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“Mom, can I go? Pleeeeeeeeease?” Lexi begged, clasping her hands together.

“Honey...I don’t know....”

“But I hardly ever get to see him...please?”

“Lexi...I’m not comfortable with you taking a trip with your boyfriend.”

“But...mommy.” She whimpered

“I’m sure your father won’t be comfortable with it either.”

“Mom! I have to meet his family at some point...it’s just a little over two weeks...and I’m twenty, so I don’t really need to ask.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And need I remind you that you live under mine and your father’s roof?”

“I’m sorry...I just...I miss him, mom. And I hardly ever see him because he’s always on tour...mom, please let me go.” Lexi bit her lip and looked down sadly. She sniffled, her eyes filling with tears.

Kay’s expression softened as she took in her daughter’s expression. She remembered being young and in love, and how hard it was without a long distance relationship. “I’ll make you a deal.”

Lexi looked up at her mom. “Yeah?”

“You can go.”

“Thank y-”

Kay held up her index finger. “On one condition.”


“You two will sleep in separate rooms.”


“But if you don’t...I don’t want to hear about it.”

Lexi nodded, a smile crossing her face. “I mean it, Lex.”

“I promise.”

“Now you just need to convince your father.”

“Can you?”

“Leave it to me, darling daughter.” Kay said, her eyes twinkling, “You go call your british hottie.”

Lexi made a face. “Ew mom, stop.”

“Just go call him.” She laughed, pushing her daughter out of the room.

Lexi walked into her room, pulled out her phone, and then flopped on her bed.

“Hello, love.” Harry said, his deep, English accent floating through the phone.

“‘Sup, hot stuff?”

He chuckled. “How are you?”

“My mom said yes!”

“That’s great!” He cried happily.

“She’s just trying to convince my dad, but he can never say no to her.”

“Sounds very familiar.” He said softly, and she just about melted.

“So...when are we flying out?”

“Tomorrow, if all goes as planned. AKA, if your father agrees.”

“He will.” Lexi stated confidently, and then yawned. “My mom just said we can’t share a room.”

“Boo.” He grumbled. “I wanted to cuddle with you. We don’t have to, though...we can always cuddle and then sleep in separate rooms.

“She also said she better not find out if we DO share a room, so...”

“So that means she’s okay with it?”

“As long as she doesn’t find out about it.”


Lexi yawned again, and then rubbed her eyes sleepily.

Her door opened briefly, and her mom poked her head in her room. “HE SAID YES!”

“So your dad said yes?” Harry laughed as her mom closed the door.

She laughed. “Yeah, I guess so. I’m gonna go to sleep now, I’m exhausted.”

“Sleep well, love. I’ll be at your house around eight tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, see you then.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Lexi grinned, and then hung up the phone.

She felt as if she were only asleep for a few minutes before Lexi was being shook awake by someone.

“Lexi...wake up, baby.” Harry said softly, sitting on the edge of Lexi’s bed and running a hand through her hair.

“Mmm.” She mumbled, snuggling deeper into the mattress.

“It’s time to wake up, come on.”

“S’too early.”

“You can sleep on the plane, but to do that, you need to wake up first.”

“Dn’t wanna.”

Harry chuckled. “Come on, sleepy head. I know you’re not a morning person, but we’ve gotta get a move on if we’re gonna make our flight.”

“Mornings’re the worst.”

“I completely agree, but it’s time to go.” He said, rubbing her back.

“I’m so tired.” She whined. He grinned, and leaned down to kiss her temple.

“Don’t you want to meet my family?”

“I do...but they’re gonna hate me, and then you’ll break up with me because your mom and sister despise me.”

“They’re going to love you...well, as long as you actually wake up, and get going.” He chuckled. “Why’re you so tired anyways?”

“‘Cause ‘ts morning.”

“Come on, up, lazy pants.”

Lexi let out a groan, and pulled herself into a sitting position.

“Alright, get out so I can get ready.”

“Will do.” He grinned, kissing her cheek.


“It’s so nice to finally meet you! I’m Ann, Harry’s mum.” Ann said enthusiastically, throwing her arms around Lexi. “Gemma’s away on holiday, so she probably won’t be home until after you guys leave.”

“It’s nice to meet you too!” Lexi giggled, hugging Ann back. “Your home is lovely, thank you so much for letting me stay.”

“It’s no trouble at all, and thank you.” Ann smiled, stepping back. “You must be tired, Harry, show her to her room.”

“She slept the whole flight, I don’t think she’s all that tired.” Harry grinned, poking Lexi’s stomach. She giggled, and slapped his hand away.

“He’s right, though. I did sleep the whole flight.” Lexi grinned, and then stifled a yawn.

“Let’s go. BYE MUM!” Harry cried, pulling her up the stairs. They entered a room, and Lexi yawned again. Harry shot her a confused look, and frowned slightly. “You’re still tired? What time did you go to bed last night?”

She rubbed her eyes. “Right after I hung up the phone with you...no, wait...that’s a lie. After I packed...so around eleven fifteen or so...flights always throw my body off though, so that’s probably why I’m so sleepy.”

“You wanna sleep?”

“Yes...no. I want to wait until a reasonable hour to fall asleep.”

“Good idea.” He grinned.

“I want to go talk to your mom some more.”

Harry’s smile widened. “We can do that.”

They walked down stairs hand in hand, and Ann smiled at the two from the table. Harry walked over to her, and pulled her into a hug.

“Hi, mum. How are you?”

“I’m better now that you’re finally home.” Ann smiled, kissing Harry’s cheek. “Are you two hungry?”

Harry nodded, and he and Lexi sat at the table. “Starving. You hungry, Lex?”

She shook her head. “I’m okay for now.”

“Go sit down, I’ll make something. What are you guys in the mood for? There’s pizza in the freezer that I can heat up. Oooh, do you two want tea? I can make that.”

“Tea sounds good.” Lexi smiled. “Do you need help with anything?”

“Oh, no.” Ann said, waving her off. “What kind of tea would you like?”

