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Drama Queen (SPN)


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Hey guys!

I feel like I haven't written any SPN fics in a long time, probably because my brain was (and, in fact, still is) very much preoccupied with Prison Break. heart.gif

Anyway, I was in the mood for a SPN oneshot and I just hope that somebody will like this.

Summary: Sick Sammy with ridiculously long, breathy build-ups. Dean making fun of him, until he realizes how much he's hurting Sam's feelings... Yeah, basically that. laugh.png

Enjoy! Much luv, Sophie

Drama Queen

Ever since he was litte, Sam has envied his big brother for many things. His strength, his courage, his high school fame... and on top of that, even though it might sound weird, the effectiveness of his sneezes.

Dean's always come out so quickly and strongly, clearing his sinuses the way they're supposed to. He sucks in his breath once, turns his head to the side, then bends over with a short “Heh'ESHh!” and that's it. No big deal.

That's the way sneezes are supposed to happen, Sam thinks bitterly. But apparently, his body never got the memo. With him, it's a whole different story. Always has been.

It's usually the worst when he first comes down with a cold. This morning, when he woke up and first felt this particular itchiness in the back of his sinuses, he knew it was going to be a rough day.

He also knew that the only chance Dean was not going to hear him sneeze was if he wasn't around, so he offered to go grocery shopping by himself, which Dean accepted, though a little suspicious.

The sneezing started in the supermarket and it was embarrassing enough, but Sam found comfort in the fact that he at least wasn't going to see those people, who witnessed every single one of his drawn-out, pathetic sneezes, ever again. Now, however, they're back on the road and Dean is sitting right next to him and there's no way in hell he's not going to notice.

In fact, it's only been about two minutes and Sam can already feel the next sneeze coming on. Most likely, it's going to be a fight again and Dean would have to be blind and deaf to miss it.

Sam turns to the side and starts rubbing at his nose, figuring that maybe this way he can appease it for a few more minutes. But... guess again.

Next, his eyes start watering. He rubs at them angrily and Dean shoots a curious glance at him.

“Sam? What's wrong?”

No...Nothing!”, he manages to say, realizing that in a few seconds he won't be able to talk anymore, because his breath is already starting to hitch. He tries to keep quiet, but damn it, he can't really help those gasps that escape his mouth. “Huh...hhh... huh...”

That's how it always starts. And Dean knows that damn well. He leans back in the driver's seat and Sam can see that smirk on his face. He knows what's coming and he's probably going to enjoy every damn second of it. Bastard.

“You okay there, Sammy?”, he asks, almost casual, but unable to hide his amusement.

Deh... Dean!” God, it's impossible to snap at his brother while a sneeze is building up. There are those horrible seconds where the tickle goes away completely, as if nothing was ever wrong, and then he takes a single breath and it returns with a vengeance and the stupid shallow breathing starts again. It's as if his nose just really likes to tease him.

“Huhhhh... hhhh....hehhhh...”

His eyes are filling up with tears again, clouding his vision. His nose is burning. Also, his eyelids are starting to flutter frantically like the wings of an utterly terrified butterfly.


“Oh, come on, dude!”, Dean says suddenly, apparently both amused and amazed at the lengthiness and intensity of his younger brother's build-up. “Will you just get on with it?”

If only he could. In fact, if it was up to Sam, this would have been over fifteen seconds ago.

He takes another shallow breath, then he can feel himself tilt his head back in slow-motion.

“Ahhh.... ah! Huhh...” He is just thinking about how ridiculous he must look right now, with his eyes half-shut and his head leaned back and his mouth hanging open, when finally (finally!), the sneeze comes out of hiding. It leaves his nose, but it isn't even nearly as forceful as Sam had hoped and doesn't help him much in terms of relieving the tickle. “Huh'eshhh'ew!”

As Sam sits frozen, both hands clasped over his nose and mouth, he contemplates which is more embarrassing: the ridiculous amount of time it takes to coax out his sneezes or the underwhelming, wimpy softness with which they finally come out.

Of course, Dean has picked up on that, too. “What?”, he laughs. “That's it?”

Sam can feel himself blush a deep scarlet, but Dean either doesn't notice or doesn't care. The latter is more likely. He's always enjoyed teasing Sam about his sneezes and today is no exception.

