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Our Little Infinity (tfios fanfic, Gus)


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Thought I'd try this out, and by no means am I as good as John Green!

Who can't resist a little Augustus sneezefic, right?


Hazel had just awoken from her sleep. She carefully got up and grabbed her oxygen tank, heading into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and started down the stairs, still in her pajamas. Hazel felt different today, but a good different. She had not felt this way in a long time. She popped a piece of bread into the toaster and made her way to the fridge to get jam, when she heard the doorbell ring. Making sure everything else was in place she went to answer to door. She swung the door open nonchalantly, to find Augustus standing there, roses in his hand.

“Oh God,” she panicked while trying her best to fix her messy hair. She looked down at her pajamas in the process.

Augustus smiled big, humored by her concern.

“Hazel Grace,” he said, handing her the flowers. She took them from his grasp.

“I thought I would come by, and looks like a came at the wrong time?” he said jokingly.

“No, no, come in!” She said, still self conscious about her appearance. “You can sit, if you'd like. I'll be right back.”

Augustus made his way to the couch, sitting lightly, while Hazel ran upstairs to change, you know, as fast as she could. She finally came back downstairs, and headed into the kitchen, remembering the toast she had started preparing.

Augustus eyed her every step.

“You look like a chicken running around with it's head chopped off.”

“I'm sorry! It's just I wasn't expecting you, neither was I dressed, plus I had bread in the toaster, and..”

She was cut off.

“Stop. Hazel Grace, you look beautiful,” he said with a smirk. Hazel smiled back.

She sat down next to him and fell into his arms. She interlocked her fingers with his, blushing the whole time. Augustus looked at her for a moment, and leaned his head towards hers. He lightly kissed her on the cheek. She had felt a surge of butterflies flutter through her stomach, causing her to smile bigger.

Augustus pulled away slightly, his breath hitching. Hazel could feel his body tremble as he pitched forward, barely covering a large sneeze.


“Augustus! Are you okay?” Hazel said concerned. She had noticed that upon his arrival, that he had been somewhat sniffly, but didn't pay much attention.

“I'm fine,” he said sniffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve.

Hazel reached over and grabbed a box of tissues.

“You don't sound fine.”

His voice was gravely.

“Well, I have been feeling kind of under the weather lately, but I couldn't resist coming to see you.” he said sort of miserably. He hated to admit that he might have caught a little cold. He grabbed one of the tissues and wetly blew his nose.

Hazel felt the top of his forehead. He was indeed running a fever.

“Augustus, you have a fever. You need to rest.”

“Hazel Grace,”

“Augustus..” Hazel snapped.

“Okay, but only if you get to take care of me,” he smiled.

Hazel smiled her approval as she had Augustus lay down on the couch. She took the wool blanket resting on the back and gently covered him.

Augustus slid down in the blanket, knowing that there was no way he could hide his sickness. Why not enjoy the warmth? He thought.

He quickly brought up cupped hands and sneezed harshly. He moaned a bit afterwards.

“Poor Augustus,” Hazel said giggling. She couldn't resist his adorableness, even when he was down with the flu. She kissed the top of his forehead, feeling the warmth on her lips. She needed to get his fever down, and fast.

There will be a part 2, and I am sorry for the font if it is too large, my computer, for some reason, would not let me reduce the size. Anywho, enjoy and I will be writing more. :)

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Alright sense you guys want more, I will post part 2. I have no idea how long this story as a whole will be, pretty long hopefully, and hopefully I'll get the time to write more sooner. Thank you guys for the comments (:


Hazel slowly made her way into the living room, oxygen tank in one hand and a bowl of chicken noodle soup in the other. This should make him feel better, she thought. As the set the bowl down, she gazed at Augustus, who had fallen asleep nuzzled in the wool blanket. He looked so peaceful and adorable, and it made her stomach churn. She looked away and watched the rain hit the window. It soothed her.

"Hazel Grace," Augustus said sleepily. "Did you make this for me?" pointing towards the soup.

"Yeah, I thought it would make you feel better." Hazel said kind of embarrassed.

Augustus smiled.

"I haven't even taken a bite and it's already making me feel better."

Hazel was glad to help.

Augustus sat up, rewrapping himself in the blanket. He carefully grabbed the bowl of soup and set it in his lap. Hazel sat down next to him. Augustus took a bite of the soup.

"This is delicious!" He said delightful. But his expression then turned from smiling to upset. He stared down at the soup.

"Are you okay?" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, of course. Grand actually. It's just.. I came here to see you and now you just have to take care of me. I can at least do something for you can't I?"

Augustus pulled forward in a giant, unexpected sneeze, turning away as fast as he could. And then another.

"Hetetccchheewww!!! He-heeetccshcheeww!!"

He tried his best not to spill the hot soup as he felt another on coming on, his breath starting to hitch. Hazel quickly took the bowl from his lap, knowing what would happen.

"Hhetttxxh!!" Augustus pinched his pink nose tightly, stifling a large sneeze that made his ears ring. He rested his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes to regain his strength. He sniffled loudly, multiple times, and his voice became more congested.

Hazel ran her fingers through his hair while grabbing some tissues. Now, rubbing his back, Augustus turned and blew his nose a couple times.

"I'b so sorry, I probably look really gross rigd dow" he said, worried.

"Don't worry about it, I promise you're just fine." Hazel kissed his temple, sending yet again, another surge of butterflies through her stomach.

Augustus smiled, while grabbing Hazel's hand. He caressed her hand, making small circles on her palm. He slid down in the blanket a little more, as Hazel flicked on the television. Being sick wasn't too bad, he thought. He finally dozed off again, still gripping Hazel's hand and his head resting on her shoulder. He faintly heard Hazel mumble something quiet, as if not to wake him up.

"Get better soon, Augustus, I need you." She kissed his cheek once more as she watched Augustus fall into a deep sleep, and after a while of cuddling, she too had fallen asleep.

So definitely going to right more, and had a lot of fun writing the first two parts so far. I have so much in my mind! Hope you guys are enjoying!

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