“Surprise us.” Harry grinned, scooting closer to Lexi. She leaned into him, resting her head on his chest.

Later that day, Harry and Lexi were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie.

“Lex, you look like you’re about to fall asleep.” Harry laughed, poking her forehead.

“M’not tired.” She mumbled, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

“You’re such a bad liar.” He laughed. “Wanna go to bed?”

“S’too early.”

“Well, either you fall asleep in the bed upstairs, or you can fall asleep on me. Your pick.”

She wrapped an arm around his middle, curled into a ball, and snuggled into him. “You’re comfy.”

“Good to know. Want a blanket?”

“Mnh-mnh. Jus’wanna sleep.” She mumbled groggily as she drifted into unconsciousness.

Lexi woke up sometime later, and looked around, blinking groggily. She had somehow moved from the couch downstairs, to a bedroom upstairs. Harry, probably.

Unless she transported.

She was still so tired, and her body felt so heavy...she just wanted to sleep for ten years. Her head was also aching, which was probably attributing to the exhaustion...or it was the other way around. Either way, she felt like crap.

With a groan, she dragged herself out of bed, and padded downstairs.

“Oh good! You’re up.” Ann grinned. “Harry’s at the store getting groceries, come sit.”

Lexi nodded sleepily, and plopped into one of the chairs across from her. “What time is it?”

“Eight...did you sleep well?”

“Wonderfully.” Lexi smiled, and then rubbed her forehead. “Do you have any pain killers?”

She nodded. “Mm-hmm, I’ll get some...are you feeling alright?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Lexi said, crossing her arms and leaning back in the chair. “Just a headache.”

Ann stood up, and walked to the cabinet. “Is it just a headache? Do your throat or stomach hurt at all?”

She shook her head. “Just a headache.”

Ann turned to look at her. “Just checking.”

“I’m back!” Harry called from the front door. He walked into the kitchen just as Ann was handing Lexi two acetaminophen tablets and a bottle of water.

“Hey.” Lexi grinned, swallowing the pills, and then drawing a knee up to her chest.

“Headache?” He guessed, and she shrugged. He set the groceries on the counter, and came over to sit by me.

“Just a bit.”

“You okay?”

“Yeah, just tired. God, why am I so sleepy?”

“Maybe you’re getting sick?” Ann suggested, a frown on her face. Harry went to feel Lexi’s forehead, but she batted his hand away.

“I’m fine, it’s just a headache.”

“If it’s just a headache, why won’t you let me check your temperature?” Harry frowned, panic bubbling in his chest. “Are you okay? You’re sick, aren’t you? Oh, crap...you should go lie down. Do you need anything? Are-”

“Oh geez.” Lexi sighed, rolling her eyes. She put her hands on both of his cheeks, and stared into his eyes. The same way she’d calm him down before a concert, or anytime he was panicking. “Will you calm down? It’s not because I secretly have a fever or anything. I feel fine, Harry. It’s just a headache, I can cope. I’ve had worse.”

“I know, but-”

“Harry.” She said firmly. “Stop it.”

“Okay, okay. Sorry.” He sighed, putting a hand over one of hers. “But really, though. You’ll tell me if you start feeling ill, right?”

“Yes, mother.”

He scowled at her, and then flicked her forehead. “So, what do you want to do today?”

“Could we go exploring the town? I’ve never been here before.”

“Yeah!” He cried excitedly. “I can show you the bakery where I used to work.”

“Okay!” Lexi yelled happily. “Just let me go get ready.”

“Dress warm, it looks like the beginnings of rain.”

“Will do.” Lexi said, mock-saluting him.

Once she was in the room, she sighed, rubbing her aching forehead. She was hardly ever sick, but she knew that she only had one or two days before whatever she was fighting off made an appearance. Might as well go out and have fun before she was stuck in bed with Harry panicking.

She changed into a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a pair of black combat boots, a white, long sleeved shirt, and a black leather jacket. She put on her turquoise infinity scarf, and then walked back downstairs.

“Cute outfit.” Ann smiled.

“Thank you.”

“How’s your head?”

“A lot better.” She lied. Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and leaned down to kiss her. She turned her head slightly, and his mouth landed on her cheek. If she WAS getting sick, she’d rather not expose him to her germs any more than she already

“Ready to go?” He asked, shooting her a confused look.

“Let’s do it.” She grinned, kissing his cheek.

“Bye, mum!” He called over his shoulder, as he pulled her out of the room. “Be back sometime, don’t wait up!”

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Contagion contagion contagion

Harry must get sick


This is awesome

Oh, don't you guys worry *Cue evil laughter* I GREATLY enjoy torturing my characters. But first, Lexi needs to get sick >:)

This is awesome

Thank you :)

There won't be much sneezing in the next part, it's still part of the whole "Lexi getting sick" process, but there will be in the third part

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Contagion contagion contagion

Harry must get sick


This is awesome

Oh, don't you guys worry *Cue evil laughter* I GREATLY enjoy torturing my characters. But first, Lexi needs to get sick >smile.png

This is awesome

Thank you smile.png

There won't be much sneezing in the next part, it's still part of the whole "Lexi getting sick" process, but there will be in the third part

Lexi sick lexi sick \o/

Cant wait :DDDDD

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“Holy crap, Lex. You’re soaked.” Harry laughed, helping her wring out her hair.

“Ugh.” She shivered. “I wasn’t expecting a torrential downpour.”

“Yeah...me neither. Whoops.” He said, laughing sheepishly.

Lexi groaned in discomfort, shivering again. “I hate being this wet, it’s freezing.”

“Yeah...let’s get you home before you catch pneumonia, or something.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re just as soaked as I am.”

“Yes, but the difference is, my hair isn’t ten feet long, and I didn’t refuse to use my umbrella.”

“I hate umbrellas.”

“I don’t understand your irrational fear of them.”

Lexi sighed. “You’re gonna laugh at me...when I was younger, my umbrella malfunctioned, and closed on my head...and then I fell down a flight of stairs...so....”

He burst out laughing, and she shoved him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He chuckled, and opened the car door for her.

“It’s not funny. It was traumatizing...and I broke my arm.”