“I mean, seriously”, he goes on, chattily, “after that... dramatic, extraordinary build-up I would have expected more of an outburst. A little more force, you know?”

“Dean...”, Sam says quietly, unable to look at his brother and instead staring down at the clenched hands in his lap, “Just... don't...”

“Hey”, Dean says, apparently still very entertained by the whole thing. “You're the one who was making a big deal out of it, not me!”

“What do you mean...?”, Sam whispers hoarsely, even though the conversation terrifies him and he wishes he could just jump out of the Impala and go hide somewhere.

Dean grins. “Sam, let me explain something to you. You can't be a drama queen and then get mad when people make comments. You like the attention, you know you do.”

Normally, Dean knows his brother fairly well. But right now, he couldn't be further from the truth.

Sam hates the attention. He loathes his own pathetic, long-drawn-out sneezes and if there was any way he could stop those breathy, lengthy build-ups, he'd do it in a heartbeat. God knows he's tried everything. Ignoring the feeling, giving in to it, tickling his nose to make the sneezes come out faster... all to no avail.

The first sneeze was so weak that Sam isn't very surprised when he feels a second one starting up.

It isn't like the first one relieved the lingering tickle in the back of his nose in any way, so a second sneeze was really just a matter of time. Actually, Sam has a feeling that this itchy, tickly, incredibly annoying cold might have a whole fit in store for him.

“Huhhh.. huhhhhh... hhhh....”

Yes, that's his breath hitching again. And there's not a thing he can do about it.

“Oh”, Dean chuckles. “Here we go again.”

“Huh! Huhhhh... Fu... heh...” He tries to swear, but even that won't work. Could he be any more pathetic?

“Seriously, Sam”, Dean teases. “This isn't your high school drama club. You don't have to make a performance out of every single one.”

Sam would like to retort, but a) he can't come up with anything clever, and b ) he's way too busy sneezing. Or rather, trying to sneeze.

“Huhhhhh....ahhh... ahhhh....”

Dean turns to him again, looking fascinated. “Dude, are you fucking serious?”

“Ob... huhh... ohh...” It's hard to speak, so he rushes the word, saying it all at once. “Obviously!”

“Well, just... sneeze!”

Dean really doesn't seem to understand the issue. What bothers Sam the most is that his brother doesn't even realize how priviledged he is with those fast, manly sneezes.

“Heeehhhh... Heh'IShhh'ewww!” Finally. But again, the tickly feeling remains. Oh, what's that? His nose twitches, his eyelids start fluttering again. “Huh...ASHH'eew!”

A little more force behind that second one. Not that that helps Sam feel any less embarrassed.

“Bless you”, Dean says, still chuckling.

“Thanks.” Sam can't look his brother in the eye. He just wants to get out of this place and sneeze in privacy until he's over this cold.

They drive in silence for a little bit, only interrupted by Sam's sniffling. Then, Dean asks: “How are you feeling?”

Sam shrugs. He knows that he shouldn't be embarrassed in front of his brother, but he can't help it. Not after the way his father treated him back in the day. John was a man who loathed sickness, especially in his youngest son. Dean had always been good at toughening things out and John respected that. Sam, on the other hand, had a much harder time suffering in silence and hiding all signs of illness. To John, this seemed to be some sort of provocation, so he got into the habit of either making fun of Sam, especially for those drawn-out, dramatic sneezes, or snapping at him to knock it off.

In fact, Sam can still hear his father's voice in his head, telling him to stop being a baby, stop being so dramatic, stop annoying everyone...

The times in the Impala, when there was no way for Sam to escape the situation and at the same time no way to hold back those sneezes, had been the most traumatic. Maybe that's why he hates this car ride with Dean so much. He knows that Dean's teasing is meant in a good-natured way, but it doesn't really help. 'Drama queen.' John used that word a few times, too, so hearing it again now feels like a slap in the face to Sam.

“Come on”, Dean says. “Don't be a little bitch now. I just asked you a question.”

Sam takes a deep breath. He wishes Dean would just shut up and let it go. “Dean. Please. Don't.”

Dean frowns. “What's your problem, Sam?”

Sam would like to answer, but he can't. His nose is running, so he wipes it with the back of his hand. Big mistake. The simple touch gets him started all over again.

