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What Jared Needs (SPN RPF)


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Hello all. :)

So... over on Tarotgal's meme we saw Jared's ice bucket challenge and felt like it needed some sort of written response! Thanks Senberet for checking this over and egging me on.


When Jared asks me to get the ice bucket ready, I pick him up a box of Kleenex as well.

It probably goes without saying that I’m not surprised when he needs it.

His nose is twitching before we’ve even shut of the camera, and when he takes the box from me it’s with watery-eyes and a mouth that’s trying to drop open.

“You... sniff! You kn-knew I was gonna need these... huh... ehh...”

I clap him on the shoulder.

“Yeah, buddy. I’ve met you. Gesundheit,” I add, noticing his eyes starting to shut.

Jared nods mutely and tilts his head back, pulling a tissue from the box.

“Huhh... HuhhhEhhhShhhhyuh!”

He bends completely double with it, Kleenex clutched in his cupped hand. People rush to bless him, but if history’s anything to go by, he’s probably not done.

Sure enough, when he rises, he’s blinking, and his forehead is pinched in a kind of studied anticipation.

“Hah...ISHHSHuhhh! Hah’IsHhhUhh! HuhISHhhhuh! HUT-chUHh!”

My mom’s on the set for a visit, and not knowing Jared as well as I do, she’s a little taken aback.

“Are you okay? You’re not getting sick are you? Jen, did you tip that over him when he was getting sick?”

“No Huhh... HuhTSHhhhh! Nuhh... No. HUHt’TSCHhhhuh! HeAhhtTCHhhtchyew! It’s a thiih-iihng that huh...happens EHSHhhSHuH! EhhSHUH! HuhHUHRhshhhhuh!”

Now, I’m not completely without compassion, so I jump in and explain it to her.

Jay sneezes when he gets wet, or when he gets cold. God only knows why but it can be a nightmare on location. There’s often a water-logged sewer to crawl through, or else we’ll shoot so late that the temperature plummets. Usually it means that there are hand warmers and thermals and coffee on hand to warm him up, which generally means coffee for me too, which I can live with.

Jared sneezes a bucketload more and shivers like crazy so we wrap him in towels and bundle him into his trailer.


I only start to worry when I pass by the make-up tent.

“Uhh... EhhIshyewww! EhhISHyeww!”

I check my watch. Thirty minutes have passed.


He looks up at me when I poke my head through the doorway, eyes all bleary like he’s working up to another set.

“Nose still bugging you?”

As if I needed any more confirmation, he brings one hand up to his face and scrambles for Kleenex with the other.

“HuhEKKsyhew! HEK’SHyew! UhhETttShyew! Huh’SHUH!”

He apologises to his technician (a new girl I haven’t met yet) and casts me a weary look.

“My mom was right,” I conclude, taking a seat next to him, “You are sick.” Suddenly the six litres of ice I just tipped down his back doesn’t seem quite so hilarious.

“No,” he tells me, as though it’s pre-programmed, “I’m not... ESSHhhUh! I’m not sick. It’s when I ge-hhht cold or...”

“I know that, idiot. It’s been half an hour. You’re dry. Why are you not warm yet?”

He seems to consider this, frowning at the hands he’s holding up in preparation. “UhhTSHHHhh! Sniff!” He shrugs. “I probably need to do some jumping jacks or something.”

“I have a hoodie in my trailer. I’ll dig it out for you.”

Jared wears my hoodie. He doesn’t quit sneezing.


Before we head over to collect Jared the following morning, I pick him up a bottle of Dayquil.

I’m not surprised when he needs that, either.

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Oh my god that is SO freaking adorable!! Jared all shivery and cold and wet and THAT making him sneeze!? That's probably the cutest thing ever to picture him having. I love that it turned out he was actually sick too! Of course Jensen knows him like no other, they're too perfect! And I love that Jensen's mom was there, and chastising Jensen for pouring water on him when he's sick (even if he didn't know it!).

Oh man. I gotta look up that video and then picture THIS fic happening after it!! <3

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