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Elphie? are you alright? (wicked fanfiction)


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"Elphie." "Elphie? Please wake up or were going to be late for class.Galinda shouted completely puzzled at her roommates lack of cooperation. Normally it was Elphie dragging her out of bed not the other way around. She looked closely at her roommates face. Her nose was red around the edges and dripping,she was shivering, and just as Galinda went to put a hand on her forehead she heard " hee he hitchoo mmmm *sniffle* five more minutes Nessa." She had never even considered the possibility of her roommate getting sick.She walked over to the medicine cabinet grabbed the thermometer and shoved it in her mouth. "Galinda what are you doing?" Elphie yelled spitting the thermometer out. "I was trying to take your temperature, your sick Elphie." Elphaba looked over at the clock "crap we've got to be in class in 20 minutes were gonna be late!" She threw the covers off and began rummaging through her wardrobe. "Elphaba... Elphaba...ELPHABA!" Galinda called "*sniffle* what?" "I just don't think you should be going to class when your sick." She sniffles again this time it make a sickening gurgle noise"ib dot sick. Besides I can't afford to biss class." And with that she grabbed all her clothes and walked into the bathroom. "Fine." Galinda thought "shell have to acknowledge it sooner or later." They got ready and ran to their first class,English, which they happened to have with Boq and Avaric. They ran in shortly before the bell sounded and took their seats. "Well well well if it isn't little miss artichoke." Avaric teased " oh shud up Avaric I'b dot in the mood for your...hee heeee hitchoo hishuu..*sniffles*" Avaric pouted "aww that was adorable someone feeling a bit under the weather?" Elphaba huffed "shud up Avaric." He laughed "ok ok ok I'll shud up." Class started but Elphaba could hardly pay attention to the lecture. Her nose was running like a waterfall and she had to sniffle every few seconds to keep it from getting all over her face, which got her a few annoyed looks from classmates. But what was most pressing was this tickle in the back of her nose. She kept rubbing her nose trying to relieve it but finally it.." hitchoo hishuu HITCHOO!" The class looked back all eyes glaring at her when the professor said " Miss Elphaba are you alright?" "Yes professor ib fide ib sorry I disturbed your lecdure." The professor went back to his lecture when Boq looked at her concerned "Elphie you sound terrible." She groaned "thangs I hadn't doticed." Class ended and she went on to environmental sciences which she had with Fiyero. She walked in and took her usual seat next to him. "Hee hitchoo hishuu... Ughh." She said rubbing her nose when she heard Fiyero laughing. "Whads so fuddy?" He laughed again "you I didnt think such a tough women could have such a cute sneeze." She huffed "Id is dot cute." He smirked "oh really?" He grabbed a feather quill out of his pack and began tickling the bottom of her nose. "Heee haa hitchoo HISHUU haa hitchoo hatchooo." She sneezed petitely earning her many looks and giggles. "See I'm not the only who thinks its cute." "*sniffle* just shud up and leave be alode." He looked at her concerned and put a hand to her forehead "Elphie your burning up." She waved him off "ib..." She said before ltnching into a coughing fit.before they could say another word the bell rung and Dr. Dillamond walked in. "Good morning class today we will be discuss the medicinal properties of aquatic plants." He went on as Elphaba scrubbed at her nose sniffling constantly she was so preoccupied that she didn't realize she was being called on. Fiyero shoved her "Elphie he's talking to you." She straightened up "yes professor?" "I asked if you could tell me what aquatic plants are used mist commonly in medicine." "Oh yes there's..heee hitchoo hishuu hatchooo *sniffles*." Dr. Dillamond looked at her concerned "my goodness child are you ill?" She tried to say no before she coughed hard into her fist again. Dr.Dillamond shook his head."Mr. Fiyero would you mind taking Miss Elphaba to the nurses office?" He smiled " it would be my pleasure."

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This is a bit difficult to read...perhaps you could try breaking it up into paragraphs (separated by each individual person talking) instead of making it all in the same one?

I love wicked though, I'm really looking forward to reading this

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Whoooaaaa I haven't read a Wicked fic in ages, this looks promising :) but I agree with Chocolate; you might want to refigure your spacing and paragraphs

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