“I’m sorry.” He repeated, getting into the driver’s seat. “But it’s kind of a funny image, don’t you think?”

She giggled slightly. “It is, but that doesn’t mean I’m not afraid of umbrellas anymore.”

She shivered again, and he turned up the heat. “We’ll be back soon. Wanna watch a movie?”

“Mm-hmm.” She nodded.

The whole being soaked to the bone thing was getting to her, and she began to feel worse, and worse by the moment.

Apparently the rain decided to kickstart her cold.


“You okay?” Harry frowned, reaching over to put a hand on her shoulder.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She lied, shivering again. Harry pulled into the driveway, and Lexi got out, rubbing her forehead.

“Headache again?”

Not again. Still. “Uh...yeah. The pain killers must have worn off, or something.”

“Go take a shower, I’ll get you some more.”

“Thanks.” She sighed, fighting back a wince at the pain in her throat.

Harry walked downstairs, and sat at the table.

“How was it?” Ann asked, turning around to look at Harry.

He leaned back in the chair with a sigh. “It was fun, I got to introduce her to all of my old friends...I don’t think she’s feeling well, though.”

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Ann said.

“She was completely SOAKED. If she gets sick, it’s all my fault.” Harry frowned.

“Harry, you worry too much. She’ll be fine.”

Lexi got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her body, and walked into her room.

Her body felt achey, and she was so, so tired.

Stupid rain.

Eventually, she staggered downstairs, and plopped on the couch. Harry walked over to her, and sat next to her feet.

“Not feeling well?” He frowned. She adjusted her position so that her head was in his lap, and curled into a ball.

“Pfft. I feel fine, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Harry raised an eyebrow, “You’re pale.”

“That’s because I don’t go out in the sun too often. Sunburns suck, you know.” She lied.

“Can we please skip this whole song and dance thing? Please just admit you don’t feel well, and let me take care of you.” He pleaded.


“Alexandra.” He said firmly, looking down at her.

She sighed. “I’m fi-”

“You’re sick.”

“No I’m not...I probably don’t even have a fever, maybe your hotness is overflowing to your hand.”

Harry sighed. “Okay. I’ll make you a deal. I’m going to take your temperature, and if it’s under thirty eight degrees celsius, you win, and I’ll leave you alone. If it’s over that, you have to admit you don’t feel well, and let me take care of you.”

There was no way I was winning this contest, she thought. “Okay, deal.”

“Hey, mum? Where’s the thermometer?” Harry asked, running his hands through her hair.

“Right here.” Ann said, handing it to Harry.

Harry stuck the thermometer in Lexi’s ear gently, and she sighed, squeezing her eyes shut.

He frowned at the numbers. “37.6...you win.” He sighed.

“HaHA!” She grinned, shooting into a sitting position and sticking her tongue out at him.

“I TOLD you I was fine.”

Ann laughed. “See, Harry? You worry too much.”

“And, according our deal, you have to leave me alone.”

Harry sighed. “So what do you wanna do?

Honestly, she just wanted to sleep...but also not tip off Harry. “I dunno...mmm...movie?”

Harry’s phone beeped with a text, and he pulled it out from his back pocket.

‘WE’RE IN TOWNNNNNNNNNNN. Actually, just Niall and me. So... But still. Come hang out with us. AND BRING SMEXI LEXI’

Harry glared at Louis’ text. ‘Only if you ditch that nickname. You know she hates it.’

‘Yeah, but her reaction is so funny.’

‘What? Punching you? Yeah, it’s hilarious. She’s gonna move to your face next time’

But can you guys come hang out with us? We’re bored.’

“I have a better plan.” Harry grinned, looking at Lexi.

“Oh?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded, a huge grin on his face. “Um...are you planning on telling me, or...?”

“Oh, right! Louis and Niall are in town, and they’re bored. Wanna go?”

No. “Yeah, sure!”

“Great! Go get dressed...unless you want to go in your sweats.”

“What’s wrong with my sweats?”

“Nothing! You look great, but I know you, and you don’t like going out in sweats.”

“Maybe I want to change it up a bit?”

“Uh...okay? Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Let’s just go.”

Harry frowned. Something was definitely off with her, he’d never seen her wear sweats in public, she liked feeling and looking put together, and she felt that sweats were the opposite of that. He sighed. She’d tell him what was wrong when she was ready to, until then he’d just have to wait.

“Are you gonna use an umbrella this time?”

She shuddered. “Never in a million years.”

“What’s wrong with umbrellas?” Ann asked, confusion coloring her voice.

“Bad experience.” Harry snickered.

“Stop laughing.” Lexi grumbled, shoving Harry’s shoulder.

“Sorry, sorry.” He grinned, kissing her cheek.


“LEXI!” Niall cried, throwing his arms around her. She fought back a wince, as his voice seemed to reverberate (and rattle around) in her skill.

“Hey, Ni.” She laughed, patting his head and stepping away from him.

“Nice ensemble.” Louis laughed.

“Shut up, it’s cold out.” She muttered, crossing her arms.

“Is Smexi Lexi in a bad mood?” Louis cooed, pinching her cheek.

“Shut UP, Lewis.”

“Rude.” He grumbled, crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out at her.

“Told you, dude.” Harry sighed, shaking his head.

“Dude?” Niall said, his eyes widening. “Did you just call him dude?”

Harry laughed, and wrapped an arm around Lexi. “This one is rubbing off on me.”

Niall grinned, and pulled her away from Harry. “LET’S GO DO SOMETHING, I’M SO EXCITED.”

Lexi let out a low groan of pain, and stepped away from the incredibly loud irishman.

“She’s had a headache all day, mind keeping it down?” Harry asked softly, cupping her cheeks with both hands. “You okay?”

Lexi sighed, and stepped away from him. “I’m fine, Haz. Stop babying me.”

She was in an awful mood, she felt even more snippy and bitchy as when she was on her period, and all she wanted to do was go sleep.

“Sorry, Lex.” Niall frowned, and then looked at the three others. “So, what are we gonna go do?”

