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"I'll Take Care of You" (Maleficent, Malora pairing)


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It was difficult to write this. I’m really not into colds, so I had a hard time with it, but I’m rather pleased with the result so far nevertheless and I hope you guys will like it.

Also, this has caretaking from Aurora’s side, and it can be read as Malora, so I decided that in MY universe, Aurora is 18 and the whole spindle pricking thing is taking place at her 19th birthday instead. I basically just turned the 6 upside down. So, underage issue solved. heh.gif


Maleficent wasn’t a morning person; she liked to sleep in and she preferred her mornings slow. But this morning, she was even slower than usual. She came to long after the sun was up, and her head ached. Her throat felt somewhat scratchy, and she coughed quietly a few times. Diaval landed in front of her and cawed urgently.

“Into a man,” she said, and frowned at how raspy her voice sounded. Sure, she had just woken up, but this was worse than usual.

“Mistress? Are you alright?”

“Of course I am.” She cleared her throat to rid it of the tickly, scratchy feeling. “Was there anything you wanted?”

“Oh. Right. I believe we can expect a night guest for a few nights. Auroras… ‘aunts’… have apparently decided they needed some ‘alone time’ away from her…”

Maleficent huffed.

“They’re having alone time even when she’s around. How much attention have they given her, in all these years?”

“Not much,” Diaval agreed, remembering how he used to feed Aurora as a baby, and rocking her cradle to soothe her. He shrugged. “Either way, they have gone for a few days, and if I know Aurora right, she’s not going to stay in the cottage alone. She’s far too social to…”

Maleficent interrupted him with a sudden, violent sneeze:


“Oh for the love of…!” Diaval clasped a hand to his chest. “Do you have to do that?”

Maleficent looked at him with watery eyes, looking more apologetic than playful.

“My apologies. It just snuck up on me, I…” she trailed off, rubbing her nose, trying in vain to hold back the next sneeze. “HuuhIIGTThh! IggTSSCHuh!”

Diaval cocked his head to the side.

“Are you sure you’re well, Mistress?”

“I’m fine.”

“Because you look a bit…”

“I’m fine!”


Maleficent rolled her eyes, grabbed her staff and walked off, not because she was headed somewhere, but because she didn’t want Diaval to look at her. Was it really that obvious that she wasn’t feeling well?


What was this about? Her nose wouldn’t stop tickling, and it was certainly not season for any of the plants and flowers that she was sensitive to. She reached for her handkerchief and blew her nose forcefully, hoping to get rid of whatever caused the irritation. Perhaps she would be able to lie about how she felt in front of Diaval, who knew when to stop asking her questions, but Aurora could not be fooled and she would certainly not back off. Maleficent could snarl and growl as much as she wanted, Aurora was not afraid of her mood swings.

Maleficent had reached the stream and leaned over the water to view her reflection. She shuddered at the sight. She looked even paler than usual, her nose were a deep shade of pink, and she had dark circles under her eyes. In short, she looked horrible. She splashed some water on her face, hoping it would make her look a bit more awake, alert, when a voice spoke behind her;

“Hello, godmother.”

“Hello, Beastie.”

“Diaval said you didn’t feel so good.”

“Diaval says a lot of things…huhhh-yIISCCHH!

“Hm. I guess he was right, then.”

“I got something up my nose and I have sneezed a few times this morning, why has that gotten everybody so concerned?” Maleficent snapped and she might have been able to pull of her indignant look if she hadn’t started coughing at the end of the sentence. Aurora shook her head, trying to hide a smile.

“I think you’re getting a cold.”

“Nonsense. I don’t get c-co… huhhh-eeyISSCHah! Colds!”

“Come here,” Aurora ordered, and for the first time Maleficent could see the queen that she would become one day. Given that Maleficent’s curse could be broken, of course. Maleficent’s lips twitched as she bowed her head slightly and obeyed the command. Aurora put her hand to Maleficent’s forehead. The fairy winced at the touch.

“Your hands are cold,” she remarked.

“No, they’re not. It’s you who are hot. You have a fever, godmother.”

“I don’t have a fever. I don’t get sick,” Maleficent growled through gritted teeth and turned away from Aurora, only to stare into Diaval’s eyes.

“Don’t look at me that way, Diaval. Into a bird.”

“It‘s no use denying it, you are sick.”

“I am not-eIISSCCHH-sick!”

Aurora bit the insides of her cheeks to keep the grin from forming, but it was impossible to stop.

“No, I can hear that. Then why are you sneezing so much?”

“I told you, I got some dust up my nose and…” Maleficent’s voice cracked. Aurora raised her eyebrows.

