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"Captive" - PRISON BREAK (Michael, Lincoln)


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AN: Alright... so I wrote this as a request for the lovely Sophie<3! I'm hoping other people will see this influx of PB fics and write some more haha! Anyway, hope you like it Sophie! Thanks for the request! :D

Title: "Captive"

Fandom: Prison Break

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, dialogue/quotes, plots or subplots of Prison Break.

Warnings: Spoilers for season two. In fact, it takes place during 2.04, "First Down". Language!

Description: Lincoln and Michael along with Michael's wife, Nika are on the run from multiple enemies, including Mahone and Bellick. God knows they have to keep their eyes open while they drive. Only it's hard to keep your eyes open when you're in the middle of a sneezing fit...

Notes: This'll probably be a one-shot because I don't know if anyone even watches Prison Break on here, but please feel free to comment. Thanks, everyone!


"What will you do once you get to Mexico?" Nika Volek broke the silence and Lincoln looked up at the rear-view mirror, as if he was surprised to see her seated in the back-seat.

"We were planning on--"

"It's best if you don't know." Michael interrupted his brother and continued to stare out the window at the trees flying by.

"I thought you were asleep?" Lincoln asked curiously.

"Hard to do with your crazy driving." He cracked a small smile, then continued talking to Nika. "We can drop you off at the next town and I'll wire you the $10,000 like I promised, over the next couple of weeks. Hh'CHH!"

The small sneeze went virtually unnoticed as Lincoln spotted something in his mirror. "Uh, guys? We got company."

Indeed, they were being trailed by another car, one that was driving erratically. The vehicle swerved into the opposing lane and sped up, apparently trying to get next to the brothers' car. "What the hell?!" Lincoln put a little more pressure on the gas pedal. "Can you see who it is?"

Michael turned around and squinted, trying to make out who was driving. The face became more clear as the vehicle increased speed and jumped back into the correct lane, aiming to rear-end their car. "Linc, it's Bellick!" Despite the control he had, Lincoln could hear the panic in his brother's voice. Both the panic and car speeds rose exponentially when the opposite car once again got into the adjacent lane.

"Hold on!" Lincoln warned. Nika squealed as Bellick bumped their car. Michael reached up and held onto the hand rail, leaning over to see who was riding shotgun. "I think Geary's with him!"

Nika screamed again as the car smashed into theirs, causing it to careen off the side of the road. "Hold on, hold on, hold on!" The words became a mantra as Lincoln stepped on the gas.

"Bellick!" Michael shouted hoarsely. "Don't do this!"

The former correctional officer grinned devilishly and spun the steering wheel again. His smile vanished as a huge semi-truck beeped a warning before nearly running over Bellick's rusty Volvo. After the truck passed, he was back at it. Only the sounds of Nika's terrified shrieks and shattering glass could be heard. Finally, Bellick succeeded in hitting their vehicle so hard, it spun off the main road and flew down the hillside, bumping along dangerously.

Lincoln didn't have time to warn them before the group crashed head on into a tree. Michael struggled to maintain conciousness. Everything sounded so far away. Nika's moaning, the click of a seat-belt being disengaged, a gunshot... a gunshot! Michael's eyes flew open and his hand groped for the door handle of its own accord.

"Stay right where you are!" Bellick bellowed, firing random shots into the air like a boy with his first Red Ryder BB gun. Michael sighed, exasperated. They weren't even outnumbered, just out-gunned.

"Nice seeing you two. It's been so long..."

"Oh, shut it! I'm so damn tired of your--"

"Huh uh." Bellick waved the gun in Lincoln's face, causing him to step backwards. "I'm the man with the gun. I can do whatever the hell I want. Now get in the car." He nodded at Geary who harassed the group into their vehicle. Nika whimpered when Bellick grabbed her a bit too roughly. Michael started on him. "Hey! Don't touch her like--"

"Aww, ain't that the cutest thing? Get in. You're tellin' me where that money is or I'm gonna take this whore and use my gun to... well, you're smart, you know the rest." He grinned. "We're goin' to Utah!"


