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Another really really short one. Hesitated about posting this, but figured that since I haven't posted anything in a while I might as well give you what I've got.

For my own prompt (lol) on TG's meme: "One person isn't feeling well and the other is concerned -- but the story is told only though non-physical mediums. Texting, phone calls, email, etc. They don't have to be physically separated the entire time, but you're only allowed to show the scenes where they are."



“Hey. You find anything?”

“Jesus, Sammy, what the hell.”

“What? Dean, you called me.”

“Yeah, exactly; I called YOU, not friggin’ Sylvester Stallone. What’s with your voice? You try coughing up a couple cheese graters in there, or something?”

“Shut up.”

“Seriously, you weren’t half as bad this morning. I could still understand you, for one thing.”

“I’m fine, Dean. Can we just focus on the case?”

“Yeah, whatever. I’m thinking our last lead was a bust. I’m checking out the Mason family next, if you just wanna stay put for another half hour.”

“Are you kidding me? I already let you check out one house without backup. It’s too dangerous to take our chances on another.”

“Uh-huh. Well, nobody’s going to want to talk to you without a face mask and a pair of surgical gloves, so it’s either this or nothing.”

“I’m not that bad.”

“You say that like you haven’t been sniffling through our entire conversation. Look; I’ll be careful and then I’ll swing by to get you when I’m done. But I’m picking you up some cough drops first.”


D: Bless you x5. make that six.

D: lucky number seven. turn around, I’m in the parking lot

S: Stop counting, weirdo.


“Dean, what the hell? Where did you go?”

“What’s that?”

“You just took off. I can’t believe you. Don’t tell me you went to burn the—”

“Hey, you should be thanking me. You practically passed out after dinner; I was letting you sleep.”

“Awfully considerate of you but I’m FINE.”

“When you toss and turn for hours to fall asleep on a good day? I’m betting you’re full of shit. I’ve got this one, man, just take a breather.”

“Turn around.”

“Forget it.”

“Dean, I said turn around! Have some faith in me, all right? I’ll let you know if I think I’m pushing my limits, and I’ll – I don’t know, I’ll let you tuck me in and spoon-feed me soup and keep me in bed all-day-long when the case is over, but right now I’m asking you to trust me.”

“You were joking about the soup thing, right?”

“Yeah, Dean, I was joking.”

“Okay. Be there in ten.”

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This. This is just... :inlove: The different phone conversations are so great! And I love love love the texts! :rofl: And the fact that even though it's sort of told from a distance and you only get to see part of what's going on, it's so easy to see it happening and imagine the rest of it is so great. :heart: Plus, you're so, so brilliant at writing the dialogue and banter between them! That totally made the fic for me!

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“Yeah, exactly; I called YOU, not friggin’ Sylvester Stallone. What’s with your voice? You try coughing up a couple cheese graters in there, or something?”

wub.png I can't even tell you how much I love this line...Sam all hoarse, Dean all concerned, and Sylvester Stallone, too...I'm gonna go watch Rocky 1 and swoon for awhile, and then maybe Lock Upheart.gifbag.gif

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Such an interesting and almost strange way to write an SPN fic, but you made it work. :) Thanks for posting this Sen Beret! You're really talented. :D

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OMG love this! I love that idea of using only non-physical mediums!

And they were so in character! I love Dean's snarky attitude like:

“Uh-huh. Well, nobody’s going to want to talk to you without a face mask and a pair of surgical gloves, so it’s either this or nothing.”

“I’m not that bad.”

“You say that like you haven’t been sniffling through our entire conversation...

I'm pretty new to the forum, but as I dig around I am starting to realize that you ROCK! I love everything you do, seriously! smile.png

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Sorry it took me a couple days to respond to these, everyone! I've had a really rough week but going through so much of your positive feedback has lightened me up like crazy.


Okay, um, this makes me very happy biggrin.png

Makes ME happy to know that you're happy. Thanks!!!

This. This is just... in_love.gif The different phone conversations are so great! And I love love love the texts! lol.gif And the fact that even though it's sort of told from a distance and you only get to see part of what's going on, it's so easy to see it happening and imagine the rest of it is so great. heart.gif Plus, you're so, so brilliant at writing the dialogue and banter between them! That totally made the fic for me!

