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Six Lightbulbs (OHSHC - Mori)


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Hey guys! It's N_T again! This is the last oneshot I'm posting before the big finale, which...actually isn't finished yet...but I am nevertheless really excited for it and can't wait to post it.

That being said, here's a oneshot featuring one of my favorite hosts~ If you've ever seen the anime, you'll probably pick up on the references right away. If not, hope you enjoy anyway!

And as always, tell me what you think! hug.gif


It was a regular Wednesday.

The bell signaling the end of the school day had rung just minutes ago. Music Room No. 3, however, was still buzzing with occupants preparing for an exciting afternoon of club activities. Kyoya Ootori, the ‘Cool’ type, was planning out which guests were expected to attend and predicting how much they would be willing to spend in order to request a certain host. Tamaki Suoh, the ‘Princely’ type, was combing his magnificent hair while practicing romantic pick-up lines. Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the ‘Mischievous’ type, were discussing the basis of their brotherly love package as they made sure their eyedrops were safely hidden. Mitsukuni Haninozuka (aka Honey), the ‘Boy-Lolita’ type, was happily eating cake as always, waiting for his cousin to arrive. And Haruhi Fujioka, the ‘Natural’, observed from a distance, wondering when this would all be over.

It was only then when Takashi Morinozuka (aka Mori), the ‘Strong and Silent’ type, made his entrance. He stumbled into the room, somewhat ready for whatever challenges would be thrown in his direction. More or less…

“Good afternoon, Takashi!” Honey beamed.

“Good afternoon, Mori-senpai!” The other hosts chorused.

Mori gave a small wave as a form of greeting.

In the midst of his planning, Kyoya glanced over his shoulder at the now-present Mori, and with a deciding flash of his glasses, returned to his calculator.

A lightbulb is turned on. One of six lightbulbs are lit.

“The guests will be arriving soon.” The Shadow King pushed up his glasses. “Haruhi, start making some tea. Herbal with honey, if you will.”

Honey’s eyes widened. “I hope you’re talking about bee honey, Kyo-chan…”

- The Host Club is now open for business -

“Takashiii!” Honey clung onto Mori’s back, catching him off-balance a little. “Piggyback ride! Piggyback ride!”

Mori sighed. How could he say no to that? The silent host traipsed around the with with Honey atop his shoulders, perhaps a bit too slow for his liking.

“Faster! Faster!” Honey chanted.

After one lap around the room, Mori set the loli-shota back on the ground. Honey stared at him with disappointment, expecting a longer ride. Mori merely cleared his throat.

Another lightbulb is turned on. Two of six lightbulbs are lit.

“I’ll go get us some more tea, Takashi!”

Honey reached for the teacups but Mori, knowing how clumsy his smaller cousin could be, picked them up himself.

“I got it.” He whispered quietly.

Haruhi was pouring tea for some giggling girls when Mori approached her.

She smiled. “Hey Mori-senpai, what’s up?”

The silent host held up the teacups in response.

“Oh, you want some more tea? Sure, let me get that for you.”

Haruhi poured the hot tea into each cup, a warm smile on her face. Mori was about to thank her, turn around and head back to the table, but before he could, something else seemed to occupy his attention.

“What is it, Mori-senpai?”

Mori paused for a split second before urgently thrusting the teacups into Haruhi’s hands. He turned away quickly and pitched into the crook of his elbow.


Another lightbulb is turned on. Three of six lightbulbs are lit.

“Bless you.” Haruhi cocked her head to the side. “You can take the whole pot if you want, senpai. There should be some extra cups at your table.”

Mori nodded his thanks and took the teapot gratefully. On his way back, he ran into the beloved Hitachiin twins, who were skipping freely in between customer changes, arms linked side-by-side.

“Hey, Mori-senpai!” They chorused.

“Hey-” Mori’s voice broke suddenly and he was enveloped in a horrible fit of coughing.

The twins disattached and re-linked arms with Mori, Hikaru on the left and Kaoru on the right.

“Whoa, take it easy there, Mori.” Hikaru tutted.

“Yeah, we can’t have our strong and silent host collapsing on us!” Kaoru joked.

Hikaru peered closer at Mori’s face.

“Oh hang on, your forehead’s a little sweaty…”

“I’ve got it!” Kaoru reached for it himself.

“No, no...I got it!” Hikaru did the same.

As each of their fingers gently stroked the top of Mori’s forehead, the twins exchanged glances with one another.

Two more lightbulbs are turned on. Five of six lightbulbs are lit.

“I think Honey-senpai is waiting for you, Mori-senpai.” The twins said in unison. “You should go back and sit with them.”

With a symmetrical wink, they skipped away to meet their next customer. Mori returned to the table, the teapot still clutched in his hands.

“There you are, Takashi!” Honey said happily. “What took you so long?”

The silent host’s hands shook wildly. Honey frowned at the expression of discomfort in his eyes.

“Takashi? What’s wrong?”

“B-Bitsukudi…” Mori held out to teapot for him to take and, finally understanding, Honey complied.


“Bless you, Takashi.” Honey looked up at him in concern. “Um, can I ask you something?”

Tamaki called from across the room. “Mori-senpaiii! Come here, mon ami. Honey-senpai, you come too!”

Mori and Honey trotted over, the former lagging behind a bit. Their princely Club President/King gasped in exasperation. “Thank goodness! You must assist me, Mori-senpai, for I cannot deny these beautiful ladies the gorgeous melodies they desire! Please…” Tamaki gestured wildly to the curtain behind him. “The grand piano has been turned upside down for cleaning. Can you lift it back up so I can play, Mori, PLEEEASE?”

