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May's sick day at the contest. (pokemon fanfiction)


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here's another sick May story this one will have May getting sick during a contest.


May: i can't wait for the contest. sniffle. Mira: are you sure May? you look like your getting sick. May: no, i'm fine. ahchoo. a little sickness won't stop me from competing. Mira: ok but don't over do it. Skitty: i really think you shouldn't compete in this contest. May: i know Skitty. sniffle but i need this ribbon. but i'm already registered for the contest. so there's no turning back now. ahchoo. Skitty: ok. i guess we can't stop now. May: hand me a tissue please. Skitty hands May a tissue. May blows her nose. Skitty: now lets play something for a while. May: i'm not sure what to play. Skitty: well here, lets play with these. May: ahchoo ahchoo. Skitty: oh Princess May she pretened, do you need more tissues? May: i think so she said taking the scarf on her princess hat and blowing her nose in it. Skitty: eww. that's not a tissue.


Skitty: ok. i need to use the Pokemon bathroom. be back soon. May sneezes twice as more muccus comes out. May quickly grabs the scarf on her princess hat and sneezes again. Skitty: your not feeling well. you really should not compete. May: i have to Skitty she said holding the scarf on her nose to stifle another sneeze. Skitty: are you sure about this? May: yes. ahchoo. May blows her nose for the third time in the thin scarf. Skitty: that scarf is becoming a snot rag. May wrings out the wet scarf. later at the contest.........

Stacie: and now we have May who is from Petalberg city. May sneezes loudly. Stacie: oh dear. bless you May. May: i think i'm ready. Skitty take the stage. Skitty comes out and looks at May who looks ill. Nurse Joy: May doesn't look to good here. May: Skitty use Spin and ahchoo.....use blizzard. Skitty spins and uses Blizzard while May sneezes again. Stacie: May, are you ok? May: i'm ok Stacie. Now use Thunderbolt in the Blizzard. Skitty uses Thunderbolt in the Blizzard making it sparkle. Stacie: wow. what a great show of moves Skitty has. May takes off her bandana and sneezes into it while she walks off stage with Skitty. Stacie: Nurse Joy, what was your thoughts on this.


Nurse Joy: well Skitty performed really well but May looked really sick. Stacie: i agree. May: got to power through this. Skitty: you really should throw in the towel May. your sick now. May: i can't. i just made it in the battle round. Skitty: May, are you really going through with this? May: i want that ribbon Skitty. May takes a tissue and blows her nose for the fourth time. Skitty: oh May. i can't stand to see you like this.

Stacie: and now for round 2. will May please come to the stage. May throws the tissue in the trash can and goes to the stage. May sneezes loudly before coming out on the stage. Stacie: and in this corner we have May. and in the other corner we have Mira who is from the Sinnoh region. Mira: she looks worse then ever now. May: i'm ok Mira. Skitty are you ready? Skitty: i guess so. you don't look it though. May: ahchoooooo. ahchooooo. Stacie: May, are you sure you can go on? you look ill. May: i'm ahchoo.......fine Stacie. May takes off her bandana and blows her nose in it.


May: Skitty use Iron tail. ahchoo. sniffle. Mira: Flaffy use Iron tail too. May sneezes three more times. Stacie: oh my. May blows her nose in her bandana again. May: Skitty use Ice beam. ahchoo. cough cough cough. Stacie: and it looks like Skitty may have an advantage here. Skitty stops fighting. Mira: stop the battle. May is about to colapse. May: Skitty......Skitty use...... use..ahchoo. she sneezes again and faints from her fever.

Stacie: oh no. Nurse Joy: Chansey bring the stretcher out. Chansey brings out a stretcher and takes May to the Pokemon center. Stacie: we'll be sure May gets a conselation prize for her efforts. and Mira moves on to the next battle by default. an hour later....... May wakes up slowly. May: where ahchoo.... am i? Mira: your in the Pokemon center May. you fainted in the battle from your fever. Nurse Joy: you shouldn't have gone on in that battle May. you were too sick to compete. May: i realize that now. ahchoo. cough cough. Mira: oh and here. Stacie and the others gave a conselation prize for your efforts. she hands May a second place ribbon. May: oh it's a tissue ribbon. Mira: no. just a second place ribbon. they decided you should get second place for your efforts even though you were sick.


May blows her nose in the second place ribbon. Mira: oh dear. she thinks it's a tissue. May: it wasn't a tissue? oops. Mira: it's ok. they knew you would use it for that. Nurse Joy: i did too so that's why we gave it to you. May: well you guys were right. i was too sick to compete and i shouldn't have entered at all. Skitty: i told you so. May: yes you did Skitty. Mira: well it's ok. just remember if your feeling sick don't enter. May: yes. she grabs Mira's scarf and blows her nose in it. Mira: hey! ha ha ha ha. i knew you would use my scarf. May: you did? ha ha ha. Mira: ha ha ha ah ah ahchoo. May: not you too Mira. Mira: oh boy. i think i caught your cold May. ahchoo. May: well here we go again.

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

huh? Contagion?

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

huh? Contagion?

Yeah. Is that ok?

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

huh? Contagion?

Yeah. Is that ok?

i forgot what that is. but i can do it for you.

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

huh? Contagion?

Yeah. Is that ok?

i forgot what that is. but i can do it for you.

It's when someone gets another person sick. It would be awesome if you could do that. Thanks sonicman!

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I love this little story! Are you planning to continue it?

yes. i think i will continue it. i don't know what to do in it yet though

Maybe can you add contagion from Mira to the polemon?

huh? Contagion?

Yeah. Is that ok?

i forgot what that is. but i can do it for you.

It's when someone gets another person sick. It would be awesome if you could do that. Thanks sonicman!

ah. yes. i can do that.

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