another example of your brilliant talent. *bows*

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