They were a few hours away from Utah as it was, but riding in the car with two former correctional officers, a wife who was angry with him and an annoyed brother was awful. In addition, his nose was running like there was no tomorrow. Michael sniffled and rubbed it, agrravated. If only his head would stop hurting...

"You okay?" Lincoln sat to his right, watching him closely.

Sdff. "Yeah, fine." Oh god, it felt like his nose was on fire. Michael turned his head away from Linc, trying not to let him see his nostrils flaring. With how his nose was running, he did not want to sneeze. Stifling was the only option. "Huh'NXT! Eh'GNNT!"

"Bless you." Lincoln said suspiciously.

Nika took the hint. "You're sick?"

"No, no, I'm not sick."

She gave him a look.

"I sneezed twice! It's normal."

"Hey, shut the hell up!" Bellick snapped. He was interrupted by a sound so loud it echoed like a gunshot. The car lurched forward and stopped as Geary shifted it into park. "The hell?!"

Michael rolled his eyes. "One of your tires blew out."

"I don't need to hear anything from you!" Bellick told him, but soon turned to Geary. "Get out there and see if he's right."

Sure enough, there was a flat tire waiting for them outside.

"Here's what we'll do. I'm staying here with our captives and you... you're gonna go get me another tire 'cause it turns out we don't have a spare."

"What?" The other man looked shocked. "But... Brad, the nearest auto-shop is three miles from here!"

"So I suggest you get walkin'. Go!"

Geary turned his head and began walking, slowly as if his legs were mad of lead. Next, Bellick turned to the car. He banged on the hood, then opened the door. "Alright, alright, everybody out. Michael followed his brother out, but when the bright sunlight hit his eyes, his nose twitched and his head snapped forward with a sneeze. "Hur'ETCHH!" Seeing everyone staring at him, he cleared his throat. "Excuse me, I'm a photic sneezer."

"A what?" Bellick asked, squinting his eyes.

"It means I sneeze when... never mind."

"That's right, keep walkin'. That way."


The group trekked onward for about twenty minutes. By this time, Michael had taken off his tie and suit and was sniffling consistently.

"Can you stop that?" Bellick whipped around and glared at the younger brother.

"Stop... what?"

"That thing!"

Michael sniffed and rubbed a finger under his nose.

"Yeah, that!"

Lincoln took a few large steps towards their captor. "He can't help it, Bellick!"

"Sure he can."

Minutes later, they arrived at a tiny hut, a shack. "Honey, I'm home!"

They all glanced at Bellick uncertainly.

"Bellick, this thing hasn't been touched in a hundred years! You can't expect any of us to--"

"In." He shoved Lincoln through the door first, who got a face full of cobwebs. He dragged a hand over his face and stumbled inside.

"Ahh... ahH! Ah'HGNN! Ih'XXT!"

Nika followed Michael inside, nervously chewing on the inside of her cheek. Bellick rubbed her shoulder from behind. "It's alright, sweetheart."

"Don't touch me!" She wriggled away from his grasp.

Bellick rolled his eyes and waved his gun towards the wall. "Everyone sit up against that wall."

"The structure doesn't look steady enough." Michael warned, rubbing his itching nose. Unfortunately, the action didn't suppress the sneezes, it encouraged them. "A'TCHH! Heh'NGGT!" The sneezes were really started to hurt his dry through.

"Bless. Michael..."

"Linc, don't." Michael told him, sitting up against the wall. "I just want this to be over with."

Nika and Lincoln followed suit, each sitting next to him.

Bellick dragged over a chair and sat in front of them, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "And now... we wait."

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Oh my gosh, you posted it!! I'm so thrilled, you have no idea! You know, I was just outside, enjoying the sun, when suddenly I start thinking... 'It's possible she posted it. Better go inside and check.' And so I did and now I get to read this! Yay! :wub:


Tehe... I don't mind! In fact, I don't mind at all! :D

"I thought you were asleep?" Lincoln asked curiously.

"Hard to do with your crazy driving."

Oh God, the brother dynamic! I'm loving it already! I swear, I'm smiling at the screen right now! <3

The words became a mantra as Lincoln stepped on the gas.

He is a crazy driver, isn't he? But to be honest, I somehow always really enjoy these car chases! I love that you included one!

