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Commoner's Handkerchiefs (OHSHC Tidbit)


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Hey-o! So here's a little bonus tidbit I have for you, based off the anime (in case you couldn't tell tonguesmiley.gif ) Also, for those of you who have been reading all the Ouran stories I've been posting lately, I have some questions for you on my drabble thread! http://www.sneezefet...ic=53231&st=255

You don't have to answer them, but I'd love to know what you think~

Anyways, enjoy!


Haruhi Fujioka walked briskly down the hall towards the abandoned Music Room. It was only a couple days ago that s(he?) had joined the Ouran Host Club, or rather, become the Host Club’s dog. The pollen count was rather high on this particular afternoon, so as a result everyone’s allergies were acting up. Naturally, Haruhi had been sent to the supermarket to pick up some more handkerchiefs, along with a few other things on a list the King had prepared.

“May I have a word with you, Tamaki?”

Tamaki glanced over his shoulder from the girl he was currently entertaining and turned to face his regular client, Seika Ayanokoji. The snub redhead smirked a bit. “I’ve recently heard the Host Club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree.”

The prince chuckled. “I don’t know if I’d call him that…”

Just then, Haruhi entered the Music Room, her bags filled with groceries. Tamaki gave a friendly wave. “Well, speak of the devil! Thanks for doing the shopping, little piglet.” He winked, giving a little wave of his finger. “Did you get everything on our list?”

Sweatdrops of half-confusion, half-irritation ran down the forehead of the Academy first-year. “What? Piglet?” She muttered to herself, eyebrow twitching.

“Hey, wait a minute…” Tamaki had reached into the shopping back and pulled out what looked to be a box of paper tissues. “What is this?”

“Just what it looks like. They’re tissues.”

Seika sipped at her tea indifferently as Tamaki admired the box, reading over the label carefully. “I’ve never seen this brand of handkerchief before. Is it the kind you store in a box instead of a pocket?”

Haruhi looked at the package from behind the couch. “What do you mean? They’re disposable tissues.”

“Disposable?” The girls sitting on the sofa across from them cocked their heads to the side.

“Whoa!” Tamaki’s eyes widened. “I’ve heard of this before. They’re commoner’s handkerchiefs! You just use it and throw it away!”

By now, a crowd of girls had gathered around the sitting area, watching in awe. The girls sitting on the sofa commented on commoners’ audacity.

“I didn’t even know there was such a thing…”

“So it’s true then, poor people don’t even have enough free time to wash their own handkerchiefs.”

In perfect synchronization, the crowd of girls nodded their heads in agreement.


Now, the rest of the hosts had been drawn to the scene.

“Commoners are pretty wasteful.” Kyoya noted.

“Thirty of those for three hundred yen?” Hikaru pondered.

“That’s a lot less than we normally pay…” Kaoru contemplated.

Haruhi sighed in aggravation. “I’ll go back and pick up something else! Excuse me for not buying you guys fancy handkerchiefs.”

Tamaki raised a hand to stop her, his eyes still glued to the tissues.

“No, I’ll keep them.”

The crowd gasped. Tamaki rose to his feet.

“I’m going to give them a try.”

They gasped even louder, their mouths open wide in astonishment. The prince raised the box of tissues into the air triumphantly, an ambitious hand on his hip.

“I will use these tissues!”

Applause proceeded throughout the room for his boldness. He raised a humbling hand to quiet the audience.

“Alright, Haruhi. Get over here and open up some of these commoner’s handkerchiefs.”

Even Haruhi was astounded by their ignorance. I hate all these damn rich people...

Seika snorted and set her teacup down on the table with a clink. “Oh, Tamaki. Now you’re taking the joke too far. Your nose won’t be able to endure that onionskin. You don’t have to use it just because he bought it.” Noticing Haruhi standing right behind her, she turned and gave a false smile. “I’m sorry. I was talking to myself.”


“Haruhi!” Tamaki called.

Haruhi sighed. “I’m coming.” She made her way over to the table before taking each tissue box out of the brown paper bag and setting it on the table.

Demonstration of commoners’ handkerchiefs, by a commoner

Down the line the commoner went, carefully ripping off the plastic from each tissue box, one by one. The girls stood crowded around the table, watching in anticipation. Once she was finished, Haruhi held out a box of tissues for each of them to take. “Here.”

With a background of roses behind him, Tamaki placed a delicate hand on his chin.

“Let the sneezing begin!”

Some of the girls looked in apprehension at the squares of paper within their hands, unsure of whether or not this would be a good idea.

“I’m a little scared to sneeze into this thing.”

“I’m afraid that if I sneeze into this, my father will yell at me.”

Tamaki seductively brought the girl’s face closer to his, nearly sweeping her off her feet. “What if I hold it in front of your nose while you blow?” He tempted.

“Well, then I would use it…”

All the girls surrounding the table squealed, their eyes miraculously transformed into hearts.

This is ridiculous, Haruhi thought to herself.

Tamaki held the tissue cautiously under his nose, waiting for that allergic sneeze to make its course. It wasn’t long before a few particles of pollen found their way into his nose, and his breath began to slowly, involuntarily quicken with the realization of this.

“So I...huhh...just use thihh...hihh...this like a...h’huh...a regular hahhndkerchief?”

At Haruhi’s nod, the prince’s eyes sparkled in fascination. He lifted the soft material up to his quivering nose and gracefully cupped it around his flaring nostrils as his head ducked forward in one elegant, fluent motion.


“Whoa!” The audience gawked in amazement.

However, one sneeze was apparently not enough. Tamaki rushed over to the nearest trashcan and disposed of the tissue before rushing back to the table and grabbing another. He’d only brought it up to his nose just in time before another sneeze had been delivered.


Once again, his nose hadn’t yet been relieved of the tickle. He hurried back to the trashcan, threw away the tissue, ran back to the table, and grabbed yet another.


This pattern continued for a while, the prince rushing back and forth across the room.

“Hey, you don’t have to grab a new one every time, you know.” Haruhi said.


“They may be disposable, but they’re good for more than one sneeze.”


The commoner sighed and took a seat down on the couch next to Seika. May as well kill some time. This could take a while...

Edited by Not_Telling
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You wrote Haruhi perfectly! Her exasperation at Tamaki's antics and her snarkiness is just spot-on! This was completely adorable. :heart: Marvelous job, N_T, as always. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This scene was so perfectly played out in my head...and I can very well imagine it being part of the actual show. It was quite entertaining~!! winksmiley02.gif My absolute favorite line was>>“What if I hold it in front of your nose while you blow?” Haha~! I wish I was there!clap.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

AAHHHHHHHH I just got into this anime recently and I love it SOOOOO MUCH!!! XD This was so adorable, and now I have to go read all of the other Ouran High fics you have posted since I was here last time! Keep up the great work, and thank you so much for posting!! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

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