“Huhhh...” Already, he's lost all control. He takes these desperate, shallow breaths like a fish on dry land, his eyelids fly open and shut in a rapid rhythm, his nose is running and he doesn't dare to touch it again.


Dean laughs. “Really, Sam? Again?”


Dean shoots him a quick glance, then grins. “Attention whore...”, he says, then, teasingly, almost singing the words.

Sam, still in the middle of this stupid, breathy build-up, blushes a deep red again and Dean laughs, and, even worse, uses those other two words again: “Drama queen!”

“Huh'vvISH'ahh! Huhhh....hhhh....hahhaa... Ishh'ahhh!”

“Bless you. And bless you.”

Sam wishes he was done. He'd give anything to be done right now. His nose doesn't care. There's that fit now that he predicted earlier.


“Oh God”, Dean jokes. “Those two weren't enough. No, he isn't satisfied yet.”

“Shut... shhhh.... hhhh.... up!”

“What was that?”

“Huhh! Heeehhh...”

“Give it another five seconds”, Dean says to an invisible audience. “Yes, it's always like this. But the sneeze is coming, I promise.”


“Make that ten seconds.”

“Huhhh... Eshhh'aahhhh!! Huh'Etchh'ahhh! Heh'yIShh'eww!”

Finally, three solid sneezes. For a few seconds, his sinuses actually feel clear and tickle-free. But Dean still won't stop his stupid commentary.

“Aaaaaand... the impossible has happened! Sam Winchester finally released those sneezes! Of course he enjoyed having us all at the edge of our seats, but after approximately five minutes, even the one man who enjoys making a show out of his sneezes more than anyone else, couldn't hold them back any lo...”

Dean finally breaks off when he sees his baby brother's face. Sam realizes too late what is happening. Slowly, the thought forms in his head: 'Shit. Am I crying?!'

But it's too late to do anything about it, because those tears are already running over his cheeks.

“Hey, hey!” From one second to the other, Dean's entire demeanor changes. He goes from casual teasing and general superiority to genuine concern and guilt within the blink of an eye.

“Sammy, what's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean...”

Sam sniffles, blinks and pushes out more tears as he does so.

“I swear, I didn't mean it! I was just... I'm sorry. I didn't know that you would...”

Sam just nods, feeling even more pathetic than before.

Suddenly, Dean stares at his face, then reaches over to him. Sam's reflexes are way too slow at the moment to evade his older brother's hand.

“Wh... what?”

“Sammy.” Dean's eyes widen as soon as his hand touches his brother's forehead. “You're burning up.”

“Am... not...”, Sam tries feebly, in a last desperate attempt to be tough.

Dean wants to kick his own ass for not noticing anything before. Yes, he knew that Sam had a cold, but he didn't think much of it. He should have noticed the sweat on Sammy's forehead earlier.

“You need to sleep”, Dean announces. “Let me try to find a motel, okay?”

Sam nods, exhausted and still pretty embarrassed. Then, as if things weren't bad enough, he can feel his nose twitch, and sucks in his breath involuntarily.


To his surprise, he notices Dean steer the car to the side of the road.

“Whaaa...? Hhhh.... hhhheehh...”

Dean stops the car, then leans over to Sam. Before Sam knows what's happening, Dean has pulled him into an embrace and started rubbing circles on his back soothingly.

“It's okay”, he says. “It's okay, Sammy.”

“Huhhh...” Sam can feel his body tighten in his brother's embrace, as the gets closer to the desired release. “Heehhhhh...” He sniffles, which, surprisingly, helps draw the sneeze out this time. His head snaps forward, right onto Dean's shoulder. “Huh'ASHH'oooh! Eshhh'Ahhh! Hehhh'EShh'oh!”

“Bless you”, Dean whispers softly. “Feel better?”

“I...” Sam sniffles again. Blushing, he whispers: “I sneezed on your jacket.”

Dean chuckles lightly. “'s alright, Sammy. Don't worry about it.”

Sam wants to sit back up, but suddenly, just like that, he's too tired to lift his head and just rests, all slumped against his brother's body. Dean doesn't seem to mind.

After a while, when Sam has almost fallen asleep, Dean whispers: “You really can't help it, can you?”

“No”, Sam says quietly. “I would if I could.”