They weren't even outnumbered, just out-gunned.

Nice phrasing!

"You okay?" Lincoln sat to his right, watching him closely.

Awww... I can just hear this in Linc's deep voice...!! :inlove:

"Huh'NXT! Eh'GNNT!"

Those spellings...!! Wow, you're good at that! (:

"I sneezed twice! It's normal."

D'aww... the way he's trying to deny it when he totally knows better! Adorable!

"Excuse me, I'm a photic sneezer."

Oh gosh, unlike normal people, Michael would know that word!! Somehow, that's really hot!

"The structure doesn't look steady enough."

Haha... that's the engineer talking! Cute!

Okay, I loved pretty much everything about this, so THANK YOU SO MUCH! I loved the way Michael stifled every single sneeze, because I think that really suits his character and the way Linc and Nika reacted to him being sick...! :wub2: :wub2:

I really hope there's going to be a second part, but only if you want to write it, of course! This by itself made me really happy already!

Oh, and...

I'm hoping other people will see this influx of PB fics and write some more

I agree 100%! :D

PS: Thank you so much again! :heart:

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PS: Thank you so much again! heart.gif

Thank YOU for your lovely review!! :D There will be a Part II ;) THanks Sophie!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

AN - Sorry it took me so long, guys! Here's the last chapter... hope you guys like! smile.png Thanks for all your support, Sophie!!


"Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall." Former CO Brad Bellick had never been a gifted singer.

"Will you shut up?" Lincoln snapped. "You're givin' me a headache."

If only he knew, Michael thought, head pounding mercilessly.

Bellick cocked an eyebrow. "You better watch your mouth, Baldie."

Next to him, Micahel felt Nika sigh, then shift her position. He touched her hand comfortingly. "We'll get out of this s-soon." Michael's nostrils flared and in a panic, he turned his head away from her and pinched his nostrils shut. "Heh'NNK! Hp'SHNK!"

"You're sick." Last time Nika suggested it, it had been a question. This time, it was a statement.

"No, I'm n--" Before he could even finish his sentence, her hand had flown to his heated forehead. Realising it was too late to flinch away, he rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. "Nika--"

"Lincoln, he has a fever!"

Michael's brother looked grim. "This isn't good..." He turned to Bellick. "Man, we need to get outta here! My brother's sick, he needs to rest!"

"Uh, no can do. We're finding that money today."

"Hh'CHH!" Michael cupped his hands around his mouth and sneezed violently, shoulders shaking. "Heh'CHUHH!"

Lincoln stood up abruptly, dodging Michael's hand that had aimed to pull him back down. "Bellick, you listen here."

Suddenly, Lincoln was staring straight into the barrel of a gun. "Sit the hell back down, Burrows."

"Linc," Michael said, a warning tone to his voice, "I'm f-fine!" His finger rubbed underneath his nose, staving off another sneeze.

Defeated, Lincoln sunk back down into a seated position and felt his brother's forehead for himself. "Damn, you're really burnin' up, Michael."

Michael brushed his hand away. "I'm okay." He started to cough, a small, irritating itch evolving into a throat-tearing coughing fit.

This time, it was Nika to stand up. "I'll tell you where the money is."

"Nika, don't!" Michael rasped, voice like gravel. His eyes squeezed shut. "Eh'SHH! Don't-- her'SHHOO! Tell him anything."

Bellick's eyes sparkled. "Do tell, sweetheart." He eyed her beautiful face and Nika felt his eyes wander down her front. This is disgusting, she told herself, but necessary.

"Let's go somewhere we can talk... in private."

"Nika, don't do this!" Lincoln shouted as he watched the pair disappear around the corner.


Alone now, Nika had to think quickly. "I can tell you where the money is, but you'll have to do something for me first."

"Like what?" Bellick asked suspiciously.

"I want to be with you." Nika swallowed nervously and stepped toward him, bringing her hand to his face. He gawked, completely in awe.

"What about Scofield?"

"He screwed me over. He got me in this mess. I just want to make him jealous; show him what he missed." She brought Bellick's hands to his waist and saw the gun in his back pocket. If only she could get a little closer...

