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"Ghost made me sick" Ghost Adventures


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Here we are my Ghost Adventures story, I've never written about these guys before so you know feedback is always welcomed :)

Hope you like it

On an old farm in the state of Indiana is an old abandoned house; large Victorian house that towers over the surrounding farm land, with the windows all boarded up and the garden long forgotten and overgrown. The house had been abandoned for many years, though the presence of the past residents still resides there. It is the presence of this; these spirits if you will that come to the attention of the Ghost Adventure Crew.

“Where are we again?” Zak asked having been asleep for most of the hour drive from their hotel.

“Cornerways Farm” Nick said.

“Yeah that’s right” Zak yawned, still not quite shaken that sleepy feeling. Stepping out of their van and setting up the cameras getting ready for another lockdown. Once the camera where set and ready they waited, waited for the owner of the house to arrive for a short interview and then lock them in. They’d been sat outside the house for nearly half an hour when another car rolled up, Zak was in danger of falling back asleep until he heard the sound of the engine approach.

“You must be Zak” the man said, coming over to shake Zak’s hand. “I’m Matt, I’m the current owner of the property”

“Hello, this is Nick and Aaron” Zak said, introducing each of his fellow investigators in turn. Matt let them into the house, into a dark hall. Everything inside the house was dark, the dark wood seeming to block out any remaining light giving the place a creepy feel before they’ve even stepped inside.

“What’s the history of this place?” Zak asked, once the cameras were rolling.

“This house was built in 1872 by a Mr Andrew Browning, he’d own the land in a bet. Mr Browning was a farmer and built the house for his family, his wife Emily, son William and two daughters Sarah and Ann. There were problems with the house from the get go, at least three workers on the house died from freak accidents.”

“So at least three people died here before the house was even finished?” Zak asked.

“Yes. Once the house was finished and the family moved in there was more tragedy. Their youngest daughter Anne died at age 4 from influenza, she’s buried in a small grave on the grounds. The eldest William died a few years later after being gravely injured from being thrown from his horse, he actually died in this room” Matt lead the team through a dark hall and into what can only be assumed used to be a living room. Old furniture laid around in a haphazard matter as though it had just been left there.


A loud sneeze had everyone turn around to look at Zak who was rubbing his nose.

“Allergies” he muttered, trying to ignore how much his nose was now running.

“So Mr Browning’s son actually died in this room?” Zak sniffed.

“Yes, sometimes you can actually hear moans in here like someone’s in pain. His mother Emily’s health went severely downhill after the death of two of her children and died after what was suspected to be a broken heart. She is the most seen figure here, you often see her wondering the rooms but most often in the bedroom”

Aaron marked an X on the floor with duct tape reminding them to set a camera up there later and they were lead up the large stair case and into a room off to the left.

“This is the master bedroom; this is where the figure of Emily had been seen. She sits in the chair in the corner and just looks at you before vanishing. It is believed this is also the room where their daughter Anne died and that it is fact Emily sitting looking after her. She has been known to try and push people out of this room.”

Again it was a large room, a four poster end took up the centre of the room why a chair sat in the corner at the side of the bed. It was one of the only rooms in the house not to have it’s windows boarded up and a small amount of light seemed through giving the room a strange glow.

“She’s actually pushed people?” Zak questioned.

“Yes, especially men she’s tried to push them out of the room or even close the door before they enter. Like there’s something in here she doesn’t want seen”

“Mr Browning himself also died in the house, it wasn’t for many years later. He died in the room next door of old age as he was in 60s when he died which was quite an age back then. Right up until he died he said that his home had been cursed, he said a witch had bet him in a game of cards and lost just to give him the cursed land. He blamed this for the reasons for his families death....”

“Hept-Chooo” Matt was cut off by another sneeze from Zak.

“It’s so dusty up here” Zak muttered, trying to subtly rub his nose on his jacket sleeve.

“So this ground is cursed?” Zak asked.

