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Puppy Love (OHSHC - Honey)


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Hello!!!!! Here. Is. Another. Oneshot!

For an anonymous requester~ Here ya go ;) Tell me what you think!


“Cake cake cake cake, cake cake cake~” Honey sang, kicking his legs freely back and forth under his chair. The cake piled high in front of him: vanilla, chocolate, double-chocolate, banana, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, red velvet, and another one he hadn’t yet tried. “Hmm, what’s this one?” The loli-shota pondered aloud. He dipped his fork into the cake and took a bite.

Mori waved his hands in front of him frantically. “Wait, Mitsukuni. That’s-”

Honey cringed in utter disgust at whatever cake-formed abomination had just dared to make contact with his tastebuds.

“Carrot cake…” Mori hung his head.


He forced the carrot cake down his throat before gorging down one of the strawberry cakes to wash it down. Midway through shoveling the strawberry into his mouth, he stopped and gave his stuffed bunny a guilty look. “No offense, Usa-chan. Carrots just aren’t my thing. I still love you!”

Honey gave Usa-chan a great big hug before returning to his cake. Mori rolled his eyes playfully as he patted Honey’s head. “What am I going to do with you, Mitsukuni?”

Honey paused, and tackled Mori in an even bigger hug.


“AWWW!” The girls crooned.

Just then, a large golden retriever burst into the room, followed by a frantic, distressed-looking Tamaki. “Lady Antebellum, come baaack!”

Kyoya stepped in Tamaki’s way.

“Tamaki! What is your insubordinate animal doing at the Host Club?”

Tamaki shuffled his feet nervously. “Well I...I thought the ladies would like to see her...think she’s cute, y’know?”

“Did you ever take into account that some of our guests may be allergic to dogs?”

The dog’s owner diverted his eyes, looking for a distraction.

“Um...I...uh...hey, look! Isn’t that the president of a national pharmaceutical company?”

Kyoya quickly glanced over his shoulder.

“Tamaki, there’s no-”

The prince had vanished. Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

“I suppose stupidity is contagious after all.”

Lady Antebellum rushed around the room excitedly. Tamaki wasn’t completely wrong; the girls found her to be absolutely adorable. They squealed in delight at the overexcited furball before she crashed into the table where Mori and Honey were sitting.


Mori payed no mind to the splattered cake. His attention was fixed on Honey, who was currently struggling under the enormous dog on top of him. When the dog started licking his face, Honey stopped fighting and started giggling. “Okay, I’ll forgive you, only because you’re so cute!”

Mori sprang into action. He dived towards the two, scooping Honey up into his arms. The confused loli-shota was hurried across the room and set down as far away from Lady Antebellum as possible.

“What’s wrong, Takashi?” Honey asked as Mori quickly rubbed the dog fur off his chest. The silent host didn’t answer. He was too focused on getting the fur off of Honey.

Honey giggled. “Teehee, my nose is all tickly!”

Mori rubbed faster and harder, his eyes widening at his smaller cousin’s remark. Honey wrinkled his nose in irritation. “T-Takashi? I ah...I think I’m gonna...hahh…

Mori pressed the rag he’d been using to clean Honey’s shirt up to his face.

“A’ksh! Tshx! Tshu! H’tchx! Taka...k’shi! I c-’kshx! Can’t stahh...Apshi! Can’t stop!”

Mori held the rag in place, patting Honey’s back comfortingly, albeit worriedly.

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

The fangirl’s eyes miraculously transformed into hearts.


“H’tchi! Kshi! A’tch! Heh...Hi’tch!”

A sudden thought occurred to Mori. He took the rag away from Honey’s nose and, upon seeing the light fuzz that clung to the fabric, could’ve kicked himself.

Dog fur.

Kyoya, however, was prepared for an incident such as this. He arrived by Mori’s side, supplied with a load of fresh handkerchiefs. Mori took one gratefully, replacing it with the rag he’d used previously.

“I’ll go clean this up, hm?” Kyoya mused. “Perhaps soak it in some cool water.”

Mori nodded, and with that, Kyoya left.

