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HTTYD2 [spoiler warning] Hiccup fic


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Hiiiii! Okay, so HTTYD has such a hold on me and someone requested this so: here is the first chapter of my multi-part Hiccup sickfic! I hope it's good /).(\ I haven't really written fanfic a before. I've done plenty of roleplay so it's kinda the same right? Lol anyway, here ya' go. ^_^

A chilly breeze caressed Hiccup's skin, enticing a shiver from the new chief of Berk. Nonetheless, he continued working on his latest project.

"Hiccup? What in Thor's name are you doing up this late?" Valka called from the doorway, making her son jump and spin around, concealing his work from her.

"I was just uh... Working on a new saddle design. *snff* I'm almost done and then I'll go to sleep." He flashed her a reassuring grin and kissed her cheek.

"Get some rest, Hiccup." She ran gentle fingers through his hair, kissed his forehead, and went back to bed.

The next morning, Toothless pounded on his human companion's roof; as close to an alarm clock as you could get.

"Okay, okay. I'mb ub..." The young chief coughed as he rolled lazily out of bed, shivering at the cold air outside. Toothless' expression turned to one of concern as he observed his rider's current state: his nose tinted pink, breathing heavily, leaning against the wall for support. He didn't look well at all. The dragon grunted worriedly, nudging him with his head. "I'mb fide, buddy. C'mon, led's go." He mounted the beast and they took off, flying swiftly over the waters surrounding Berk. When they landed in front of the Great Hall, the Viking dismounted and sniffled. "Heg'shu! Heh... Ksh!" He rubbed his nose and went inside.

"Hey, Hiccup!" He was greeted happily by Astrid, receiving a brief kiss.

"Hey, Astrid. *snff*"

"You okay? You don't look so good..." She put a hand to his forehead, from which he shied away.

"I'mb fide, Astrid."

"Clearly." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

"Eh'sshu!" He sniffled wetly as Toothless nudged him, worried for his rider.

"Hiccup, you shouldn't be out and around if you're sick. We don't need-"

"I'mb ndot sigk. Heh'shu!"

"When you can tell me you aren't sick without sneezing, then I'll believe you." She grabbed his hand, pulling him out of the warm building, Toothless following close behind (and making sure he didn't escape).

"Astrid-? Would you just- KSH! Where are we going?!"

As soon as she drug him back to his house, she found Valka and explained that Hiccup wasn't feeling well (to which he interjected) and he needed to rest. His mother nodded and made sure the girl had everything she needed to take care of him, saying that she'd be back later to help. "Ugh! You guys, I'mb fide, really!" The chief flopped back onto his bed, sighing in annoyance. "Heg'shh!" He curled up under the blankets and prepared for a torturously long day of being cooped up.

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Omg omg omg Hiccup! My day is now complete! :D

Lol yay! I'm gonna try to get another chapter up by this weekend so stay tuned!

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Okay, so I kinda lied about having it up by the weekend but I've been really busy so I haven't actually had time to sit down and write a fic. But don't fret my lovelies: I will be finishing the next chapter and posting it shortly! Stay tuned! ^_^

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Okay, so I kinda lied about having it up by the weekend but I've been really busy so I haven't actually had time to sit down and write a fic. But don't fret my lovelies: I will be finishing the next chapter and posting it shortly! Stay tuned! happy.png

Yay! This is an awesome fanfic. There aren't enough HTTYD sneeze fics out there, am I right?

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Okay, so I kinda lied about having it up by the weekend but I've been really busy so I haven't actually had time to sit down and write a fic. But don't fret my lovelies: I will be finishing the next chapter and posting it shortly! Stay tuned! happy.png

Yay! This is an awesome fanfic. There aren't enough HTTYD sneeze fics out there, am I right?

I agree! There is an increasing number in HTTYD fics but not enough with Hiccup! Please continue!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright guys! I'm nearly done with the next chapter so hang tight! Ou guys have been so nice and supportive and I'm really happy. ^_^ Any constructive criticism is GREATLY appreciated!

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Okay guys! Here's part two! It's kinda short, but oh well. Hope you like it! ^_^

"C'mon Hiccup, please?" Astrid begged, nudging the medicine closer to the chief.