“You got some dust up your nose and that gives you a fever and makes you lose your voice?”

Maleficent coughed but didn’t dare to trust her voice in case it decided to fail her again, so she simply nodded.

“Do I look so stupid I would believe that story? Your entire face tells me the truth; your cheeks are flushed with fever, your eyes are glassy, your nose is getting red…”

She smiled a little at Maleficent’s attempt to keep said nose under control by pinching it shut, and when the fairy finally failed and succumbed to a short, harshly restrained stifled fit, Aurora’s arm snaked around Maleficent’s waist.

“Come here,” she whispered softly. “No need to feel embarrassed in front of me. I'll take care of you.”

Maleficent looked into the princess’s large, gentle eyes and raised both hands in a gesture of surrender.

“Alright,” she managed to get out before the tickly feeling in her throat got the best of her again, and she turned away from Aurora and coughed.

“Now, my aunts are away for a few days, so I have the cottage to myself. I think you’d be better off in a nice warm bed, truth be told.”

“Bed?” Maleficent huffed. “I sleep in my tree, that’s quite sufficient for… HEH-EISSCCHuh!”

“Will you stop arguing anytime soon?”

Maleficent glared at her.


Aurora giggled.

“Of course you won’t. Nor will I.”

“Caw, caw, caw…”

“Alright, you two!”

Maleficent watched as Diaval and Aurora looked at each other in triumph, and her eyes narrowed. She was their Mistress and Godmother, but those two always seemed to win any argument against her. This was unfair.

As was the intensifying feeling of weakness that spread throughout her body. She couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to lie down in a bed after all.

“Let’s go to the cottage, then,” Maleficent commanded in a husky, congested voice that more than revealed the truth about her condition. Maleficent may have been unaccustomed to common colds, but she was about to learn about them firsthand.

To be continued when time decides to work in my favour. wink.png

Edited by Chanel_no5
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THAT'S MY GIRL! 1,000 props to Super Chanel! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: I'm so so so SO proud of you for posting this. Tack så HEMSKT mycket. :cheers:

Pride aside (rhyme intended), this is delicious. I adore Aurora's motherly (queenly? friendly? *has word choice issues*) ways. And I'm sure roleplay me would be hiding silently up a tree, watching this performance. Would you be there too? :P

Edited by Devil Bird
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Maleficent is a lovely sneezer, and Aurora doing her caretaking well; a bedbound sequel would be lovely [think of their outfits].

Incidentally, isn't Aurora's age irrelevant unless she sneezes? Oh, wait a minute, taking care of a bedbound invalid? that could lead to the inevitable......

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lilmissallyvanek: Thank you so much! :D

blackrose: Thank you! :)

SexyGodlikeHair: Thank you lots, I hope it'll get even cuter... ;)

Yuuki: Thank you so much! :)

Pride aside (rhyme intended), this is delicious. I adore Aurora's motherly (queenly? friendly? *has word choice issues*) ways. And I'm sure roleplay me would be hiding silently up a tree, watching this performance. Would you be there too? tonguesmiley.gif

Awww, thank you!! ^_^ I can't really get enough of toying with this poor character, in any incarnation, I'm an awful person. :lol:

Oh yeah, I would be right there in the tree... watching Maleficent lose control over her pretty little nose is just lovely to miss. ;)

Oh, wait a minute, taking care of a bedbound invalid? that could lead to the inevitable......

Exactly! You win the stuffed animal for that guess! :P Seriously though, I don't plan for it to invole a bunch of hankypanky, but if there is a kiss somewhere, I thought it better to stay on the safe side. ;)

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Hellu there, my friends! Here is the next part of this story, and I swear to God there will be more obvious caretaking from Aurora in the next chapter. Maleficent is so stubborn and in denial, I had a hard time getting her this far, even...! :lol:

Great big giant THANKS (and some cherry on top) to my dear Devil Bird who Beta-ed this part for me. You're awesome, girl! Thank you! :heart:

Here we go!


“No, wait. This is ridiculous,” Maleficent muttered as the cottage came within sight. She shook her head and turned to walk back, but Aurora effortlessly reached out a hand and grabbed her arm. Maleficent hissed through gritted teeth.

“Oh no, you’re not scaring me with your dragon attitude,” Aurora giggled. “And you’re not going anywhere but to bed.”

“Let me g-gohh..!”

Aurora held on. Maleficent’s twitching nostrils, fluttering eyelids and hitching breath told her that the fairy was about to sneeze, and that would steal her focus for at least a couple of seconds. Steal her focus? More like rendering her completely defenceless for a few moments. Aurora grinned and waited for the inevitable.


