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Between the two who know the future (HoO fanfic)


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Okay, this was kinda a request from Galaxy couple of weeks ago (more like 2 months) that I promised to write, then completely forgot about it and finally now got the energy to write this thing. So i present to you the story with slight Octavian/Rachel pairing. I would've hoped to be able to write a slightly longer one but I kinda ran out of ideas. The characters might be really OOC because it has been a while since I have read any of the books the two characters are present in.

"Now then, you toys full of fillings and stuff, you shall become the sacrifices needed to tell the future!" A voice was heard loudly declaring throughout the Camp Jupiter. Any newcomers to the camp most likely were left wondering what was wrong with the place while the people who had heard the same thing time after time knew that it would be for the best to ignore the Augur.

"Octavian, shut up already, nobody wants to know!" someone yelled back. Through the usual crowd in the Camp Jupiter a certain red head was seen making her way to the room where Octavian usually slaughtered all if the teddy bears.

"Knock knock, can I come in? Thanks. By the way, nice room you have here. Poor teddy bears..." Rachel Elizabeth Dare started her usual machine gun style of talking.

"What are you doing here?! I was in the middle of making a new prophecy that could have been the thing that would save mankind some day!" the blonde haired male yelled, clearly annoyed by the interruption.

"Yeah, more like it would have been about what kind of weather we are going to have tomorrow. And all of this is just a waste of teddy bears..." Rachel said, giving him her usual response.

"I... Wh... Whatever... What brought you here, you fake oracle?" Octavian asked, looking at the girl/young woman in front of him.

"Nothing, do I really need a reason to stop by once in a while?" she asked with a smile.

"You make no sense som- HeChew!" he sneezed suddenly into his arm.

"Bless you." Rachel said, her usual smile staying in her face.

"What is with the awful smell? It burns like Styx!" he asked, his nose twitching as his eyes teared up a bit.

"Oh, that must be my perfume, you like it?" she smirked, basically tackling him into a hug despite his protests.

"God- HeChew! Why would you do that?! Heh-Kshew! Hehkishiew!" he started sneezing with no end in sight. His eyes were full of allergic tears as he was basically forced to inhale more of the perfume. The redhead paid no attention to the sneezing as she just held him tighter.

"Just get... Hechew! Get back now, plea- Hehkishiew! Please?" he managed to say through the sneezing fit.

"Hmm, now that you asked nicely, I suppose I might as well" Rachel smirked and let him go with a satisfied smile on her face.

"You are just evil, evil I tell you!" he said, wiping his red nose with his hands.

"This coming from the guy who kills innocent teddy bears? Well, I have to go now, I will see you around" she said and turned away to leave, but not before giggling a bit and winking at him.

"Teddy bears had nothing to do with this!" he yelled, earning a couple of chuckles from the people who had heard the whole thing.

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Omg!! Dude!! I can't believe you actually wrote this!! This is awesome, thank you!! :D

Your welcome :D Also, it has surprisingly fun to write this :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Omg this is life! Please make more Percy Jackson fics, there aren't enough on here and this was absolutely amazing!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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