“We could go play in the rain.” Louis suggested, bouncing excitedly.

“What are we, five?”

“It sounds like fun!” Harry grinned, practically vibrating with excitement.

He looked so hopeful...so happy. She couldn’t say no to that face. “Ugh...fine.”

Harry high-fived Niall and Louis. “Yessssss!”

They all got on their coats, grabbed their umbrellas (well...minus Lexi...umbrellas still scared the shit out of her), and then made their way out into the rain.

“What is with your country and torrential downpours. Honestly.” Lexi grumbled, crossing her arms as she became soaked.

“Cheer up grumpy pants.” Harry grinned.

“I’m going to sit on the bench.” She muttered, stalking away from them.

“What’s with her?” Niall frowned.

“I don’t think she’s feeling well.” Harry sighed, shaking his head. “She just refuses to admit it.”

“Then WHY are we out in the pouring rain?” Louis asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I forgot...‘cause I just really like the rain.”

Niall giggled. “She looks like an angry kitten.”

“Why doesn’t she have an umbrella?”

“They scare her.”

Louis snickered. “How are umbrellas scary?”

“I dunno...ask Liam how spoons are scary.” Harry shrugged.

“If she’s sick, shouldn’t we get her out of the rain?” Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

“She didn’t have a fever last time I checked.”

“So your plan is to just LET her get pneumonia?”

“We had a deal: If her temperature was below 38 degrees, I’d leave her alone. If it was above, then she’d admit she didn’t feel well.” Harry sighed. “I don’t like it...I’d much rather her be in bed, but...you know how stubborn she is.”

“She’ll kill you if you go bug her.”

Harry sighed, and looked over to see Lexi scowling at the ground, shivering as she cleared her throat.

“I don’t care at this point.” Harry groaned, and walked over to her. “Lexi.”


“Let’s go inside and get you warm.”

“I’m fi-”

“Alexandra.” He snapped. “You’re cold, wet, and shivering. If you aren’t already sick, you sure as hell will be. Now come inside, and let’s get you warm.”

She sighed in defeat.



Fun fact: Torturing characters is my favorite past time YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Next part includes loads of sneezing. Just FYI

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Please don't do what almost every contagion story does where the male and female get sick at the same time and the female ends up getting sicker than the male which has no merit since females already get periods every month and have child but when it's the male who get sicker it makes the story more interesting.

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Please don't do what almost every contagion story does where the male and female get sick at the same time and the female ends up getting sicker than the male which has no merit since females already get periods every month and have child but when it's the male who get sicker it makes the story more interesting.

I wasn't planning on doing that, I think you'll be pleased with how this turns out (I hope) :)

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Please don't do what almost every contagion story does where the male and female get sick at the same time and the female ends up getting sicker than the male which has no merit since females already get periods every month and have child but when it's the male who get sicker it makes the story more interesting.

I wasn't planning on doing that, I think you'll be pleased with how this turns out (I hope) smile.png

Then lets see how the events turn out ^^

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Then lets see how the events turn out ^^

I'm trying to find a happy medium between people that want Lexi really sick, and people who want Harry really sick XD

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Please don't do what almost every contagion story does where the male and female get sick at the same time and the female ends up getting sicker than the male which has no merit since females already get periods every month and have child but when it's the male who get sicker it makes the story more interesting.

Preach it :D

But yeah, it'd be nice if there was different than other contagion stories :)

Edited by BringVerityTheHorizon
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She went from feeling crummy, to feeling bad, to feeling downright horrible.

Harry was crouched down in front of her, his hand cupping her cheek.

“Lexi?” Harry asked softly, brushing her hair out of her face. “You ready to go home now?”

She nodded, squeezing her eyes shut as she shivered.

Louis sighed, shaking his head. “She doesn’t look well, Harry.”

“Shut up, I’m fine.” She groaned, prying her eyes open.

“Yeah. You’re just the picture of health.” Harry snorted, rolling his eyes.

“I’m fine. Let’s just go home.” She sighed, clearing her throat.

She really, really didn’t feel well. Perhaps all she needed was a good night’s rest.

“Alright...can we cuddle tonight?” He asked hopefully.

“Mmhmm.” She smiled.

“I’m really tired.” He lied. “Wanna just go to sleep when we get home?”

“Yeah, fine by me.”

It was beginning to become increasingly painful to talk, and she was grateful that Harry wanted to go to sleep early. Harry, on the other hand, was going to do everything in his power to get Lexi to relax. She was the type of person to make sure everybody else was happy and taken care of before herself. Even if she was sick in bed with pneumonia, if one of her friends mentioned that they really wanted to go do something with her, she’d suck it up and go with them (it had actually happened before, and she ended up hospitalized). He absolutely loved that she was so selfless towards others, but it was times like this where he just wanted her to focus on herself, and her needs.

They both said goodbye to Louis and Niall, and Lexi and Harry walked to the car. Lexi buried her face in her hands, her body jerking forward as she sneezed.


“Bless you.” He frowned.

“Don’t look at me like that. I’m not sick.” She sniffled. They got in the car, and she cupped her nose and mouth again. “Hihtsch! H...hih...hihtsch!”

“Bless you.” He repeated.

Harry pretended not to notice as she leaned forward and took a packet of tissues out of the glove compartment, he also pretended not to notice when she blew her nose.

Lexi tried to suppress the next few sneezes that were building up in her nose, and her refusal to sniffle was just making her nose run more, which caused her to wipe it with a tissue every few moments.

Harry just wished that she’d stop being so stubborn and admit she didn’t feel well.



“I’m sorry I’m being suck a grump.”

“It’s alright.” He said, smiling softly. He pulled into the driveway, and she hopped out of the car. She finally sniffled, and then rubbed her nose, making a face as she did so. “Let’s go to bed, okay? You look beat.”

“Jet lag sucks.”

He nodded, putting a hand on the small of her back, and guiding her into the house.

“Oh goodness. You look awful, honey. Do you need anything? You should go lie down.” Ann said frantically, taking in Lexi’s appearance. Her face was pale, and her eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and her cheeks were flushed...she looked completely miserable.

