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Spongebob- Patrick (The Nose Does Know)


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I was watching Spongebob and one day decided to scribble this as I have always wanted Patrick to sneezs in the series, even to the point where I have had dreams of him doing it. (Weird, right?) Anyway here is an altered version of the episodr 'No Nose Knows' and I decided to call it 'The Nose Does Know'. Here!

Patrick visited the nose office after he watched everyone with noses sniff their ways through a normal day. He looked on the wall with spongebob as he decided what he wanted to try. He looked at one a little closer than the others.

"Hm, let's see," Patrick said.

"Excellent choice!" The surgeon said and placed Patrick on a stretcher. Spongebob waited nervously for his friend, but soon he came out with a bandage on what would be his new nose! Spongebob tried to help Patrick take the bandage off, but Patrick stopped him.

"Hold on Spongbob! Bandages like this require precision and care," Patrick said. Spongebob watch Patrick tear the bandage to shreds with a saw and all kinds of sharp materials. Soon the moment came for Patrick to remove the bandage. There it was. Patrick's new nose!

"How does it look?" Patrick asked.

"It's uhhhh...." Spongebob started.

"It's what?"

"It's AMAZING!" Spongebob shouted.


"Now why don't we show everybody your new nose Patrick?"

"That's a great idea!" And with that, Spongebob and Patrick were walking around Bikini Bottom and Patrick was discovering new things with his nose. He walked up to a pie shop, and he sniffed all of the desserts, and he walked up to a woman to sniff her perfume.

"I didn't know that things smelled this good!" Patrick shouted. He stuck his face in various foods to smell them, and followed his floating body. Soon, he dropped from his position. Patrick looked around. He was at a dumpster. He went over to smell it. Patrick was repulsed.

"Ugh, what is that horrible smell?!" He shouted. He saw the bad smells rise from the dumpster and threaten to chase him. He was startled at the gigantic combustion of smells, and soon ran to his rock. Ah, but what was this? Was his house filled with the very thing he was trying to escape? He decided he had to do something about it. He put on a gas mask and cleaned up the whole house.

"There," Patrick said. The house was completely clean.

"It's time for my afternoon snack," Patrick said, sitting at the table of pasta.

"I think I'll add some fresh pepper. This stuff must smell awesome!" Patrick grabbed the shaker and sniffed it. His nose trembled. He felt a peculiar feeling, like a tickle forming in his nose. His nostrils flared, and he had the sudden impulse to expel air from his lungs.

"Ahhhhh...CHOO!" Patrick sneezed loudly.

"I don't know what that was, but something tells me that's dangerous," Patrick said while pointing to the pepper shaker.


Spongebob returned from work and decided to visit Patrick to see how he was enjoying his new nose. Spongebob instead saw Patrick running away from something with a tissue covering his nose. Spongebob looked closer. Was that... a giant cloud of pepper? Patrick was running through his yard to Spongebob's house.

"Pat, what are you doing?" Spongebob asked while following Patrick into his own house.

"Escaping those horrible smells and seasonings," Patrick said while cowering in the corner.

"Patrick, it won't kill you," Spongebob said. He opened the door, and a cloud of pepper came in and darted towards Patrick's nose. It filled his nostrils, and it tickled and itched so much that his eyes watered.

"Uhh....UHHH...AHHHTCHOO!" Patrick sneezed and he reached to wipe his nose. It wasn't where it should have been. Patrick panicked and desperately searched for it on his face. Spongebob was shocked.

"Patrick..." He started.

"Yeah, Spongebob?"

"You're nose is......gone." Spongebob said. Patrick frowned, and he frantically searched the room for his nose.

"How could it disappear like that? It didn't fly off my face," Patrick said.

"Maybe it simply wasn't strong enough to withstand smells Patrick," Spongebob said.

"Maybe you're right," Patrick said. They walked outside in search of what to do.

"Hey Spongebob, let's go to the ear factory!"

The End

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