“I'm sorry”, Dean says and pulls Sam closer. “You're not a drama queen. I just honestly thought you were doing it on purpose and... Never mind. I was a dick. I apologize.”

“Okay”, Sam whispers, tearing up again.

“Come on”, Dean says, then. “Sit up, okay? Can you do that for me? We need to find a nice motel room and get you into bed.”

On the way to the motel, Sam sneezes another three times. Each time, Dean just says “Bless you” really softly and steps on the gas to get his baby brother into bed faster.


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Aww Awww AWWWWWW! Sophie! You and your amazing writing! :heart:

I would have loved to see this continued, but a oneshot is just as good. This was perfect, thank you for writing! :D

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Sick Sammy with ridiculously long, breathy build-ups. Dean making fun of him, until he realizes how much he's hurting Sam's feelings...

This summary made me so ridiculously happy oh my God you have no idea...!

Sam turns to the side and starts rubbing at his nose, figuring that maybe this way he can appease it for a few more minutes. But... guess again.

Next, his eyes start watering. He rubs at them angrily and Dean shoots a curious glance at him.

“Sam? What's wrong?”

“No...Nothing!”, he manages to say, realizing that in a few seconds he won't be able to talk anymore, because his breath is already starting to hitch. He tries to keep quiet, but damn it, he can't really help those gasps that escape his mouth. “Huh...hhh... huh...”

I looove how gradually you lead up to the whole thing. And how much detail you use and it just makes it really, really vivid!

“Deh... Dean!” God, it's impossible to snap at his brother while a sneeze is building up. There are those horrible seconds where the tickle goes away completely, as if nothing was ever wrong, and then he takes a single breath and it returns with a vengeance and the stupid shallow breathing starts again. It's as if his nose just really likes to tease him.

Again, just...all the detail here! heart.gif Poor Sam's just being tortured so much that I almost - almost - feel guilty for liking it!

his eyelids are starting to flutter frantically like the wings of an utterly terrified butterfly.

I really like your description here! I love the way the phrase 'flutter frantically' goes together too. I dunno, it just gives the line a nice rhythm.

As Sam sits frozen, both hands clasped over his nose and mouth, he contemplates which is more embarrassing: the ridiculous amount of time it takes to coax out his sneezes or the underwhelming, wimpy softness with which they finally come out.

Awww. :lol:

“Huh! Huhhhh... Fu... heh...” He tries to swear, but even that won't work.

Damn. Almost sneezing and swearing?! You tease! bleh.gif

But it's too late to do anything about it, because those tears are already running over his cheeks.

Omg Saaaam! cry.gif

“Whaaa...? Hhhh.... hhhheehh...”

Dean stops the car, then leans over to Sam. Before Sam knows what's happening, Dean has pulled him into an embrace and started rubbing circles on his back soothingly.

That. That is seriously the most adorable thing-!!! wub.pnglol.gifhappy%20crying.GIF

“I...” Sam sniffles again. Blushing, he whispers: “I sneezed on your jacket.”

Uhm... blowup.gif

Guh this is soooo amazing! All the hitching and build-ups omg!!! heart.gif And Sammy crying and Dean being so apologetic and caring was the sweetest thing! Thank you sooooo much for writing this!

Edited by MaiMai
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uuuwaaaahhhh soooo damn cute!!!! drool.gifdrool.gifeek.gifblushing.gif

Awww... thank you!! :blush:

Aww Awww AWWWWWW! Sophie! You and your amazing writing! heart.gif

I would have loved to see this continued, but a oneshot is just as good. This was perfect, thank you for writing! biggrin.png

Thanks so much, fang! You're welcome and I'm just really happy you like my writing so much! :heart:

This is so beautiful!

Thanks, SkylerSneeze! (:

guhhh feels and cuteness and sneezing <3

Aww... I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for leaving a comment!

Aww, Sammy! This was awesome.

Oh, I don't think I even knew you were into SPN, too? Now we have two fandoms in common already, yay! And thanks a lot for commenting! Glad you thought this was good! :blush:

Sick Sammy with ridiculously long, breathy build-ups. Dean making fun of him, until he realizes how much he's hurting Sam's feelings...

This summary made me so ridiculously happy oh my God you have no idea...!

Sam turns to the side and starts rubbing at his nose, figuring that maybe this way he can appease it for a few more minutes. But... guess again.