The princess put her arm around Maleficent’s shoulders and gently turned her back in the direction of the cottage. While Maleficent struggled with the oncoming sneeze, Aurora calmly got a handkerchief ready just in time to catch a violent:


The fairy opened her pale green eyes and glared evilly at Aurora over the handkerchief that was so neatly placed over her nose and mouth.

“You still don’t scare me,” Aurora said and wiped Maleficent’s nostrils gently before removing the handkerchief again. “I’ll take care of you, I promised that, but it’ll be much easier if you let me.”

“Why would I want to make it easier?”

“Oh, right, why would you? You never have before,” Aurora agreed as she kept dragging Maleficent towards the cottage. Diaval cawed laughter and Aurora winked at him. Maleficent didn’t see it, but she could feel it. Those two were always having a go at her. Well, what to expect when you team up with a beastie human and a raven man?


Once inside, Maleficent tried to make another run for it, but Diaval blocked the way, hovering in front of her face. He was so intent on stopping her from escaping Aurora’s care that he didn’t notice the sneezy look that crept upon her sharp features. Not until it was too late.


Maleficent had no chance to cover and ended up spraying Diaval with a fine cloud of mist. Aurora burst out laughing in spite of herself, receiving identical glares from both the raven and the fairy. Diaval shook his feathers and aimed his glare at his Mistress instead.

“That was not on purpose, Diaval,” Maleficent said trying in vain to reclaim her regal posture, and began to cough instead. The coughing fit got worse until she was flustered and beads of sweat started to form on her forehead. Her throat was so raw it felt like it was on fire. As she was struggling to take back control over herself, the burning sensation spread up into her nose and she finished with an itchy, throaty sneezing fit.


“Not sick, you say?" Aurora said, folding her arms across her chest. “Bed. Now,” she ordered, pointing towards her bedroom. “The bed linens are clean, I changed them this morning. Um, not that you can’t make new ones with magic if you want to…”

Maleficent chuckled, which got her started coughing again. Aurora took a step towards her, but Maleficent held up her hand to stop her. The honest truth was that for the moment, Maleficent couldn’t stand more kindness directed at her, especially not when she felt like the most disgusting creature in the world. A thick congestion filled her sinuses, and her nose wouldn’t stop running. The raw, prickling sensation in her throat made her want to cough persistently, and if she tried to hold it back it made her eyes water, which in turn made her nose run even worse. Quite frankly, Maleficent wanted to be alone and sulk.

Too bad those two wouldn’t let her.


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Excuse me while I die of happiness.

This. :P

You barely need a beta; your writing is fantastic and your character portrayal is spot-on! :cheers: Väl utfört arbete! :clapping: Och stort tack för de vänliga orden :blush:

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Awesome!! Seeing that you had updated made me so happy :) can't wait to see what the next part has in store-Aurora cooing and coddling Maleficent because she feels disgusting would be adorable

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Thank you everyone for all your kind words!! Here's the final chapter, and I hope you'll like it! I took the liberty of moving Aurora's bedroom to the first floor because of reasons. :) And I want to thank my awesome Beta Devil Bird for pointing out my mistakes. Thank you! :heart:

So, on with the show.


Diaval flew up to Aurora and cawed.

“No, there isn't any more spray in your feathers. Really, what were you doing in her face anyway?”

He tilted his head and gave her a glare as if to say, “Seriously?”

“Sorry. Is she always like this when she gets sick?”

He shrugged.

“You haven’t seen her sick before?”

The raven shook his head.

A sound from the other room interrupted the two friends and made Aurora’s eyes widen. She recognized that creaking sound from many midnight sneak-outs.

“No, she wouldn’t! Is she trying to escape through the window? What is the matter with her?”

Aurora didn’t wait for Diaval to respond; she rushed outside to catch a very guilty-looking fairy with one leg on each side of the window sill.

“I can’t believe this,” Aurora said, rolling her eyes.

“Caw, caw,” Diaval agreed, giving his Mistress a stern glare, but making sure he kept his distance in case she lost control of her nose again.

“What?” Maleficent took great care to sound indifferent, but the blush on her cheeks wasn’t entirely due to the rising fever. She slid her other leg over the window sill and casually leaned against the wall.

“Why are you behaving like this?” Aurora said, only narrowly avoiding letting out the laughter that was bubbling within her. “It’s childish. Really, how old are you?”

Maleficent coughed.

“I hardly think that’s a question to ask a lady.”

Diaval nearly choked and rolled around on the grass cawing hysterically. Maleficent flicked her fingers at him and turned him into a man. The man was laughing like a maniac.

“A lady?" he managed to blurt out before being overcome with more laughter. Maleficent pursed her lips and looked away.