After a slight hesitation, Mori nodded. Ordinarily, a task like this would be no problem for the great Takashi Morinozuka. But today, when he bent down to lift the piano, it didn’t budge. He grunted with the effort to raise it off the ground, yet on the ground it stayed.

Honey ran to join him. “I’ll help, Takashi!”

The twins followed suit. “Us too! Us too!”

Haruhi picked up one of the legs. “Pianos are heavy, senpai. We’ll help you out.”

Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

“It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.”

Tamaki chuckled at the hosts’ enthusiasm. “That’s nice of you all to help, but Mori’s a pretty strong guy. I think he can handle it.”

With his fellow Host Club members’ assistance, Mori finally got the piano off the ground. He struggled to keep the hefty instrument aloft...until his knees buckled all of a sudden.

“L-Let go!” He nearly shouted.

Seconds after the startled hosts complied, Mori double over into his cupped hands.


Kyoya set down his notebook, rushed up to Tamaki, and shoved him forward. “Catch.”

The reaction was timely, for just then Mori lost his bearings completely and collapsed backwards so Tamaki just barely caught him before he hit the ground. On a hunch, Tamaki slid his hand up to Mori’s forehead.

The last lightbulb is turned on. All six lightbulbs are lit.

“So Mori-senpai...is sick?”

Kyoya knew it all along.

“Sick, ill, diseased, infected, feverish, cold-stricken, however you wish to put it, I suppose. But yes, to sum it all up, he’s sick.”

The other hosts figured it out along the way.

“Whoever knew Mori-senpai would be taken down by something like a cold?” The twins shrugged.

“Everyone gets sick.” Haruhi noted. “It was bound to happen at some point.”

“Takashi will be okay, won’t he?” Honey asked worriedly.

“He’ll be just fine.” Kyoya assured the loli-shota. “All he needs is rest, some tea, perhaps a fever reducer.”

“Wow Kyo-chan, you sure know a lot about this stuff, don’t you?”

The Shadow King wrote something down in his notebook. “Well, my family is in the medical business, after all.”

The twins raised their hands. “Uh, Kyoya-senpai? The boss is already planning Mori-senpai’s funeral.”

Tamaki had turned white from head to toe, glowering over Mori in his unconscious state. “You will be missed, Mori-senpai. You were a wonderful host...a great master of kendo...you always cared well for Honey-senpai...always kind and understanding...a man of few words...The Host Club will never forget you!”

“Bo-oss, he’s not gonna get better if you start growing mushrooms on him.” Hikaru rolled his eyes.

“Stop worrying,” Kaoru placed an arm around his twin. “Kyoya said he’d be fine.”

“DON’T YOU SEE, YOU IDIOTS?! HE’S OUT COLD!” Tamaki sunk to his knees. “And you know what the worst part of it is?”

“What, boss?”

Tamaki covered his face with his hands.

“I never got to play the piano.”

Edited by Not_Telling
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I really liked this one, reminds me of the anime and now I gotta watch it over again. :D Tamaki, always the last to know.

poor mori <3

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Ohhhh *tightly hugs Mori* The sweet dear...

I love the lightbulbs idea. That was very interesting. :)

Edited by fang815
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The lightbulbs were brilliant. I love this oneshot! Believe it or not,I can see this being an actual bit from an episode. I wish they continued the anime from the first season.

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Awwwwww! All of the hosts are amazing, but Mori has a special place in my heart. :heart: Plus the light bulb thing was genius. This one-shot was awesome and I'm super excited for the finale, although I'll be sad that there won't be any more one-shots for a bit. But again, marvelous one-shot, N_T! :)

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I really liked this one, reminds me of the anime and now I gotta watch it over again. biggrin.png Tamaki, always the last to know.

poor mori <3

Ah yes, how ignorant our handsome young prince is. Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you liked it! NOW GO AND WATCH OURAN, YOUNG LADY!

Ohhhh *tightly hugs Mori* The sweet dear...

I love the lightbulbs idea. That was very interesting. smile.png

Thanks, I figured this would be an interesting idea, since the request I got was for Mori to be sick with nobody else noticing. At first I was wondering how exactly I was going to write this one, but then a lightbulb went off in my head (ahaha, get it?) and I thought, WAIT...what about the first episode of the anime, when they all kinda figured out throughout the story that Haruhi was a girl, but like with the lightbulbs? And the lightbulbs turned on when they figured it out, I thought, this would be a PERFECT scenario! And it was quite fun to write, indeed. :D

The lightbulbs were brilliant. I love this oneshot! Believe it or not,I can see this being an actual bit from an episode. I wish they continued the anime from the first season.

I KNOW, RIGHT?! THOSE STUPID ALSVNADSKVNLASKDVB OURAN DEVELOPERS!! On a different note, I would have loved to see something like this actually happen in the anime. OR AT LEAST A SICK EPISODE, REALLY?! YOU'RE JUST GONNA END THE SERIES WITHOUT A FREAKIN' SICK EPISODE?? How amazingly adorable would that be?!?! But anyways thanks~

Awwwwww! All of the hosts are amazing, but Mori has a special place in my heart. heart.gif Plus the light bulb thing was genius. This one-shot was awesome and I'm super excited for the finale, although I'll be sad that there won't be any more one-shots for a bit. But again, marvelous one-shot, N_T! smile.png

He's got a place in mine, too <3 Thank you so much, VB! Your comments mean a lot :hug:

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