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Hey guys! TORCHWOOD! Janto is life, blah , blah, blah! Commence the sneezing!!!


When Jack told Ianto to stay in the SUV, he should have listened.

They had gone on another field mission, but unfortunately by the time all shenanigans had been resolved the team had been forced to walk for six blocks through the rain to the SUV.

Ianto, being ever the gentleman, had given Tosh his suit jacket when he noticed she was wearing nothing but short sleeves. Jack couldn't object, because at least Ianto had a longed-sleeve dress shirt while Tosh had been freezing in her blouse.

But, seeing as Ianto had a thin white dress shirt, by the time Torchwood got to the SUV he was so drenched, he might as well have just not worn a shirt.

Even with the heat cranked up and Ianto sandwiched between Gwen and Tosh, he still couldn't help but feel freezing and wet for the entire night. Not that anyone really noticed, no, they were off playing basketball. While Ianto stood at the tourist attractions information officer, freezing his ass off while drowned in paperwork waiting for the day to be over.

So when Ianto was getting his third cup of coffee, close to midnight, long after the others left (except Jack of course), it was no surprise to him that he had probably caught a cold out in the rain.

Ianto pinched his eyes closed and sneezed rapidly into his handkerchief.

"Hh...hxxcht! Hih'xxt! Hah...Ha'Chxxt!"

"Bless you."

Ianto whipped around to find a semi-smug, semi-concerned looking Captain Jack Harkness.

"Thadk you, sir." Ianto mumbled looking anywhere but the captain's piercing gaze.

Jack stared at Ianto for a second before stepping closer and examining him a bit more.

"You coming down with something, Ianto?" Jack asked concerned.

Ianto sniffed before shaking his head.

"I'mb alright, sir."

Jack poured himself a cup of coffee before following Ianto, and taking a seat on one of the stools in the tourists office.

It was mostly silent, save for the sounds of Ianto sniffling, typing on the computer, and a few loose sneezes that were quickly stifled into a sleeve or handkerchief.

Jack drank his coffee, content with silence, only looking up from his cup when he noticed Ianto had ceased his rapid-fire typing.

Ianto had his pink lips parted and sucking in quick uneven breaths, eyelashes fluttering, nose twitching uncontrollably, and his head tilted slightly back in anticipation of his upcoming sneeze. If Jack had to admit it he looked pretty adorable.

"Hh...hih...Hah' CHIEW! Hh...hih'Kshew!! Hih'xxcht! Hah'xxt!"

Jack narrowed his eyebrows suspiciously, "You alright Ianto, you've been sneezing a lot. You getting sick?

"Dno, sir. I'mb f-fide, just...hh...hih!...J-just...Ha'Kshiew! Hih'CHIEW! Hh...hih'CHUU!! Just sdeezidg, sir."

Ianto just barely whipped out his handkerchief in time to catch those last couple sneezes, but it was obvious from the look on Jack's face he didn't believe him.

"Yeah, SURE Ianto. Why don't you go home and rest up, get some sleep for once." Jack said gently, standing up and walking over to his desk.

Ianto sniffled pathetically and shook his head. As Jack got closer he could see the darker hue his nose had taken on like a red or a darker pink.

"I cad't, all of this paperwork is due tobmorrow. I have to findish it tondight, sir."

Jack put his hand to Ianto's forehead, not surprised when it felt much warmer than it should have been.

"I understand Ianto, but you gotta take care of yourself, at least take a break."

"Yes, sir."

Ianto slowly stood up from his desk and followed Jack to the sofa.


Also, if anyone could tell me how to change the title from (1/4) to (2/4) I'll love you forever!

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This is a great start! I am foreshadowing care taking from Jack later on yes? :D

And I am afraid i'm not sure how to change the title... :(

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Also, if anyone could tell me how to change the title from (1/4) to (2/4) I'll love you forever!

You can't change it yourself (at least until you become validated and then apply to join the writer's group) but if you post in here when you are ready for it to be changed, I will do it for you!

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This is a great start! I am foreshadowing care taking from Jack later on yes? :D

And I am afraid i'm not sure how to change the title... :(

Yup! There will definitely be Jack taking care! Janto for life!!!!!!

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Also, Joan555 do you think you could change it now?

"Let's see Ianto, we have expired cold medicine, the year old cough drops, a broken thermometer, and a half used pack of Kleenex! Pick what you like!"

Ianto groaned and shrunk into the couch tiredly.

"I'b nod usigg expired cold medicidne, sir! Thad c-could...huh...ged bme...hih...w-worse...hih! Hih'kchOO! Ha'nxxch! Heh'nksh! Hah-kshEW!!!"