“I’m okay.” She sniffled.

“Hold on.” Ann said, going to the cabinet and grabbing the bottle of Vitamin C tablets. “Take one of these, and then go sleep. I don’t know if you like orange, but they’re chewable and should help with your cold.”

Lexi popped it in her mouth, and making a face as she chewed. “Ugh.”

Ann laughed. “I take it you don’t like orange.”

“Hate it.” Lexi cringed.

“Okay, now go shower and get into dry clothes. And text me when you’re ready for me to come up” Harry said softly, pushing her gently towards the stairs.

“See you in a few minutes.” Lexi murmured groggily.

“Harry, she looks horrible. What happened?”

“We got drenched again. That’s two times in one day....she’s going to be so sick tomorrow.” Harry groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I got her to agree to going to bed now, though. She never would have said yes if I didn’t tell her I was tired and wanted to go to sleep, but she looks absolutely exhausted.”

“She looks absolutely miserable.”

“She was sneezing in the car...It’s only a matter of time before she finally admits it.”

His phone beeped with a text. ‘Come up now’

He waved his phone slightly. “That’s my cue.”

“Let me know if she needs anything.”

“Will do.” Harry nodded, walking up to the room.

Lexi was sprawled out under the covers, her face just barely visible.

“Oh hey.” She mumbled sleepily.

Harry climbed under the covers next to her, and she rolled over so her face was buried in his chest. He stroked her hair, and she nuzzled closer to him, finally drifting to sleep.


She woke up in the middle of the night, her head pounding angrily.

“Lex?” Harry mumbled sleepily, tightening his grip on her. She pressed herself as close as humanly possible to Harry. “Lex, what’s the matter?”

“Mmm.” She mumbled, letting out a groan of pain as tears pricked at her eyes.

“Lexi, babe, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t feel well.” She whimpered, clutching his shirt with both hands. He was completely awake now, and propped himself up on his elbow as he looked down at her.

"What doesn't feel well?" He frowned.

"Everything." She whimpered, curling into herself. He sighed, and stroked her cheek.

"Can you be a bit more specific, bug?"

"My h...heh...head hurts, a-and...*snff* my throat hurts...heh...." She groaned, her breath hitching. "Hihtsch! Hih...hihtsch! Ugh."


"I'll be back. Are you nauseas at all?"


"Okay." He said, kissing her cheek. “I’m going to get you some medicine.”

“Roger dodger.” She mumbled tiredly. Harry walked down to the kitchen, grabbed the Vitamin C tablets, NyQuil, and water.

“Harry?” Ann asked, looking up from the table.

“Holy crap.” Harry yelped, putting a hand over his racing heart. “What are you doing up?”

“I was reading and lost track of the time...what are you doing up?”

“Lexi doesn’t feel well, I’m bringing her drugs.”

Ann frowned. “I feel bad she got sick almost as soon as she got here.”

“I do too...but...I think she should be fine. I don’t think she has a fever, but if she does, it’s super low-grade.”

“Please don’t get sick, honey.” Ann sighed.

“No promises.” He shrugged, and turned on his heel to walk back up to the room.

She rolled over once he walked in the room, and looked at him sleepily. “I know you hate orange, but it’s the only flavor we have. I’ll go to the store in the morning and find a flavor you like.”

“I hate orange.” She whined, burying her face in the pillow. “Hih...hihtsch! Hihtsch! *Snff*”

“I know you do.” He sighed. “Like I said, I’ll run to the store later and get you a flavor you enjoy.”

“Oh right.” She sighed, and took the tablet from Harry. She grimaced as she ate it, and then drank about half the water bottle Harry handed her.

“Take the NyQuil, it’ll help you sleep.”

After Lexi had taken the medicine, Harry climbed into bed next to her, and they both fell asleep.


When Lexi woke up that afternoon, feeling a bit better, her nose was still stuffy, and her throat hurt, but her head wasn’t aching as badly, and she was no longer completely exhausted (Not to say that her energy was completely back, she still just wanted to sleep, but it wasn’t as bad).

She got out of bed, and trudged downstairs, sniffling.

“What are you doing up?” Ann frowned as Lexi plopped on the couch. “Do you feel better?”

“A little, yeah.” Lexi rasped, going into a coughing fit. “Where did Harry go? I woke up and he was gone.”

“He’s at the store. He asked me to have you call him once you woke up. I was just about to go check on you.”

Lexi nodded, pulling out her phone.

“Hey, Lexi.” Harry said happily. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” She croaked, coughing again.

“Well, you sound worse...you sure you’re feeling better?”

“A little, yeah. What’d you want me to call you about?”

“I got you some raspberry flavored emergen-c immune boosting stuff, is that flavor alright? I can go exchange it, but I figured this is what you’d prefer, ‘cause you’re always ordering raspberry flavored tea at restaurants.” He rambled.

She chuckled, which just sent her into a coughing fit. “Yeah, I like raspberry.”

“Oh good.” He sighed. “I’ll be back soon.”

She hung up the phone, and then promptly went into a sneezing fit.

Hihtsch! Hihtsch! Hih...hihtsch! Hihtsch! Hih... Hihtsch! Hihtsch! Hih...hihtsch! Hihtsch!”

“Do you need anything?” Ann asked, handing her a box of tissues.

“Maybe a blanket.” Lexi said.

Ann nodded, and grabbed a fluffy blanket from the chest across the room. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” Lexi sighed, snuggling it underneath. “I’m really sorry about this.”

Ann frowned, completely confused. “About what?”

“That I got sick...if I’m burdening you, I can fly back home early, it won’t be a problem.” She said, tears filling her eyes.

“Lexi.” Ann chuckled. “You aren’t burdening me at all...I feel bad that you got sick on your vacation.”

“Yeah...it kinda sucks.” She sniffled.

Ann felt Lexi’s forehead, and then sighed in relief when it didn’t feel too warm. “You seem a bit warm, but I don’t think it’s too bad. Mind if I take your temperature?”

“Go for it.”