“That’s what’s been said but there’s nothing to back it up of course. Though out of the whole Browning farm only their middle child Sarah actually survived and moved out to have her own family”

“So out a family of five only one walked out this house alive?”


“Have you ever experienced anything para... para...Atchoo...Paranormal in the house?” Zak asked.

“I have down in the basement” It was indeed a large house and many flights of stairs Zak was already feeling tried again.

“I was in the house one day and I heard some noises coming from the basement so I went down thinking maybe there was an animal in there so I got to the top of the stairs leading down and then I felt these hands on my back and they actually pushed my down the stairs”

“You were actually pushed?” Zak asked, peering down the stairs into the almost pitch black darkness of the basement.

“I was, when I fell to the bottom I actually saw the door to the basement swing shut like someone was trying to trap me down there”

“So that’s where Aaron will be spending the night” Zak said, there was a groan from off camera and everyone laughed.

Matt showed them through the rest of the house, a large kitchen where voices could often be heard, and a children’s playroom still with play things in where the sound a girl laughing is still heard, finally a dining room which would be their ‘nerve centre’ for the lockdown. Once the camera’s where set on the X’s they’d placed though the house and the sun was setting in the sky it was time.

“I’ll be back at sun up, good luck guys!” Matt said as he closed the forbidding front doors and the whole front hall was enclosed in darkness. There was a click as the lock was put into the place, the noise that meant the lockdown had indeed started.

“Okay, let’s begin!... Atchoo...” the sneeze caught Zak by surprise and he wobbled a bit on his feet.

“You alright man?” Nick asked as Zak swayed.

“Fine” Zak sniffed, trying to ignore the beginning feeling of a headache. Leaving Aaron in ‘nerve centre’ Nick and Zak went up the bedroom to try and make contact with the woman who’s said to reside there.

“I feel such a chill right now” Zak said, feeling shivers up his spine.

“You think there’s someone here?” Nick asked.

“I think, I’m going crazy with goose bumps right now”

“Let’s try with a EVP session” Taking out a digital recorder Zak said on the bed but before he could actually start recording with the device he went into a sneezing fit.


“You sure you’re alright?” Nick asked.

“Just dust, ‘m fine” trying to wipe his nose on his sleeve.

“Hello, is there someone with us right now?” Zak asked.

“Can you talk to us? Use this device to speak to us, we want to hear you”

They sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting to see if any voices would come through.

“I swear there’s something here, I’m feeling so cold right now” Zak said.

“That’s strange, I’m not feeling anything” Nick said.

“Is there someone with me right now?” Zak asked but still no voices came.

“What happened in this room? Did someone die here?” Nick asked.

“She died”

“Did it just say she died?”

“It did! Who died here?” Zak asked, excitement bubbling in his voice.

“He took her”

“He took her... Who took her?” Zak asked but there was just silence again.

“That was a class A EVP! That was a woman’s voice” Nick said.

“Yeah, do you think that was Emily? Was she talking about her daughter Anne who died here?”

“Could have been, but why did she say he took her?”

“GUYS!” Aaron’s voice yelled over the walkie talkie. “Someone needs to go to the kids playroom now, there’s some weird stuff going on!”

“Okay I’ll go” Nick left Zak alone in the bedroom, now recording with his own night vision camera.

“Emily is this you? What happened here?”


“Who was sick?”


“Me? I’m not...” Zak couldn’t finish his sentence before he was cut off by violent coughs.


“Why do you want us to leave? What are you going to do?” Zak croaked. Just then the door to the bedroom which Nick had left open when he left slammed shut with force, the footage was caught on Zak’s camera.

“Woah!” Zak got up to open the door and straight away felt light headed, opening the door the landing was empty and without the night vision on his camera he couldn’t see a hand in front of his face.

“GUYS!” Zak called, trying to get the attention of his fellow crew members.