Eeeee you've always got such good things to say to me, thank you! I've always been so drawn to 'weirder' prompts like this, and everyone knows I've got a thing for texting and phones... and even though it was my own prompt, it still spoke to me!!

“Yeah, exactly; I called YOU, not friggin’ Sylvester Stallone. What’s with your voice? You try coughing up a couple cheese graters in there, or something?”

wub.png I can't even tell you how much I love this line...Sam all hoarse, Dean all concerned, and Sylvester Stallone, too...I'm gonna go watch Rocky 1 and swoon for awhile, and then maybe Lock Upheart.gifbag.gif

Ahh, I hope you did!! <3 The hoarseness thing was especially what I was thinking of while I was writing this because I've been sick with some throat thing (weirdest illness of my LIFE, honestly) and I felt like maybe writing about it would make me feel better...

Can you post a link to the meme. I'm so behind on supernatural fluff.

Hell yeah dude! It's here: http://tarotgal.livejournal.com/905764.html

Been going on since April and it's still active... incredible.

This was oh so perfect. biggrin.png

:heart: THANK you!

This was adorable smile.png

:) So glad that you thought so!!!!

Too cute! thankyou.gif

Ummmm I think that I should be the one saying thankyou.gif!!!

Such an interesting and almost strange way to write an SPN fic, but you made it work. smile.png Thanks for posting this Sen Beret! You're really talented. biggrin.png

This means sooo so much to me, like you don't even know! Like I said before, I love 'different' stuff like this kinda, maybe because it is different which means that I don't have much competition for that sort of style, so it's easier for me to kind of write what I want without comparing myself to people whom I think are "better"? ANYWAY, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, and thank you for the compliment!!

OMG love this! I love that idea of using only non-physical mediums!

And they were so in character! I love Dean's snarky attitude like:

“Uh-huh. Well, nobody’s going to want to talk to you without a face mask and a pair of surgical gloves, so it’s either this or nothing.”

“I’m not that bad.”

“You say that like you haven’t been sniffling through our entire conversation...

I'm pretty new to the forum, but as I dig around I am starting to realize that you ROCK! I love everything you do, seriously! smile.png

Oh my god! WOW! I don't even know what to say! I feel like my biggest struggle is characterization, especially Dean's dialogue (because he has such a specific voice, you know, like it feels like that might be hard to capture??) so it's very very cool that you picked it out specifically!!

And thank you so so much for saying that about me... I don't know why it hit me so hard just now, maybe because I'm super emotional or something, but it means a lot and if you ever wanna talk to me just know that I'm around!!!

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I know what you mean with Dean's voice being hard to capture, but really you do it wonderfully! I could totally hear it in my head as I read! :)

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I know what you mean with Dean's voice being hard to capture, but really you do it wonderfully! I could totally hear it in my head as I read! smile.png

Thank you thank you!!! I think the main thing about it is like, he is so insincere with his phrasing... he doesn't say anything exactly as it is, it's always some kind of metaphor or analogy or something... although now that I've pointed it out, I might look really contrived lol!!!

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I'm sending you some love. This is AWESOME.

For some reason I really like the idea of knowing somebody is sick and listening into the conversation of it without it actually being narrated. It's kind of A LOT like real life because you don't have the narration in your head about how the person is feeling and what his/her symptoms are, you just have what you can tell about them. And you brought that to light in a really interesting way. Like, pointing out Sam's scratchy, hoarse voice (hilariously) by using Dean's sarcasm (probs masking his concern) describing how he sounds.

It's like a whole new level of sickfic. It's almost more imaginative, because you have to draw the ENTIRE picture, because all you're doing is eavesdropping on phone conversations and reading text messages.

It's awesome. And you're awesome. And this was adorable. And I was craving some SUPER sick Sammy. <3. You delivered. <3.

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Yes that's exactly it! He is always so sarcastic/witty, it's hard trying to find a clever Dean way of saying simple things. Not to mention finding relevant pop-culture references that he would use. I totally get it! But you do it well, and it sounds really natural.

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