She put the thermometer in Lexi’s ear, and then the door opened. Harry walked in the living room, and then stopped when he saw his mom check the thermometer.

“Oh crap...you have a fever.” He groaned. “I thought you were feeling better! Do you need anything? Are you okay? H-”

“Harry.” Lexi laughed. She coughed into her fist, and Harry winced. That sounded bad.

“WIll you relax?” Ann asked. “She’s fine, 37.8 is hardly a fever.”

“Oh, good.” He sighed. “I thought you’d be so much worse off than you are.”

“Well, that God awful orange crap helped a lot.”

Harry laughed. “Hopefully the raspberry will taste better. It’s a drink though.”

“Okay.” Lexi sniffled, rubbing her nose.

Harry made the drink for her quickly, and walked back into the living room.

“Here you go.” He smiled, kissing her.

“Harry.” She whined, pulling away from him. “I’m contagious, you’re gonna get sick.”

“I’ll be fine.” He said, waving his hand. She scowled at him, but took the drink from him.

“When you get sick, don’t you dare come crying to me.”

“I won’t, though.”

“Good.” She grinned, taking a sip of the drink. “This is so much better than that orange stuff.”

“I was hoping you’d like it.” Harry said, sighing in relief. She swallowed the drink wrong, and went into a coughing fit, her eyes prickling with tears as the liquid burned against her already aching throat.

“Are you okay?” Harry frowned, slapping her back repeatedly.

“That’s making it worse, stop.” She croaked out between coughs.

He switched to rubbing her back soothingly. “Sorry! Sorry! Are you okay?”

“Don’t swallow this stuff wrong, it hurts.”

“Noted.” Harry grinned. “So, you wanna watch a movie? Or do you want to go back to sleep?”

“Going back to bed sounds nice.” Lexi yawned, and then buried her face in her hands. “Hih...hihtsch! Hihtsch!”

“Finish your drink.” Harry instructed. She downed the rest of it quickly, and he helped her off the couch.


I just had a mini heart attack because Pages on my computer crashed, and wouldn't reopen for a few minutes, and I hadn't saved this. BUT IT CAME BACK AND I SAVED IT. GO ME

Who else loves worried and panicky Harry? 'Cause I do

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Oh my. I'm gone for a day and come back to this? biggrin.png Heeheehee

I'm just imagining Harry whacking the crap out of her because she's choking on her drink XD

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Oh my. I'm gone for a day and come back to this? biggrin.png Heeheehee

I'm just imagining Harry whacking the crap out of her because she's choking on her drink XD

Omg the image is just hysterical. :rofl:
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Oh my. I'm gone for a day and come back to this? biggrin.png Heeheehee

I'm just imagining Harry whacking the crap out of her because she's choking on her drink XD

Omg the image is just hysterical. lol.gif

I was laughing so hard writing this XD

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NyQuil, emergenc and whatever else Ann and Harry had given her seemed to work wonders.

“So, feeling better?” Harry asked, rolling on his side and looking at her

“Yeah...usually my colds last about a week and a half...it’s only been four days, but I feel so much better, holy crap.”

“That’s good.” He smiled. “You want more medicine? Maybe you can kick this thing for good, and we can go out for lunch.”

“Uh...yeah, maybe more of that raspberry stuff.”

“Be right back.” He grinned, kissing her cheek.

He walked downstairs with a disappointed sigh. Since Lexi got sick, Harry’s been sucking down that emergenc stuff, and taking airborne like crazy...and washing his hands almost obsessively, but it didn’t seem to be working; he still felt run down, and he’d begun feeling sniffly a couple of days ago. At least it wasn’t too bad yet, he was still hopeful that the vitamin c would work in his favor.

“How’s she feeling?” Ann asked when Harry walked in the kitchen.

“A lot better.” He grinned, suppressing a sniffle.

“How are you?” She asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

“I’m fine.”

“Take some more vitamin c and airborne.” She said once he had finished making Lexi’s drink.

“That’s all I’ve been doing, mum.”

“Just making sure...I don’t want you getting sick.”

“Believe me, I don’t want to get sick either.”

He walked back up the stairs, and into the room. “You look beat.” Lexi observed, raising an eyebrow.

“Not too much.” He shrugged, handing her the cup.

She got out of bed and set the cup on the nightstand. “Okay, well, I’m hungry and I want to get out of the freaking house.”

“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

“I feel so much better, but I’m tired of laying in bed.” She said, making a face.

Harry resisted the urge to look at the bed longingly. In all honesty, he just wanted to sleep.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked her, sniffling quietly.

She shrugged. “I dunno...where’s a good place to eat around here? I’m not actually familiar with this area.”

He chuckled. “I figured. We could go to The George & Dragon.”

“Yeah, works for me.” She shrugged.

“Why don’t you go take a shower?” He suggested.

“Yeah...I feel disgusting.” She groaned, making a face. She coughed into the crook of her elbow, and then grabbed some clothes from her suitcase before walking into the bathroom. Harry climbed onto the bed and laid down, his eyes sliding shut as he fell asleep.

Lexi walked out of the shower a couple of minutes later to find Harry out like a light under the covers.

“Someone’s a sleepy head.” She grinned to herself, kissing his forehead. He didn’t stir in the slightest, and she grabbed her drink from the nightstand and then walked downstairs.

“Hey!” Ann grinned. “Look who’s up. You look so much better, how are you feeling?”

“A lot better.” Lexi smiled, sitting down at the table.

“Where’s Harry?”

“Upstairs asleep. We were gonna go out to get lunch, but I guess he fell asleep waiting.”

“He looked tired when he was down here. I don’t think he’s been sleeping well these past few days.”

“Which has been my fault...middle of the night is the absolute worst for cold symptoms. I told him I’d go sleep on the couch, but he wouldn’t let me, then I suggested he sleep on the couch, but he refused.”

“He’s a stubborn one.” Ann sighed, shaking her head.

“I hope he’s okay...” Lexi sighed.

“I’m sure he’ll be fine with some sleep. Now, do you need anything?”