“Kshi! Kshi! Takashi...H’tchx! Dizzy…” Honey opened his eyes, exhausted from all the sneezing, only to squeeze them shut once again. “Tshx!”

The kendo master stood up and took Honey’s hand, leading him to the nearest chair. The allergy attack really seemed to be putting him out of it.

The hypotension is setting in…

Kyoya soon returned with the wet cloth. Mori reached for it, but Kyoya took it upon himself to perform necessary action. He knelt down in front of Honey.

“Just hold still. This won’t hurt a bit.”

“I...Tshu! I can’t…”

“Only for a minute.”

Honey nodded, closing his eyes tight as Kyoya wiped his face and shirt with the cloth. Ordinarily he would have been surprised, but Mori was well aware of Kyoya’s own blood pressure problems, which was probably why he showed such sympathy for him now (if not for the pleasure of their guests).

During this whole time, Honey had been struggling with the desperate urge to sneeze. His face held its scrunched-up position. Finally, Kyoya pulled away.

“Done. Sternutate to your heart’s desire.”

“Apshi! A’ksh! Ksh’x! Kshi! Tchu! Tchu! Ah...Ha’tchi!”

Honey moaned. “Takashi…”

Mori wrapped his arms around Honey and let him rest his head against his chest. He hoisted him up into his arms, giving a small smile upon seeing the boy-lolita had already fallen asleep, his nose still twitching uncomfortably. Mori walked carefully towards the exit.

“Let’s go get you some medicine.”

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"Carrot cake…” Mori hung his head.


Okay, so first, awww, Honey, carrot cake is the best of all cakes! You have no idea what you're missing. ;)

“Um...I...uh...hey, look! Isn’t that the president of a national pharmaceutical company?”

Kyoya quickly glanced over his shoulder.

“Tamaki, there’s no-” The prince had vanished. Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

“I suppose stupidity is contagious after all.”

Second, OMFG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD I LAUGHED AT THIS. :laugh: This is so perfect and Kyoya looks even though he knows there's no possible way a president of a national pharmaceutical company has just wandered into the host club without anyone (especially him) noticing and just ohmygodsiloveitsomuch.

You did an amazing job with this one-shot, N_T. It's definitely my favorite so far. It's funny and sweet and adorable and kind of outrageous, just like the anime. Great job, and I can't wait for the next one-shot! :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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More and honey are perfect! Adorable fic once again and thanks so much for sharing! :)

Edited by daystar428
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Awwwww~! I'm usually not big on Honey since he reminds me too much of a girl, but this was absolutely precious~! <33

Well done, Not Telling! Really well done!

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"Carrot cake…" Mori hung his head.


Okay, so first, awww, Honey, carrot cake is the best of all cakes! You have no idea what you're missing. wink.png

"Um...I...uh...hey, look! Isn't that the president of a national pharmaceutical company?"

Kyoya quickly glanced over his shoulder.

"Tamaki, there's no-" The prince had vanished. Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"I suppose stupidity is contagious after all."

Second, OMFG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD I LAUGHED AT THIS. laughing.gif This is so perfect and Kyoya looks even though he knows there's no possible way a president of a national pharmaceutical company has just wandered into the host club without anyone (especially him) noticing and just ohmygodsiloveitsomuch.

You did an amazing job with this one-shot, N_T. It's definitely my favorite so far. It's funny and sweet and adorable and kind of outrageous, just like the anime. Great job, and I can't wait for the next one-shot! smile.png

Ahaha, yeah I love that part too~ Thank you so so so much, though. Seriously, that's really nice of you to say :)

Oh my god Honey! The cutest little thing ever! heart.gif

Isn't he though? <3

More and honey are perfect! Adorable fic once again and thanks so much for sharing! smile.png

Thanks again, daystar! And thank you for reading!

Awwwww~! I'm usually not big on Honey since he reminds me too much of a girl, but this was absolutely precious~! <33

Well done, Not Telling! Really well done!

Aw, well thank you so much! This is actually the first time I've ever written anything for Honey, since like you said, he is a bit childish and girlish for me, but an anonymous forum friend of mine was telling me how she wished there was a fic for Honey so I thought, hm, maybe I'll give it a try! Glad to see it turned out well :D

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