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Maybe You Should Stick To The Haunted House - Parks And Rec, Orin (one-shot)


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So, after my two X-men fics I figured I'd take a little bit of a break and write a teeny-tiny one-shot about Orin from Parks And Recreation.

What can I say? I think he's cute sweatdrop.gif and he has a really nice nose ssssoooooooooo because Orin seems like the kind of guy to just dwell in dark, dank places I think he'd be very photic and maybe hayfever. He's allergic to positive energy laugh.png. So in this, a summer fair kinda thing has been thrown in the park and there's like little rides and stalls and shit and April volunteers Orin to help out.

It's around midday and the summer festival is in full swing.

"Please tell me you managed to get some more volunteers to help out." Leslie rushes towards April, "Way more people turned up than we thought."

"Sure." April gestured, bored,

Leslie's shoulders visibly dropped, "Really? Orin?"

The tall, cloaked young man showed no visible reaction to Leslie's obvious contempt for him, instead flickering his eyes towards the older woman.

"April, we are trying to get people to celebrate the summertime not sacrifice them in celebration of the apocalypse."

Orin twitched, Damn, she'd figured out his plan. Was this woman psychic?

More importantly, it was getting hard to maintain the blank, white, almost dead-looking mask that was his face. The sunlight was beating down on his face and if he kept his eyes open for much longer the tingle in his long, thin nose would blossom like the pointless, mortal plants around him. Why April had chose to rise him now, he'd never know.

"Whatever," Leslie sighed, waving a hand, "just put him somewhere he won't interact with too many people."

Thankful for the rude blonde mortal's instructions, Orin let himself be dragged over to the programme stall.

"No one ever wants these things, you'll be fine." she mumbled, Orin nodded and sat plainly, thinking about mortality.

"Haaah-pffuu!" Orin's previously emotionless expression frowned for a brief second, too much sunlight was permeating his eyes, so used to the comfortable dark and the dank cold that lingered there. "Pfffuuu!"

Why had he agreed to crawl from his tomb now? When it was at it's - "HuhPFUUU!" - brightest?

"Hey! Orin!"

Orin jerked at that voice. Oh no...

Chris was waving over at him, beaming. Unloading potted plants on the stall next to him. Not this guy...

"It's good to see you, Orin, how've you been? I'm sorry you didn't get the animal control job. If it's anything to ya, I wanted to hire you..." Orin tried to edge away, nodding politely, the corners of his mouth twitching in what he hoped was a smile so Chris would leave him alone. Urgh, smiling was hard.

"HaahPFUUU!" Orin sneezed and groaned inwardly. Now he'd never shut up.

He felt himself shrivel inside when he was confronted by Chris. Chris was the epitome of life and positive energy, Orin's nemesis, as it were. But Chris refused to see that and insisted on treating Orin, well, like he was human.

Which he was, of course, not. "PFUUU!" But he was acting like one now.

"Hey, you ok man? Something makin' you sneeze?"

Orin simply stared before sneezing again. If he had blood enough to blush, he would. But he didn't.


"Coming down with something?" Orin tried to smile again. People like him did not 'come down with' stuff.

"I have to go." he said blankly and stalked off to find April.


"Is it all the life here?" April asked,

Orin nodded.

"Maybe you should stick to the Haunted House. There's no light there and there's plenty of terrified souls for you there."

Orin nodded gratefully and headed over, sneezing all the way.

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