“Zak you okay?” Aaron asked, coming up the stairs and finding Zak leaning on the wall trying to keep himself upright.

“Atchooo” Zak sneezed in reply.

“You’re sick dude”

“Ghost made me sick” Zak said.

“You must be delirious” Aaron laughed.

“No really she said...” He was cut off by coughing again.

“Come on, let’s get you to sit down before you actually pass out” Taking Zak’s camera they walk slowly back towards nerve centre, Zak’s weight leaning on Aaron slightly not that he’d ever admit it.

“ZAK!” Nick yelled. “COME HERE QUICK”

Rushing to the kids playroom as quickly as they could, Nick was sitting on the floor next to a rocking horse.

“There was a little girl here, listen”

“Play with me” there was no mistaking it, it was a little girl’s voice.

“Woah! That’s great” Aaron said.

“Then the rocking horse started moving look!” Nick showed them the footage on his camera that was most definitely the rocking horse being pushed by some unseen force. For a moment Zak’s apparent illness was forgotten until...

“Atchoo” he sneezed wetly into his hands.

“Right I need to get you out of here”

“What’s up with you man?” Nick asked.

“He said the ghost made him sick” Nick had to hide a laugh at this, he’d been investigating ghosts with Zak for a long time and they’d seen and felt a lot of strange things but never had they become actually sick.

“It dib” Zak sniffed, a hint of congestion seeping into his voice.

“C’om typhoid Mary” Aaron put his hand on the taller man’s shoulder and lead him out of the room and back down the stairs into the only room in the house that wasn’t in complete darkness. In the light Aaron could see how pale Zak looked and he was visibly shaking.

“Why didn’t you say you were sick? We could have least got you some medicine” Aaron said, giving him a bottle of water.

“I wasn’t! It was the ghost” Zak exclaimed.

“So you keep saying, but dude you were sneezing all morning and I’ve never known you fall asleep on an hour car ride.”

Zak didn’t answer, just sipped at his water hoping it was help his slightly raw feeling in his throat.

“Why bon’t you go bown to the basement? I’ll watch from here” Zak sniffed.

“I don’t know if I should leave you on your own... You almost passed out on me earlier”

“I’m fine” Zak insisted. “We’re not losing out of good evidence over a stupid cold”

“So you admit you’re sick now?”

“Just go” Aaron sighed, he obviously wasn’t going to win this one. He nodded, taking a recorder and his camera and heading down the basement. Zak watched him go on the X camera’s they had placed around the house, he could see Nick still in the playroom trying to talk with the spirit of the little girl.

“Hello is there anyone down here?” Zak could hear Aaron over the walkie talkie trying to speak to whoever might be with him.

“Is there someone down here who likes to push people?”

Zak tried to pay attention to what was happening on the screen but his eyes felt so heavy. His head was nodding off and he kept jolting himself back awake.

“ATCHOO, ATCHOO, ATCHOO” he sneezed wetly, sniffling miserably. He wanted nothing more than to be in bed but nope he was stuck in a freezing cold house in the middle of nowhere, damn ghosts why can’t they ever haunt someplace warm.

“Atchoo” he sneezed again, coughing lightly into his sleeve. In his is fevered state he didn’t notice the woman appear before him and place her ice cold hand on his forehead, he was too tired and with a fever too high to assume to was anything other than the guys. By the time the guys came back, worried when they received no replay on their walkie talkies they just found Zak passed out in one of the chairs there was no sign of a woman anywhere.

When Zak woke it wasn’t the end of the lockdown, his fellow crew members had decided it was best to let him sleep. He would have too out of it to be of much help anyway, they continued the investigation on their own getting a few more voices and couple of orbs.

“Did either of you touch me why I was asleep?” Zak asked, once they were back in their van and no cameras were rolling.


“Nope, might have snapped a picture or two but I didn’t touch you. Why?” Aaron asked.

“I can remember someone touching my forehead, like they were checking to see if I have a fever and their hands were icy cold”

“Nope it wasn’t either of us...”