"Ndo! I don'd ndeed id!" He crossed his arms stubbornly. The all-too-familiar tickle sparked in his nose and he scrubbed at it, determined to keep the sensation at bay. Despite his efforts, the need to sneeze was growing stronger. "Huh... Hah'nxt! GNXT! Ugh." He sniffled and wiped his nose, wincing at how sore it was already.

"Bless you." Astrid sighed. "Please, Hiccup?" She pleaded.

"Alright, fide." He took the medicinal broth from her and drank it. He finished it and set the empty bowl down, yawning. "I'mb gonnda ged sombe sleeb..." He announced, curling up under the blankets. He felt small but strong arms wrap around his waist as someone climbed in the bed with him. "Thangks, Astrid." He mumbled sleepily as his mind slipped from consciousness.

When he woke up, he didn't feel better in the slightest, and the warm body beside him had disappeared. "Astrid?" He sat up, the motion making him double over in a dizzying coughing fit. The boy looked around, finding a note on his bedside table.

~Hiccup, I'm going to Gothi's for more medicine. Stay in bed! I'll be back later. I love you. -Astrid~

Hiccup sighed and flopped back onto the bed. Toothless looked at him curiously, nudging him with his nose. The dragon knew his friend wasn't in the best condition, but he wanted to go flying so badly. "Whad is id, Toothless? You wannda go out, bud?" He grinned and patted the reptile's head. "Whad do you say we go flying for just a liddle bid? Astrid'll ndever kndow..." Toothless' ears perked and he licked the chief's face excitedly.

The two snuck out and took to the sky. The wind felt amazing on Hiccup's fevered skin, but soon enough his nose was running like a faucet and he sniffled constantly. Toothless landed, giving Hiccup a worried look. "I'mb okay, buddy... Heg'sh! Hah'xxt! Ugh." Mucus now ran freely from his nose, making him grimace. He sniffled wetly and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, cleaning himself up. "Combe ond, bud. Led's ged hombe before Astrid- Hah... Hah'GNXT!" He stifled into the cloth before putting it back in his pocket, mounting the dragon again.

"HICCUP!!" They were promptly greeted by the angry shouts of a certain female Viking.

The boy winced. "Uh-oh... Sounds like we're ind trouble..." He whispered to his dragon and went inside, rubbing his pink nose.

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Tsk Tsk Tsk. He should've stayed in bed. But what fun would that be? :D

Hiccup, never was one to follow orders...

Lol you got that right! I love the way you write hiccup foxy! <3 :)

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Tsk Tsk Tsk. He should've stayed in bed. But what fun would that be? :D

Hiccup, never was one to follow orders...

Lol you got that right! I love the way you write hiccup foxy! <3 :)

Thanks Rock! ^_^ The next chapter might take a while since I'm having my birthday party this weekend, but I'll try to make it longer for your patience!

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Tsk Tsk Tsk. He should've stayed in bed. But what fun would that be? :D

Hiccup, never was one to follow orders...

Lol you got that right! I love the way you write hiccup foxy! <3 :)

Thanks Rock! ^_^ The next chapter might take a while since I'm having my birthday party this weekend, but I'll try to make it longer for your patience!

Wowee! Happy birthday!!!! My Foxy! ^_^ Is it a weird coincidence that I'm finally getting to see my favorite favorite favorite movie in the whole wide world that I've been waiting for for 2 years possibly on the day of your b-day party? I'll think about you in the theater Foxy! :) Also thanks for offering to make the story longer. That's so nice of you :D

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Tsk Tsk Tsk. He should've stayed in bed. But what fun would that be? biggrin.png

Hiccup, never was one to follow orders...

Lol you got that right! I love the way you write hiccup foxy! <3 smile.png

Thanks Rock! happy.png The next chapter might take a while since I'm having my birthday party this weekend, but I'll try to make it longer for your patience!

Have a Merry Happy Birthday! thumbsup.gif
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Tsk Tsk Tsk. He should've stayed in bed. But what fun would that be? biggrin.png

Hiccup, never was one to follow orders...

Lol you got that right! I love the way you write hiccup foxy! <3 smile.png

Hiccup is written so perfectly! Keep up the good work!

