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For Anonymouse~! :D Sorry..I suck at writing..


A loud sneeze echoed through the Lucas Company’s lobby as one of their many employees,Syd March,entered. “Good morning Syd!”,a peppy but admirable Michelle exclaimed,”Oh and bless you~” He barely glanced at her,a obviously soaked tissue clamped to his face,”Mborning Mbichelle..” Her happy expression turned to one of concern and worry,”You don’t look so good Syd..are you feeling alright?” He scoffed,”Just pbeachy. Andyway I ndeed LK-478,i’mb lade for mby meeding so if you could hurry,thad be gread.” She retrieved the vial for him and slid it across the counter towards him,”Urm..sure. Here you go!” He nodded his thanks and strided down the hall,stifling a few more sneezes into his wrist,wet sniffles following afterwards. Michelle watched him leave,feeling a bit concerned for him,”Poor guy..” Around noon,Michelle knocked gently on his office door,a mug of warm tea in her hand,”Syd? I brought you something..Syd?” She pressed her ear to the door and listened before coming to the conclusion that he wasn’t going to answer so with a brave face,she entered,”Syd?--he was face down on his desk,snoring congestedly--Hey..” He snorted awake,groggy and momentarily unsure of where he was,”Hmb? Whad? Mbichelle? Whad do you wand?” She set the tea down in front of him before placing her hand gently to his forehead,”I brought you tea. And when were you gonna mention you actually caught your own cold?” He batted her hand away,but accepted the tea,his throat sore and scratchy,”Ndever. I’mb fine--HRESSSH! HERSHHH!” He spilled some of the tea as he turned his head so as not to sneeze on her. She crossed her arms,”And just why didn’t you stay home today? You look like hell Syd..”


Sorry about the spacing,will fix later!

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Omg he fell asleep at his desk :yay: ehehehe. this is perfect, I love it!! And those two harsh double sneezes towards the end... :dribble:

Is this TBC? Just curious tehe. I will be posting mine or at least part of it shortly.

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Omg he fell asleep at his desk yay.gif ehehehe. this is perfect, I love it!! And those two harsh double sneezes towards the end... dribble.gif

Is this TBC? Just curious tehe. I will be posting mine or at least part of it shortly.

Oh yes~ Very much TBC :] And yes,gotta love a good ole fashioned desk nap! xD

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Next part! Enjoy!


He glanced at her,frustration on his face,"Look undless you have somb business ind here,blease leave." Truth be told he enjoyed her niceness but his sinuses were flaring up and he hated sneezing around other people. Michelle awkwardly blushed,"Oh..um sorry. I'll go now..",and with that she hurried out. No sooner had the door closed then Syd pinched his nose shut,"HEHMPCH! HHEMPCH! Heh..eh--EHSHSH!",and stuffed a few tissues into each chaffed nostril. The day wore on as Michelle listened to Syd's sneezes become more and more painful and wet sounding,finally getting courage to barge into his office,"Would you just go home already?! Your contagious and sneezy and just AAAUUUGGGH!" Syd stared at her wide eyed,"Jesus..ndo ndeed tdo be so rude..I was actually ind the process of doing just thad." She blushed bright red with embarassment,but stood her ground,"Good. Then let's go." He pushed past her,coughing into his fist,"Umb? Us? I cand take care of mbyself..HERSHOO! *sniff*" Michelle helped balance him out and ushered him to her car,"I'm not letting you walk home like this. Just tell me where to go,ok?" He nodded,too tired to fight her anymore,"Turn left here...and thend..HERSGH! HERGSH! And thend mbake a righd and park righd there." Michelle helped him out and to his apartment,"Ok sweetie..just lay down and rest,ok?" He nodded and after stripping to just his boxers,crawled under his white comforter and with little effort,fell asleep. Michelle chuckled quietly and pushed a few strands of loose hair from his flushed face,"Poor dear.."


Next part to come soon! :D

Edited by SneezyHolmes
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EEEE this makes me warm & fuzzy inside. <3 I love the way you write his sneezes, so harsh and wet and I've been trying to replicate them in my fic but failing D:

Michelle busting in on him :rofl: And then going with him? And he just lets her because he's like 'whatever' about everything.

I love it!!! :hug:

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EEEE this makes me warm & fuzzy inside. <3 I love the way you write his sneezes, so harsh and wet and I've been trying to replicate them in my fic but failing D:

Michelle busting in on him lol.gif And then going with him? And he just lets her because he's like 'whatever' about everything.

I love it!!! hug.gif

Pssh! Your fic is great just the way it is! :hug: We should do fic exchanges more often haha!

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EEEE this makes me warm & fuzzy inside. <3 I love the way you write his sneezes, so harsh and wet and I've been trying to replicate them in my fic but failing D:

Michelle busting in on him lol.gif And then going with him? And he just lets her because he's like 'whatever' about everything.

I love it!!! hug.gif

Pssh! Your fic is great just the way it is! hug.gif We should do fic exchanges more often haha!

I'm 100% open to it! I love having the opportunity to write an Antiviral sneezefic for someone else who actually saw/liked the movie! And getting one in return? This is awesome. :yay:

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EEEE this makes me warm & fuzzy inside. <3 I love the way you write his sneezes, so harsh and wet and I've been trying to replicate them in my fic but failing D:

Michelle busting in on him lol.gif And then going with him? And he just lets her because he's like 'whatever' about everything.

I love it!!! hug.gif

Pssh! Your fic is great just the way it is! hug.gif We should do fic exchanges more often haha!

I'm 100% open to it! I love having the opportunity to write an Antiviral sneezefic for someone else who actually saw/liked the movie! And getting one in return? This is awesome. yay.gif

Indeed! 8D Haha!

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