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May's tissue dilema (Pokemon fanfiction)


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May: oh Skitty i wish my nose would stop running. Skitty: well it won't right now. but since your here in town, you should rest up at the Pokemon center. Nurse Joy: wow. are you sick May? May: i think so. do you have any tissues? Nurse Joy: well i do but their being used to clean up a mess Chansey made. May takes off her bandana and blows her nose in it. Nurse Joy: sorry about that. if i find some i'll give them to you. Skitty: you better sit down May. May sits down on the couch. Skitty: you'll need more tissues now. May: i know. Skitty: well. what now? Nurse Joy: i'll make you some soup to help you feel better. May sneezes twice. Skitty: here's a bed sheet for you May. May puts the bed sheet over her. Skitty hands her the tv remote. May: thanks Skitty. sniffle. May takes the cloth on the arm rest of the couch and blows her nose again.


Skitty: oh boy. May sneezes again. Nurse Joy: Chansey, are you almost done with those tissues? Chansey: nope. i may have to use the whole box this time. May: oh......ahchoo. oh no. a Swirlix runs by. May sneezes near it. Swirlix: hey. watch where you sneeze. Swirlix comes over. May pets Swirlix. May: your fur is soft yet sticky. Swirlix: what did you expect? i'm a cotten candy Pokemon. May: ahchoo. Swirlix: ewwww. not on me. May: no. don't leave. Swirlix: ok. try not to sneeze on me. Skitty: don't count on it Swirlix. May continues to sneeze. Swirlix: oh gosh. May takes a little bit of Swirlix's fur and blows her nose in it. Swirlix: hey! my fur isn't meant for that. Skitty: i told you so. Swirlix: gosh. i can see where this is going now.

May's nose starts running again. May: come here Swirlix please. Swirlix: no way! Skitty: Swirlix, i think you might want to leave before she grabs more of your fur. May grabs a big hunk of Swirlix's fur and blows her nose in it again. Swirlix: hey! hey! you took half of my fur. i'm out of here. Swirlix leaves. May: sniffle. my poor nose. Skitty: well, what are you going to do with that cotten candy fur now? May: i don't know. Swirlix's fur starts melting due to May's snot. May: never mind. it's melting. Nurse Joy: soup is almost ready now. May: sniffle. i can't stop my nose from running.


Skitty: oh, i know what you can use. i saw another tissue box in the play room. be right back. May sneezes yet again. May dabs her nose with the bed sheet. Nurse Joy: you must be sick now. May: i am. ahchoo. ahchoo. Nurse Joy: here's your soup. May takes the spoon and sips the soup with snot still running from her nose. Nurse Joy: i wish i could help your poor nose. Skitty comes back with a plush tissue box. May: huh? this looks like a plushie. Nurse Joy: it is. these aren't real tissues Skitty. they were meant for baby Pokemon to play with. May: i don't really care at the moment she pulling out a plushie tissue. May blows her nose with the plush tissue. Nurse Joy: oh my. you really blew your nose in that small plush tissue? May: heh. sniffle. it's very soft though. Skitty: yeah it is. Nurse Joy: oh dear. these plush tissues will be ruined. May takes another plush tissue and blows her nose for the fourth time. Nurse Joy: stop May! these plush tissues aren't meant for blowing your nose!


May: i know but their so soft. Nurse Joy: i better find some real tissues for her before she ruins this toy. Skitty: besides i think that's what it's meant for. i saw a Pichu use one on his little nose earlier. Nurse Joy: but it's a toy. Nurse Joy's nose starts running now. Nurse Joy: oh boy. now my nose is running. give me one of those. Skitty: here. Nurse Joy grabs one and blows her nose as well. May: well i think my nose finaly stoped running here. Nurse Joy: good. Skitty: oh wait. i think there's even more. even more snot starts to flow from May's nose. May: oh boy. sniffle. these plush tissues are very small.

Nurse Joy: yes. i guess it was meant for that. Skitty grabs a plush tissue from the box now. May: oh dear. you too Skitty? Skitty: yeah. sniffle. Nurse Joy: if you can't beat'em join'em. Nurse Joy takes another one. they all blow their noses at the same time alerting Chansey. Chansey: oh my. you used up all the plush tissues that were meant for a Tediursa i'm taking care of. May: oops. i guess these weren't meant for me. Skitty: heh heh. i saw them sitting there and May needed a tissue really badly so i took them. Chansey: now what do i do? Chansey takes Nurse Joy's apron and puts it on the Tediursa's nose. Chansey: here Tediursa, use Nurse Joy's apron. Nurse Joy: hey! not my apron. Tediursa honks away into her Apron. May: oh my! ha ha ha. Skitty: ha ha.

well there you have it. another runnynose fanfic from Sonicman. hopefuly you guys like it.

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but they don't use Shuppet as a tissue ???

not in this one. i will probably make one like that though. it's a great idea for a tissue story

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Thanks for writing a fic about May! I love how she sneezed near the pokemon.

no problem. i figured May needed a fanfic on here so i came up with the idea

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