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So PitchxTooth Fairy from Rise of the Guardians has got to be my all time fave ship as of right now so here's a fic for your viewing pleasure! Cavity all the way!


Pitch snapped forward with yet another stifled sneeze,his nose a cherry red compared to his gray skin,"Tdooth..I ndeed mbore tissues.."

The flighty guardian flitted around before finally finding a unopened box and bringing them to her sickly lover,"Here sweetie..my poor

little babywabyboo..." An unamused Pitch rolled his eyes,"I don'd ndeed you baby tdalking mbe Tdooth..Hermptch! Heh--emptch! Ugh! I

wish Jack had this cold weather ub his ass..*sniff*" Tooth giggled,"Now Pitch..you know he has to do it. It can't be summer all year! Of

course..that would make gathering teeth more pleasant if I didn't have to worry about snow storms.." She was snapped out of her

thoughts as Pitch's breathe hitched,"HHEGSH! HGEGSH! *snort*" He snapped forward yet again,a wet spray exploding out. Tooth

recoiled as her arm was caught in the spray,"Ew! Cover next time,huh?!" He sniffled and squirmed deeper under the blankets,"Sorry

thad one kinda snduck ub ond mbe.."



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surprise.gif This was great start! Please do continue! smile.png

Thanks and I will! :D

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Never read this pairing ever.....yes continue.

Welcome to the world of Cavity! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have never thought of these two together...I say keep going!

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