“Shit...” Zak looked back out of the van window and there in the top window, was a woman who almost looked like she was waving at them.

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Ohhhh. You have caught my attention. This was beautifully written.

Will there be more of these? smile1.gif

Aw thank you, took me ages! I think there's a define chance of that, if there's anything you'd like to see do ask :)

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This IS like watching an episode-an awesome one! I like how he's continuously denying that he's sick, and the ghost is caring for him. It's nice how you implemented that part! :)

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This IS like watching an episode-an awesome one! I like how he's continuously denying that he's sick, and the ghost is caring for him. It's nice how you implemented that part! :)

I feel the same! Love this story! Will there be more?

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This IS like watching an episode-an awesome one! I like how he's continuously denying that he's sick, and the ghost is caring for him. It's nice how you implemented that part! smile.png

I feel the same! Love this story! Will there be more?

you guys are so nice, thank you! I think they'll be more, if you guys have any surgests I'd love to hear them as well :)

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Okay! Do you think you can do one about, say, Criminal Minds?...........

It's possible, I mean I've never actually watched it so I'd have to start there first!

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It's a great show-my mother will watch it every night! And I'll sneak down discretely and watch it too.......

Aha sounds good, I do love my crime shows!

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Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys!

Sorry it's been so long but I promised there would be more and here it is!

This is Nick Groff in allergies never stopped me!

At the edge of a town in the state of Iowa was a hospital it stood out against the surrounding area. A huge Victorian building with its windows all boarded up and graffiti covering many of the walls. It hadn’t seen a patient since the early 90s and barely anyone had stood foot inside since. It was only when the stories of its dark and twisted past reached the Ghost Adventures Crew that the doors were opened once more.

After what had been a very early start and a long drive the GAC van finally pulled up outside the hospital.

“Thank god that’s over, I can’t feel my legs” Zak complained, getting out of the van slightly wobbling.

“You slept the whole way, you can’t complain” Nick said, rubbing his eyes.

“I’ve already got a creepy feeling about this place” Aaron said, staring up at the hospital tall forbidding walls.

“That’s why we’re here” Zak said.

It didn’t take long before the current owner arrived, after introducing himself as Steven. Aaron got him mic’d up and soon the cameras were rolling, the lockdown recording had officially began.

“So what’s the history of this place?” Zak asked.

“It was build in 1882 as a hospital for the town of Cedar Falls as the nearest hospital is over an hour’s drive away and they needed one of their own. It was a normal hospital for many years but as it’s numbers beginning to dwindle in the mid 20s as people moved to bigger towns it because a place of medical experimentation.”

“Experimentation? What kind of things would they do?” Zak asked.

“They did a lot of cutting people open, seeing how people worked and testing unsafe drugs. A lot of people have died within these walls, a lot in horrible circumstances”

With that Steven pushing open the large mental doors, a cloud of dust seem to erupted from the hall way as the four men stepped inside.

“Atchoo, atchoo, atchooo”

The camera shook as Nick sneezed.

“You okay bro?” Aaron asked off camera.

“Dust, m’okay”

Aaron nodded and turned back to where Zak was talking.

“What happened after the 20s?”

“It was closed down it the late 30s when it was discovered what they were doing here. It was opened again the 60s as a mental hospital before being closed indefinitely in the 90s” Steven said.

“Wow that is some history!” Zak exclaimed.

“Sure is”

“Have you ever had any paranormal experiences here?”

“Only once, I have to say I don’t visit here much, the whole place gives me a very creepy feel and you always feel like you’re being watched. Once when I was here alone, I saw a shadow figure run from ward to ward”

“Where was this?” Zak asked.

“Just up here”

Steven led them up a large flight of stairs, everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and Nick could already his nose starting to run. He sniffed a few times as they approached a long corridor of wards.