Next, his eyes start watering. He rubs at them angrily and Dean shoots a curious glance at him.

“Sam? What's wrong?”

“No...Nothing!”, he manages to say, realizing that in a few seconds he won't be able to talk anymore, because his breath is already starting to hitch. He tries to keep quiet, but damn it, he can't really help those gasps that escape his mouth. “Huh...hhh... huh...”

I looove how gradually you lead up to the whole thing. And how much detail you use and it just makes it really, really vivid!

“Deh... Dean!” God, it's impossible to snap at his brother while a sneeze is building up. There are those horrible seconds where the tickle goes away completely, as if nothing was ever wrong, and then he takes a single breath and it returns with a vengeance and the stupid shallow breathing starts again. It's as if his nose just really likes to tease him.

Again, just...all the detail here! heart.gif Poor Sam's just being tortured so much that I almost - almost - feel guilty for liking it!

his eyelids are starting to flutter frantically like the wings of an utterly terrified butterfly.

I really like your description here! I love the way the phrase 'flutter frantically' goes together too. I dunno, it just gives the line a nice rhythm.

As Sam sits frozen, both hands clasped over his nose and mouth, he contemplates which is more embarrassing: the ridiculous amount of time it takes to coax out his sneezes or the underwhelming, wimpy softness with which they finally come out.

Awww. heh.gif

“Huh! Huhhhh... Fu... heh...” He tries to swear, but even that won't work.

Damn. Almost sneezing and swearing?! You tease! bleh.gif

But it's too late to do anything about it, because those tears are already running over his cheeks.

Omg Saaaam! cry.gif

“Whaaa...? Hhhh.... hhhheehh...”

Dean stops the car, then leans over to Sam. Before Sam knows what's happening, Dean has pulled him into an embrace and started rubbing circles on his back soothingly.

That. That is seriously the most adorable thing-!!! wub.pnglol.gifhappy%20crying.GIF

“I...” Sam sniffles again. Blushing, he whispers: “I sneezed on your jacket.”

Uhm... blowup.gif

Guh this is soooo amazing! All the hitching and build-ups omg!!! heart.gif And Sammy crying and Dean being so apologetic and caring was the sweetest thing! Thank you sooooo much for writing this!

MaiMai! :heart: Can I be honest and say that I was kind of hoping you'd find this story and, even more importantly, like it? I wasn't really sure about this one, but awww... you always leave the sweetest comments! I got so excited when I saw you left a comment and super happy after I read it! You're the best! THANK YOU SO MUCH...!!! :wub::blush::hug::heart:

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Oh, I don't think I even knew you were into SPN, too? Now we have two fandoms in common already, yay! And thanks a lot for commenting! Glad you thought this was good!

Haha, yeah! My friend got me addicted a few weeks ago, and I just started season four teehee.gif

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Oh god. No. No don't cry now Mad this is not the time. Ohhh Sammy! cry.gif I feel too much for that floppy haired puppy dog! The second he started crying so did I. This is wonderful, so wonderful and I literally cannot thank you enough for writing this.

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Oh god. No. No don't cry now Mad this is not the time. Ohhh Sammy! cry.gif I feel too much for that floppy haired puppy dog! The second he started crying so did I. This is wonderful, so wonderful and I literally cannot thank you enough for writing this.

D'aww... I swear, readers on here are the best!! Thank you sooo much for this super sweet comment, Mad! :blush::)

PS: Sorry I made you cry... I don't know why I feel the need to put Sammy through all this emotional pain on top of the physical kind lately... haha!

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  • 8 months later...

Amazing. I know, I'm coming to this late (thank you, SO, for linking to this), but I still had to comment. I ADORE Sam's long, drawn-out build-ups that are impossible to stop or change. And for Dean to take on their dad's role of teasing or calling attention to the "drama" makes perfect sense. Poor Sam getting teased... and getting emotional. Whether it's just his breaking point finally or the fever or a combination of both, I loved watching him break down and Dean immediately realizing he's gone too far and Sam can't help it. Aww, Dean. Immediately hugging Sam and knowing what he needs. After all that, I'm glad Sam finally got a good reaction out of his big brother. Aw, Sammy!

What fantastic build-ups, though. I know Sam can't help it, but I can thank you, the writer, for them. Amazing! :-)

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