“Aww, come now. I just don’t want to see you ignore how you’re really feeling and pretend you’re so strong. I mean, I know you are strong, everyone knows that, but you don’t have to be ashamed to just, I don’t know…”

Aurora knew she was babbling, but she wanted so much to make the fairy understand that she didn’t always have to keep her guard up. Maleficent saw this desperate yet inarticulate wish in Aurora’s eyes, and sighed.


“Good. Now get back inside. You may take the door, please.”

Maleficent bowed her head, hiding a smile. Yes, perhaps it was childish. And no, now that she thought about it, it wasn’t very ladylike either.


Nor were these infernal, messy, annoying sneezes. She wiped her runny nose with the almost-but-not-really soaked handkerchief and groaned.

“Bless you.”

Maleficent did not reply, but she walked into the tiny bedroom without making any more fuss. Diaval followed suit, but she closed the door in his face.

“No, you do not get to watch me undress.”


He sheepishly walked back into the kitchen to Aurora, looking puzzled.

“She never takes clothes on or off. She just snaps her fingers and it’s done.”

“Perhaps it’s difficult for her to perform magic when she’s ill?”

“Hmm.” Diaval snatched a piece of bread from the tray Aurora had set, and put it in his mouth “Perhaps so…”

“That was for Maleficent, you glutton!”

“Well, pardon me, but I‘m starving.”


Maleficent glared suspiciously at the bed, as though she believed it would come alive and eat her. But she was freezing in spite of her high temperature, and the blankets looked warm, so that settled it. She had only just crawled into bed when Aurora entered. The fairy stiffened.

“I come bearing gifts,” Aurora joked as she set the tray down on the bedside table, along with a pile of fresh handkerchiefs. “I brought you some tea… with honey, it‘s good for a sore throat. And I did make a toast with jam, but Diaval ate it.”

Maleficent chuckled and coughed at once.

“I’m not very hungry anyway,” she managed to croak out. Aurora smiled and stroked her forehead. Maleficent recoiled as if she thought the girl would slap her.

“Hey… easy. I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know. I just… I’m not used to being weak.”

“You’re not weak. You’re just sick. Everybody gets sick once in a while.”

“Not me. I don’t get sick. Huhh… huhAAeRSSCCHHO! Oh, my nose…” she sniffled desperately and kept both hands cupped over her nose and mouth. Aurora pulled out her own handkerchief and handed it to the embarrassed fairy.

“Don’t look at me,” Maleficent rasped, blushing so fiercely she felt like her face was on fire. She could not begin to explain how exposed she felt, how naked. She had never felt this weak since the day she woke up and her wings had been cut off. It was ridiculous. It was pathetic. She was currently a fairy without wings and without magic. She had struggled and nearly failed to first remove her clothing and then replace it with a nightgown, a piece of magic that was usually done with less effort than chewing and swallowing a bite of food. In fact, Diaval should probably be happy that he wasn’t stuck in a shape of something in between a bird and a man.

“Why not?” Aurora asked. Her hand was placed on Maleficent’s shoulder with an entitlement that the fairy had not seen before.

“Because I am disgusting,” Maleficent muttered and blew her nose. She shuddered at the sound and the amount of mess it produced. Nor did it help much; it seemed the more she tried to clear her nose, the faster it filled up, and the itch was unbearable.

Aurora however, seemed completely at ease with this whole display of messiness. In fact, she smiled a little at this, a cute little “oh you’re being silly”-smile that Maleficent often felt upon her own lips when Aurora did something adorable and absurd.

“No, you aren’t. I think you’re sweet.”

“Sweet?” Maleficent burst out and started to cough. She tried to suppress the cough and failed. Once again she pressed the handkerchief to her face trying to hide her appearance. When she finally got herself back together, at least marginally, she gestured towards her flushed, dripping face.

“This…” she coughed again and shook her head as if to clear it; “this is sweet? I’m a…a… aaayEESSChho! Drippy, messy, disgusting…”

“No. You are my sweet, precious darling Maleficent with a really bad cold.” Aurora trailed off, laughed a little and went on; “You are actually very cute trying to be all high and mighty when deep inside, all you really want is to lie here and be tended to.”

“Tended to? Do I look like a flower to you?”

Aurora pretended to consider.

“Yes. One of those that spits needles on you if you get too close.”

Maleficent’s eyes narrowed and her jaw tightened.

“In that case, I see no reason for you to keep me here like a prisoner,” she snapped and tried to get out of bed. Aurora reacted instinctively and climbed up on top of the fairy to pin her down.