“This is where I saw the figure of what I believe to be a nurse, she walked right across from one ward to another as if she was still doing her rounds”

“Aaron if you could put an x here and we’ll see if we can catch anything” Zak said, taking his camera. Aaron placed the x between the old beaten doors of the wards, before Steven lead them through to another part of the hospital.

“Now this would have been one of the surgery rooms, this room alone would have seen a lot of deaths.”

“What kind of deaths exactly?”

“People die on the operating table even today but it was a lot more common going back to the 19th century. No prober pain killers, no real ways to deal with infection and just no real experience with operating on the human body. People died from what we would now think of as the most basic operations, such as setting broken bones.”

“What about the people they experi.....” Zak was cut off by a loud sneeze off camera.

“ATCHOO, atchooo”

Nick sniffed and signalled for Zak to carry on, he gave Nick a concern look but said nothing.

“What about the people they experimented on?”

“They didn’t that down in the basement, if you’d follow me”

“Steven began to led them through the dark hall ways of the hospital.

“You okay Nick?” Aaron asked now the cameras went on.

“Yeah, yeah just a little sniffly”

Aaron nodded and together they entered the almost pitch black basement, they actually had to use night vision to see anything and it was only 1pm.

“Wow this place already has an incredibly uncomfortable feel about it” Zak said, the hairs on his arms starting up.

“They are no official records of the people who died down here but we think it’s somewhere in the high 100s” Steven said.

“Jesus Christ... This really is the hospital of...”


“I was going to say hospital of death but sneezes work too”

“Sorry!” Nick called, trying to wipe his nose on his sleeve.

“Anyway I wanted to ask, what kind of experiments were they doing done here?” Zak asked.


“ATchoooo *Sniff*”

“Sorry guys, I think I’m going to get out of here and let you finish the interview in peace”

“Okay Nick, can you find your way out?”

“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine” he sniffed.

“Make sure you don’t get caught by any stray nurses!” Aaron called after him.

Once he was out of the basement and in the slightly less dark hallways he tickle in his nose had returned.


“What is with my nose today?” Nick sniffed, trying to take a deep breath just to set another round of sneezes.


Walking through the hospital wondering if they had any tissues laying around he could use. It didn’t take him long to reach the front door (after following the footprints they’d made in the dust earlier) and once outside the tickle in Nick’s nose finally subsided and he was able to breathe without it setting off another fit of sneezes.

He’d only been sat outside for a few minutes when the rest of the guys arrived.

“You missed it, there was some weird stuff going on down there” Aaron said.

“Like what?” Nick sniffed.

“Cold spot and a strange humming noise”

“Oh cool”

“You okay Nick?” Zak asked, walking up to the pair.

“Yeah, fine”

You alright to do the lockdown?” Zak asked, concerned.

“Course, probably just allergies”


“Yes Zak, stop worrying”

Zak refused to let Nick back inside the hospital to do the rest of the interviews, insisting he should stay outside until the lockdown. He didn’t want Nick getting worse; no matter how many times Nick said it was just allergies to all the dust. Nick gave up arguing, Zak was incredibly stubborn and it was pointless. Plus it was kind of nice how much he cared for the older.

When the set finally started to set and three crew members were ready to be locked in, Nick now sporting one of Zak’s masks.

“Good luck guys, if you’re not here at 6am I’ll assume they’ve taken you” Steven laughed as he locked them inside, the sound of the lock being clicked into place meaning their night had began.

“Okay so we’ve got x’s in the basement, the nurses’ station, and wards and the surgery” Zak said, holding a flash light over a map of the hospital.

“Split up and met back here in twenty?”

Everyone nodded grabbing the equipment and heading off. Nick went to the ward where Steven had said earlier about seeing a black figure there. Straight away he was sniffling... This was going to be a long night. On his way up the flights of stairs he went a noise behind, the sound of someone on the stairs behind him. He stopped walking and the noise stopped too, it was like whoever was there was following him.