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry this was so late, guys, but anyway... Here we go! Third and final part of Hiccup being a miserable sniffle-butt! Enjoy! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR HTTYD2 IN THIS CHAPTER PREPARE FOR THE FEELS

Toothless pouted outside the door to his rider's home. Astrid had banned him from coming inside, muttering something like she didn't trust him and Hiccup to stay out of trouble. Valka had returned shortly after, breaking up the argument between the two kids; well, more like Astrid was scolding him and Hiccup was trying to argue between sneezes and sniffles. The two women had ushered him to bed. Valka brought a cool cloth to try and bring his fever down. The boy eventually drifted off into a fitful sleep and Astrid, of course, was there to try to calm his fevered dreams, humming soft lullabies and smoothing his tussled hair.

"How's he doing?" Valka asked from the doorway.

"He keeps having nightmares, and his fever doesn't seem to be going down at all." A groan was heard from the boy.

"D-dad... Mb'sorry..." He mumbled in his sleep, curling in on himself. Valka's eyes widened and she rushed to his side, knowing what was about to happen. She pulled him close, rocking him gently in her arms. Tears poured from his face, his breathing ragged. "Stob id! Stob! Dad!" He sobbed. Valka rubbed his back comfortingly. She knew the fit would pass, having dealt with this many nights since Drago's Bewilderbeast had taken control over Toothless and caused such tragedy. Hiccup screamed and sat upright, quickly coming back to reality.

His mother wiped his tears away, her voice gentle. "It's okay; it's not your fault..."

"Hiccup, are you alright?" Astrid inquired worriedly. He nodded weakly, the aftershock of his dream still having a tight grip on him. After a few deep breaths, he lay back down. "Poor thing..." Astrid brushed some of his sweat-slicked hair from his face. "Can I get you anything?" He shook his head and soon dozed off again.

A few hours later, he awoke to the annoying itch in the back of his nose, slowly buzzing throughout his sinuses. "Hehh... Hah'XXT! Huh'KSH!" He stifled into his wrist, sniffling wetly. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, blowing his nose. After laying in bed for Odin knows how long, the boy had gotten quite bored, especially without his scaly companion. Coughing, he shuffled to his desk and quietly brought out his project from the previous night (*aherm* first chapter) and set to work.

"Hiccup, what're you doing out of bed?" Valka questioned worriedly.

"Mom!" He seemed startled, hopping up to hide his work from her, the sudden motion dizzying him a bit. "I was feeling a bit better and I... Was trying to finish... Something..." His head was spinning and soon his legs gave out under him.


"Hiccup! Hiccup!" His mother was holding him and he soon realized he was on the floor, Astrid and Toothless looking down at him fearfully.

"Wh-what happened?" He sat up, Toothless steadying him.

"You fainted." Valka explained, she and Astrid helping him up and to his bed. He coughed into his fist and Valka rubbed his back soothingly. "What were you working on that was so important anyway?" She asked.

"Well... You know how you were so fascinated the first time I showed you my flight suit? I... Wanted to make you one too. I thought it'd be a nice birthday present." His mother smiled and kissed his head.

"Oh Hiccup, that's very thoughtful, but you shouldn't be risking your health for me." He nodded, wrapping her in a weak embrace. "Sleep for now. We'll talk more in the morning."

The next morning Hiccup felt slightly better than he had before, and was pleased to see Toothless beside his bed. The boy smiled and patted the dragon's head, earning a contented purr from the reptile.

"Morning, Hiccup!" Astrid called cheerfully, a tray in her arms. "Your mom's still sleep so I thought I'd make you breakfast."

"Thank you, m'lady. This isn't going to be like the time you tried to make 'yaknog' right?" He joked, Astrid giving him a light punch on the arm.

"Just eat it." He nodded and started eating, Astrid happy to see his appetite returned.

"I see you're feeling better." The two turned to see Valka in the doorway. Hiccup nodded, giving her a lopsided grin. Astrid sneezed a soft "huh'choo!" into her hands, making Hiccup chuckle. "Guess it's my turn to take care of you!" He kissed her and pulled her into his arms.

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You updated!!!!!!!!!

Awwww, I love it!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed! This was one of the few fetish fics I've written that I actually felt was good enough to put on here so I'm really happy people enjoyed it! I think the last chapter might have been a tad rushed but that might just be me. Anyway, so glad you guys liked this! <3

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Aww hiccup and astrid are soooo cute! Thanks for writing it and it was so good foxy! *melts into love lava*

So glad you liked it Rocky! *wags tail*

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