“Just tell me where the tea is, and I can make it myself.” She said, standing up. Ann opened her mouth to say something, but Lexi cut her off. “Before you say anything, I’m tired of sitting around and having people wait on me. I feel better, so there’s no reason why you should have to do anything.”

Ann closed her mouth, and shot her son’s girlfriend a smile. “Thank you, dear. Bottom shelf of the cabinet next to the microwave”

“Do you want any?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you, though.”

Harry rolled over onto his stomach, and buried his aching head underneath the pillow with a groan.



Harry sat up quickly, groaning as it agitated his headache. Reluctantly, he got out of bed and walked downstairs (Holy crap, walking took a lot of effort).

“Oh, hey.” Lexi grinned at Harry when he entered the kitchen.

“Hey.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “What time’sit?”

“Just a little after seven.”

“Oh...um...in the morning or evening?”


He wrinkled his nose, and then turned away from her, cupping his nose and mouth. “Heh...hehtch! Heh...TCH! HehtCH! HEHTCH!”

Lexi jumped slightly. “You okay?”

He sniffled, rubbing at his nose. “Mmhmm. Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hhhahhh...*Snff* Hehtch!”

“Haz?” She frowned.

“I’m fine. I’m-heh...Fi...heh...I’m fi-fine. Wanna go ou...heh....out fffff....for lunch-heh...”

Lexi sighed, watching Harry rub his nose furiously in an attempt to stop sneezing. “Haz, you’re sick.”

“I am...heh...hehtch! Hehtch! N...no....nnn...heh...hehtch! Heh...heh...hehtch!”

“Harry.” She sighed.

“What?” He sniffled, grabbing a tissue from the tissue box on the center of the table, and blew his nose.

This sucked.

“You’re sick.”

“Am not.” He muttered.

She raised an eyebrow. “So if I check your forehead, you won’t have a fever?”


She pressed the back of her hand to his temple, and then inhaled sharply. She put her hand on his cheek, her frown deepening. “You’re burning up, Haz.”

“I’m fine, Lexi.” He said, scowling at her.

She sighed. The two of them were way too stubborn for their own good. “Harry, if you don’t feel well, just tell me and we can go lie in bed.”

“If I re...heh...rememb...heh...heh...remember correct...hehtch! Correctly, you didn’t heh...heh...admit you were....heh...sick either...hehtch! Heh...hehtch! H...heh..hehtCH! HEHTCH! Hehtch!”

She raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, but at least I wasn’t sneezing every few seconds. Come with me.” She said, pulling him to his feet.

“Where are we going?” He asked, suddenly extremely groggy.

“You’re going to bed.”

“Lexi.” He whined.

“Harold Edward Styles. You are getting in bed, or so help me God, I will knock you out. Now come on.”

Harry sighed in defeat, and then promptly went into a chesty sounding coughing fit. “Fine.”

Lexi led him up to her temporary room, and put him in bed (well...practically shoved him in bed). “What do you need? What’s bothering you?” She asked, pulling the blanket over him, and cupping his cheek.”

“Nothing.” He croaked, sniffling.

“Harold, don’t you dare try downplaying how you’re feeling. What. Do. You. Need?”

He sniffled

“My....heh...thr....heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! *Snff* Heh...hehtch!” He sneezed, covering his face with the blanket completely. “By throat hurts.” He added in a small voice.

“I’ll make you some tea.” Lexi said, kissing his temple.

“Thaggk you.” He sniffled.


Lexi's better, but poor Harry's caught the sneezies w00t.gif

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Lexi's better, but poor Harry's caught the sneezies

Oh my lord! That's just a little bit of an understatement.

But I oh so love it! twisted.gif

Edited by fang815
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Lexi's better, but poor Harry's caught the sneezies

Oh my lord! That's just a little bit of an understatement.

But I oh so love it! twisted.gif

I greatly enjoy torturing my characters.

Who said that?

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Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Fr...heh...hehtch! St...sto-hehtch! I’m s-hehtch! I’m so so-hehtch! I c...hehtch! I can’t-hehtch! *Snff* Stoooooop....heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! *Snff* *Snff* I can’t st...heh...” The urge to sneeze wouldn’t let up, and Harry found himself growing more and more agitated. “Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...heh...hehtch! Hehtch! H...*Snff* Hehtch!

“Holy crap.” Lexi mumbled groggily, propping herself up on her elbow to look at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you sneeze this much in my life.”

She handed him the tissue box from the nightstand, and he sat up, blowing his nose into a tissue.

“It’s stu...heh...stuuuuh...heh...stuck...h-heh...hhhehhh...ugh...heh....hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! *Snff*.” He sniffled, and blew his nose into a clean tissue before slumping back in the pillows.

“You good?”

“Sorry.” He groaned, rubbing his temples. “I’b sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?” She chuckled. “You’re sick.”

“Because it’s the biddle of the dight, add I’b keepigg you upb...you’re fidally over your cold...dod’t deed to getd sigk agaid.”

“Oh please.” She said, waving him off. “It’s not like we’re even going to be doing anything tomorrow...I mean...later today.”

“We ared’t?”

“Are you serious?” She asked, shooting him a flat look. “The only thing you’re doing is letting me take care of you. You’re not getting out of this bed unless it’s to pee.”

He chuckled slightly, and then went into a coughing fit. “Fide with be.”

She turned on the light, and looked at him. His hair was damp and sticking to his forehead, sweat pooled on his forehead, and his eyes were glassy. “I’m going to take your temperature, hold on.”

Ann looked up when Lexi entered the kitchen.

"What are you doing up?" Lexi asked.

“Couldn’t sleep. What about you?”

“Harry can’t stop sneezing...and I think he’s running a pretty decent fever. Speaking of fever, where’s the thermometer?”

“With all of the cold and flu medicine.” Ann frowned. “How long has he been sick?”

“He woke up a little after seven this evening, and was sick then, so I made him go lie down...this is all my fault."

“He’ll be fine.” Ann said, shaking her head. “Don’t feel guilty, he did everything he could to prevent getting sick, but it just didn’t work.”