“Is anyone th...Th...There?” he asked, his breath hitching slightly. There was no answer or at least one he could hear, getting out his digital recorder he tried again.

“Is anyone...Atchooo” he sneezed again. Thinking it was maybe just energy making the noise he continued up the stairs before listening to the recorder. It was only after he’d set up the x camera in the next hall way he thought to listen to it. What it said sent him flying back down the stairs to find Zak.

“Bless you” it said.

“ZAK, ZAK” Nick yelled, tearing down the stairs, nearly falling into Zak when he reached the bottom.

“Woah Nick, what the hell?”

“Listen!” He put the recorder to Zak’s ear and pressed play. The sound of Nick sneezing could clearly be heard then the sound of a disembodied voice saying “Bless you”

“Holy crap... Where did you get this?”

“Half way up the stairs, I thought I heard someone following me so I stopped to try and talk to them and caught this”

“Christ... Let’s go see if we can catch anything else up there”

The two of them made their way up the stairs as Aaron was still down the basement.

“Atchooo... Yeah this is it” Nick said, standing on the wide stair case about half way up.

“Is there someone here with us?” Zak asked, holding out his recorder.

“Did someone just try to talk to Nick?”

They gave it a minute before playing back the recorder, searching for any voices but there was nothing.

“They’re probably gone, it was like they were walking up the stairs” Nick said.

“Where do these stairs lead?” Zak asked.

“Wards, you know where that nurse was spotted”

They were about to go up when Zak’s walkie talkie crackled into life.

“Guys you need to come down here quick!” Aaron called. They both fled the stairs as quickly as possible, Nick not looking forward to being in the basement again. It had been where his allergies had affected him worse.

“You guys took your time!” Aaron panted, it was like he’d been running.

“What the hell happened down here?” Zak asked.

“I was setting up the camera and when I turned around to leave someone pushed it over, so I set it up again and tried talking to it. I got this”

“Leave us in peace”

The voice was dark, forceful and maybe even considered demonic.

“Holy... One of needs to stay in there, see if can get anymore from it”

“No way dude!” Aaron cried. “I am not going back in there, that voice gives me a bad feeling”

“I’ll go”

“Nick no, last time you were in there you couldn’t breathe for sneezing” Zak argued.

“I’ll be fine, you go up stairs and I’ll stay here. Aaron you can go to the nurses’ station”

“Deal” agreed Aaron.

“Hmpth, okay but if you’re sure” Zak said.

“Yes go I’ll be fine”

Nick had had enough to Zak bossing him around just because he had a bit of sneezing problem.

“Okay” Zak finally agreed and the crew left Nick alone in the basement, with only a camera and a digital recorder.

“Hello, my name’s Nick, what’s yours?” He asked, taking a step into the pitch darkness. Waiting a few minutes he then played it back, listening for anything that could be a spirit.


“H...i Thom....Atchooo, atchoo Thmoas”


“You were sick? Did you die here?” Nick sniffed, his nose was really running now.

“Sickness.... here....”

“This is a hospital... Chooo... Many sick people here. Were you a Doctor? Did you help the sick people?”

“I help...”

“Achoo, achoo, atchooo, atchoooo, hicooo.... Want to help me?” Nick mumbled, all the sneezing was causing his eyes to run too and he was feeling like a sniffly mess.

“We help...You....”

“Help me? I’m o...Atchoooo”


“T’is allergies” Nick argued, he couldn’t believe he was actually arguing with a spirit over his health, normally only Zak or his wife could do that.


“I’m not sick!” Nick shouted.

“Nick? That you?” Zak’s voice carried down the hall way.

“Yeah... ATCHOOO” he called back. Soon Zak’s head appeared around the door.

“What’s going on? I heard you yelling”

“The ghost called me sick, ‘m not sick! Just all....Atchoo... allergies”

“What?” Zak laughed.

