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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Pepper Challenge 1D


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Hello :D I was super bored and just decided to write a little something, I know it's terrible but please comment what you think I take criticism or any feedback like things that may help with my future writing. Thanks for reading xxxxxx

The boys love to have a bit of fun on tour, no matter what it is they are always up for it. So on twitter they asked the fans any dares they would like to see them do, the most requested dare would be done by each boy and posted on twitter. This time around the most requested was the pepper challenge. The pepper challenge is where you snort pepper and who ever sneezes the least wins.

Paul was holding the camera ready for the boys to start.

"You boys ready!" Paul asked.

"Hell yeah!" Niall yelled excited.

"Ok 3...2...1...GO"

"Hi we're One Direction" all the boys chorused.

"And for our challenge today we are going to be doing the Pepper Challenge" Liam explained.

First up was Harry he is quite a sneezy person in general so everyone was wondering what his reaction would be like.

Harry sniffed the pepper and waited for something to happen.

"AHHHHH IT BURNS!!" Harry screamed.

Niall was in a fit of laughter with Harry's whining as were the other boys.

So Harry's reaction wasn't instant but it didn't take long for the irritating itch to start in his sinuses. "Heh...eh...ehhh..gueeh...guys...I...ihiii...HEP'CHOO! AK'CHOO! HURSHOO! CHOO! CHOO! AHCOOO!

Harry went into a loud and violent sneezing fit but after a while it settled down a bit.

"That felt good" Harry said with a laugh.

"It's your turn Li" Zayn said.

"Oh god" Liam groaned.

"Go Liam!!" Louis yelled.

"Ready set go!" Paul said.

Liam's reaction was ALOT more instant than Harry's which suggests Liam's nose it a lot more sensitive, or maybe it was because he sneezes like a little baby.

"Ksshu! Kssh! Shoo! Hekshhu! Kishoo! Ishoo! Ksshu! Ksshu!

Liam sniffled miserable and wiped at his teary eyes.

"Ugh that was ehh...horrib...snff...heh.. Ksshu!... That's was horrible It tickles so much wow" Liam said.

"I don't think I've ever sneezed so much in my life!" Liam exclaimed.

So far Harry is winning

Liam: 28

Harry: 26

"Ok so who's next" Liam questioned

"Ummm Zayn" Paul picked.

"Yaaaaayyy" Zayn said sarcastically.

Zayn wearily snorted some of the pepper, and waited for a while, it was around the 30 second mark that the pepper started to effect Zayn.


Just 4 sneezes and Zayn was relieved of the annoying tickle in his nose.

"That's it?" Louis questioned, surprised that he only sneezed a few times.

"Um yeah I guess so" Zayn said laughing slightly.

Zayn was now winning

Liam: 28

Harry: 26

Zayn: 4

Now it was Louis' turn, his nose is super sensitive to everything so even the slightest smell of pepper will get him going.

"Do I have to do this" Louis whined.

"You guys know how much this will make me sneeze, god I will be sneezing all night"

"C'mon Lou do it, it'll be funny" Harry said secretly wanting to hear Louis' adorable sneezes.

"Yeah pleeeaasssee do it Lou" Niall said.

"Ugh this is going to be so embarrassing but fine" Louis said rolling his eyes.

Louis hadn't even snorted the pepper yet and had already sneezed more than Zayn had. Once he sniffed the pepper he was well and truly caught in a huge sneezing fit.

“Heh'ngt! Heh'ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Heh'ngt!....ehehe....heh....Ngt'ch! Ngt'choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Heh'choo! Hep'CHIEW! Ngt'CHUUH!

No matter how hard Louis tried to stop sneezing he just couldn't, it was impossible.

Hih..ihhih..Hi'itch! Hi'tish! Heh'ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Hit'chiew! Hi'kxtch! Hi'kxtch! T'choo!"

"Jesus Lou, bless you a million times!" Harry exclaimed.

"You ok?" Liam asked patting him on the back.

I'm...ehh..snff...juh..uh...heh...just...fih...fine...Tchoo! Hi'chu! Ngt'ch! Tch! Hi'tchi! Choo!

"Uggghhhh" Louis groaned rubbing at his twitching nose violently trying to hold off more sneezes and to rid of the tingling itch in his nose.

"It itches and tickles so much!" Louis said.

"Now it's my turn" Niall said kind of nervous for what his reaction would be like.

Liam: 28

Harry: 26

Zayn: 4

Louis: 67

Last but not least was Niall.

"Ok lads, here I go"

Niall sniffed the pepper and sneezed 5 times in a row.

"Ishiew! Chiew! He'chew! Ha'choo! Hu'choo!"

His breath was hitching wildly waiting for more sneezes to come, but they were stuck.


Zayn tapped Niall's sensitive twitching nose and that was just enough to cause a fit to errupt out of Niall.

"Ishoo! CHOO! He'chew! Achew! Ishoo! Ishoo! Shoo! Ishu! Chiew! Achew! Chew!

Once Niall was all sneezed out the boys finished up the video.

"The final scores are Liam on 28, Harry on 26, Zayn on 4, Louis on 67 and Niall on 44. This means that Zayn is the winner" Paul announces.

All the boys were being there silly selves laughing and joking around and then decided to end the video.

"Ok guys thanks for the challenge request we always love doing them, please send in more if you want to see us do stupid, funny things, love you guys so so much" Harry says.

"BYEEEE!!!" They all say together.

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Wait....how was Zayn the winner? XD

He sneezed the least amount of times, is my understanding. XD

Although, I think Louis is the winner in my books. :lol:

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Wait....how was Zayn the winner? XD

He sneezed the least amount of times, is my understanding. XD

Although, I think Louis is the winner in my books. heh.gif

See, that's what I was thinking XD I thought the goal of the pepper challenge was to see how many times you could sneeze hahaha

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Wait....how was Zayn the winner? XD

He sneezed the least amount of times, is my understanding. XD

Although, I think Louis is the winner in my books. heh.gif

See, that's what I was thinking XD I thought the goal of the pepper challenge was to see how many times you could sneeze hahaha

That was the goal when my friend and I did it :lol: the story's still good though, gotta admit, even if I don't like 1D. XD

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Wait....how was Zayn the winner? XD

He sneezed the least amount of times, is my understanding. XD

Although, I think Louis is the winner in my books. heh.gif

See, that's what I was thinking XD I thought the goal of the pepper challenge was to see how many times you could sneeze hahaha

That was the goal when my friend and I did it heh.gif the story's still good though, gotta admit, even if I don't like 1D. XD

Oh, the story is amazing. And I love 1d XD

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