Lexi sighed sadly, and then walked to the cabinet, sifting through them. “Are there any more NyQuil pills?”

“No, I was going to run to the store later, he’ll just have to suffer through the crappy tasting stuff.”

Lexi nodded, and grabbed the thermometer, NyQuil and acetaminophen bottle. “Let me know if you need anything.” Ann said.

“We’ll be fine, thank you though.” Lexi said, walking up to the room.

Harry was in the middle of a sneezing fit, his face screwed up in discomfort.

"Are you alright?" Lexi frowned.

"F-hehtch! Hehtch! Fi-hehtch! Heh...hehtch! This su-hehtch! Hehtch! Ugh...*snff*"

"Here." She sighed, handing him the tissues.

He sniffled, grabbed one, and then blew his nose. "Thagks. Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...*Snff* Hehtch! HEHTCH! HEHTCH! H...tch! Oh by God...whyyyyy?”

“Sneezy, are we?” Lexi frowned.

“This sugks.” He sniffled, rubbing his incredibly red nose.

“Let me take your temperature.” Lexi said softly, sticking the device in his ear. It beeped, and she stared at the numbers in confusion. “Is 39 high?”

“Ugh...yes.” He groaned, sniffling pitifully. She pulled her phone out, typing the numbers into her phone.


Well crap. Maybe this was more than a cold.

“I brought you NyQuil and acetaminophen.”

“God bless you, Legzi.” He sighed in relief.

“Sit up for me, please.” She said, sitting on the edge of the bed. “You’re all out of the pill form, so the crappy tasting liquid kind is all that’s left.”

“Doooooooe.” Harry whined, covering his mouth with his hand.

“Harry, don’t be difficult, take the medicine.”

“But it tastes so bad.” He mumbled groggily. “Heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! heh...ugh...heh...hehtch! Heh...*Snff* Heh...hehtch! H...hhh...heh...g-gi...heh...give...heh...hehtch! Hehtch! h...give be...heh...tch! Give be the...heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! Tch! HEHTCH! *Snff* Give be the bedicide.”

Lexi smirked in satisfaction, and poured the correct dosage into the cap, and then handed it to him. He downed it quickly, making a face that was a mix between utter horror and pure disgust. Lexi giggled, coughing into the crook of her elbow. Harry shot her a concerned look, and she waved him off.

“I’m fine. Here’s some water.” She said, handing him a water bottle. He drank about half the bottle, before pulling it away and coughing painfully into the covers.

“Come cuddle.” He mumbled once the coughing fit subsided.

Lexi climbed in next to him, and he snuggled into her.


When Lexi woke up, Harry’s arm was still wrapped securely around her abdomen, and his face was nuzzled into her neck. He was snoring lightly, as his nose was still completely stuffed up. She attempted to wriggle out of his grip, but just like those Chinese finger traps, the more you struggle against it, the tighter you’re put in it’s hold.

“Harry.” She choked out, relaxing her body. He didn’t budge, but she managed to get his arm off of her, and after a few minutes, she was able to get out of bed. She stumbled sleepily downstairs, and plopped on the couch with a sigh.

“Is he still sleeping?” Ann asked, sitting next to her.

“Mmhmm...out like a light. I swear he almost squeezed me to death. That boy is far too cuddly when he’s sick.” Lexi laughed, looking at the clock.

Ten AM

“Did he have a fever last night?”

“The thermometer said 39 degrees.”

Ann sighed, burying her head in her hands. “Great.”

“But the NyQuil’s knocked him out, so it’s doing it’s job in that aspect. Hopefully it’ll reduce his fever.”

“I don’t know...usually his fevers are pretty stubborn.” Ann sighed, shaking her head.

Lexi frowned, and then stood up. “I’m going to go check on him.”

“Let me know if you need anything...I feel like I’ve said that about a hundred times the past few days.” She grinned. “I need to run out to the store for a few things. Need anything?”

“Just more cold and flu medicine...you guys are running low.”

“Already on my list.” She smiled.

Lexi walked up the stairs to find Harry looking around disoriented. He was still lying down, and looked like he had absolutely no intention of moving anytime soon. He let out a chesty cough, and then sniffled miserably.

“Hey, there, bub.” Lexi murmured softly, sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked at her with huge, sad, eyes. His expression was that of a sick puppy: his eyes were glassy with the fever, and his nose was bright red. His face was pale, save for his flushed cheeks, and he just looked miserable and exhausted. His hair was still stuck to his forehead, and a thin sheen of sweat was covering his entire face.

“I dod’t feel well, Legzi.” He rasped, sniffling again. She handed him a tissue box, and he grabbed one, blowing his nose. “Heh...heh...hhhhihhhh...hhhh...heh....hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...hhhhihhhh...heh...hehtch! Hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...heh...hehtch! Are you kkkk....heh...hehtch! Kiddigg...heh...hehtch! Tch-tch! Heh...heh-heh...hehtch! St...sto...stop...heh...heh...heh-hehtch! Hehtch! Heh...hehtch!” He finally stopped sneezing, and sat up groggily. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he blew his nose congestedly before wiping at his eyes. “Snff” I hate this...I feel horrible.”

“I know.” Lexi frowned, pressing her hand to his forehead. His face crinkled up again, and his breath hitched desperately.

Lexi wrinkled her nose, feeling a sneezing fit coming on.

“L...heh...Le...lehhh...heh...a-are you....heh...ok...okgay...heh....I c...heh...heh...heh...ugh....heh....”

“I have to sn-hihtsch! Hihtsch! Hih...hihtsch!” She sniffled slightly, and then looked at Harry who still couldn’t sneeze.

“I c...heh...it’s stuhhhh...heh...st-stuck....heh...” He scrubbed his nose, desperate to either sneeze, or relieve the tingle that was bringing tears to his eyes.

Lexi sighed, and climbed into bed next to him, rubbing his shoulder soothingly as he struggled helplessly.



Poor Harry I just love torturing him feel so bad for him > : )

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Oh my good god. The intensity of his sneezing is just making my chest swell!

The feels from this are too strong- :boom: Oh look what you've done to me... :D

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