“Listen!” Nick shoved the recorder under Zak’s nose and they both listened together, the smirk soon disappearing from Zak’s face.

“Woah... That’s some class evp work”

“Still not sick” Nick said.

“Whatever you say, but I still think you should get out of here. Whatever is setting your allergies off if officially in here”

Nick sniffed and nodded his head, as much as he didn’t like being ordered around the sneezing was causing him to feel light headed and he’d quite like to get out of there. Nick walked up the stairs to find Aaron, feeling the itchiness in his eyes and the slight rawness in his throat. Something in his hospital was really getting on his bodies nerves.


“Nick that you?”

“Who else?” Nick called back, finding Aaron around a corner sitting on one of the old patient beds.

“You doing alright?” he asked.

“Zak made me leave the basement, ghost kept trying to tell me I was sick...”

Aaron couldn’t help laughing at this, Nick punched him in the arm.

“Shut... Achoo up”

This just made Aaron laugh more, Nick huffed and sat down beside him.

“What are you doing up here anyway?”

“Heard a few noises and tried to get someone to come sit beside me. Seems it only works with the living” Aaron said.

“I don’t know man, I’m getting some crazy chills” Nick said, holding out his goose bump covered arm.

“Is there someone here?” Aaron called, one of the movement sensors went off beside the bed and neither of them were moving.

“Do you want to come and talk to us?” Nick asked.

“Wow look at that!” Aaron exclaimed as ball of light seemed to be moving around the sensor setting it off and different moments.

The two sat there for another forty five minutes but no more activity was received. After being sat on a dusty bed for so long Nick felt thoroughly stuffed up and his nose had been running since sitting down. He was ready to leave this lockdown and go outside but they still a while to go to sun raise yet. Nick decided to go to their little nerve centre and watch the camera’s from there, thinking he’d have less problems away from most of the activity. He didn’t realise how badly his allergies had hit him until about half an hour later, his sneezing wasn’t as bad as it had been down in the basement but he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. All the sneezing had taken the energy out of him and he was beginning to drift to sleep, jolting awake every time his head nearly hit the table.


“Huh? What I miss?” he sniffed, wiping his eyes to see Zak standing above him.

“I asked you if you were up to this and you said yes, I’ve been calling and calling. I was worried only to find out you’re passed out” Zak ranted.

“Zak I fell asleep! I’m not dying shut up”

“I was only...”

“Don’t, I can care for myself. What was it you wanted?”

“We caught something on the camera by the wards” he said. He put the camera on the table and rewound the footage. Standing in the middle of the hallways right between the doors to ward there was a shadow figure, clearly visible and it seemed to be holding out it arm like it was trying to give someone something.

“What do you think it’s doing?” Zak asked.

“Seems like it’s passing something, something like small like a....”

“Like a what?”

“A hankie”

“Oh...” They both stared at the shadow figure. Well Nick had asked for help....

Nothing else of interested was caught for the last two hours of the lockdown, despite the crew’s efforts to talk to Thomas again. He had obviously gone to where ever it is ghosts go, leaving them with even more questions about the paranormal.

When the doors were finally unlocked at 6am sharp Nick was just glad to be out and in the fresh air again and able to breathe again without setting off another fit of sneezes. Because not even allergies could stop Nick Groff.

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OH GOOD GOD THIS INSPIRED ME. :drool: hey, could I maybe use the idea of a ghost telling one of the GA guys 'bless you?' If I publish it here, I'll credit you~

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OH GOOD GOD THIS INSPIRED ME. drool.gif hey, could I maybe use the idea of a ghost telling one of the GA guys 'bless you?' If I publish it here, I'll credit you~

Aw of course you can!! I'm glad that you enjoyed it :D

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  • 1 year later...

Hell yeah, it's Zak Bagans! What an adorable, brave, and all around awesome guy. I want more cute sneezes and sniffles. He's had deviated septum surgery in the past (fun factoid). Imagine that recovery period!

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