“Stop it!” she said. “That’s enough! Why do you have to be so stubborn?! I care about you because I want to! I care because I…”

She was suddenly very much aware of the fact that she was sitting on top of Maleficent, their faces only inches apart. Maleficent’s watery eyes stared into hers, daring her to speak the truth.

So Aurora did.

“Because I love you,” she finished. When Maleficent remained still - and that she had not pushed Aurora away already was a small miracle in itself - Aurora decided that words did not suffice, and so she leaned in a bit closer and kissed Maleficent’s lips. For a moment, the fairy did not move as she was frozen in shock, but then she responded. It was a chaste kiss, gentle but direct, a confirmation of something two hearts had already decided on.

And with that, the curse was broken.

Maleficent felt like she had spent years being tied to something heavy, and that the tie suddenly broke, leaving an eerie feeling of lightness. Aurora felt like clouds had parted to let the rays of sun shine through.

“True love’s kiss…” Maleficent whispered and closed her eyes in relief and gratitude. She leaned back against the pillow. Aurora snuggled up close to her, leaning her head against Maleficent’s shoulder and draped her arm across Maleficent’s stomach. The gesture was both tender and protective. Maleficent had never experienced such a thing before, from anyone. She heaved a content sigh and was immediately reminded of the reason she was even here in the first place. The prickling sensation in her sinuses was nearly painful.

“I have to sneeze,” she gasped. Aurora leaned closer and kissed her cheek.

“Then sneeze.”

“I… can’t…” she sat up and rubbed her nose furiously with both hands. “It’s stuck… hahh… ugh…”

Aurora sat up as well, gently grabbing Maleficent’s wrists and removed her hands from her face.

“Let me,” she breathed into Maleficent’s ear. Then she moved closer and placed the softest, most featherlike kiss on the tip of Maleficent’s red, chapped nose. This modest touch was all it took. Maleficent’s lips parted and she sucked in air, filling her lungs in preparation for a violent explosion. Her head tilted back. Her nostrils widened. Tears spilled over as her eyes closed.


Aurora caught the small fit into a fresh handkerchief, that she snatched from the bedside table just in time.

“Bless you, darling,” she murmured. “Are you done?”

“I don’t think I’ll be done for days,” Maleficent sniffled, sounding utterly miserable. Aurora grinned.

“Probably not. But for now?”

“I believe so. Thank you, love.”

“Does this make you my Prince Charming?” the princess asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes as they leaned back again. Maleficent chuckled.

“I can be anything you want me to be.”

“I just want you to be you.”

They kissed again, and just then, Diaval entered the room chewing enthusiastically on something.

“Look, I found cake…” he trailed off and dropped the piece of cake on the floor. “But I see you two already found something to nibble on.”

“Get out, Diaval,” Maleficent said, not even looking his way

“Gladly,” came the response as the door closed. There was a moment of silence before the two women heard him squeak in pure delight;

“I knew it!!”

Aurora began to laugh. Maleficent tried to keep a straight face, but made the mistake of looking Aurora in the eyes. Before she knew it, she too was laughing. And despite this horrible illness, Maleficent had never felt better.

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Oh my God. This is amazing, Chanel. I actually started crying when the curse was broken, I just didn't see it coming. This is all sorts of perfect all at once! :)

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Oh my God. This is amazing, Chanel. I actually started crying when the curse was broken, I just didn't see it coming. This is all sorts of perfect all at once! smile.png

Awww, thank you so much!! I actually didn't see it coming either. I was just planning to get a kiss in there, and then I thought "wait, what am I doing? That was true love's kiss, for crying out loud!" :lol: Good example on how writers sometimes surprise themselves. ^_^

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So. Much. YES. :drool::wubsmiley:

It was such an honor being a beta for this work of art! Although I'm sad the run has ended, I enjoyed it immensely and will certainly return should you decide to write again.

(And believe it or not, I wasn't at all on the Malora ship until I read this fic. Now I'm stuck waaaaay out at sea, and I have a shame level of a big fat zero. :P)

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So. Much. YES. drool.gifwubsmiley.gif

It was such an honor being a beta for this work of art! Although I'm sad the run has ended, I enjoyed it immensely and will certainly return should you decide to write again.

(And believe it or not, I wasn't at all on the Malora ship until I read this fic. Now I'm stuck waaaaay out at sea, and I have a shame level of a big fat zero. tonguesmiley.gif)

Heh, mission accomplished! Got you onto the Malora ship, and it is soooo sailing on...! :P Really, thank you so much for taking your time to read and well, figuratively zipping my fly and tucking my shirt in. :lol: (really though, Maleficent was almost impossible to get to surrender... it was much easier throwing pollen at her...! )

sneezeloverongirls: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :D

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