Nika smiled sweetly. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah." Bellick nodded, not even believing what he was hearing.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, with a voice as smooth as honey. "I've got your gun."

He choked, stumbling backwards, hand flying to his back pocket. Nika pointed the weapon at him and gestured inside. "Go."


After around ten minutes, Bellick came trudging in, hands behind his head. Nika was in close pursuit. "Lincoln, tie him." she instructed, winking at Michael. He gave her a watery smile, sniffling and standing up. "Thag you." He winced at his voice. As Lincoln roped Bellick's hands together, Nika sauntered towards her husband, smiling.

"I'm glad you're okay." Her fingers traced the curve of his jawline, so close their noses were almost touching.

"Dod't ged to close to be." Michael told her, sniffling. "I'b sigk."

She grinned, reaching for his hand. "I thought you weren't?"

He abruptly broke their embrace and turned away from her, releasing a volley of sneezes. "Ah'SHH! Hur'ESHHOO! Hahh... ehh.. eh'SHUHH!"

"Bless you." Nika said, smiling.

Edited by beatlelover22
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I don't watch Prison Break, but I know that you're very talented. This was a wonderful story that I've been following. :) You truly are an amazing writer.

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Great ending, although I'm sad to see it's over.

I know, sorry! Hopefully I'll be able to write another full on story soon, maybe next weekend? I'll have to think of what fandom I want to set it in!

I don't watch Prison Break, but I know that you're very talented. This was a wonderful story that I've been following. smile.png You truly are an amazing writer.

Thank you so much Sophie!! That means a lot, seriously! Thanks! :D

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Hey! (:

As promised, I am back! ;)

I know this is late, and I'm so sorry, but the second part was so wonderful that I really wanted to take the time to quote parts from it!

Former CO Brad Bellick had never been a gifted singer.

This made me laugh! :laugh: Did I mention I hate Bellick?

"We'll get out of this s-soon." Michael's nostrils flared and in a panic, he turned his head away from her and pinched his nostrils shut. "Heh'NNK! Hp'SHNK!"

That... is adorable! The way Michael tries to comfort everyone around him, even though he's feeling so bad himself! Totally in character and really cute! Also... those spellings! :wub:

"Linc," Michael said, a warning tone to his voice, "I'm f-fine!" His finger rubbed underneath his nose, staving off another sneeze.

Awww.... denial!! Loving it! <3

Defeated, Lincoln sunk back down into a seated position and felt his brother's forehead for himself. "Damn, you're really burnin' up, Michael."

Okay, that's exactly what I was waiting for! Feverish Michael + concerned Linc who makes an offhand comment like that = perfection! <3

Bellick's eyes sparkled. "Do tell, sweetheart." He eyed her beautiful face and Nika felt his eyes wander down her front.

Did I mention I *hate* Bellick? I know he died an honorable death, but everything he did before that... gaahhh... so gross! Good characterization, though! ^^

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, with a voice as smooth as honey. "I've got your gun."

Hehe... yeah. Nika's pretty cool.

He gave her a watery smile, sniffling and standing up. "Thag you." He winced at his voice.

Cuuuuute...!! :wub:

"Dod't ged to close to be." Michael told her, sniffling. "I'b sigk."

Even cuter! :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: I love the congested talk and how Michael is forced into admitting that he's sick, because he doesn't want Nika to catch it! Fits so perfectly with his personality... wonderful! Just wonderful!

Okay, you've made me so happy with this! Things that were amazing: the characterizations, the interaction between Michael and Linc, Michael's denial and your descriptions and generally your language and lots of other things! I hope I can return the favor with a sick Mahone story soon! ;)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're a really good writer! And sick Michael is the best...! :inlove:

xoxo, Sophie

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Okay, you've made me so happy with this! Things that were amazing: the characterizations, the interaction between Michael and Linc, Michael's denial and your descriptions and generally your language and lots of other things! I hope I can return the favor with a sick Mahone story soon! wink.png

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're a really good writer! And sick Michael is the best...! in_love.gif

xoxo, Sophie

THANKS FOR YOUR SWEET WONDERFUL COMMENT!! <3 I'm so glad I have a PB friend to gush to, hahaha! Sick!Michael is the bestttt and Mahone of course :P

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