Ianto blew his nose half heartedly into his handkerchief and began to straighten his hair and fix his tie.

Jack sat on the couch beside him and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"You know Ianto, it's only seven months expired, would you rather continue sneezing for the next five days, or chance puking a few times and get better in the next two days?"

Ianto sniffed pathetically and measured out a serving of the cold medicine. With the quilt Jack found wrapped around him, and a warm cup of tea in his hand he started to feel himself drift off only to jolt himself awake an hour later when he remembered his paperwork.

Shooting up like a Jack-in-the-box, Ianto made to race to his desk, got dizzy from standing up too fast, tripped over the quilt and fell to the floor in under a minute.

" Ianto!" Jack said hearing the loud noise and peeking his head in.

Helping Ianto to his feet and back to the Sofa, it was everything Jack had not to take advantage of his weakened state and seduce him on that couch.

"I should ged back to worgk, sir." Ianto said after clearing his voice.

Jack frowned and sat on the couch beside Ianto. He could feel the warmth of Ianto's body through his clothing and the small portion of his leg that was barely touching Ianto's.

"Ianto, there isn't any rush you know. The report isn't due until tomorrow afternoon and on top of all that you're getting sick. I don't mean to put you in the spotlight, but you need to relax for a while. I wouldn't push myself too hard if I were you."

Ianto sniffled quietly. "Yes you would..."

Jack smirked "Not if I was you, I wouldn't."

Ianto just groaned before falling back against the couch and leaning into Jack.

Jack had widened his eyes in surprise, but just as quickly you couldn't have even known it was there.

He could feel Ianto. He could feel Ianto's perfectly styled hair tickle the side of his neck, he could feel the heat radiating off of Ianto constantly against his side. He could feel every breath Ianto took, and how whenever he geared up for a sneeze his whole body would tense up and his breath would come in quick uneven breaths. His head would tilt back comically, and his chest would heave until Ianto exploded and nearly knocked himself off the Sofa.

"Umbb...JHhh...J-Jacgk! Jacgk I-I I dneed a! Hh...hih...hihhih! T-dissue! Pb-pblease pbass bme a t-t-tdissue! Hah..Hah'CHOU! Ha'CHIEW! Huh...huh'KshEW! Hih'ChOO!"

At this point in time Ianto had been sneezing helplessly all over himself and Jack, his nose running freely over his hands and his handkerchief left alone at his desk.

Quick as an Olympic runner, Jack snatched not one, not three, but five tissues from the box on Owen's desk and piled them in Ianto's hands as the Welshman geared up for another bout of sneezing, his nose already twitching uncontrollably.


"God damn, Ianto! Bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you, bless you! Is the cold medicine not working?"

All Jack received was a glared that simply said: YOU DONT SAY???

* * * * *

"Bless you."

"Thadnk you lllllllollipops!"

"Too much cold medicine?"


"God Damnit!"

* * * * *

" Ianto...you awake?"

Jack heard the shuffling of blankets on the sofa where Ianto and him had been sleeping like a baby.

His breath crackles in his lungs before he exploded in chesty coughs and hacked his chest out into a tissue. Jack patted his back a few times until he calmed down enough to form a response.

"Yes, sir. Umb, what tibe is it?"

"Close to five in the morning, you slept for almost five hours. You feeling alright?"

"Feeling fine, sir. I should really get back to work now if I want to get finished by this afternoon."

"Six O'clock."

"Five fifteen."

"Five forty-five."

"Five thirty, and only because I need time to clean this mess up."

"Five thirty, and you don't clean anything."


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I'm going to say, reading back on it, there were some things I could change. I'm sorry if this chapter feels rushed to any of you guys!

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Also, Joan555 do you think you could change it now?


(Joan was a little busy, so I did it instead :P )

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Also, Joan555 do you think you could change it now?


(Joan was a little busy, so I did it instead tonguesmiley.gif )

Gah Joal! You tease heh.gif

This was a great update!

"Bless you."

"Thadnk you lllllllollipops!"

"Too much cold medicine?"


"God Damnit!"

Omg Lanto! lol.gif This was too perfect! heart.gif Edited by Joal 555
fixed quote tags
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:D hey, do you guys have any ideas for the next chapter? Anything at all, I'd love to hear it. If you have any specific Janto fluff, or sneezy situations, or anything like that I'm open to any ideas!!!
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biggrin.png hey, do you guys have any ideas for the next chapter? Anything at all, I'd love to hear it. If you have any specific Janto fluff, or sneezy situations, or anything like that I'm open to any ideas!!!

One word. Contagion. *scurries away*
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